[Bf-extensions-cvs] [d7517a6f] master: Remove Archipack to reflect new key requirements. https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Process/Addons

Thomas Dinges noreply at git.blender.org
Tue Nov 23 09:26:44 CET 2021

Commit: d7517a6f2a69071eab53c02a645f7651ccfffd45
Author: Thomas Dinges
Date:   Tue Nov 23 09:24:55 2021 +0100
Branches: master

Remove Archipack to reflect new key requirements.


D	archipack/__init__.py
D	archipack/archipack_2d.py
D	archipack/archipack_autoboolean.py
D	archipack/archipack_cutter.py
D	archipack/archipack_door.py
D	archipack/archipack_fence.py
D	archipack/archipack_floor.py
D	archipack/archipack_gl.py
D	archipack/archipack_handle.py
D	archipack/archipack_keymaps.py
D	archipack/archipack_manipulator.py
D	archipack/archipack_material.py
D	archipack/archipack_object.py
D	archipack/archipack_preset.py
D	archipack/archipack_progressbar.py
D	archipack/archipack_reference_point.py
D	archipack/archipack_rendering.py
D	archipack/archipack_roof.py
D	archipack/archipack_slab.py
D	archipack/archipack_snap.py
D	archipack/archipack_stair.py
D	archipack/archipack_thumbs.py
D	archipack/archipack_truss.py
D	archipack/archipack_wall2.py
D	archipack/archipack_window.py
D	archipack/bmesh_utils.py
D	archipack/icons/archipack.png
D	archipack/icons/detect.png
D	archipack/icons/door.png
D	archipack/icons/fence.png
D	archipack/icons/floor.png
D	archipack/icons/polygons.png
D	archipack/icons/roof.png
D	archipack/icons/selection.png
D	archipack/icons/slab.png
D	archipack/icons/stair.png
D	archipack/icons/truss.png
D	archipack/icons/union.png
D	archipack/icons/wall.png
D	archipack/icons/window.png
D	archipack/panel.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_door/160x200_dual.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_door/400x240_garage.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_door/80x200.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_fence/glass_panels.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_fence/inox_glass_concrete.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_fence/metal.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_fence/metal_glass.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_fence/wood.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_floor/boards_200x20.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_floor/herringbone_50x10.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_floor/herringbone_p_50x10.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_floor/hexagon_10.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_floor/hopscotch_30x30.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_floor/parquet_15x3.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_floor/stepping_stone_30x30.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_floor/tile_30x60.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_floor/windmill_30x30.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_materials/door.txt
D	archipack/presets/archipack_materials/fence.txt
D	archipack/presets/archipack_materials/floor.txt
D	archipack/presets/archipack_materials/handle.txt
D	archipack/presets/archipack_materials/roof.txt
D	archipack/presets/archipack_materials/slab.txt
D	archipack/presets/archipack_materials/stair.txt
D	archipack/presets/archipack_materials/truss.txt
D	archipack/presets/archipack_materials/wall2.txt
D	archipack/presets/archipack_materials/window.txt
D	archipack/presets/archipack_roof/braas_1.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_roof/braas_2.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_roof/eternit.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_roof/lauze.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_roof/metal.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_roof/ondule.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_roof/roman.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_roof/round.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_roof/square.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_stair/i_wood_over_concrete.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_stair/l_wood_over_concrete.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_stair/o_wood_over_concrete.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_stair/u_wood_over_concrete.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_window/120x110_flat_2.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_window/120x110_flat_2_elliptic.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_window/120x110_flat_2_oblique.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_window/120x110_flat_2_round.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_window/180x110_flat_3.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_window/180x210_flat_3.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_window/180x210_rail_2.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_window/240x210_rail_3.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_window/80x80_flat_1.py
D	archipack/presets/archipack_window/80x80_flat_1_circle.py
D	archipack/presets/missing.png


