[Bf-extensions-cvs] [58b07185] master: render_shots: remove?: unsupported T63750

meta-androcto noreply at git.blender.org
Sun Sep 15 05:27:18 CEST 2019

Commit: 58b071854eb85d7b09abac081d69c3e32ec25c8a
Author: meta-androcto
Date:   Sun Sep 15 13:27:01 2019 +1000
Branches: master

render_shots: remove?: unsupported T63750


D	render_shots.py


diff --git a/render_shots.py b/render_shots.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f9e8f71d..00000000
--- a/render_shots.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
-bl_info = {
-    "name": "Render Shots",
-    "author": "Aaron Symons",
-    "version": (0, 3, 2),
-    "blender": (2, 76, 0),
-    "location": "Properties > Render > Render Shots",
-    "description": "Render an image or animation from different camera views",
-    "warning": "",
-    "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php?title=Extensions:2.6/Py"\
-                "/Scripts/Render/Render_Shots",
-    "tracker_url": "https://developer.blender.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/2/",
-    "category": "Render"}
-import bpy
-from bpy.props import BoolProperty, IntProperty, StringProperty
-from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
-import os, shutil
-# Update Functions
-def shape_nav(self, context):
-    nav = self.rs_shotshape_nav
-    if self.rs_shotshape_shape != "":
-        shapeVerts = bpy.data.objects[self.rs_shotshape_shape].data.vertices
-        max = len(shapeVerts)-1
-        min = max - (max+max)
-        if nav > max or nav < min:
-            nav = 0
-        v = shapeVerts[nav].co
-        self.location = (v[0], v[1], v[2])
-    return None
-def is_new_object(ob):
-    try:
-        isNew = ob["rs_shotshape_use_frames"]
-    except:
-        isNew = None
-    return True if isNew is None else False
-def update_shot_list(scn):
-    scn.rs_is_updating = True
-    if hasattr(scn, 'rs_create_folders'):
-        scn.rs_create_folders = False
-    for ob in bpy.data.objects:
-        if ob.type == 'CAMERA':
-            if is_new_object(ob):
-                ob["rs_shot_include"] = True
-                ob["rs_shot_start"] = scn.frame_start
-                ob["rs_shot_end"] = scn.frame_end
-                ob["rs_shot_output"] = ""
-                ob["rs_toggle_panel"] = True
-                ob["rs_settings_use"] = False
-                ob["rs_resolution_x"] = scn.render.resolution_x
-                ob["rs_resolution_y"] = scn.render.resolution_y
-                ob["rs_cycles_samples"] = 10
-                ob["rs_shotshape_use"] = False
-                ob["rs_shotshape_shape"] = ""
-                ob["rs_shotshape_nav"] = 0
-                ob["rs_shotshape_nav_start"] = False
-                ob["rs_shotshape_offset"] = 1
-                ob["rs_shotshape_use_frames"] = False
-            else:
-                ob["rs_shot_include"]
-                ob["rs_shot_start"]
-                ob["rs_shot_end"]
-                ob["rs_shot_output"]
-                ob["rs_toggle_panel"]
-                ob["rs_settings_use"]
-                ob["rs_resolution_x"]
-                ob["rs_resolution_y"]
-                ob["rs_cycles_samples"]
-                ob["rs_shotshape_use"]
-                ob["rs_shotshape_shape"]
-                ob["rs_shotshape_nav"]
-                ob["rs_shotshape_nav_start"]
-                ob["rs_shotshape_offset"]
-                ob["rs_shotshape_use_frames"]
-    scn.rs_is_updating = False
-# Initialisation
-def init_props():
-    object = bpy.types.Object
-    scene = bpy.types.Scene
-    # Camera properties
-    object.rs_shot_include = BoolProperty(name="",
-        description="Include this shot during render", default=True)
-    object.rs_shot_start = IntProperty(name="Start",
-        description="First frame in this shot",
-        default=0, min=0, max=300000)
-    object.rs_shot_end = IntProperty(name="End",
-        description="Last frame in this shot",
-        default=0, min=0, max=300000)
-    object.rs_shot_output = StringProperty(name="",
-        description="Directory/name to save to", subtype='DIR_PATH')
-    object.rs_toggle_panel = BoolProperty(name="",
-        description="Show/hide options for this shot", default=True)
-    # Render settings
-    object.rs_settings_use = BoolProperty(name = "", default=False,
-        description = "Use specific render settings for this shot")
-    object.rs_resolution_x = IntProperty(name="X",
-        description="Number of horizontal pixels in the rendered image",
-        default=2000, min=4, max=10000)
-    object.rs_resolution_y = IntProperty(name="Y",
-        description = "Number of vertical pixels in the rendered image",
-        default=2000, min=4, max=10000)
-    object.rs_cycles_samples = IntProperty(name="Samples",
