[Bf-extensions-cvs] [cec05c97] master: space_view3d_paint_bprojection: remove: unsupported T63750

meta-androcto noreply at git.blender.org
Sun Sep 15 02:32:50 CEST 2019

Commit: cec05c972926115f963134ab0228c25feee4419c
Author: meta-androcto
Date:   Sun Sep 15 10:32:26 2019 +1000
Branches: master

space_view3d_paint_bprojection: remove: unsupported T63750


D	space_view3d_paint_bprojection.py


diff --git a/space_view3d_paint_bprojection.py b/space_view3d_paint_bprojection.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 20bed060..00000000
--- a/space_view3d_paint_bprojection.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2158 +0,0 @@
-bl_info = {
-    "name": "BProjection",
-    "description": "Help Clone tool",
-    "author": "kgeogeo",
-    "version": (2, 0, 1),
-    "blender": (2, 77, 3),
-    "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/3D_interaction/bprojection",
-    "tracker_url": "https://developer.blender.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/2/",
-    "category": "Paint"}
-import bpy
-from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
-from bpy.types import (
-            Panel,
-            Operator,
-            PropertyGroup,
-            AddonPreferences,
-            )
-from bpy.props import (
-            IntProperty,
-            FloatProperty,
-            BoolProperty,
-            StringProperty,
-            FloatVectorProperty,
-            CollectionProperty,
-           )
-from bpy_extras import view3d_utils
-from math import (
-            radians,
-            sqrt,
-            pi,
-            )
-from mathutils import (
-            Quaternion,
-            Vector,
-            )
-BProjection_Empty = 'Empty for BProjection'
-BProjection_Material = 'Material for BProjection'
-BProjection_Texture = 'Texture for BProjection'
-# Main function for align the plan to view
-def align_to_view(context):
-    global last_mouse
-    last_mouse = Vector((0, 0))
-    ob = context.object
-    em = bpy.data.objects[BProjection_Empty]
-    rotation = em.custom_rotation
-    scale = em.custom_scale
-    z = em.custom_location.z
-    pos = [em.custom_location.x, em.custom_location.y]
-    sd = context.space_data
-    r3d = sd.region_3d
-    r3d.update()
-    vr = r3d.view_rotation
-    quat = Quaternion((0.0, 0.0, 1.0), radians(float(rotation)))
-    v = Vector((pos[0], pos[1], z))
-    v.rotate(vr)
-    em = bpy.data.objects[BProjection_Empty]
-    img = bpy.data.textures[BProjection_Texture].image
-    if img and img.size[1] != 0:
-        prop = img.size[0] / img.size[1]
-    else:
-        prop = 1
-    if em.custom_linkscale:
-        em.scale = Vector((prop * scale[0], scale[0], 1))
-    else:
-        em.scale = Vector((prop * scale[0], scale[1], 1))
-    pos_cur = em.location - sd.cursor.location
-    rot_cur1 = em.rotation_euler.to_quaternion()
-    em.location = v + ob.location
-    em.rotation_euler = Quaternion.to_euler(vr * quat)
-    if em.custom_c3d:
-        if em.custom_old_scale != em.custom_scale:
-            pos_cur = em.location - sd.cursor.location
-        rot_cur2 = em.rotation_euler.to_quaternion()
-        rot_cur1.invert()
-        pos_cur.rotate(rot_cur1)
-        pos_cur.rotate(rot_cur2)
-        v = em.location - pos_cur
-        sd.cursor.location = v
-def applyimage(context):
-    img = bpy.data.textures[BProjection_Texture].image
-    ob = context.object
-    face = ob.data.polygons
-    uvdata = ob.data.uv_textures.active.data
-    for f, d in zip(face, uvdata):
-        if f.select:
-            d.image = img
-    align_to_view(context)
-    ob.data.update()
-# Function to update the properties
-def update_Location(self, context):
-    align_to_view(context)
-def find_uv(context):
-    obj = context.object
-    me = obj.data.vertices
-    vg = obj.vertex_groups
-    l = []
-    index_uv = 0
-    for face in obj.data.polygons:
-        x = len(face.vertices)
-        for vertex in face.vertices:
-            if (len(me[vertex]. groups) > 0):
-                for g in me[vertex].groups:
-                    if vg[g.group].name == 'texture plane':
-                        x -= 1
-        if x == 0:
-            l.append([index_uv, len(face. vertices)])
-        index_uv += len(face.vertices)
-    return l
-# Function to update the scaleUV
-def update_UVScale(self, context):
-    ob = context.object
-    em = bpy.data.objects[BProjection_Empty]
-    v = Vector((em.custom_offsetuv[0] / 10 + 0.5, em.custom_offsetuv[1] / 10 + 0.5))
-    l = Vector((0.0, 0.0))
-    s = em.custom_scaleuv
-    os = em.custom_old_scaleuv
-    l = find_uv(context)
-    for i, j in l:
-        for t in range(j):
-            d = ob.data.uv_layers.active.data[i + t]
-            vres = v - d.uv
-            d.uv.x = v.x - vres.x / os[0] * s[0]
-            d.uv.y = v.y - vres.y / os[1] * s[1]
-    em.custom_old_scaleuv = s
-    applyimage(context)
-def update_PropUVScale(self, context):
-    em = bpy.data.objects[BProjection_Empty]
-    if em.custom_linkscaleuv:
-        em.custom_scaleuv = [em.custom_propscaleuv, em.custom_propscaleuv]
-def update_LinkUVScale(self, context):
-    em = bpy.data.objects[BProjection_Empty]
-    if em.custom_linkscaleuv:
-        em.custom_propscaleuv = em.custom_scaleuv.x
-        update_PropUVScale(self, context)
-    else:
-        update_UVScale(self, context)