diff --git a/archipack/__init__.py b/archipack/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 44c56b7c..00000000
--- a/archipack/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-# <pep8 compliant>
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Author: Stephen Leger (s-leger)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-bl_info = {
-    'name': 'Archipack',
-    'description': 'Architectural objects',
-    'author': 's-leger',
-    'license': 'GPL',
-    'deps': '',
-    'version': (1, 2, 85),
-    'blender': (3, 0, 0),
-    'location': 'View3D > Sidebar > Create > Archipack',
-    'warning': '',
-    'doc_url': 'https://github.com/s-leger/archipack/wiki',
-    'tracker_url': 'https://github.com/s-leger/archipack/issues',
-    'link': 'https://github.com/s-leger/archipack',
-    'support': 'COMMUNITY',
-    'category': 'Add Mesh'
-    }
-import os
-if "bpy" in locals():
-    import importlib as imp
-    imp.reload(archipack_material)
-    imp.reload(archipack_snap)
-    imp.reload(archipack_manipulator)
-    imp.reload(archipack_reference_point)
-    imp.reload(archipack_autoboolean)
-    imp.reload(archipack_door)
-    imp.reload(archipack_window)
-    imp.reload(archipack_stair)
-    imp.reload(archipack_wall2)
-    imp.reload(archipack_roof)
-    imp.reload(archipack_slab)
-    imp.reload(archipack_fence)
-    imp.reload(archipack_truss)
-    imp.reload(archipack_floor)
-    imp.reload(archipack_rendering)
-    # print("archipack: reload ready")
-    from . import archipack_material
-    from . import archipack_snap
-    from . import archipack_manipulator
-    from . import archipack_reference_point
-    from . import archipack_autoboolean
-    from . import archipack_door
-    from . import archipack_window
-    from . import archipack_stair
-    from . import archipack_wall2
-    from . import archipack_roof
-    from . import archipack_slab
-    from . import archipack_fence
-    from . import archipack_truss
-    from . import archipack_floor
-    from . import archipack_rendering
-    # print("archipack: ready")
-# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
-import bpy
-# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
-from bpy.types import (
-    Panel, WindowManager, PropertyGroup,
-    AddonPreferences, Menu
-    )
-from bpy.props import (
-    EnumProperty, PointerProperty,
-    StringProperty, BoolProperty,
-    IntProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty
-    )
-from bpy.utils import previews
-icons_collection = {}
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Addon preferences
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-class Archipack_Pref(AddonPreferences):
-    bl_idname = __name__
-    create_submenu : BoolProperty(
-        name="Use Sub-menu",
-        description="Put Achipack's object into a sub menu (shift+a)",
-        default=True
-    )
-    max_style_draw_tool : BoolProperty(
-        name="Draw a wall use 3dsmax style",
-        description="Reverse clic / release & drag cycle for Draw a wall",
-        default=True
-    )
-    # Arrow sizes (world units)
-    arrow_size : FloatProperty(
-            name="Arrow",
-            description="Manipulators arrow size (blender units)",
-            default=0.05
-            )
-    # Handle area size (pixels)
-    handle_size : IntProperty(
-            name="Handle",
-            description="Manipulators handle sensitive area size (pixels)",
-            min=2,
-            default=10
-            )
-    constant_handle_size: BoolProperty(
-        name="Constant handle size",
-        description="When checked, handle size on scree remains constant (handle size pixels)",
-        default=False
-    )
-    text_size: IntProperty(
-        name="Manipulators",
-        description="Manipulator font size (pixels)",
-        min=2,
-        default=14
-    )
-    handle_colour_selected: FloatVectorProperty(
-        name="Selected handle colour",
-        description="Handle color when selected",
-        subtype='COLOR_GAMMA',
-        default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 1.0),
-        size=4,
-        min=0, max=1
-    )
-    handle_colour_inactive: FloatVectorProperty(
-        name="Inactive handle colour",
-        description="Handle color when disabled",
-        subtype='COLOR_GAMMA',
-        default=(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0),
-        size=4,
-        min=0, max=1
-    )
-    handle_colour_normal: FloatVectorProperty(
-        name="Handle colour normal",
-        description="Base handle color when not selected",
-        subtype='COLOR_GAMMA',
-        default=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
-        size=4,
-        min=0, max=1
-    )
-    handle_colour_hover: FloatVectorProperty(
-        name="Handle colour hover",
-        description="Handle color when mouse hover",
