[Bf-extensions-cvs] [01a4619f] master: BlenderKit: UI scaling/refresh that works

Vilem Duha noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Oct 22 08:32:44 CEST 2021

Commit: 01a4619f5fbb93de457b9cc15a2cf564f87e2b7a
Author: Vilem Duha
Date:   Tue Oct 19 12:43:54 2021 +0200
Branches: master

BlenderKit: UI scaling/refresh that works

last solution (restart operator) crashed Blender


M	blenderkit/__init__.py
M	blenderkit/asset_bar_op.py
M	blenderkit/bl_ui_widgets/bl_ui_button.py
M	blenderkit/bl_ui_widgets/bl_ui_draw_op.py
M	blenderkit/bl_ui_widgets/bl_ui_image.py
M	blenderkit/bl_ui_widgets/bl_ui_label.py
M	blenderkit/bl_ui_widgets/bl_ui_widget.py


diff --git a/blenderkit/__init__.py b/blenderkit/__init__.py
index 75787065..698de633 100644
--- a/blenderkit/__init__.py
+++ b/blenderkit/__init__.py
@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ class BlenderKitUIProps(PropertyGroup):
     highlight_margin: IntProperty(name="Highlight Margin", default=int(margin_def / 2), min=-10, max=256)
     bar_height: IntProperty(name="Bar Height", default=thumb_size_def + 2 * margin_def, min=-1, max=2048)
-    bar_x_offset: IntProperty(name="Bar X Offset", default=20, min=0, max=5000)
-    bar_y_offset: IntProperty(name="Bar Y Offset", default=80, min=0, max=5000)
+    bar_x_offset: IntProperty(name="Bar X Offset", default=0, min=0, max=5000)
+    bar_y_offset: IntProperty(name="Bar Y Offset", default=60, min=0, max=5000)
     bar_x: IntProperty(name="Bar X", default=100, min=0, max=5000)
     bar_y: IntProperty(name="Bar Y", default=100, min=50, max=5000)
diff --git a/blenderkit/asset_bar_op.py b/blenderkit/asset_bar_op.py
index fb87452a..5011ffa2 100644
--- a/blenderkit/asset_bar_op.py
+++ b/blenderkit/asset_bar_op.py
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def asset_bar_modal(self, context, event):
     ui_scale = bpy.context.preferences.view.ui_scale
     for asset_button in self.asset_buttons:
-        if sr is not None and len(sr)> asset_button.asset_index:
+        if sr is not None and len(sr) > asset_button.asset_index:
             asset_data = sr[asset_button.asset_index]
             if asset_data['downloaded'] > 0:
@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ def asset_bar_modal(self, context, event):
         return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
     if self.check_ui_resized(context) or self.check_new_search_results(context):
-        # self.update_ui_size(context)
+        # print(self.check_ui_resized(context), print(self.check_new_search_results(context)))
+        self.update_ui_size(context)
         self.update_layout(context, event)
     return {"PASS_THROUGH"}
@@ -309,6 +310,8 @@ class BlenderKitAssetBarOperator(BL_UI_OT_draw_operator):
             self.region_width = region.width
             self.region_height = region.height
         if region.height != self.region_height or region.width != self.region_width:
+            self.region_height = region.height
+            self.region_width = region.width
             return True
         return False
         # this actually calculated UI elements, which is unnecessary
@@ -355,7 +358,9 @@ class BlenderKitAssetBarOperator(BL_UI_OT_draw_operator):
         self.thumb_size = user_preferences.thumb_size * ui_scale
         self.button_size = 2 * self.button_margin + self.thumb_size
+        self.other_button_size = 30 * ui_scale
+        self.icon_size = 24 * ui_scale
+        self.validation_icon_margin = 3 * ui_scale
         reg_multiplier = 1
         if not bpy.context.preferences.system.use_region_overlap:
             reg_multiplier = 0
@@ -364,12 +369,14 @@ class BlenderKitAssetBarOperator(BL_UI_OT_draw_operator):
             if r.type == 'TOOLS':
                 self.bar_x = r.width * reg_multiplier + self.margin + ui_props.bar_x_offset * ui_scale
             elif r.type == 'UI':
-                self.bar_end = r.width * reg_multiplier + 100 * ui_scale
+                self.bar_end = r.width * reg_multiplier + 120 * ui_scale
         self.bar_width = region.width - self.bar_x - self.bar_end
-        self.wcount = math.floor(
-            (self.bar_width) / (self.button_size))
+        self.wcount = math.floor((self.bar_width) / (self.button_size))
+        self.max_hcount = math.floor(context.window.width / self.button_size)
+        self.max_wcount = user_preferences.max_assetbar_rows
         search_results = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results')
         # we need to init all possible thumb previews in advance/
@@ -391,18 +398,20 @@ class BlenderKitAssetBarOperator(BL_UI_OT_draw_operator):
             self.reports_x = self.bar_x
     def update_layout(self, context, event):
-        #restarting asset_bar completely since the widgets are too hard to get working with updates.
-        ui_props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI
-        ui_props.turn_off = False
-        self.finish()
-        C_dict = utils.get_fake_context(context)
-        if C_dict.get('window'):  # no 3d view, no asset bar.
-            bpy.ops.view3d.blenderkit_asset_bar_widget(C_dict, 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN', keep_running=self.keep_running,
-                                                       do_search=False)
-        # self.init_ui()
+        # restarting asset_bar completely since the widgets are too hard to get working with updates.
+        self.position_and_hide_buttons()
+        self.button_close.set_location(self.bar_width - self.other_button_size, 0)
