[Bf-extensions-cvs] [1d583740] master: PDT: Add user-requested Tangent Functions (new feature)

Alan Odom noreply at git.blender.org
Sat Mar 28 18:59:42 CET 2020

Commit: 1d5837400d0bc55862b082065b3594996aa5f4d4
Author: Alan Odom
Date:   Thu Feb 13 08:28:29 2020 +0000
Branches: master

PDT: Add user-requested Tangent Functions (new feature)

This Branch is WIP, still in development and not yet suitable for a release.

This process will add the ability to draw tangents from a point to an arc, or circle.
It will also add the ability to draw tangents, both inner and outer, between two arcs.
Arc centres and radii can be manually input into the UI, or set from three vertices that
lie on an imaginary arc. Tangent functions have their own PDT Sub-menu.

This commit only works in Front view, to get the maths right, later commits will expand
this into any view orientation, using existing PDT code.

This commit does not contain DocStrings for the new pdt_tangent.py file, these will
also follow in a later commit.

It is recommended that this commit is not used in a production environment. Once
complete, a new version Branch will be added, at this point the code will reach Alpha
status and be appropriate for extensive user testing.


A	pdt_tangent.py
M	precision_drawing_tools/__init__.py
M	precision_drawing_tools/pdt_menus.py
M	precision_drawing_tools/pdt_msg_strings.py


