[Bf-extensions-cvs] [b5e80144] master: Curve Tools 2: Added convert bezier Rectangle to Surface

Spivak Vladimir cwolf3d noreply at git.blender.org
Tue Sep 3 23:51:53 CEST 2019

Commit: b5e801446c820e7f5725e2e09f8c2a12a4449f45
Author: Spivak Vladimir (cwolf3d)
Date:   Wed Sep 4 00:49:12 2019 +0300
Branches: master

Curve Tools 2: Added convert bezier Rectangle to Surface


M	curve_tools/Operators.py
M	curve_tools/__init__.py
M	curve_tools/auto_loft.py


diff --git a/curve_tools/Operators.py b/curve_tools/Operators.py
index 9eca61c3..327db0ee 100644
--- a/curve_tools/Operators.py
+++ b/curve_tools/Operators.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import threading
 import bpy
 from bpy.props import *
+from bpy_extras import object_utils
 from . import Properties
 from . import Curves
@@ -424,3 +425,97 @@ class OperatorSplinesJoinNeighbouring(bpy.types.Operator):
             self.report({'INFO'}, "Applied %d joins on %d splines; resulting nrSplines: %d" % (nrJoins, nrSplines, curve.nrSplines))
         return {'FINISHED'}
+class ConvertBezierRectangleToSurface(bpy.types.Operator):
+    bl_idname = "curvetools2.convert_bezier_rectangle_to_surface"
+    bl_label = "Convert Bezier Rectangle To Surface"
+    bl_description = "Convert Bezier Rectangle To Surface"
+    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+    @classmethod
+    def poll(cls, context):
+        return Util.Selected1Curve()
+    def execute(self, context):
+        # main function
+        active_object = context.active_object
+        splines = active_object.data.splines
+        surfacedata = bpy.data.curves.new('Surface', type='SURFACE')
+        surfaceobject = object_utils.object_data_add(context, surfacedata)
+        surfaceobject.matrix_world = active_object.matrix_world
+        surfaceobject.rotation_euler = active_object.rotation_euler
+        surfacedata.dimensions = '3D'
+        n = 0
+        pp = []
+        for s in splines:
+            for p in s.bezier_points:
+                pp.append(p)
+                n += 1
+        # 1
+        surfacespline1 = surfacedata.splines.new(type='NURBS')
+        surfacespline1.use_endpoint_u = True
+        surfacespline1.use_endpoint_v = True
+        surfacespline1.points.add(3)
+        surfacespline1.points[0].co = [pp[0].co.x, pp[0].co.y, pp[0].co.z, 1]
+        surfacespline1.points[1].co = [pp[0].handle_left.x, pp[0].handle_left.y, pp[0].handle_left.z, 1]
+        surfacespline1.points[2].co = [pp[3].handle_right.x, pp[3].handle_right.y, pp[3].handle_right.z, 1]
+        surfacespline1.points[3].co = [pp[3].co.x, pp[3].co.y, pp[3].co.z, 1]
+        # 2
+        surfacespline2 = surfacedata.splines.new(type='NURBS')
+        surfacespline2.use_endpoint_u = True
+        surfacespline2.use_endpoint_v = True
+        surfacespline2.points.add(3)
+        surfacespline2.points[0].co = [pp[0].handle_right.x, pp[0].handle_right.y, pp[0].handle_right.z, 1]
+        surfacespline2.points[1].co = [(pp[0].handle_right.x + pp[3].handle_left.x)/2,
+                                       (pp[0].handle_right.y + pp[3].handle_left.y)/2,
+                                       (pp[0].handle_right.z + pp[3].handle_left.z)/2, 1]
+        surfacespline2.points[2].co = [(pp[3].handle_left.x + pp[0].handle_right.x)/2,
+                                       (pp[3].handle_left.y + pp[0].handle_right.y)/2,
+                                       (pp[3].handle_left.z + pp[0].handle_right.z)/2, 1]
+        surfacespline2.points[3].co = [pp[3].handle_left.x, pp[3].handle_left.y, pp[3].handle_left.z, 1]
+        # 3
+        surfacespline3 = surfacedata.splines.new(type='NURBS')
+        surfacespline3.use_endpoint_u = True
+        surfacespline3.use_endpoint_v = True
+        surfacespline3.points.add(3)
+        surfacespline3.points[0].co = [pp[1].handle_left.x, pp[1].handle_left.y, pp[1].handle_left.z, 1]