-        subtype='COLOR_GAMMA',
-        default=(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
-        size=4,
-        min=0, max=1
-    )
-    handle_colour_active: FloatVectorProperty(
-        name="Handle colour active",
-        description="Handle colour when moving",
-        subtype='COLOR_GAMMA',
-        default=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
-        size=4,
-        min=0, max=1
-    )
-    matlib_path : StringProperty(
-            name="Folder path",
-            description="absolute path to material library folder",
-            default="",
-            subtype="DIR_PATH"
-            )
-    # Font sizes and basic colour scheme
-    feedback_size_main : IntProperty(
-            name="Main",
-            description="Main title font size (pixels)",
-            min=2,
-            default=16
-            )
-    feedback_size_title : IntProperty(
-            name="Title",
-            description="Tool name font size (pixels)",
-            min=2,
-            default=14
-            )
-    feedback_size_shortcut : IntProperty(
-            name="Shortcut",
-            description="Shortcuts font size (pixels)",
-            min=2,
-            default=11
-            )
-    feedback_shortcut_area : FloatVectorProperty(
-            name="Background Shortcut",
-            description="Shortcut area background color",
-            subtype='COLOR_GAMMA',
-            default=(0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.2),
-            size=4,
-            min=0, max=1
-            )
-    feedback_title_area : FloatVectorProperty(
-            name="Background Main",
-            description="Title area background color",
-            subtype='COLOR_GAMMA',
-            default=(0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.5),
-            size=4,
-            min=0, max=1
-            )
-    feedback_colour_main : FloatVectorProperty(
-            name="Font Main",
-            description="Title color",
-            subtype='COLOR_GAMMA',
-            default=(0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0),
-            size=4,
-            min=0, max=1
-            )
-    feedback_colour_key : FloatVectorProperty(
-            name="Font Shortcut key",
-            description="KEY label color",
-            subtype='COLOR_GAMMA',
-            default=(0.67, 0.67, 0.67, 1.0),
-            size=4,
-            min=0, max=1
-            )
-    feedback_colour_shortcut : FloatVectorProperty(
-            name="Font Shortcut hint",
-            description="Shortcuts text color",
-            subtype='COLOR_GAMMA',
-            default=(0.51, 0.51, 0.51, 1.0),
-            size=4,
-            min=0, max=1
-            )
-    def draw(self, context):
-        layout = self.layout
-        box = layout.box()
-        row = box.row()
-        col = row.column()
-        col.label(text="Setup actions")
-        col.prop(self, "matlib_path", text="Material library")
-        box.label(text="Render presets Thumbnails")
-        box.operator("archipack.render_thumbs", icon='ERROR')
-        box = layout.box()
-        row = box.row()
-        col = row.column()
-        col.label(text="Add menu:")
-        col.prop(self, "create_submenu")
-        box = layout.box()
-        box.label(text="Features")
-        box.prop(self, "max_style_draw_tool")
-        box = layout.box()
-        row = box.row()
-        split = row.split(factor=0.5)
-        col = split.column()
-        col.label(text="Colors:")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(self, "feedback_title_area")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(self, "feedback_shortcut_area")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(self, "feedback_colour_main")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(self, "feedback_colour_key")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(self, "feedback_colour_shortcut")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(self, "handle_colour_normal")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(self, "handle_colour_hover")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(self, "handle_colour_active")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(self, "handle_colour_selected")
-        row = col.row(align=True)
-        row.prop(self, "handle_colour_inactive")
-        col = split.column()
-        col.label(text="Font size:")
-        col.prop(self, "feedback_size_main")
-        col.prop(self, "feedback_size_title")
-        col.prop(self, "feedback_size_shortcut")
-        col.label(text="Manipulators:")
-        col.prop(self, "arrow_size")
-        col.prop(self, "handle_size")
-        col.prop(self, "text_size")
-        col.prop(self, "constant_handle_si

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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