[Bf-extensions-cvs] [c4b7c508] master: Added 12 point head

Aaron Keith noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Apr 22 23:11:15 CEST 2020

Commit: c4b7c508b92554bfcc30f65dd33516926be7aff2
Author: Aaron Keith
Date:   Thu Apr 23 09:10:48 2020 +1200
Branches: master

Added 12 point head


M	add_mesh_BoltFactory/Boltfactory.py
M	add_mesh_BoltFactory/createMesh.py
M	presets/operator/mesh.bolt_add/default.py
M	presets/operator/mesh.bolt_add/m10.py
M	presets/operator/mesh.bolt_add/m12.py
M	presets/operator/mesh.bolt_add/m3.py
M	presets/operator/mesh.bolt_add/m4.py
M	presets/operator/mesh.bolt_add/m5.py
M	presets/operator/mesh.bolt_add/m6.py
M	presets/operator/mesh.bolt_add/m8.py


diff --git a/add_mesh_BoltFactory/Boltfactory.py b/add_mesh_BoltFactory/Boltfactory.py
index 4ade3da0..acfe5886 100644
--- a/add_mesh_BoltFactory/Boltfactory.py
+++ b/add_mesh_BoltFactory/Boltfactory.py
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ class add_mesh_bolt(Operator, AddObjectHelper):
     # Head Types
     Model_Type_List = [('bf_Head_Hex', 'HEX', 'Hex Head'),
+                       ('bf_Head_12Pnt', '12 POINT', '12 Point Head'),
                         ('bf_Head_Cap', 'CAP', 'Cap Head'),
                         ('bf_Head_Dome', 'DOME', 'Dome Head'),
                         ('bf_Head_Pan', 'PAN', 'Pan Head'),
@@ -83,7 +84,8 @@ class add_mesh_bolt(Operator, AddObjectHelper):
     # Nut Types
     Nut_Type_List = [('bf_Nut_Hex', 'HEX', 'Hex Nut'),
-                    ('bf_Nut_Lock', 'LOCK', 'Lock Nut')]
+                    ('bf_Nut_Lock', 'LOCK', 'Lock Nut'),
+                    ('bf_Nut_12Pnt', '12 POINT', '12 Point Nut')]
     bf_Nut_Type: EnumProperty(
             name='Nut Type',
@@ -169,6 +171,29 @@ class add_mesh_bolt(Operator, AddObjectHelper):
             description='Flat Distance of the Hex Head',
+    bf_12_Point_Head_Height: FloatProperty(
+            attr='bf_12_Point_Head_Height',
+            name='Head Height', default=3.0,
+            min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER,
+            description='Height of the 12 Point Head',
+            unit='LENGTH',
+            )
+    bf_12_Point_Head_Flat_Distance: FloatProperty(
+            attr='bf_12_Point_Head_Flat_Distance',
+            name='Flat Dist', default=3.0,
+            min=0.001, soft_min=0,    #limit to 0.001 to avoid calculation error
+            max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER,
+            description='Flat Distance of the 12 Point Head',
+            unit='LENGTH',
+            )
+    bf_12_Point_Head_Flange_Dia: FloatProperty(
+            attr='bf_12_Point_Head_Flange_Dia',
+            name='12 Point Head Flange Dia', default=5.5,
+            min=0, soft_min=0,
+            max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER,
+            description='Flange diameter of the 12 point Head',
+            unit='LENGTH',
+            )
     bf_CounterSink_Head_Dia: FloatProperty(
             name='Head Dia', default=6.300000190734863,
@@ -290,7 +315,31 @@ class add_mesh_bolt(Operator, AddObjectHelper):
             description='Flat distance of the Hex Nut',
+    bf_12_Point_Nut_Height: FloatProperty(
+            attr='bf_12_Point_Nut_Height',
+            name='12 Point Nut Height', default=2.4000000953674316,
+            min=0, soft_min=0,
+            max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER,
+            description='Height of the 12 Point Nut',
+            unit='LENGTH',
+            )
+    bf_12_Point_Nut_Flat_Distance: FloatProperty(
+            attr='bf_12_Point_Nut_Flat_Distance',
+            name='12 Point Nut Flat Dist', default=3.0,