-        description = "Number of samples to render for each pixel",
-        default=10, min=1, max=2147483647)
-    # Shot shapes
-    object.rs_shotshape_use = BoolProperty(name="", default=False,
-        description="Use a shape to set a series of shots for this camera")
-    object.rs_shotshape_shape = StringProperty(name="Shape:",
-        description="Select an object")
-    object.rs_shotshape_nav = IntProperty(name="Navigate",
-        description="Navigate through this shape's vertices (0 = first vertex)",
-        default=0, update=shape_nav)
-    object.rs_shotshape_nav_start = BoolProperty(name="Start from here",
-        default=False,
-        description="Start from this vertex (skips previous vertices)")
-    object.rs_shotshape_offset = IntProperty(name="Offset",
-        description="Offset between frames (defines animation length)",
-        default=1, min=1, max=200)
-    object.rs_shotshape_use_frames = BoolProperty(name="Use frame range",
-        description="Use the shot's frame range instead of the object's vertex"\
-        " count", default=False)
-    # Internal
-    scene.rs_is_updating = BoolProperty(name="", description="", default=False)
-    scene.rs_create_folders = BoolProperty(name="", description="", default=False)
-    scene.rs_main_folder = StringProperty(name="Main Folder",
-                subtype='DIR_PATH', default="",
-                description="Main folder in which to create the sub folders")
-    scene.rs_overwrite_folders = BoolProperty(name="Overwrite", default=False,
-                description="Overwrite existing folders (this will delete all"\
-                " files inside any existing folders)")
-# Operators and Functions
-TIMELINE = {"start": 1, "end": 250, "current": 1}
-RENDER_SETTINGS = {"cycles_samples": 10, "res_x": 1920, "res_y": 1080}
- at persistent
-def render_finished(unused):
-    global RENDER_DONE
-    RENDER_DONE = True
-def using_cycles(scn):
-    return True if scn.render.engine == 'CYCLES' else False
-def timeline_handler(scn, mode):
-    global TIMELINE
-    if mode == 'GET':
-        TIMELINE["start"] = scn.frame_start
-        TIMELINE["end"] = scn.frame_end
-        TIMELINE["current"] = scn.frame_current
-    elif mode == 'SET':
-        scn.frame_start = TIMELINE["start"]
-        scn.frame_end = TIMELINE["end"]
-        scn.frame_current = TIMELINE["current"]
-def render_settings_handler(scn, mode, cycles_on, ob):
-    if mode == 'GET':
-        RENDER_SETTINGS["cycles_samples"] = scn.cycles.samples
-        RENDER_SETTINGS["res_x"] = scn.render.resolution_x
-        RENDER_SETTINGS["res_y"] = scn.render.resolution_y
-    elif mode == 'SET':
-        if cycles_on:
-            scn.cycles.samples = ob["rs_cycles_samples"]
-        scn.render.resolution_x = ob["rs_resolution_x"]
-        scn.render.resolution_y = ob["rs_resolution_y"]
-    elif mode == 'REVERT':
-        if cycles_on:
-            scn.cycles.samples = RENDER_SETTINGS["cycles_samples"]
-        scn.render.resolution_x = RENDER_SETTINGS["res_x"]
-        scn.render.resolution_y = RENDER_SETTINGS["res_y"]
-def frames_from_verts(ob, end, shape, mode):
-    start = ob.rs_shot_start
-    frame_range = (end - start)+1
-    verts = len(shape.data.vertices)
-    if frame_range % verts != 0:
-        end += 1
-        return create_frames_from_verts(ob, end, shape, mode)
-    else:
-        if mode == 'OFFSET':
-            return frame_range / verts
-        elif mode == 'END':
-            return end
-def keyframes_handler(scn, ob, shape, mode):
-    bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
-    ob.select_set(True)
-    start = ob.rs_shotshape_nav if ob.rs_shotshape_nav_start else 0
-    if ob.rs_shotshape_use_frames and shape is not None:
-        firstframe = ob.rs_shot_start
-        offset = frames_from_verts(ob, ob.rs_shot_end, shape, 'OFFSET')
-    else:
-        firstframe = 1
-        offset = ob.rs_shotshape_offset
-    if mode == 'SET':
-        scn.frame_current = firstframe
-        for vert in shape.data.vertices:
-            if vert.index >= start:
-                ob.location = vert.co
-                bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert_menu(type='Location')
-                scn.frame_current += offset
-        return (len(shape.data.vertices) - start) * offset
-    elif mode == 'WIPE':
-        ob.animation_data_clear()
-class RENDER_OT_RenderShots_create_folders(bpy.types.Operator):
-    ''' Create the output folders for all cameras '''
-    bl_idname = "render.rendershots_create_folders"
-    bl_label = "Create Folders"
-    mode = IntProperty()
-    def execute(self, context):
-        scn = con

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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