diff --git a/pdt_tangent.py b/pdt_tangent.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f2a7ab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pdt_tangent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Author: Alan Odom (Clockmender), Rune Morling (ermo) Copyright (c) 2019
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+import bpy
+import bmesh
+from math import sqrt
+from mathutils import Vector
+from bpy.types import Operator
+from .pdt_functions import (
+    oops,
+    arc_centre,
+from .pdt_msg_strings import (
+from . import pdt_exception
+PDT_ObjectModeError = pdt_exception.ObjectModeError
+PDT_NoObjectError = pdt_exception.NoObjectError
+PDT_SelectionError = pdt_exception.SelectionError
+def get_tangent_intersect_outer(xloc_0, yloc_0, xloc_1, yloc_1, radius_0, radius_1):
+    xloc_p = ((xloc_1 * radius_0) - (xloc_0 * radius_1)) / (radius_0 - radius_1)
+    yloc_p = ((yloc_1 * radius_0) - (yloc_0 * radius_1)) / (radius_0 - radius_1)
+    return xloc_p, yloc_p
+def get_tangent_intersect_inner(xloc_0, yloc_0, xloc_1, yloc_1, radius_0, radius_1):
+    xloc_p = ((xloc_1 * radius_0) + (xloc_0 * radius_1)) / (radius_0 + radius_1)
+    yloc_p = ((yloc_1 * radius_0) + (yloc_0 * radius_1)) / (radius_0 + radius_1)
+    return xloc_p, yloc_p
+def get_tangent_points(xloc_0, yloc_0, radius_0, xloc_p, yloc_p):
+    numerator = (radius_0 ** 2 * (xloc_p - xloc_0)) + (
+        radius_0
+        * (yloc_p - yloc_0)
+        * sqrt((xloc_p - xloc_0) ** 2 + (yloc_p - yloc_0) ** 2 - radius_0 ** 2)
+    )
+    denominator = (xloc_p - xloc_0) ** 2 + (yloc_p - yloc_0) ** 2
+    xloc_t1 = round((numerator / denominator) + xloc_0, 5)
+    numerator = (radius_0 ** 2 * (xloc_p - xloc_0)) - (
+        radius_0
+        * (yloc_p - yloc_0)
+        * sqrt((xloc_p - xloc_0) ** 2 + (yloc_p - yloc_0) ** 2 - radius_0 ** 2)
+    )
+    denominator = (xloc_p - xloc_0) ** 2 + (yloc_p - yloc_0) ** 2
+    xloc_t2 = round((numerator / denominator) + xloc_0, 5)
+    # Get Y values
+    numerator = (radius_0 ** 2 * (yloc_p - yloc_0)) - (
+        radius_0
+        * (xloc_p - xloc_0)
+        * sqrt((xloc_p - xloc_0) ** 2 + (yloc_p - yloc_0) ** 2 - radius_0 ** 2)
+    )
+    denominator = (xloc_p - xloc_0) ** 2 + (yloc_p - yloc_0) ** 2
+    yloc_t1 = round((numerator / denominator) + yloc_0, 5)
+    numerator = (radius_0 ** 2 * (yloc_p - yloc_0)) + (
+        radius_0
+        * (xloc_p - xloc_0)
+        * sqrt((xloc_p - xloc_0) ** 2 + (yloc_p - yloc_0) ** 2 - radius_0 ** 2)
+    )
+    denominator = (xloc_p - xloc_0) ** 2 + (yloc_p - yloc_0) ** 2
+    yloc_t2 = round((numerator / denominator) + yloc_0, 5)
+    return xloc_t1, xloc_t2, yloc_t1, yloc_t2
+def draw_tangents(
+    xloc_to1, xloc_to2, yloc_to1, yloc_to2, xloc_to3, xloc_to4, yloc_to3, yloc_to4, bm, obj, obj_loc
+    tangent_vector_o1 = Vector((xloc_to1, 0, yloc_to1))
+    tangent_vertex_o1 = bm.verts.new(tangent_vector_o1 - obj_loc)
+    tangent_vector_o2 = Vector((xloc_to2, 0, yloc_to2))
+    tangent_vertex_o2 = bm.verts.new(tangent_vector_o2 - obj_loc)
+    tangent_vector_o3 = Vector((xloc_to3, 0, yloc_to3))
+    tangent_vertex_o3 = bm.verts.new(tangent_vector_o3 - obj_loc)
+    tangent_vector_o4 = Vector((xloc_to4, 0, yloc_to4))
+    tangent_vertex_o4 = bm.verts.new(tangent_vector_o4 - obj_loc)
+    # Add Edges
+    bm.edges.new([tangent_vertex_o1, tangent_vertex_o3])
+    bm.edges.new([tangent_vertex_o2, tangent_vertex_o4])
+    bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data)
+def analyse_arc(context, pg):
+    obj = context.view_layer.objects.active
+    if obj is None:
+        pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ
+        context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR")
+        raise PDT_ObjectModeError
+    if obj.mode == "EDIT":
+        obj_loc = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0]
+        bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
+        verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]
+        if len(verts) != 3:
+            pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTS} {len(verts)})"
+            context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR")
+            raise PDT_SelectionError
+        vector_a = verts[0].co
+        vector_b = verts[1].co
+        vector_c = verts[2].co
+        vector_delta, radius = arc_centre(vector_a, vector_b, vector_c)
+        return vector_delta, radius
+class PDT_OT_TangentOperate(Operator):
+    """Calculate Tangents."""
+    bl_idname = "pdt.tangentoperate"
+    bl_label = "Calculate Tangents"
+    bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
+    bl_description = "Calculate Tangents to Arcs from Points or Other Arcs"
+    @classmethod
+    def poll(cls, context):
+        ob = context.object