+            min=0.001, soft_min=0,    #limit to 0.001 to avoid calculation error
+            max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER,
+            description='Flat distance of the 12 point Nut',
+            unit='LENGTH',
+            )
+    bf_12_Point_Nut_Flange_Dia: FloatProperty(
+            attr='bf_12_Point_Nut_Flange_Dia',
+            name='12 Point Nut Flange Dia', default=5.5,
+            min=0, soft_min=0,
+            max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER,
+            description='Flange diameter of the 12 point Nut',
+            unit='LENGTH',
+            )
     def draw(self, context):
         layout = self.layout
         col = layout.column()
@@ -307,6 +356,9 @@ class add_mesh_bolt(Operator, AddObjectHelper):
             elif self.bf_Bit_Type == 'bf_Bit_Allen':
                 col.prop(self, 'bf_Allen_Bit_Depth')
                 col.prop(self, 'bf_Allen_Bit_Flat_Distance')
+            elif self.bf_Bit_Type == 'bf_Bit_Torx':
+                col.prop(self, 'bf_Torx_Bit_Depth')
+                col.prop(self, 'bf_Torx_Size_Type')
             elif self.bf_Bit_Type == 'bf_Bit_Philips':
                 col.prop(self, 'bf_Phillips_Bit_Depth')
                 col.prop(self, 'bf_Philips_Bit_Dia')
@@ -317,6 +369,10 @@ class add_mesh_bolt(Operator, AddObjectHelper):
             if self.bf_Head_Type == 'bf_Head_Hex':
                 col.prop(self, 'bf_Hex_Head_Height')
                 col.prop(self, 'bf_Hex_Head_Flat_Distance')
+            elif self.bf_Head_Type == 'bf_Head_12Pnt':
+                col.prop(self, 'bf_12_Point_Head_Height')
+                col.prop(self, 'bf_12_Point_Head_Flat_Distance')
+                col.prop(self, 'bf_12_Point_Head_Flange_Dia')
             elif self.bf_Head_Type == 'bf_Head_Cap':
                 col.prop(self, 'bf_Cap_Head_Height')
                 col.prop(self, 'bf_Cap_Head_Dia')
@@ -336,8 +392,16 @@ class add_mesh_bolt(Operator, AddObjectHelper):
         # Nut
         if self.bf_Model_Type == 'bf_Model_Nut':
             col.prop(self, 'bf_Nut_Type')
-            col.prop(self, 'bf_Hex_Nut_Height')
-            col.prop(self, 'bf_Hex_Nut_Flat_Distance')
+            if self.bf_Nut_Type == "bf_Nut_12Pnt":
+                col.prop(self, 'bf_12_Point_Nut_Height')
+                col.prop(self, 'bf_12_Point_Nut_Flat_Distance')
+                col.prop(self, 'bf_12_Point_Nut_Flange_Dia')
+            else:
+                col.prop(self, 'bf_Hex_Nut_Height')
+                col.prop(self, 'bf_Hex_Nut_Flat_Distance')
         # Thread
         if self.bf_Model_Type == 'bf_Model_Bolt':
diff --git a/add_mesh_BoltFactory/createMesh.py b/add_mesh_BoltFactory/createMesh.py
index c9e5c665..96284012 100644
--- a/add_mesh_BoltFactory/createMesh.py
+++ b/add_mesh_BoltFactory/createMesh.py
@@ -20,10 +20,11 @@ import bpy
 from mathutils import (
+        geometry,
 from math import (
         sin, cos,
-        tan, radians,
+        tan, radians,atan,degrees
 from random import triangular
 from bpy_extras.object_utils import AddObjectHelper, object_data_add
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ def unpack_face_list(list_of_tuples):
 Remove Doubles takes a list on Verts and a list of Faces and
 removes the doubles, much like Blender does in edit mode.
-It doesn’t have the range function  but it will round the corrdinates
+It doesn't have the range function  but it will round the corrdinates
 and remove verts that are very close together.  The function
 is useful because you can perform a "Remove Doubles" with out
 having to enter Edit Mode. Having to enter edit mode has the
@@ -1072,6 +1073,280 @@ def Create_Hex_Head(FLAT, HOLE_DIA, SHANK_DIA, HEIGHT):
