[Bf-extensions-cvs] [da05f713] master: space_view3d_enhanced_3d_cursor: T63750 Broken > Remove from contrib

meta-androcto noreply at git.blender.org
Sun Sep 8 11:39:05 CEST 2019

Commit: da05f7138eb6de290b33c9fce348628ce6439135
Author: meta-androcto
Date:   Sun Sep 8 19:38:50 2019 +1000
Branches: master

space_view3d_enhanced_3d_cursor: T63750 Broken > Remove from contrib


D	space_view3d_enhanced_3d_cursor.py


diff --git a/space_view3d_enhanced_3d_cursor.py b/space_view3d_enhanced_3d_cursor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b4e87a3..00000000
--- a/space_view3d_enhanced_3d_cursor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5721 +0,0 @@
-#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-#  (at your option) any later version.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#  ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
-# <pep8-80 compliant>
-bl_info = {
-    "name": "Enhanced 3D Cursor",
-    "description": "Cursor history and bookmarks; drag/snap cursor.",
-    "author": "dairin0d",
-    "version": (3, 0, 7),
-    "blender": (2, 77, 0),
-    "location": "View3D > Action mouse; F10; Properties panel",
-    "warning": "",
-    "wiki_url": "https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/"
-        "Scripts/3D_interaction/Enhanced_3D_Cursor",
-    "tracker_url": "https://github.com/dairin0d/enhanced-3d-cursor/issues",
-    "category": "3D View"}
-    Addon registration
-    Keymap utils
-    Various utils (e.g. find_region)
-    OpenGL; drawing utils
-    Non-undoable data storage
-    Cursor utils
-    Stick-object
-    Cursor monitor
-    Addon's GUI
-    Addon's properties
-    Addon's operators
-    ID Block emulator
-    Mesh cache
-    Snap utils
-    View3D utils
-    Transform orientation / coordinate system utils
-    Generic transform utils
-    Main operator
-    ...
-First step is to re-make the cursor addon (make something usable first).
-CAD tools should be done without the hassle.
-    strip trailing space? (one of campbellbarton's commits did that)
-    IDEAS:
-        - implement 'GIMBAL' orientation (euler axes)
-        - mini-Z-buffer in the vicinity of mouse coords (using raycasts)
-        - an orientation that points towards cursor
-          (from current selection to cursor)
-        - user coordinate systems (using e.g. empties to store different
-          systems; when user switches to such UCS, origin will be set to
-          "cursor", cursor will be sticked to the empty, and a custom
-          transform orientation will be aligned with the empty)
-          - "Stick" transform orientation that is always aligned with the
-            object cursor is "sticked" to?
-        - make 'NORMAL' system also work for bones?
-        - user preferences? (stored in a file)
-        - create spline/edge_mesh from history?
-        - API to access history/bookmarks/operators from other scripts?
-        - Snap selection to bookmark?
-        - Optimize
-        - Clean up code, move to several files?
-    LATER:
-    ISSUES:
-        Limitations:
-            - I need to emulate in Python some things that Blender doesn't
-              currently expose through API:
-              - obtaining matrix of predefined transform orientation
-              - obtaining position of pivot
-              For some kinds of information (e.g. active vertex/edge,
-              selected meta-elements), there is simply no workaround.
-            - Snapping to vertices/edges works differently than in Blender.
-              First of all, iteration over all vertices/edges of all
-              objects along the ray is likely to be very slow.
-              Second, it's more human-friendly to snap to visible
-              elements (or at least with approximately known position).
-            - In editmode I have to exit-and-enter it to get relevant
-              information about current selection. Thus any operator
-              would automatically get applied when you click on 3D View.
-        Mites:
-Borrowed code/logic:
-- space_view3d_panel_measure.py (Buerbaum Martin "Pontiac"):
-  - OpenGL state storing/restoring; working with projection matrices.
-import bpy
-import bgl
-import blf
-import bmesh
-from mathutils import Vector, Matrix, Quaternion, Euler
-from mathutils.geometry import (intersect_line_sphere,
-                                intersect_ray_tri,
-                                barycentric_transform,
-                                tessellate_polygon,
-                                intersect_line_line,
-                                intersect_line_plane,
-                                )
-from bpy_extras.view3d_utils import (region_2d_to_location_3d,
-                                     location_3d_to_region_2d,
-                                     )
-import math
-import time
-# ====== MODULE GLOBALS / CONSTANTS ====== #
-tmp_name = chr(0x10ffff) # maximal Unicode value
-epsilon = 0.000001
-# ====== SET CURSOR OPERATOR ====== #
-class EnhancedSetCursor(bpy.types.Operator):
