[Bf-extensions-cvs] [0573bc7d] master: Fix T71232: .X3D/.WRL imports without materials and textures

Max Schlecht noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Oct 27 12:25:50 CEST 2021

Commit: 0573bc7daeb1e5fc1e0d0e6a37c5efc043aebb13
Author: Max Schlecht
Date:   Wed Oct 27 12:23:39 2021 +0200
Branches: master

Fix T71232: .X3D/.WRL imports without materials and textures

When porting the x3d importer to 2.80, material and texture
importing didn't get ported. The old importer was using
Blender Render like materials, the new implementation uses
the standard node system via `node_shader_utils`.

Additionally this also adds a crude, text based method for
material/texture caching for WRL file (previously only
supported for X3D), fixes a possible `StructRNA has been removed`
error caused by the cache and assigns proper names to the
materials, if available.

Reviewed By: mont29

Maniphest Tasks: T76656, T71232, T83428

Differential Revision: https://developer.blender.org/D12399


M	io_scene_x3d/__init__.py
M	io_scene_x3d/import_x3d.py


diff --git a/io_scene_x3d/__init__.py b/io_scene_x3d/__init__.py
index ba355d08..450680f6 100644
--- a/io_scene_x3d/__init__.py
+++ b/io_scene_x3d/__init__.py
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 bl_info = {
     "name": "Web3D X3D/VRML2 format",
     "author": "Campbell Barton, Bart, Bastien Montagne, Seva Alekseyev",
-    "version": (2, 2, 5),
-    "blender": (2, 81, 6),
+    "version": (2, 3, 0),
+    "blender": (2, 93, 0),
     "location": "File > Import-Export",
     "description": "Import-Export X3D, Import VRML2",
     "warning": "",
diff --git a/io_scene_x3d/import_x3d.py b/io_scene_x3d/import_x3d.py
index 92189372..df5fbb46 100644
--- a/io_scene_x3d/import_x3d.py
+++ b/io_scene_x3d/import_x3d.py
@@ -1251,9 +1251,16 @@ class vrmlNode(object):
     def canHaveReferences(self):
         return self.node_type == NODE_NORMAL and self.getDefName()
-    # This is a prerequisite for raw XML-based material caching. For now, only for X3D
+    # This is a prerequisite for raw XML-based material caching.
+    # NOTE - crude, but working implementation for
+    # material and texture caching, based on __repr__.
+    # Doesn't do any XML, but is better than nothing.
     def desc(self):
-        return None
+        if "material" in self.id or "texture" in self.id:
+            node = self.reference if self.node_type == NODE_REFERENCE else self
+            return frozenset(line.strip() for line in repr(node).strip().split("\n"))
+        else:
+            return None
 def gzipOpen(path):
@@ -1480,7 +1487,7 @@ for i, f in enumerate(files):
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 import bpy
-from bpy_extras import image_utils
+from bpy_extras import image_utils, node_shader_utils
 from mathutils import Vector, Matrix, Quaternion
@@ -2703,31 +2710,46 @@ def appearance_CreateMaterial(vrmlname, mat, ancestry, is_vcol):
     # Given an X3D material, creates a Blender material.
     # texture is applied later, in appearance_Create().
     # All values between 0.0 and 1.0, defaults from VRML docs.
-    bpymat = bpy.data.materials.new(vrmlname)
-    return  # XXX For now...
-    bpymat.ambient = mat.getFieldAsFloat('ambientIntensity', 0.2, ancestry)
-    diff_color = mat.getFieldAsFloatTuple('diffuseColor',
-                                          [0.8, 0.8, 0.8],
-                                          ancestry)
-    bpymat.diffuse_color = diff_color
-    # NOTE - blender doesn't support emmisive color
-    # Store in mirror color and approximate with emit.
-    emit = mat.getFieldAsFloatTuple('emissiveColor', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ancestry)
-    bpymat.mirror_color = emit
-    bpymat.emit = (emit[0] + emit[1] + emit[2]) / 3.0
+    mat_name = mat.getDefName()
+    bpymat = bpy.data.materials.new(mat_name if mat_name else vrmlname)
+    bpymat_wrap = node_shader_utils.PrincipledBSDFWrapper(bpymat, is_readonly=False)
+    # TODO: handle 'ambientIntensity'.
+    #ambient = mat.getFieldAsFloat('ambientIntensity', 0.2, ancestry)
+    diff_color = mat.getFieldAsFloatTuple('diffuseColor', [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], ancestry)
+    bpymat_wrap.base_color = diff_color
+    emit_color = mat.getFieldAsFloatTuple('emissiveColor', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ancestry)
+    bpymat_wrap.emission_color = emit_color
+    # NOTE - 'shininess' is being handled as 1 - roughness for now.
     shininess = mat.getFieldAsFloat('shininess', 0.2, ancestry)
-    bpymat.specular_hardness = int(1 + (510 * shininess))
+    bpymat_wrap.roughness = 1.0 - shininess
+    #bpymat.specular_hardness = int(1 + (510 * shininess))
     # 0-1 -> 1-511
-    bpymat.specular_color = mat.getFieldAsFloatTuple('specularColor',
-                                                     [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ancestry)
-    bpymat.alpha = 1.0 - mat.getFieldAsFloat('transparency', 0.0, ancestry)
-    if bpymat.alpha < 0.999:
-        bpymat.use_transparency = True