     return Spin_Verts, Spin_Faces, 0 - (-HEIGHT)
+    FLANGE_HEIGHT = (1.89/8.0)*HEIGHT
+    FLAT_HEIGHT = (4.18/8.0)*HEIGHT
+#     FLANGE_DIA = (13.27/8.0)*FLAT
+#     HOLE_DIA = 0.0
+    verts = []
+    faces = []
+    Half_Flat = FLAT / 2
+    TopBevelRadius = Half_Flat - (Half_Flat * (0.05 / 8))
+#     Undercut_Height = (Half_Flat * (0.05 / 8))
+#     Shank_Bevel = (Half_Flat * (0.05 / 8))
+#     Flat_Height = HEIGHT - Undercut_Height - Shank_Bevel
+    # Undercut_Height = 5
+    Row = 0
+    verts.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+#     print("HOLE_RADIUS" + str(HOLE_RADIUS))  
+#     print("TopBevelRadius" + str(TopBevelRadius))
+    FaceStart = len(verts)
+    # inner hole
+    x = sin(radians(0)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    y = cos(radians(0)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    x = sin(radians(5)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    y = cos(radians(5)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    x = sin(radians(10)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    y = cos(radians(10)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    x = sin(radians(15)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    y = cos(radians(15)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    x = sin(radians(20)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    y = cos(radians(20)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    x = sin(radians(25)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    y = cos(radians(25)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    x = sin(radians(30)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    y = cos(radians(30)) * HOLE_RADIUS
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    Row += 1
+    # bevel
+    x = sin(radians(0)) * TopBevelRadius
+    y = cos(radians(0)) * TopBevelRadius
+    vec1 = Vector([x, y, 0.0])
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    x = sin(radians(5)) * TopBevelRadius
+    y = cos(radians(5)) * TopBevelRadius
+    vec2 = Vector([x, y, 0.0])
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    x = sin(radians(10)) * TopBevelRadius
+    y = cos(radians(10)) * TopBevelRadius
+    vec3 = Vector([x, y, 0.0])
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    x = sin(radians(15)) * TopBevelRadius
+    y = cos(radians(15)) * TopBevelRadius
+    vec4 = Vector([x, y, 0.0])
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    x = sin(radians(20)) * TopBevelRadius
+    y = cos(radians(20)) * TopBevelRadius
+    vec5 = Vector([x, y, 0.0])
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    x = sin(radians(25)) * TopBevelRadius
+    y = cos(radians(25)) * TopBevelRadius
+    vec6 = Vector([x, y, 0.0])
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    x = sin(radians(30)) * TopBevelRadius
+    y = cos(radians(30)) * TopBevelRadius
+    vec7 = Vector([x, y, 0.0])
+    verts.append([x, y, 0.0])
+    Row += 1
+    #45Deg bevel on the top
+    #First we work out how far up the Y axis the vert is
+    v_origin = Vector([0.0,0.0,0.0]) # center of the model
+    v_15Deg_Point = Vector([tan(radians(15)) * Half_Flat,Half_Flat,0.0])  #Is a know point to work back from 
+    x = tan(radians(0)) * Half_Flat
+    Point_Distance =(tan(radians(30)) * v_15Deg_Point.x)+Half_Flat
+    dvec = vec1 - Vector([x, Point_Distance, 0.0])
+    verts.append([x, Point_Distance, -dvec.length])
+    v_0_Deg_Top_Point = Vector([x, Point_Distance, -dvec.length])
+    v_0_Deg_Point = Vector([x, Point_Distance,0.0])

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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