+        if ob is None:
+            return False
+        return all([bool(ob), ob.type == "MESH", ob.mode == "EDIT"])
+    def execute(self, context):
+        scene = context.scene
+        pg = scene.pdt_pg
+        centre_0 = pg.tangent_point0
+        radius_0 = pg.tangent_radius0
+        centre_1 = pg.tangent_point1
+        radius_1 = pg.tangent_radius1
+        centre_2 = pg.tangent_point2
+        distance = (centre_0 - centre_1).length
+        if distance > radius_0 + radius_1:
+            mode = "inner"
+        elif distance > radius_0 and distance > radius_1:
+            mode = "outer"
+        else:
+            # Cannot execute, centres are too close.
+            print("Execution Error")
+            return {"FINISHED"}
+        # Get Object
+        obj = context.view_layer.objects.active
+        if obj is not None:
+            if obj.mode not in {"EDIT"} or obj.type != "MESH":
+                pg.error = PDT_OBJ_MODE_ERROR
+                context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR")
+                raise PDT_ObjectModeError
+        else:
+            pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ
+            context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR")
+            raise PDT_NoObjectError
+        bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
+        obj_loc = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0]
+        if pg.tangent_from_point:
+            # FIXME Get Proper Axes Values
+            xloc_to1, xloc_to2, yloc_to1, yloc_to2 = get_tangent_points(
+                centre_0.x, centre_0.z, radius_0, centre_2.x, centre_2.z
+            )
+            # Point Tangents
+            point_vector_outer = Vector((centre_2.x, 0, centre_2.z))
+            point_vertex_outer = bm.verts.new(point_vector_outer - obj_loc)
+            tangent_vector_o1 = Vector((xloc_to1, 0, yloc_to1))
+            tangent_vertex_o1 = bm.verts.new(tangent_vector_o1 - obj_loc)
+            tangent_vector_o2 = Vector((xloc_to2, 0, yloc_to2))
+            tangent_vertex_o2 = bm.verts.new(tangent_vector_o2 - obj_loc)
+            bm.edges.new([tangent_vertex_o1, point_vertex_outer])
+            bm.edges.new([tangent_vertex_o2, point_vertex_outer])
+            bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data)
+            return {"FINISHED"}
+        if mode in {"outer", "inner"}:
+            # FIXME Get Proper Axes Values
+            xloc_po, yloc_po = get_tangent_intersect_outer(
+                centre_0.x, centre_0.z, centre_1.x, centre_1.z, radius_0, radius_1
+            )
+            # Outer Tangents
+            xloc_to1, xloc_to2, yloc_to1, yloc_to2 = get_tangent_points(
+                centre_0.x, centre_0.z, radius_0, xloc_po, yloc_po
+            )
+            xloc_to3, xloc_to4, yloc_to3, yloc_to4 = get_tangent_points(
+                centre_1.x, centre_1.z, radius_1, xloc_po, yloc_po
+            )
+            # Add Outer Tangent Vertices
+            draw_tangents(
+                xloc_to1,
+                xloc_to2,
+                yloc_to1,
+                yloc_to2,
+                xloc_to3,
+                xloc_to4,
+                yloc_to3,
+                yloc_to4,
+                bm,
+                obj,
+                obj_loc,
+            )
+        if mode == "inner":
+            # FIXME Get Proper Axes Values
+            xloc_pi, yloc_pi = get_tangent_intersect_inner(
+                centre_0.x, centre_0.z, centre_1.x, centre_1.z, radius_0, radius_1
+            )
+            # Inner Tangents
+            xloc_to1, xloc_to2, yloc_to1, yloc_to2 = get_tangent_points(
+                centre_0.x, centre_0.z, radius_0, xloc_pi, yloc_pi
+            )
+            xloc_to3, xloc_to4, yloc_to3, yloc_to4 = get_tangent_points(
+                centre_1.x, centre_1.z, radius_1, xloc_pi, yloc_pi
+            )
+            # Add Inner Tangent Vertices
+            draw_tangents(
+                xloc_to1,
+                xloc_to2,
+                yloc_to1,
+                yloc_to2,
+                xloc_to3,
+                xloc_to4,
+                yloc_to3,
+                yloc_to4,
+                bm,
+                obj,
+                obj_loc,
+            )
+        return {"FINISHED"}
+class PDT_OT_TangentSet1(Operator):
+    """Calculates Centres & Radii from 3 Vectors."""
+    bl_idname = "pdt.tangentset1"
+    bl_label = "Calculate Centres & Radii"
+    bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
+    bl_description = "Calculate Centres & Radii from Selected Vertices"
+    @classmethod
+    def poll(cls, context):
+        ob = context.object
+        if ob 

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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