+    # TODO: handle 'specularColor'.
+    #specular_color = mat.getFieldAsFloatTuple('specularColor',
+    #                                          [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ancestry)
+    alpha = 1.0 - mat.getFieldAsFloat('transparency', 0.0, ancestry)
+    bpymat_wrap.alpha = alpha
+    if alpha < 1.0:
+        bpymat.blend_method = "BLEND"
+        bpymat.shadow_method = "HASHED"
+    # NOTE - leaving this disabled for now
     if False and is_vcol:
-        bpymat.use_vertex_color_paint = True
-    return bpymat
+        node_vertex_color = bpymat.node_tree.nodes.new("ShaderNodeVertexColor")
+        node_vertex_color.location = (-200, 300)
+        bpymat.node_tree.links.new(
+            bpymat_wrap.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Base Color"],
+            node_vertex_color.outputs["Color"]
+        )
+    return bpymat_wrap
 def appearance_CreateDefaultMaterial():
@@ -2736,17 +2758,20 @@ def appearance_CreateDefaultMaterial():
     # (but possibly with a texture).
     bpymat = bpy.data.materials.new("Material")
-    return # XXX For now...
-    bpymat.ambient = 0.2
-    bpymat.diffuse_color = [0.8, 0.8, 0.8]
-    bpymat.mirror_color = (0, 0, 0)
-    bpymat.emit = 0
+    bpymat_wrap = node_shader_utils.PrincipledBSDFWrapper(bpymat, is_readonly=False)
+    bpymat_wrap.roughness = 0.8
+    bpymat_wrap.base_color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)
+    #bpymat.mirror_color = (0, 0, 0)
+    #bpymat.emit = 0
-    bpymat.specular_hardness = 103
+    # TODO: handle 'shininess' and 'specularColor'.
+    #bpymat.specular_hardness = 103
     # 0-1 -> 1-511
-    bpymat.specular_color = (0, 0, 0)
-    bpymat.alpha = 1
-    return bpymat
+    #bpymat.specular_color = (0, 0, 0)
+    bpymat_wrap.alpha = 1.0
+    return bpymat_wrap
 def appearance_LoadImageTextureFile(ima_urls, node):
@@ -2823,11 +2848,6 @@ def appearance_LoadTexture(tex_node, ancestry, node):
         bpyima = appearance_LoadPixelTexture(tex_node, ancestry)
     if bpyima:  # Loading can still fail
-        repeat_s = tex_node.getFieldAsBool('repeatS', True, ancestry)
-        bpyima.use_clamp_x = not repeat_s
-        repeat_t = tex_node.getFieldAsBool('repeatT', True, ancestry)
-        bpyima.use_clamp_y = not repeat_t
         # Update the desc-based cache
         if desc:
             texture_cache[desc] = bpyima
@@ -2870,35 +2890,29 @@ def appearance_Create(vrmlname, material, tex_node, ancestry, node, is_vcol):
     tex_has_alpha = False
     if material:
-        bpymat = appearance_CreateMaterial(vrmlname, material, ancestry, is_vcol)
+        bpymat_wrap = appearance_CreateMaterial(vrmlname, material, ancestry, is_vcol)
-        bpymat = appearance_CreateDefaultMaterial()
+        bpymat_wrap = appearance_CreateDefaultMaterial()
     if tex_node:  # Texture caching inside there
         bpyima = appearance_LoadTexture(tex_node, ancestry, node)
-    if False and is_vcol:
-        bpymat.use_vertex_color_paint = True
-    if False and bpyima:
-        tex_has_alpha = bpyima.alpha_mode not in {'NONE', 'CHANNEL_PACKED'}
-        texture = bpy.data.textures.new(bpyima.name, 'IMAGE')
-        texture.image = bpyima
+    if bpyima:
+        repeatS = tex_node.getFieldAsBool('repeatS', True, ancestry)
+        repeatT = tex_node.getFieldAsBool('repeatT', True, ancestry)
-        mtex = bpymat.texture_slots.add()
-        mtex.texture = texture
-        mtex.texture_coords = 'UV'
-        mtex.use_map_diffuse = True
-        mtex.use = True
+        bpymat_wrap.base_color_texture.image = bpyima
+        # NOTE - not possible to handle x and y tiling individually.
+        extension = "REPEAT" if repeatS or repeatT else "CLIP"
+        bpymat_wrap.base_color_texture.extension = extension
+        tex_has_alpha = bpyima.alpha_mode not in {'NONE', 'CHANNEL_PACKED'}
         if tex_has_alpha:
-            bpymat.use_transparency = True
-            mtex.use_map_alpha = True
-            mtex.alpha_factor = 0.0
+            bpymat_wrap.alpha_texture.image = bpyima
+            bpymat_wrap.alpha_texture.extension = extension
-    return (bpymat, bpyima, tex_has_alpha)
+    return (bpymat_wrap.material, bpyima, tex_has_alpha)
 def importShape_LoadAppearance(vrmlname, appr, ancestry, node, is_vcol):
@@ -3038,6 +3052,7 @@ def importShape_ProcessObject(
         if bpydata.uv_layers:
             if has_alpha and bpymat:  # set the faces alpha flag?
                 bpymat.blend_method = 'BLEND'
+                bpymat.shadow_method = 'HASHED'
             if texmtx:
                 # Apply texture transform?
@@ -3500,6 +3515,11 @@ def load_web3d(
     # Used when adding blender primitives
+    # NOTE - reset material cache
+    # (otherwise we might get "StructRNA of type Material has been removed" errors)
+    global material_cache
+    material_cache = {}
     bpyscene = bpycontext.scene
     bpycollection = bpycontext.collection
     #root_node = vrml_parse('/_Cylinder.wrl')

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