[Bf-extensions-cvs] [6d119656] master: glTF: remove no more needed file

Julien Duroure noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Feb 21 22:18:12 CET 2020

Commit: 6d119656014a3b9db0bf4a04385928f0d2fd35c5
Author: Julien Duroure
Date:   Fri Feb 21 22:17:42 2020 +0100
Branches: master

glTF: remove no more needed file


D	io_scene_gltf2/blender/imp/gltf2_blender_material_utils.py


diff --git a/io_scene_gltf2/blender/imp/gltf2_blender_material_utils.py b/io_scene_gltf2/blender/imp/gltf2_blender_material_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d2664ef..00000000
--- a/io_scene_gltf2/blender/imp/gltf2_blender_material_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2018-2019 The glTF-Blender-IO authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import bpy
-from .gltf2_blender_image import BlenderImage
-from ..com.gltf2_blender_conversion import texture_transform_gltf_to_blender
-from io_scene_gltf2.io.com.gltf2_io import Sampler
-from io_scene_gltf2.io.com.gltf2_io_debug import print_console
-from io_scene_gltf2.io.com.gltf2_io_constants import TextureFilter, TextureWrap
-def make_texture_block(gltf, node_tree, tex_info, location, label, name=None, colorspace=None):
-    """Creates a block of Shader Nodes for the given TextureInfo.
-    Will look like this:
-        [UV Map] -> [Mapping] -> [Image Texture]
-    The [Image Texture] node is placed at the given location.
-    The [Image Texture] node is given the given label.
-    The [Image Texture] node is returned.
-    """
-    # Image Texture (samples image)
-    tex_img = node_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexImage')
-    if name:
-        tex_img.name = name + '.tex_img'
-    tex_img.location = location
-    tex_img.label = label
-    pytexture = gltf.data.textures[tex_info.index]
-    if pytexture.source is not None:
-        BlenderImage.create(gltf, pytexture.source)
-        pyimg = gltf.data.images[pytexture.source]
-        blender_image_name = pyimg.blender_image_name
-        if blender_image_name:
-            tex_img.image = bpy.data.images[blender_image_name]
-    if colorspace == 'NONE':
-        if tex_img.image:
-            tex_img.image.colorspace_settings.is_data = True
-    if pytexture.sampler is not None:
-        pysampler = gltf.data.samplers[pytexture.sampler]
-    else:
-        pysampler = Sampler.from_dict({})
-    set_filtering(tex_img, pysampler)
-    set_wrap_mode(tex_img, pysampler)
-    # Mapping (transforms UVs for KHR_texture_transform)
-    mapping = node_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMapping')
-    if name:
-        mapping.name = name + '.mapping'
-    mapping.location = location[0] - 500, location[1]
-    mapping.vector_type = 'POINT'
-    if tex_info.extensions and 'KHR_texture_transform' in tex_info.extensions:
-        transform = tex_info.extensions['KHR_texture_transform']
-        transform = texture_transform_gltf_to_blender(transform)
-        mapping.inputs['Location'].default_value[0] = transform['offset'][0]
-        mapping.inputs['Location'].default_value[1] = transform['offset'][1]
-        mapping.inputs['Rotation'].default_value[2] = transform['rotation']
-        mapping.inputs['Scale'].default_value[0] = transform['scale'][0]
-        mapping.inputs['Scale'].default_value[1] = transform['scale'][1]
-    # UV Map (retrieves UV)
-    uv_map = node_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeUVMap')
-    if name:
-        uv_map.name = name + '.uv_map'
-    uv_map.location = location[0] - 1000, location[1]
-    texcoord_idx = tex_info.tex_coord or 0
-    if tex_info.extensions and 'KHR_texture_transform' in tex_info.extensions:
-        if 'texCoord' in tex_info.extensions['KHR_texture_transform']:
-            texcoord_idx = tex_info.extensions['KHR_texture_transform']['texCoord']
-    uv_map.uv_map = 'UVMap' if texcoord_idx == 0 else 'UVMap.%03d' % texcoord_idx
-    # Links
-    node_tree.links.new(mapping.inputs[0], uv_map.outputs[0])
-    node_tree.links.new(tex_img.inputs[0], mapping.outputs[0])
-    return tex_img
-def set_filtering(tex_img, pysampler):
-    """Set the filtering/interpolation on an Image Texture from the glTf sampler."""
-    minf = pysampler.min_filter
-    magf = pysampler.mag_filter
-    # Ignore mipmapping
-    if minf in [TextureFilter.NearestMipmapNearest, TextureFilter.NearestMipmapLinear]:
-        minf = TextureFilter.Nearest
-    elif minf in [TextureFilter.LinearMipmapNearest, TextureFilter.LinearMipmapLinear]:
-        minf = TextureFilter.Linear
-    # If both are nearest or the only specified one was nearest, use nearest.
-    if (minf, magf) in [
-        (TextureFilter.Nearest, TextureFilter.Nearest),
-        (TextureFilter.Nearest, None),
-        (None, TextureFilter.Nearest),
-    ]:
-        tex_img.interpolation = 'Closest'
-    else:
-        tex_img.interpolation = 'Linear'
-def set_wrap_mode(tex_img, pysampler):
-    """Set the extension on an Image Texture node from the pysampler."""
-    wrap_s = pysampler.wrap_s
-    wrap_t = pysampler.wrap_t
-    if wrap_s is None:
-        wrap_s = TextureWrap.Repeat
-    if wrap_t is None:
-        wrap_t = TextureWrap.Repeat
-    # The extension property on the Image Texture node can only handle the case
-    # where both directions are the same and are either REPEAT or CLAMP_TO_EDGE.
-    if (wrap_s, wrap_t) == (TextureWrap.Repeat, TextureWrap.Repeat):
-        extension = TextureWrap.Repeat
-    elif (wrap_s, wrap_t) == (TextureWrap.ClampToEdge, TextureWrap.ClampToEdge):
-        extension = TextureWrap.ClampToEdge
-    else:
-        print_console('WARNING',
-            'texture wrap mode unsupported: (%s, %s)' % (wrap_name(wrap_s), wrap_name(wrap_t)),
-        )
-        # Default to repeat
-        extension = TextureWrap.Repeat
-    if extension == TextureWrap.Repeat:
-        tex_img.extension = 'REPEAT'
-    elif extension == TextureWrap.ClampToEdge:
-        tex_img.extension = 'EXTEND'
-def wrap_name(wrap):
-    if wrap == TextureWrap.ClampToEdge: return 'CLAMP_TO_EDGE'
-    if wrap == TextureWrap.MirroredRepeat: return 'MIRRORED_REPEAT'
-    if wrap == TextureWrap.Repeat: return 'REPEAT'
-    return 'UNKNOWN (%s)' % wrap

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