-# Function to update the offsetUV
-def update_UVOffset(self, context):
-    ob = context.object
-    em = bpy.data.objects[BProjection_Empty]
-    o = em.custom_offsetuv
-    oo = em.custom_old_offsetuv
-    l = find_uv(context)
-    for i, j in l:
-        for t in range(j):
-            d = ob.data.uv_layers.active.data[i + t]
-            d.uv = [d.uv[0] - oo[0] / 10 + o[0] / 10, d.uv[1] - oo[1] / 10 + o[1] / 10]
-    em.custom_old_offsetuv = o
-    applyimage(context)
-# Function to update the flip horizontal
-def update_FlipUVX(self, context):
-    l = find_uv(context)
-    for i, j in l:
-        for t in range(j):
-            d = context.object.data.uv_layers.active.data[i + t]
-            x = d.uv.x
-            d.uv.x = 1 - x
-    applyimage(context)
-# Function to update the flip vertical
-def update_FlipUVY(self, context):
-    l = find_uv(context)
-    for i, j in l:
-        for t in range(j):
-            d = context.object.data.uv_layers.active.data[i + t]
-            y = d.uv[1]
-            d.uv[1] = 1 - y
-    applyimage(context)
-# Function to update
-def update_Rotation(self, context):
-    ob = context.object
-    em = bpy.data.objects[BProjection_Empty]
-    if em.custom_rotc3d:
-        angle = em.custom_rotation - em.custom_old_rotation
-        sd = context.space_data
-        vr = sd.region_3d.view_rotation.copy()
-        c = sd.cursor.location - ob.location
-        e = bpy.data.objects[BProjection_Empty].location - ob.location
-        vo = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
-        vo.rotate(vr)
-        quat = Quaternion(vo, radians(angle))
-        v = e - c
-        v.rotate(quat)
-        vr.invert()
-        v.rotate(vr)
-        c.rotate(vr)
-        em.custom_location = c + v
-    else:
-        align_to_view(context)
-    em.custom_old_rotation = em.custom_rotation
-# Function to update scale
-def update_Scale(self, context):
-    ob = context.object
-    em = bpy.data.objects[BProjection_Empty]
-    if em.custom_scac3d:
-        sd = context.space_data
-        r3d = sd.region_3d
-        vr = r3d.view_rotation.copy()
-        vr.invert()
-        e = em.location - ob.location
-        c = sd.cursor.location - ob.location
-        ce = e - c
-        s = em.custom_scale
-        os = em.custom_old_scale
-        c.rotate(vr)
-        ce.rotate(vr)
-        v = Vector((s.x * ce.x / os.x, s.y * ce.y / os.y, 0.0))
-        em.custom_location = c + v
-    else:
-        align_to_view(context)
-    em.custom_old_scale = em.custom_scale
-def update_PropScale(self, context):
-    em = bpy.data.objects[BProjection_Empty]
-    if em.custom_linkscale:
-        em.custom_scale = [em.custom_propscale, em.custom_propscale]
-def update_LinkScale(self, context):
-    em = bpy.data.objects[BProjection_Empty]
-    if em.custom_linkscale:
-        em.custom_propscale = em.custom_scale.x
-        update_PropScale(self, context)
-    else:
-        update_Scale(self, context)
-def update_activeviewname(self, context):
-    em = bpy.data.objects[BProjection_Empty]
-    if self.custom_active:
-        em.custom_active_view = self.custom_active_view
-def update_style_clone(self, context):
-    km = context.window_manager.keyconfigs.default.keymaps['Image Paint']
-    for kmi in km.keymap_items:
-        if self.custom_style_clone:
-            if kmi.idname == 'paint.image_paint':
-                kmi.idname = 'paint.bp_paint'
-        else:
-            if kmi.idname == 'paint.bp_paint':
-                kmi.idname = 'paint.image_paint'
-class custom_props(PropertyGroup):
-    custom_fnlevel: IntProperty(
-                        name="Fast navigate level",
-                        description="Increase or decrease the SubSurf level, decrease make navigation faster",
-                        default=0,
-                        )
-    custom_location: FloatVectorProperty(
-                        name="Location",
-                        description="Location of the plane",
-                        default=(1.0, 0, -1.0),
-                        subtype='XYZ',
-                        soft_min=-10,
-                        soft_max=10,
-                        step=0.1,
-                        size=3,
-                        )
-    custom_rotation: FloatProperty(
-                        name="Rotation",
-                        description="Rotate the plane",
-                        min=-180, max=180,
-                        default=0
-                        )
-    custom_scale: FloatVectorProperty(
-                        name="Scales",
-                        description="Scale the planes",
-                        default=(1.0, 1.0),
-                        subtype='XYZ',
-                        min=0.1,
-                        max=10,
-                        soft_min=0.1,
-                        soft_max=10,
-                        step=0.1,
-                        size=2,
-                        )
-    custom_propscale: FloatProperty(
-                        name="PropScale",
-                        description="Scale the Plane",
-                        default=1.0,
-                        min=0.1,
-                        max=10,
-                        soft_min=0.1,
-                        soft_max=10,

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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