+        surfacespline3.points[1].co = [(pp[1].handle_left.x + pp[2].handle_right.x)/2,
+                                       (pp[1].handle_left.y + pp[2].handle_right.y)/2,
+                                       (pp[1].handle_left.z + pp[2].handle_right.z)/2, 1]
+        surfacespline3.points[2].co = [(pp[2].handle_right.x + pp[1].handle_left.x)/2,
+                                       (pp[2].handle_right.y + pp[1].handle_left.y)/2,
+                                       (pp[2].handle_right.z + pp[1].handle_left.z)/2, 1]
+        surfacespline3.points[3].co = [pp[2].handle_right.x, pp[2].handle_right.y, pp[2].handle_right.z, 1]
+        # 4
+        surfacespline4 = surfacedata.splines.new(type='NURBS')
+        surfacespline4.use_endpoint_u = True
+        surfacespline4.use_endpoint_v = True
+        surfacespline4.points.add(3)
+        surfacespline4.points[0].co = [pp[1].co.x, pp[1].co.y, pp[1].co.z, 1]
+        surfacespline4.points[1].co = [pp[1].handle_right.x, pp[1].handle_right.y, pp[1].handle_right.z, 1]
+        surfacespline4.points[2].co = [pp[2].handle_left.x, pp[2].handle_left.y, pp[2].handle_left.z, 1]
+        surfacespline4.points[3].co = [pp[2].co.x, pp[2].co.y, pp[2].co.z, 1]
+        splines = surfaceobject.data.splines
+        for s in splines:
+            for p in s.points:
+                p.select = True
+        bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = surfaceobject
+        bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT') 
+        bpy.ops.curve.make_segment()
+        splines = surfaceobject.data.splines
+        for s in splines:
+            s.order_u = 4
+            s.order_v = 4
+            s.resolution_u = 4
+            s.resolution_v = 4
+        return {'FINISHED'}
diff --git a/curve_tools/__init__.py b/curve_tools/__init__.py
index b5c2bd2c..e2896a7e 100644
--- a/curve_tools/__init__.py
+++ b/curve_tools/__init__.py
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 bl_info = {
     "name": "Curve Tools 2",
     "description": "Adds some functionality for bezier/nurbs curve/surface modeling",
-    "author": "Mackraken, guy lateur",
-    "version": (0, 3, 0),
+    "author": "Mackraken, guy lateur, Spivak Vladimir (cwolf3d)",
+    "version": (0, 3, 1),
     "blender": (2, 80, 0),
     "location": "View3D > Tool Shelf > Addons Tab",
     "warning": "WIP",
@@ -304,12 +304,13 @@ class VIEW3D_PT_CurvePanel(Panel):
             row = col.row(align=True)
             row.operator("curve.remove_doubles", text="Remove Doubles")
             row = col.row(align=True)
-            row = col.row(align=True)
             row.operator("curve.bezier_points_fillet", text='Fillet')
             row = col.row(align=True)
             row.operator("curve.bezier_spline_divide", text='Divide')
             row = col.row(align=True)
             row.operator("curvetools2.operatorbirail", text="Birail")
+            row = col.row(align=True)
+            row.operator("curvetools2.convert_bezier_rectangle_to_surface", text="Convert Bezier Rectangle To Surface")
         # Utils Curve options
         box1 = self.layout.box()
         col = box1.column(align=True)
@@ -410,7 +411,8 @@ classes = (
-    SeparateOutline
+    SeparateOutline,
+    Operators.ConvertBezierRectangleToSurface,
 def register():
diff --git a/curve_tools/auto_loft.py b/curve_tools/auto_loft.py
index 630fbba9..8cb89245 100644
--- a/curve_tools/auto_loft.py
+++ b/curve_tools/auto_loft.py
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class AutoLoftModalOperator(Operator):
         #print("TIMER", lofters)
         for loftmesh in lofters:
-            loftmesh.hide_select = True
+            #loftmesh.hide_select = True
             rna = loftmesh['_RNA_UI']["autoloft"].to_dict()
             curve0 = scene.objects.get(rna["curve0"])
             curve1 = scene.objects.get(rna["curve1"])

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