[Bf-extensions-cvs] [cdb0cd2d] master: Rigify: Code cleanup: create_selection_sets()

Demeter Dzadik noreply at git.blender.org
Mon Sep 7 16:22:15 CEST 2020

Commit: cdb0cd2d8eaf1b2a769ec6f8c455adf259ba2288
Author: Demeter Dzadik
Date:   Mon Sep 7 16:16:14 2020 +0200
Branches: master

Rigify: Code cleanup: create_selection_sets()

This function seemed to be doing a lot of unneccessary stuff, including mode switching, so it seemed worthwhile to optimize a bit.

No functional changes.

Reviewed By: sybren

Differential Revision: https://developer.blender.org/D8514


M	rigify/generate.py


diff --git a/rigify/generate.py b/rigify/generate.py
index f7929c7b..c8d02aa8 100644
--- a/rigify/generate.py
+++ b/rigify/generate.py
@@ -520,40 +520,43 @@ def generate_rig(context, metarig):
         raise e
+def create_selection_set_for_rig_layer(
+        rig: bpy.types.Object, 
+        set_name: str, 
+        layer_idx: int
+    ) -> None:
+    """Create a single selection set on a rig.
+    The set will contain all bones on the rig layer with the given index.
+    """
+    selset = rig.selection_sets.add()
+    selset.name = set_name
+    for b in rig.pose.bones:
+        if not b.bone.layers[layer_idx] or b.name in selset.bone_ids:
+            continue
+        bone_id = selset.bone_ids.add()
+        bone_id.name = b.name
 def create_selection_sets(obj, metarig):
+    """Create selection sets if the Selection Sets addon is enabled.
+    Whether a selection set for a rig layer is created is controlled in the
+    Rigify Layer Names panel.
+    """
     # Check if selection sets addon is installed
     if 'bone_selection_groups' not in bpy.context.preferences.addons \
             and 'bone_selection_sets' not in bpy.context.preferences.addons:
-    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='POSE')
-    bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
-    obj.select_set(True)
-    metarig.select_set(False)
-    pbones = obj.pose.bones
+    obj.selection_sets.clear()
     for i, name in enumerate(metarig.data.rigify_layers.keys()):
         if name == '' or not metarig.data.rigify_layers[i].selset:
-        bpy.ops.pose.select_all(action='DESELECT')
-        for b in pbones:
-            if b.bone.layers[i]:
-                b.bone.select = True
-        #bpy.ops.pose.selection_set_add()
-        obj.selection_sets.add()
-        obj.selection_sets[-1].name = name
-        if 'bone_selection_sets' in bpy.context.preferences.addons:
-            act_sel_set = obj.selection_sets[-1]
-            # iterate only the selected bones in current pose that are not hidden
-            for bone in bpy.context.selected_pose_bones:
-                if bone.name not in act_sel_set.bone_ids:
-                    bone_id = act_sel_set.bone_ids.add()
-                    bone_id.name = bone.name
+        create_selection_set_for_rig_layer(obj, name, i)
 def create_bone_groups(obj, metarig, priorities={}):

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