[Bf-extensions-cvs] [711829f2] blender-v2.82-release: power_sequencer: use unix line endings

Campbell Barton noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Jan 29 03:48:04 CET 2020

Commit: 711829f2cd8b247bf0e17380684e3718dc202e65
Author: Campbell Barton
Date:   Wed Jan 29 13:45:57 2020 +1100
Branches: blender-v2.82-release

power_sequencer: use unix line endings


M	power_sequencer/operators/swap_strips.py


diff --git a/power_sequencer/operators/swap_strips.py b/power_sequencer/operators/swap_strips.py
index 945f99ff..3eeb07c1 100644
--- a/power_sequencer/operators/swap_strips.py
+++ b/power_sequencer/operators/swap_strips.py
@@ -14,234 +14,234 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Power Sequencer. If
 # not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import bpy
-from operator import attrgetter
-from .utils.doc import doc_name, doc_idname, doc_brief, doc_description
-class POWER_SEQUENCER_OT_swap_strips(bpy.types.Operator):
-    """
-    *brief* Swaps the 2 strips between them
-    Places the first strip in the channel and starting frame (frame_final_start) of the second
-    strip, and places the second strip in the channel and starting frame (frame_final_end) of
-    the first strip.  If there is no space for the swap, it does nothing.
-    """
-    doc = {
-        "name": doc_name(__qualname__),
-        "demo": "",
-        "description": doc_description(__doc__),
-        "shortcuts": [],
-        "keymap": "Sequencer",
-    }
-    bl_idname = doc_idname(__qualname__)
-    bl_label = doc["name"]
-    bl_description = doc_brief(doc["description"])
-    bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
-    direction: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
-        name="Direction",
-        description="The direction to find the closest strip",
-        items=[
-            ("up", "Up", "The direction up from the selected strip"),
-            ("down", "Down", "The direction down from the selected strip"),
-        ],
-        default="up",
-    )
-    @classmethod
-    def poll(cls, context):
+import bpy
+from operator import attrgetter
+from .utils.doc import doc_name, doc_idname, doc_brief, doc_description
+class POWER_SEQUENCER_OT_swap_strips(bpy.types.Operator):
+    """
+    *brief* Swaps the 2 strips between them
+    Places the first strip in the channel and starting frame (frame_final_start) of the second
+    strip, and places the second strip in the channel and starting frame (frame_final_end) of
+    the first strip.  If there is no space for the swap, it does nothing.
+    """
+    doc = {
+        "name": doc_name(__qualname__),
+        "demo": "",
+        "description": doc_description(__doc__),
+        "shortcuts": [],
+        "keymap": "Sequencer",
+    }
+    bl_idname = doc_idname(__qualname__)
+    bl_label = doc["name"]
+    bl_description = doc_brief(doc["description"])
+    bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
+    direction: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
+        name="Direction",
+        description="The direction to find the closest strip",
+        items=[
+            ("up", "Up", "The direction up from the selected strip"),
+            ("down", "Down", "The direction down from the selected strip"),
+        ],
+        default="up",
+    )
+    @classmethod
+    def poll(cls, context):
         return context.selected_sequences
-    def execute(self, context):
-        strip_1 = context.selected_sequences[0]
-        if len(context.selected_sequences) == 1:
-            strip_2 = self.find_closest_strip_vertical(context, strip_1, self.direction)
-        else:
-            strip_2 = context.selected_sequences[1]
-        if not strip_2 or strip_1.lock or strip_2.lock:
-            return {"CANCELLED"}
-        # Swap a strip and one of its effects
-        if hasattr(strip_1, "input_1") or hasattr(strip_2, "input_1"):
-            if not self.are_linked(strip_1, strip_2):
-                return {"CANCELLED"}
-            self.swap_with_effect(strip_1, strip_2)
-            return {"FINISHED"}
-        s1_start, s1_channel = strip_1.frame_final_start, strip_1.channel
-        s2_start, s2_channel = strip_2.frame_final_start, strip_2.channel
-        self.move_to_end(strip_1, context)
-        self.move_to_end(strip_2, context)
-        s1_start_2 = strip_1.frame_final_start
-        s2_start_2 = strip_2.frame_final_start
-        group_1 = {
-            s: s.channel
-            for s in context.sequences
-            if s.frame_final_start == s1_start_2 and s != strip_1
-        }
-        group_2 = {
-            s: s.channel
-            for s in context.sequences
-            if s.frame_final_start == s2_start_2 and s != strip_2
-        }
-        strip_2.select = False
-        bpy.ops.transform.seq_slide(
-            value=(s2_start - strip_1.frame_final_start, s2_channel - strip_1.channel)
-        )
-        bpy.ops.sequencer.select_all(action="DESELECT")
-        strip_2.select = True
-        bpy.ops.transform.seq_slide(
-            value=(s1_start - strip_2.frame_final_start, s1_channel - strip_2.channel)
-        )
-        if not self.fits(
-            strip_1, group_1, s2_start, s1_channel, s2_channel, context
-        ) or not self.fits(strip_2, group_2, s1_start, s2_channel, s1_channel, context):