-    """Cursor history and bookmarks; drag/snap cursor."""
-    bl_idname = "view3d.cursor3d_enhanced"
-    bl_label = "Enhanced Set Cursor"
-    key_char_map = {
-        'PERIOD':".", 'NUMPAD_PERIOD':".",
-        'MINUS':"-", 'NUMPAD_MINUS':"-",
-        'EQUAL':"+", 'NUMPAD_PLUS':"+",
-        #'E':"e", # such big/small numbers aren't useful
-        'ONE':"1", 'NUMPAD_1':"1",
-        'TWO':"2", 'NUMPAD_2':"2",
-        'THREE':"3", 'NUMPAD_3':"3",
-        'FOUR':"4", 'NUMPAD_4':"4",
-        'FIVE':"5", 'NUMPAD_5':"5",
-        'SIX':"6", 'NUMPAD_6':"6",
-        'SEVEN':"7", 'NUMPAD_7':"7",
-        'EIGHT':"8", 'NUMPAD_8':"8",
-        'NINE':"9", 'NUMPAD_9':"9",
-        'ZERO':"0", 'NUMPAD_0':"0",
-        'SPACE':" ",
-        'SLASH':"/", 'NUMPAD_SLASH':"/",
-        'NUMPAD_ASTERIX':"*",
-    }
-    key_coordsys_map = {
-        'LEFT_BRACKET':-1,
-        'RIGHT_BRACKET':1,
-        ':':-1, # Instead of [ for French keyboards
-        '!':1, # Instead of ] for French keyboards
-        'J':'VIEW',
-        'K':"Surface",
-        'L':'LOCAL',
-        'B':'GLOBAL',
-        'N':'NORMAL',
-        'M':"Scaled",
-    }
-    key_pivot_map = {
-        'H':'ACTIVE',
-        'U':'CURSOR',
-        'I':'INDIVIDUAL',
-        'O':'CENTER',
-        'P':'MEDIAN',
-    }
-    key_snap_map = {
-        'C':'INCREMENT',
-        'V':'VERTEX',
-        'E':'EDGE',
-        'F':'FACE',
-    }
-    key_tfm_mode_map = {
-        'G':'MOVE',
-        'R':'ROTATE',
-        'S':'SCALE',
-    }
-    key_map = {
-        "confirm":{'ACTIONMOUSE'}, # also 'RET' ?
-        "cancel":{'SELECTMOUSE', 'ESC'},
-        "free_mouse":{'F10'},
-        "make_normal_snapshot":{'W'},
-        "make_tangential_snapshot":{'Q'},
-        "use_absolute_coords":{'A'},
-        "snap_to_raw_mesh":{'D'},
-        "use_object_centers":{'T'},
-        "precision_up":{'PAGE_UP'},
-        "precision_down":{'PAGE_DOWN'},
-        "move_caret_prev":{'LEFT_ARROW'},
-        "move_caret_next":{'RIGHT_ARROW'},
-        "move_caret_home":{'HOME'},
-        "move_caret_end":{'END'},
-        "change_current_axis":{'TAB', 'RET', 'NUMPAD_ENTER'},
-        "prev_axis":{'UP_ARROW'},
-        "next_axis":{'DOWN_ARROW'},
-        "remove_next_character":{'DEL'},
-        "remove_last_character":{'BACK_SPACE'},
-        "copy_axes":{'C'},
-        "paste_axes":{'V'},
-        "cut_axes":{'X'},
-    }
-    gizmo_factor = 0.15
-    click_period = 0.25
-    angle_grid_steps = {True:1.0, False:5.0}
-    scale_grid_steps = {True:0.01, False:0.1}
-    # ====== OPERATOR METHOD OVERLOADS ====== #
-    @classmethod
-    def poll(cls, context):
-        area_types = {'VIEW_3D',} # also: IMAGE_EDITOR ?
-        return ((context.area.type in area_types) and
-                (context.region.type == "WINDOW") and
-                (not find_settings().cursor_lock))
-    def modal(self, context, event):
-        context.area.tag_redraw()
-        return self.try_process_input(context, event)
-    def invoke(self, context, event):
-        # Attempt to launch the monitor
-        if bpy.ops.view3d.cursor3d_monitor.poll():
-            bpy.ops.view3d.cursor3d_monitor()
-        # Don't interfere with these modes when only mouse is pressed
-        if ('SCULPT' in context.mode) or ('PAINT' in context.mode):
-            if "MOUSE" in event.type:
-                return {'CANCELLED'}
-        CursorDynamicSettings.active_transform_operator = self
-        tool_settings = context.tool_settings
-        settings = find_settings()
-        tfm_opts = settings.transform_options
-        settings_scene = context.scene.cursor_3d_tools_settings
-        self.setup_keymaps(context, event)
-        # Coordinate System Utility
-        self.particles, self.csu = gather_particles(context=context)
-        self.particles = [View3D_Cursor(context)]
-        self.csu.source_pos = self.particles[0].get_location()
-        self.csu.source_rot = self.particles[0].get_rotation()
-        self.csu.source_scale = self.particles[0].get_scale()
-        # View3D Utility
-        self.vu = ViewUtility(context.region, context.space_data,
-            context.region_data)
-        # Snap Utility
-        self.su = SnapUtility(context)
-        # turn off view locking for the duration of the operator
-        self.view_pos = self.vu.get_position(True)
-        self.vu.set_position(self.vu.get_position(), True)
-        self.view_locks = self.vu.get_locks()
-        self.vu.set_locks({})
-        # Initialize runtime states
-        self.initiated_by_mouse = ("MOUSE" in event.type)
-        self.free_mouse = not self.initiated_by_mouse
-        self.use_object_centers = False
-        self.axes_values = ["", "", ""]
-        self.axes_coords = [None, None, None]
-        self.axes_eval_success = [True, True, True]
-        self.allowed_axes = [True, True, True]
-        self.current_axis = 0
-        self.caret_p

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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