[Bf-extensions-cvs] [3cd4141b] master: Tissue: Update to 3.52

Aaron Carlisle noreply at git.blender.org
Tue Mar 1 17:02:51 CET 2022

Commit: 3cd4141bdc2698bf22567e8fde9d2e05176e102d
Author: Aaron Carlisle
Date:   Tue Mar 1 11:02:00 2022 -0500
Branches: master

Tissue: Update to 3.52

>From https://github.com/alessandro-zomparelli/tissue/releases/tag/v0-3-52
with https://github.com/alessandro-zomparelli/tissue/pull/131 applied.

Fixes T80702
Fixes T73136



diff --cc mesh_tissue/numba_functions.py
index 5edc6176,b3355017..86e83e54
--- a/mesh_tissue/numba_functions.py
+++ b/mesh_tissue/numba_functions.py
@@@ -1,11 -1,200 +1,184 @@@
 -#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 -#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 -#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 -#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 -#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 -#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 -#  GNU General Public License for more details.
 -#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 -#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 -#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 -# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
 +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
  import numpy as np
+ import time
+ import sys
+ bool_numba = False
-     from numba import jit
+     from .utils_pip import Pip
+     Pip._ensure_user_site_package()
+     from numba import jit, njit, guvectorize, float64, int32, prange
+     from numba.typed import List
+     bool_numba = True
+ except:
+     pass
+     '''
+     try:
+         from .utils_pip import Pip
+         #Pip.upgrade_pip()
+         Pip.install('llvmlite')
+         Pip.install('numba')
+         from numba import jit, njit, guvectorize, float64, int32, prange
+         bool_numba = True
+         print('Tissue: Numba successfully installed!')
+     except:
+         print('Tissue: Numba not loaded correctly. Try restarting Blender')
+     '''
+ if bool_numba:
+     #from numba import jit, njit, guvectorize, float64, int32, prange
+     @njit(parallel=True)
+     def numba_reaction_diffusion(n_verts, n_edges, edge_verts, a, b, brush, diff_a, diff_b, f, k, dt, time_steps):
+         arr = np.arange(n_edges)*2
+         id0 = edge_verts[arr]
+         id1 = edge_verts[arr+1]
+         for i in range(time_steps):
+             lap_a, lap_b = rd_init_laplacian(n_verts)
+             numba_rd_laplacian(id0, id1, a, b, lap_a, lap_b)
+             numba_rd_core(a, b, lap_a, lap_b, diff_a, diff_b, f, k, dt)
+             numba_set_ab(a,b,brush)
+         return a,b
+     @njit(parallel=False)
+     def integrate_field(n_edges, id0, id1, values, edge_flow, mult, time_steps):
+         #n_edges = len(edge_flow)
+         for i in range(time_steps):
+             values0 = values
+             for j in range(n_edges):
+                 v0 = id0[j]
+                 v1 = id1[j]
+                 values[v0] -= values0[v1] * edge_flow[j] * 0.001#mult[v1]
+                 values[v1] += values0[v0] * edge_flow[j] * 0.001#mult[v0]
+             for j in range(n_edges):
+                 v0 = id0[j]
+                 v1 = id1[j]
+                 values[v0] = max(values[v0],0)
+                 values[v1] = max(values[v1],0)
+         return values
+     @njit(parallel=True)
+     def numba_reaction_diffusion_anisotropic(n_verts, n_edges, edge_verts, a, b, brush, diff_a, diff_b, f, k, dt, time_steps, grad):
+         arr = np.arange(n_edges)*2
+         id0 = edge_verts[arr]
+         id1 = edge_verts[arr+1]
+         #grad = weight_grad[id0] - weight_grad[id1]
+         #grad = np.abs(grad)
+         #grad /= abs(np.max(grad))
+         #grad = grad*0.98 + 0.02
+         for i in range(time_steps):
+             lap_a, lap_b = rd_init_laplacian(n_verts)
+             numba_rd_laplacian_anisotropic(id0, id1, a, b, lap_a, lap_b, grad)
+             numba_rd_core(a, b, lap_a, lap_b, diff_a, diff_b, f, k, dt)
+             numba_set_ab(a,b,brush)
+         return a,b
+     #@guvectorize(['(float64[:] ,float64[:] , float64[:], float64[:], float64[:], float64[:], float64[:], float64[:], float64)'],'(n),(n),(n),(n),(n),(n),(n),(n),()',target='parallel')
+     @njit(parallel=True)
+     def numba_rd_core(a, b, lap_a, lap_b, diff_a, diff_b, f, k, dt):
+         n = len(a)
+         _f = np.full(n, f[0]) if len(f) == 1 else f
+         _k = np.full(n, k[0]) if len(k) == 1 else k
+         _diff_a = np.full(n, diff_a[0]) if len(diff_a) == 1 else diff_a
+         _diff_b = np.full(n, diff_b[0]) if len(diff_b) == 1 else diff_b
+         for i in prange(n):
+             fi = _f[i]
