[Bf-extensions-cvs] [8f97a1ca] master: animation_text_types: removed, unsupported

meta-androcto noreply at git.blender.org
Sun Sep 8 13:45:36 CEST 2019

Commit: 8f97a1ca91707f8c41e0152fe4fbf59ac568607e
Author: meta-androcto
Date:   Sun Sep 8 21:45:22 2019 +1000
Branches: master

animation_text_types: removed, unsupported


D	animation_text_types.py


diff --git a/animation_text_types.py b/animation_text_types.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 48bbfe73..00000000
--- a/animation_text_types.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,743 +0,0 @@
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-# by LeoMoon Studios, Marcin Zielinski, Martin Wacker,
-# Bassam Kurdali, Jared Felsman, meta-androcto #
-bl_info = {
-    "name": "Animated Text",
-    "author": "LeoMoon Studios, Marcin Zielinski, Martin Wacker, "
-              "Bassam Kurdali, Jared Felsman, meta-androcto",
-    "version": (0, 3, 1),
-    "blender": (2, 74, 5),
-    "location": "Properties Editor > Font",
-    "description": "Typing & Counting Animated Text",
-    "warning": "",
-    "wiki_url": "",
-    "category": "Animation"
-import bpy
-import random
-from bpy.types import (
-        Operator,
-        Panel,
-        PropertyGroup,
-        )
-from bpy.props import (
-        FloatProperty,
-        PointerProperty,
-        BoolProperty,
-        IntProperty,
-        EnumProperty,
-        StringProperty,
-        )
-from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
-# In case of error set it to true so it can be used for console runes
-DEBUG = False
-# Use just as a regular print (switchable as the UI will be constantly updated
-def debug_print_vars(*args, **kwargs):
-    global DEBUG
-    if DEBUG:
-        print(*args, **kwargs)
-def formatCounter(inputs, timeSeparators, timeLeadZeroes, timeTrailZeroes, timeModulo):
-    f = 0
-    s = 0
-    m = 0
-    h = 0
-    out = ''
-    neg = ''
-    if inputs < 0:
-        neg = '-'
-        inputs = abs(inputs)
-    if timeSeparators >= 0:
-        if timeSeparators == 0:
-            out = int(inputs)
-            out = format(out, '0' + str(timeLeadZeroes) + 'd')
-        else:
-            s, f = divmod(int(inputs), timeModulo)
-            out = format(f, '0' + str(timeLeadZeroes) + 'd')
-    if timeSeparators >= 1:
-        if timeSeparators == 1:
-            out = format(s, '0' + str(timeTrailZeroes) + 'd') + ":" + out
-        else:
-            m, s = divmod(s, 60)
-            out = format(s, '02d') + ":" + out
-    if timeSeparators >= 2:
-        if timeSeparators == 2:
-            out = format(m, '0' + str(timeTrailZeroes) + 'd') + ":" + out
-        else:
-            h, m = divmod(m, 60)
-            out = format(m, '02d') + ":" + out
-    if timeSeparators >= 3:
-        out = format(h, '0' + str(timeTrailZeroes) + 'd') + ":" + out
-    return neg + out
-class TextCounter_Props(PropertyGroup):
-    # A placeholder for the text box
-    default_string = 'Enter a number or an expression'
-    def val_up(self, context):
-        textcounter_update_val(context.object, context.scene)
-    ifAnimated: BoolProperty(
-        name='Counter Active',
-        default=False,
-        update=val_up
-        )
-    counter: FloatProperty(
-        name='Counter',
-        update=val_up
-        )
-    padding: IntProperty(
-        name='Padding',
-        update=val_up,
-        min=1
-        )
-    ifDecimal: BoolProperty(
-        name='Decimal',
-        default=False,
-        update=val_up
-        )
-    decimals: IntProperty(
-        name='Decimal',
-        update=val_up,
-        min=0
-        )
-    typeEnum: EnumProperty(
-        items=[
-            ('ANIMATED', 'Animated', 'Counter values from f-curves'),
-            ('DYNAMIC', 'Dynamic', 'Counter values from expression')
-        ],
-        name='Type',
-        update=val_up,
-        default='ANIMATED'
-        )
-    formattingEnum: EnumProperty(
-        items=[
-            ('NUMBER', 'Number', 'Counter values as numbers'),
-            ('TIME', 'Time', 'Counter values as time')
-        ],
-        name='Formatting Type',
-        update=val_up,
-        default='NUMBER'
-        )
-    # set to 0 as eval will crash in it's default state
-    expr: StringProperty(
-        name='Expression',
-        description="Enter a number or a numeric expression",
-        update=val_up,
-        default=default_string
-        )
-    prefix: StringProperty(
-        name='Prefix',
-        update=val_up,
-        default=''
-        )
-    sufix: StringProperty(
-        name='Sufix',
-        update=val_up,
-        default=''
-        )
-    ifTextFile: BoolProperty(
-        name='Override with Text File',
-        default=False,
-        update=val_up
-        )
-    textFile: StringProperty(
-        name='Text File',
-        update=val_up,
-        default=''
-        )
-    ifTextFormatting: BoolProperty(
-        name='Numerical Formatting',
