[Bf-funboard] Seperate menu

Roel Spruit bf-funboard@blender.org
Fri, 12 Sep 2003 21:50:44 +0200

Hi, I got a small question.

I;ve coded a new seperate function, and although it isn't committed yet, or
even accepted by the committers,
it would be nice to have your ideas about the following small change:

the new feature splits a mesh in actuall objects, by checking if there are
"loose" objects (like 2 cubes in the same mesh, that don't have
a connection).
now, I was planning on making a small popup menu to choose the appropriate
seperation option (under p-key).
this would however compromise workflow (ack! the W-word!) a bit. any
objections/sound reasons why I shouldn't do this?