+        self.button_scroll_up.set_location(self.bar_width, 0)
+        self.panel.set_location(self.panel.x, self.panel.y)
+        self.panel.width = self.bar_width
+        self.panel.height = self.bar_height
+        # to hide arrows accordingly
+        self.scroll_update()
         # self.init_tooltip()
         # self.hide_tooltip()
-        # self.setup_widgets(context, event)
         # self.scroll_update()
     def asset_button_init(self, asset_x, asset_y, button_idx):
@@ -433,23 +442,22 @@ class BlenderKitAssetBarOperator(BL_UI_OT_draw_operator):
         new_button.text_input = self.handle_key_input
         # add validation icon to button
-        icon_size = int(24 * ui_scale)
-        validation_icon_margin = int(3 * ui_scale)
         validation_icon = BL_UI_Image(
-            asset_x + self.button_size - icon_size - self.button_margin - validation_icon_margin,
-            asset_y + self.button_size - icon_size - self.button_margin - validation_icon_margin, 0, 0)
+            asset_x + self.button_size - self.icon_size - self.button_margin - self.validation_icon_margin,
+            asset_y + self.button_size - self.icon_size - self.button_margin - self.validation_icon_margin, 0, 0)
         # v_icon = ui.verification_icons[asset_data.get('verificationStatus', 'validated')]
         # if v_icon is not None:
         #     img_fp = paths.get_addon_thumbnail_path(v_icon)
         #     validation_icon.set_image(img_fp)
-        validation_icon.set_image_size((icon_size, icon_size))
+        validation_icon.set_image_size((self.icon_size, self.icon_size))
         validation_icon.set_image_position((0, 0))
         new_button.validation_icon = validation_icon
         progress_bar = BL_UI_Widget(asset_x, asset_y + self.button_size - 3, self.button_size, 3)
-        progress_bar.bg_color = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+        progress_bar.bg_color = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.3)
         new_button.progress_bar = progress_bar
         # if result['downloaded'] > 0:
@@ -472,22 +480,24 @@ class BlenderKitAssetBarOperator(BL_UI_OT_draw_operator):
         self.panel = BL_UI_Drag_Panel(0, 0, self.bar_width, self.bar_height)
         self.panel.bg_color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
-        sr = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results', [])
-        if sr is not None:
-            for a in range(0, self.wcount):
-                for b in range(0, self.hcount):
-                    asset_x = self.assetbar_margin + a * (self.button_size)
-                    asset_y = self.assetbar_margin + b * (self.button_size)
-                    button_idx = a + b * self.wcount
-                    asset_idx = a + b * self.wcount + self.scroll_offset
-                    if asset_idx < len(sr):
-                        new_button = self.asset_button_init(asset_x, asset_y, button_idx)
-                        self.asset_buttons.append(new_button)
-        other_button_size = int(30 * ui_scale)
-        self.button_close = BL_UI_Button(self.bar_width - other_button_size, -0, other_button_size, other_button_size)
+        # sr = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results', [])
+        # if sr is not None:
+        # we init max possible buttons.
+        button_idx = 0
+        for x in range(0, self.max_wcount):
+            for y in range(0, self.max_hcount):
+                # asset_x = self.assetbar_margin + a * (self.button_size)
+                # asset_y = self.assetbar_margin + b * (self.button_size)
+                # button_idx = x + y * self.max_wcount
+                asset_idx = button_idx + self.scroll_offset
+                # if asset_idx < len(sr):
+                new_button = self.asset_button_init(0, 0, button_idx)
+                new_button.asset_index = asset_idx
+                self.asset_buttons.append(new_button)
+                button_idx += 1
+        self.button_close = BL_UI_Button(self.bar_width - self.other_button_size, -0, self.other_button_size,
+                                         self.other_button_size)
         self.button_close.bg_color = button_bg_color
         self.button_close.hover_bg_color = button_hover_color
         self.button_close.text = "X"
@@ -521,6 +531,41 @@ class BlenderKitAssetBarOperator(BL_UI_OT_draw_operator):
+    def position_and_hide_buttons(self):
+        # position and layout buttons
+        sr = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results', [])
+        if sr is None:
+            sr = []
+        i = 0
+        for y in range(0, self.hcount):
+            for x in range(0, self.wcount):
+                asset_x = self.assetbar_margin + x * (self.button_size)
+                asset_y = self.assetbar_margin + y * (self.button_size)
+                button_idx = x + y * self.wcount
+                asset_idx = button_idx + self.scroll_offset
+                button = self.asset_buttons[button_idx]
+                button.set_location(asset_x, asset_y)
+                button.validation_icon.set_location(
+                    asset_x + self.button_size - self.icon_size - self.button_margin - self.validation_icon_margin,
+                    asset_y + self.button_size - self.icon_size - self.button_margin - self.validation_icon_margin)
+                button.progress_bar.set_location(asset_x, asset_y + self.button_size - 3)
+                if asset_idx < len(sr):

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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