[Bf-extensions-cvs] [83fa6728] blender-v3.2-release: Snap Utilities Line: update to new 'GPUShaderCreateInfo'

Germano Cavalcante noreply at git.blender.org
Tue May 24 03:53:17 CEST 2022

Commit: 83fa6728e5cae857383a7bc0b4420f78f31ae1bc
Author: Germano Cavalcante
Date:   Mon May 23 16:51:00 2022 -0300
Branches: blender-v3.2-release

Snap Utilities Line: update to new 'GPUShaderCreateInfo'

The old way of creating shaders is already out of use in C code.

The same should be expected for Python.


M	mesh_snap_utilities_line/__init__.py
M	mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/mesh_drawing.py
D	mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/shaders/ID_color_frag.glsl
D	mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/shaders/ID_color_vert.glsl


diff --git a/mesh_snap_utilities_line/__init__.py b/mesh_snap_utilities_line/__init__.py
index 5068bc7b..bdad1f97 100644
--- a/mesh_snap_utilities_line/__init__.py
+++ b/mesh_snap_utilities_line/__init__.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 bl_info = {
     "name": "Snap_Utilities_Line",
     "author": "Germano Cavalcante",
-    "version": (6, 9, 9),
+    "version": (6, 7, 0),
     "blender": (3, 2, 0),
     "location": "View3D > TOOLS > Line Tool",
     "description": "Extends Blender Snap controls",
diff --git a/mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/mesh_drawing.py b/mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/mesh_drawing.py
index 02bd3f43..c188425c 100644
--- a/mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/mesh_drawing.py
+++ b/mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/mesh_drawing.py
@@ -2,16 +2,10 @@
 import gpu
 import bmesh
+import ctypes
 from mathutils import Matrix
-def load_shader(shadername):
-    from os import path
-    with open(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "shaders", shadername), "r") as f:
-        return f.read()
 def get_mesh_vert_co_array(me):
     tot_vco = len(me.vertices)
     if tot_vco:
@@ -183,10 +177,14 @@ class GPU_Indices_Mesh:
     _Hash = {}
     shader = None
+    UBO_data = None
+    UBO = None
     def end_opengl(cls):
         del cls.shader
+        del cls.UBO
+        del cls.UBO_data
         del cls
@@ -203,14 +201,79 @@ class GPU_Indices_Mesh:
-        cls.shader = gpu.types.GPUShader(
-            load_shader("ID_color_vert.glsl"),
-            load_shader("ID_color_frag.glsl"),
-            defines="#define USE_CLIP_PLANES\n",
+        shader_info = gpu.types.GPUShaderCreateInfo()
+        shader_info.define("USE_CLIP_PLANES")
+        shader_info.typedef_source(
+            "struct Data {\n"
+            "#ifdef USE_CLIP_PLANES\n"
+            "  mat4 ModelMatrix;"
+            "  vec4 WorldClipPlanes[4];\n"
+            "#endif\n"
+            "  int offset;\n"
+            "#ifdef USE_CLIP_PLANES\n"
+            "  bool use_clip_planes;\n"
+            "#endif\n"
+            "};\n"
+        )
+        shader_info.push_constant("MAT4", "ModelViewProjectionMatrix")
+        shader_info.uniform_buf(0, "Data", "g_data")
+        shader_info.vertex_in(0, "VEC3", "pos")
+        shader_info.vertex_source(
+            # #define USE_CLIP_PLANES
+            # uniform mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
+            # layout(binding = 1, std140) uniform _g_data { Data g_data; };;
+            # in vec3 pos;
+            "void main()"
+            "{\n"
+            "#ifdef USE_CLIP_PLANES\n"
+            "  if (g_data.use_clip_planes) {"
+            "    vec4 wpos = g_data.ModelMatrix * vec4(pos, 1.0);"
+            "    gl_ClipDistance[0] = dot(g_data.WorldClipPlanes[0], wpos);"
+            "    gl_ClipDistance[1] = dot(g_data.WorldClipPlanes[1], wpos);"
+            "    gl_ClipDistance[2] = dot(g_data.WorldClipPlanes[2], wpos);"
+            "    gl_ClipDistance[3] = dot(g_data.WorldClipPlanes[3], wpos);"
+            "  }\n"
+            "#endif\n"
+            "  gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(pos, 1.0);"
+            "}"
+        )
+        shader_info.fragment_out(0, "UINT", "fragColor")
+        shader_info.fragment_source(
+            # out uint fragColor;
+            "void main() {fragColor = uint(gl_PrimitiveID + g_data.offset);}"
+        )
+        cls.shader = gpu.shader.create_from_info(shader_info)
+        class _UBO_struct(ctypes.Structure):
+            _pack_ = 16
+            _fields_ = [
+                ("ModelMatrix", 4 * (4 * ctypes.c_float)),
+                ("WorldClipPlanes", 4 * (4 * ctypes.c_float)),
+                ("offset", ctypes.c_int),
+                ("use_clip_planes", ctypes.c_int),
+                ("_pad", ctypes.c_int * 2),
+            ]
+        cls.UBO_data = _UBO_struct()
+        cls.UBO = gpu.types.GPUUniformBuf(