+             ki = _k[i]
+             diff_ai = _diff_a[i]
+             diff_bi = _diff_b[i]
+             ab2 = a[i]*b[i]**2
+             a[i] += (diff_ai * lap_a[i] - ab2 + fi*(1-a[i]))*dt
+             b[i] += (diff_bi * lap_b[i] + ab2 - (ki+fi)*b[i])*dt
+     @njit(parallel=True)
+     def numba_rd_core_(a, b, lap_a, lap_b, diff_a, diff_b, f, k, dt):
+         ab2 = a*b**2
+         a += (diff_a*lap_a - ab2 + f*(1-a))*dt
+         b += (diff_b*lap_b + ab2 - (k+f)*b)*dt
+     @njit(parallel=True)
+     def numba_set_ab(a, b, brush):
+         n = len(a)
+         _brush = np.full(n, brush[0]) if len(brush) == 1 else brush
+         for i in prange(len(b)):
+             b[i] += _brush[i]
+             if b[i] < 0: b[i] = 0
+             elif b[i] > 1: b[i] = 1
+             if a[i] < 0: a[i] = 0
+             elif a[i] > 1: a[i] = 1
+     #@guvectorize(['(float64[:] ,float64[:] ,float64[:] , float64[:], float64[:], float64[:])'],'(m),(m),(n),(n),(n),(n)',target='parallel')
+     @njit(parallel=True)
+     def numba_rd_laplacian(id0, id1, a, b, lap_a, lap_b):
+         for i in prange(len(id0)):
+             v0 = id0[i]
+             v1 = id1[i]
+             lap_a[v0] += a[v1] - a[v0]
+             lap_a[v1] += a[v0] - a[v1]
+             lap_b[v0] += b[v1] - b[v0]
+             lap_b[v1] += b[v0] - b[v1]
+         #return lap_a, lap_b
+     @njit(parallel=True)
+     def numba_rd_laplacian_anisotropic(id0, id1, a, b, lap_a, lap_b, grad):
+         for i in prange(len(id0)):
+             v0 = id0[i]
+             v1 = id1[i]
+             lap_a[v0] += (a[v1] - a[v0])
+             lap_a[v1] += (a[v0] - a[v1])
+             lap_b[v0] -= (b[v1] - b[v0])*grad[i]
+             lap_b[v1] += (b[v0] - b[v1])*grad[i]
+         #return lap_a, lap_b
+     @njit(parallel=True)
+     def numba_rd_neigh_vertices(edge_verts):
+         n_edges = len(edge_verts)/2
+         id0 = np.zeros(n_edges)
+         id1 = np.zeros(n_edges)
+         for i in prange(n_edges):
+             id0[i] = edge_verts[i*2]     # first vertex indices for each edge
+             id1[i] = edge_verts[i*2+1]   # second vertex indices for each edge
+         return id0, id1
+     #@guvectorize(['(float64[:] ,float64[:] , float64[:], float64[:], float64[:])'],'(m),(n),(n),(n),(n)',target='parallel')
+     @njit(parallel=True)
+     #@njit
+     def numba_rd_laplacian_(edge_verts, a, b, lap_a, lap_b):
+         for i in prange(len(edge_verts)/2):
+             v0 = edge_verts[i*2]
+             v1 = edge_verts[i*2+1]
+             lap_a[v0] += a[v1] - a[v0]
+             lap_a[v1] += a[v0] - a[v1]
+             lap_b[v0] += b[v1] - b[v0]
+             lap_b[v1] += b[v0] - b[v1]
+         #return lap_a, lap_b
+     @njit(parallel=True)
+     def rd_fill_laplacian(lap_a, lap_b, id0, id1, lap_a0, lap_b0):
+         #for i, j, la0, lb0 in zip(id0,id1,lap_a0,lap_b0):
+         for index in prange(len(id0)):
+             i = id0[index]
+             j = id1[index]
+             la0 = lap_a0[index]
+             lb0 = lap_b0[index]
+             lap_a[i] += la0
+             lap_b[i] += lb0
+             lap_a[j] -= la0
+             lap_b[j] -= lb0
+     @njit(parallel=True)
+     def rd_init_laplacian(n_verts):
+         lap_a = np.zeros(n_verts)
+         lap_b = np.zeros(n_verts)
+         return lap_a, lap_b
+     '''
-     def numba_reaction_diffusion(n_verts, n_edges, edge_verts, a, b, diff_a, diff_b, f, k, dt, time_steps):
+     def numba_reaction_diffusion(n_verts, n_edges, edge_verts, a, b, diff_a, diff_b, f, k, dt, time_steps, db):
          arr = np.arange(n_edges)*2
          id0 = edge_verts[arr]     # first vertex indices for each edge
          id1 = edge_verts[arr+1]   # second vertex indices for each edge
diff --cc mesh_tissue/utils.py
index f98bc6d0,834b5947..cf43d609
--- a/mesh_tissue/utils.py
+++ b/mesh_tissue/utils.py
@@@ -1,6 -1,22 +1,6 @@@
 -#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 -#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 -#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 -#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 -#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 -#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 -#  GNU General Public License for more details.
 -#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 -#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 -#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 -# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
 +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- import bpy
+ import bpy, bmesh
  import threading
  import numpy as np
  import multiprocessing

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