-            self.reconstruct(strip_1, s1_channel, group_1, context)
-            self.reconstruct(strip_2, s2_channel, group_2, context)
-            bpy.ops.sequencer.select_all(action="DESELECT")
-            strip_1.select = True
-            bpy.ops.transform.seq_slide(
-                value=(s1_start - strip_1.frame_final_start, s1_channel - strip_1.channel)
-            )
-            bpy.ops.sequencer.select_all(action="DESELECT")
-            strip_2.select = True
-            bpy.ops.transform.seq_slide(
-                value=(s2_start - strip_2.frame_final_start, s2_channel - strip_2.channel)
-            )
-            bpy.ops.sequencer.select_all(action="DESELECT")
-            strip_1.select = True
-            strip_2.select = True
-            return {"CANCELLED"}
-        bpy.ops.sequencer.select_all(action="DESELECT")
-        strip_1.select = True
-        strip_2.select = True
-        return {"FINISHED"}
-    def move_to_frame(self, strip, frame, context):
-        """
-        Moves a strip based on its frame_final_start without changing its
-        duration.
-        Args:
-        - strip: The strip to be moved.
-        - frame: The frame, the frame_final_start of the strip will be placed
-                 at.
-        """
-        selected_strips = context.selected_sequences
-        bpy.ops.sequencer.select_all(action="DESELECT")
-        strip.select = True
-        bpy.ops.transform.seq_slide(value=(frame - strip.frame_final_start, 0))
-        bpy.ops.sequencer.select_all(action="DESELECT")
-        for s in selected_strips:
-            s.select = True
-    def move_to_end(self, strip, context):
-        """
-        Moves a strip to an empty slot at the end of the sequencer, different
-        than its initial slot.
-        Args:
-        - strip: The strip to move.
-        """
-        end_frame = max(context.sequences, key=attrgetter("frame_final_end")).frame_final_end
-        self.move_to_frame(strip, end_frame, context)
-    def fits(self, strip, group, frame, init_channel, target_channel, context):
-        """
-        Checks if a swap has been successful or not.
-        Args:
-        - strip: The core strip of the swap.
-        - group: The effect strips of the core strip.
-        - frame: The starting frame of the target location.
-        - init_channel: The initial channel of the strip, before the swap took
-                        place.
-        - target_channel: The channel of the target location.
-        Returns: True if the swap was successful, otherwise False.
-        """
-        if strip.frame_final_start != frame or strip.channel != target_channel:
-            return False
-        offset = strip.channel - init_channel
-        for s in group.keys():
-            if s.channel != group[s] + offset:
-                return False
-        return context.selected_sequences
-    def reconstruct(self, strip, init_channel, group, context):
-        """
-        Reconstructs a failed swap, based on a core strip. After its done, the
-        core strip is placed at the end of the sequencer, in an empty slot.
-        Args:
-        - strip: The core strip of the swap.
-        - init_channel: The initial channel of the core strip.
-        - group: A dictionary with the effect strips of the core strip, and
-                 their target channels.
-        """
-        self.move_to_end(strip, context)
-        bpy.ops.sequencer.select_all(action="DESELECT")
-        strip.select = True
-        bpy.ops.transform.seq_slide(value=(0, init_channel - strip.channel))
-        for s in group.keys():
-            channel = group[s]
-            for u in group.keys():
-                if u.channel == channel and u != s:
-                    u.channel += 1
-            s.channel = channel
-    def find_closest_strip_vertical(self, context, strip, direction):
-        """
-        Finds the closest strip to a given strip in a specific direction.
-        Args:
-        - strip: The base strip.
-        Returns: The closest strip to the given strip, in the proper direction.
-                 If no strip is found, returns None.
-        """
-        strips_in_range = (
-            s
-            for s in context.sequences
-            if strip.frame_final_start <= s.frame_final_start
-            and s.frame_final_end <= strip.frame_final_end
-        )
-        if direction == "up":
-            strips_above = [s for s in strips_in_range if s.channel > strip.channel]
-            if not strips_above:
-                return
-            return min(strips_above, key=attrgetter("channel"))
-        elif direction == "down":
-            strips_below = [s for s in strips_in_range if s.channel < strip.channel]
-            if not strips_below:
-                return
-            return max(strips_below, key=attrgetter("channel"))
-        def are_linked(self, strip_1, strip_2):
-            return (
-                strip_1.frame_final_start == strip_2.frame_final_start
-                and strip_1.frame_final_end == strip_2.frame_final_end
-            )
-        def swap_with_effect(self, strip_1, strip_2):
-            effect_strip = strip_1 if hasattr(strip_1, "input_1") else strip_2
-            other_strip = strip_1 if effect_strip != strip_1 else strip_2

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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