[Bf-extensions-cvs] [48320b2d] master: Node Wrangler: remove obsolete Geometry Nodes preview

Benni Merz noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Feb 3 19:23:46 CET 2023

Commit: 48320b2d9f3d829c46ae4a6a6aab0bd94e80c830
Author: Benni Merz
Date:   Fri Feb 3 19:14:38 2023 +0100
Branches: master

Node Wrangler: remove obsolete Geometry Nodes preview

As of the Geometry Nodes viewport preview added in c55d38f00b8c, this is now
built-in and the fature in Node Wrangler is obsolute.

Differential Revision: https://developer.blender.org/D16102


M	node_wrangler/__init__.py


diff --git a/node_wrangler/__init__.py b/node_wrangler/__init__.py
index 69f9060e..e6e6fef6 100644
--- a/node_wrangler/__init__.py
+++ b/node_wrangler/__init__.py
@@ -1284,14 +1284,9 @@ class NWAddAttrNode(Operator, NWBase):
 class NWPreviewNode(Operator, NWBase):
     bl_idname = "node.nw_preview_node"
     bl_label = "Preview Node"
-    bl_description = "Connect active node to the Node Group output or the Material Output"
+    bl_description = "Connect the chosen node to the output or the Viewer Node"
     bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
-    # If false, the operator is not executed if the current node group happens to be a geometry nodes group.
-    # This is needed because geometry nodes has its own viewer node that uses the same shortcut as in the compositor.
-    # Geometry Nodes support can be removed here once the viewer node is supported in the viewport.
-    run_in_geometry_nodes: BoolProperty(default=True)
     def __init__(self):
         self.shader_output_type = ""
         self.shader_output_ident = ""
@@ -1300,7 +1295,7 @@ class NWPreviewNode(Operator, NWBase):
     def poll(cls, context):
         if nw_check(context):
             space = context.space_data
-            if space.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree' or space.tree_type == 'GeometryNodeTree':
+            if space.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree':
                 if context.active_node:
                     if context.active_node.type != "OUTPUT_MATERIAL" or context.active_node.type != "OUTPUT_WORLD":
                         return True
@@ -1434,9 +1429,6 @@ class NWPreviewNode(Operator, NWBase):
     def invoke(self, context, event):
         space = context.space_data
-        # Ignore operator when running in wrong context.
-        if self.run_in_geometry_nodes != (space.tree_type == "GeometryNodeTree"):
-            return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
         shader_type = space.shader_type
         self.init_shader_variables(space, shader_type)
@@ -1449,90 +1441,6 @@ class NWPreviewNode(Operator, NWBase):
             base_node_tree = space.node_tree
             active = nodes.active
-            # For geometry node trees we just connect to the group output
-            if space.tree_type == "GeometryNodeTree":
-                valid = False
-                if active:
-                    for out in active.outputs:
-                        if is_visible_socket(out):
-                            valid = True
-                            break
-                # Exit early
-                if not valid:
-                    return {'FINISHED'}
-                delete_sockets = []
-                # Scan through all nodes in tree including nodes inside of groups to find viewer sockets
-                self.scan_nodes(base_node_tree, delete_sockets)
-                # Find (or create if needed) the output of this node tree
-                geometryoutput = self.ensure_group_output(base_node_tree)
-                # Analyze outputs, make links
-                out_i = None
-                valid_outputs = []
-                for i, out in enumerate(active.outputs):
-                    if is_visible_socket(out) and out.type == 'GEOMETRY':
-                        valid_outputs.append(i)
-                if valid_outputs:
-                    out_i = valid_outputs[0]  # Start index of node's outputs
-                for i, valid_i in enumerate(valid_outputs):
-                    for out_link in active.outputs[valid_i].links:
-                        if is_viewer_link(out_link, geometryoutput):
-                            if nodes == base_node_tree.nodes or self.link_leads_to_used_socket(out_link):
-                                if i < len(valid_outputs) - 1:
-                                    out_i = valid_outputs[i + 1]
-                                else:
-                                    out_i = valid_outputs[0]
-                make_links = []  # store sockets for new links
-                if active.outputs:
-                    # If there is no 'GEOMETRY' output type - We can't preview the node
-                    if out_i is None:
-                        return {'FINISHED'}
-                    socket_type = 'GEOMETRY'
-                    # Find an input socket of the output of type geometry
-                    geometryoutindex = None
-                    for i,inp in enumerate(geometryoutput.inputs):
-                        if inp.type == socket_type:
-                            geometryoutindex = i
-                            break
-                    if geometryoutindex is None:
-                        # Create geometry socket
-                        geometryoutput.inputs.new(socket_type, 'Geometry')
-                        geometryoutindex = len(geometryoutput.inputs) - 1
-                    make_links.append((active.outputs[out_i], geometryoutput.inputs[geometryoutindex]))
-                    output_socket = geometryoutput.inputs[geometryoutindex]
-                    for li_from, li_to in make_links:
-                        base_node_tree.links.new(li_from, li_to)
-                    tree = base_node_tree
-                    link_end = output_socket
-                    while tree.nodes.active != active:
-                        node = tree.nodes.active
-                        index = self.ensure_viewer_socket(node,'NodeSocketGeometry', connect_socket=active.outputs[out_i] if node.node_tree.nodes.active == active else None)
-                        link_start = node.outputs[index]
-                        node_socket = node.node_tree.outputs[index]
-                        if node_socket in delete_sockets:
-                            delete_sockets.remove(node_socket)
-                        tree.links.new(link_start, link_end)
-                        # Iterate
-                        link_end = self.ensure_group_output(node.node_tree).inputs[index]
-                        tree = tree.nodes.active.node_tree
-                    tree.links.new(active.outputs[out_i], link_end)
-                # Delete sockets
-                for socket in delete_sockets:
-                    tree = socket.id_data
-                    tree.outputs.remove(socket)
-                nodes.active = active
-                active.select = True
-                force_update(context)
-                return {'FINISHED'}
             # What follows is code for the shader editor
             output_types = [x.nodetype for x in
                             get_nodes_from_category('Output', context)]
@@ -4349,8 +4257,7 @@ kmi_defs = (
     # Swap Links
     (NWSwapLinks.bl_idname, 'S', 'PRESS', False, False, True, None, "Swap Links"),
     # Preview Node
-    (NWPreviewNode.bl_idname, 'LEFTMOUSE', 'PRESS', True, True, False, (('run_in_geometry_nodes', False),), "Preview node output"),
-    (NWPreviewNode.bl_idname, 'LEFTMOUSE', 'PRESS', False, True, True, (('run_in_geometry_nodes', True),), "Preview node output"),
+    (NWPreviewNode.bl_idname, 'LEFTMOUSE', 'PRESS', True, True, False, None, "Preview node output"),
     # Reload Images
     (NWReloadImages.bl_idname, 'R', 'PRESS', False, False, True, None, "Reload images"),
     # Lazy Mix

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