-        default=False,
-        update=val_up
-        )
-    timeSeparators: IntProperty(
-        name='Separators',
-        update=val_up,
-        min=0, max=3
-        )
-    timeModulo: IntProperty(
-        name='Last Separator Modulo',
-        update=val_up,
-        min=1,
-        default=24
-        )
-    timeLeadZeroes: IntProperty(
-        name='Leading Zeroes',
-        update=val_up,
-        min=1,
-        default=2
-        )
-    timeTrailZeroes: IntProperty(
-        name='Trailing Zeroes',
-        update=val_up,
-        min=1,
-        default=2
-        )
-    str_error = False
-    def dyn_get(self):
-        try:
-            TextCounter_Props.str_error = False
-            if self.expr in [TextCounter_Props.default_string, None, ""]:
-                return '0'
-            return str(eval(self.expr))
-        except Exception as e:
-            TextCounter_Props.str_error = True
-            debug_print_vars('Expr Error: ' + str(e.args))
-            return '0'
-    dynamicCounter: StringProperty(
-        name='Dynamic Counter',
-        get=dyn_get,
-        default=''
-        )
-    def form_up(self, context):
-        textcounter_update_val(context.object, context.scene)
-    def form_get(self):
-        inputs = 0
-        if self.typeEnum == 'ANIMATED':
-            inputs = float(self.counter)
-        elif self.typeEnum == 'DYNAMIC':
-            inputs = float(self.dynamicCounter)
-        return formatCounter(inputs, self.timeSeparators, self.timeLeadZeroes,
-                             self.timeTrailZeroes, self.timeModulo)
-    def form_set(self, value):
-        counter = 0
-        separators = value.split(':')
-        for idx, i in enumerate(separators[:-1]):
-            counter += int(i) * 60**(len(separators) - 2 - idx) * self.timeModulo
-        counter += int(separators[-1])
-        self.counter = float(counter)
-    formattedCounter: StringProperty(
-        name='Formatted Counter',
-        get=form_get,
-        set=form_set,
-        default=''
-        )
-def textcounter_update_val(text, scene):
-    text.update_tag(refresh={'DATA'})
-    props = text.data.text_counter_props
-    counter = 0
-    line = ''
-    out = ''
-    neg = ''
-    if props.typeEnum == 'ANIMATED':
-        counter = props.counter
-    elif props.typeEnum == 'DYNAMIC':
-        if props.expr in [props.default_string, None, ""]:
-            return 0
-        try:
-            counter = eval(props.expr)
-        except Exception as e:
-            debug_print_vars('Expr Error: ' + str(e.args))
-    isNumeric = True  # always true for counter not overrided
-    if props.ifTextFile:
-        txt = bpy.data.texts[props.textFile] if \
-              props.textFile in bpy.data.texts.keys() else None
-        if txt:
-            clampedCounter = max(0, min(int(counter), len(txt.lines) - 1))
-            line = txt.lines[clampedCounter].body
-            if props.ifTextFormatting:
-                try:
-                    line = float(line)
-                except Exception as ex:
-                    debug_print_vars('Expr Error: ' + str(ex.args))
-                    isNumeric = False
-                    out = line
-            else:
-                isNumeric = False
-                out = line
-        else:
-            line = counter
-    else:
-        line = counter
-    if isNumeric:
-        if props.formattingEnum == 'NUMBER':
-            # add minus before padding zeroes
-            neg = '-' if line < 0 else ''
-            line = abs(line)
-            # int / decimal
-            if not props.ifDecimal:
-                line = int(line)
-            out = ('{:.' + str(props.decimals) + 'f}').format(line)
-            # padding
-            arr = out.split('.')
-            arr[0] = arr[0].zfill(props.padding)
-            out = arr[0]
-            if len(arr) > 1:
-                out += '.' + arr[1]
-        elif props.formattingEnum == 'TIME':
-            out = formatCounter(
-                        line, props.timeSeparators, props.timeLeadZeroes,
-                        props.timeTrailZeroes, props.timeModulo
-                        )
-    # prefix/sufix
-    if props.ifTextFile:
-        text.data.body = out
-        if props.ifTextFormatting and isNumeric:
-            text.data.body = props.prefix + neg + out + props.sufix
-    else:
-        text.data.body = props.prefix + neg + out + props.sufix
- at persistent
-def textcounter_text_update_frame(scene):
-    for text in scene.objects:
-        if text.type == 'FONT' and text.data.text_counter_props.ifAnimated:
-            textcounter_update_val(text, scene)
-# text scrambler #
- at persistent
-def textscrambler_update_frame(scene):
-    for text in scene.objects:
-        if text.type == 'FONT' and text.data.use_text_scrambler:
-            uptext(text.data)

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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