+            gpu.types.Buffer("UBYTE", ctypes.sizeof(cls.UBO_data), cls.UBO_data)
-        cls.unif_offset = cls.shader.uniform_from_name("offset")
-        cls.use_clip_planes = False
+    @staticmethod
+    def update_UBO():
+        cls = GPU_Indices_Mesh
+        cls.UBO.update(
+            gpu.types.Buffer(
+                "UBYTE",
+                ctypes.sizeof(cls.UBO_data),
+                cls.UBO_data,
+            )
+        )
+        cls.shader.bind()
+        cls.shader.uniform_block("g_data", cls.UBO)
     def __init__(self, depsgraph, obj, draw_tris, draw_edges, draw_verts):
         self.ob_data = obj.original.data
@@ -326,12 +389,17 @@ class GPU_Indices_Mesh:
-        if GPU_Indices_Mesh.use_clip_planes:
+        if GPU_Indices_Mesh.UBO_data.use_clip_planes:
-            self.shader.uniform_float("ModelMatrix", ob_mat)
+            self.UBO_data.ModelMatrix[0] = ob_mat[0][:]
+            self.UBO_data.ModelMatrix[1] = ob_mat[1][:]
+            self.UBO_data.ModelMatrix[2] = ob_mat[2][:]
+            self.UBO_data.ModelMatrix[3] = ob_mat[3][:]
         if self.draw_tris:
-            self.shader.uniform_int("offset", (index_offset,))
+            self.UBO_data.offset = index_offset
+            self.update_UBO()
             index_offset += len(self.tri_verts)
@@ -356,17 +424,21 @@ class GPU_Indices_Mesh:
         if self.draw_edges:
-            self.shader.uniform_int("offset", (index_offset,))
+            self.UBO_data.offset = index_offset
+            self.update_UBO()
             # bgl.glLineWidth(3.0)
             # bgl.glLineWidth(1.0)
             index_offset += len(self.edge_verts)
         if self.draw_verts:
-            self.shader.uniform_int("offset", (index_offset,))
+            self.UBO_data.offset = index_offset
+            self.update_UBO()
-        if GPU_Indices_Mesh.use_clip_planes:
+        if GPU_Indices_Mesh.UBO_data.use_clip_planes:
@@ -384,7 +456,7 @@ class GPU_Indices_Mesh:
     def get_loop_tri_co_by_bmface(self, bm, bmface):
         l_tri_layer = bm.faces.layers.int["l_tri"]
         tri = bmface[l_tri_layer]
-        return self.verts_co[self.tri_verts[tri : tri + len(bmface.verts) - 2]]
+        return self.verts_co[self.tri_verts[tri: tri + len(bmface.verts) - 2]]
     def get_tri_verts(self, index):
         return self.tri_verts[index]
@@ -426,18 +498,16 @@ def gpu_Indices_restore_state():
 def gpu_Indices_use_clip_planes(rv3d, value):
-    shader = GPU_Indices_Mesh.shader
-    shader.bind()
     if value and rv3d.use_clip_planes:
-        GPU_Indices_Mesh.use_clip_planes = True
-        planes = gpu.types.Buffer("FLOAT", (6, 4), rv3d.clip_planes)
-        shader.uniform_vector_float(
-            shader.uniform_from_name("WorldClipPlanes"), planes, 4, 4
-        )
+        GPU_Indices_Mesh.UBO_data.use_clip_planes = True
+        GPU_Indices_Mesh.UBO_data.WorldClipPlanes[0] = rv3d.clip_planes[0][:]
+        GPU_Indices_Mesh.UBO_data.WorldClipPlanes[1] = rv3d.clip_planes[1][:]
+        GPU_Indices_Mesh.UBO_data.WorldClipPlanes[2] = rv3d.clip_planes[2][:]
+        GPU_Indices_Mesh.UBO_data.WorldClipPlanes[3] = rv3d.clip_planes[3][:]
-        GPU_Indices_Mesh.use_clip_planes = False
+        GPU_Indices_Mesh.UBO_data.use_clip_planes = False
-    shader.uniform_bool("use_clip_planes", (GPU_Indices_Mesh.use_clip_planes,))
+    GPU_Indices_Mesh.update_UBO()
 def gpu_Indices_mesh_cache_clear():
diff --git a/mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/shaders/ID_color_frag.glsl b/mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/shaders/ID_color_frag.glsl
deleted file mode 100644
index e28368be..00000000
--- a/mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/shaders/ID_color_frag.glsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-uniform int offset;
-out uint FragColor;
-void main()
-	FragColor = uint(gl_PrimitiveID + offset);
diff --git a/mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/shaders/ID_color_vert.glsl b/mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/shaders/ID_color_vert.glsl
deleted file mode 100644
index 747b33e9..00000000
--- a/mesh_snap_utilities_line/snap_context_l/shaders/ID_color_vert.glsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-uniform mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
-uniform mat4 ModelMatrix;
-uniform bool use_clip_planes;
-uniform vec4 WorldClipPlanes[4];
-in vec3 pos;
-void main()
-	if (use_clip_planes) {
-		vec4 g_pos = ModelMatrix * vec4(pos, 1.0);
-    gl_ClipDistance[0] = dot(WorldClipPlanes[0], g_pos);
-    gl_ClipDistance[1] = dot(WorldClipPlanes[1], g_pos);
-    gl_ClipDistance[2] = dot(WorldClipPlanes[2], g_pos);
-    gl_ClipDistance[3] = dot(WorldClipPlanes[3], g_pos);
-	}
-	gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(pos, 1.0);

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