(Matt/ton) Re: [Bf-funboard] selected/active/colours/etc.

Thorsten Wilms bf-funboard@blender.org
Tue, 30 Sep 2003 14:48:55 +0200

On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 09:02:23PM +1000, Luke Wenke wrote:

<< lot's of active inactive selected unselected object center vertices >>

Especialy considering the post in direct reply to mine:
Do you realy think anybody can read stuff like that and then know 
what it was all about? Or is it just me beeing too limited with 
my mind not trained by years of coding?

Please make tables showing how it is and what it should be like.
That would make it easier to follow your thoughts.
(Shouldn't be more work than writing those long sentences.)

And maybe it would be wise to create color usage guidelines. 
Could be a step after or before determining colors for selection 
and activity stuff.
