[Bf-extensions-cvs] [4c132dc5] blender2.8: Merge branch 'master' into blender2.8

Campbell Barton noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Sep 7 22:09:43 CEST 2018

Commit: 4c132dc503c7c9506e301be5b479c6c579ce9723
Author: Campbell Barton
Date:   Sat Sep 8 06:18:54 2018 +1000
Branches: blender2.8

Merge branch 'master' into blender2.8



diff --cc io_coat3D/__init__.py
index ba56d653,b5539ede..f7d0bc88
--- a/io_coat3D/__init__.py
+++ b/io_coat3D/__init__.py
@@@ -55,1061 -49,6 +55,1061 @@@ from bpy.props import 
 +bpy.coat3D = dict()
 +bpy.coat3D['active_coat'] = ''
 +bpy.coat3D['status'] = 0
 +def folder_size(path):
 +    tosi = True
 +    while tosi:
 +        list_of_files = []
 +        for file in os.listdir(path):
 +            list_of_files.append(path + os.sep + file)
 +        if len(list_of_files) >= 400:
 +            oldest_file = min(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime)
 +            os.remove(os.path.abspath(oldest_file))
 +        else:
 +            tosi = False
 +def set_exchange_folder():
 +    platform = os.sys.platform
 +    coat3D = bpy.context.scene.coat3D
 +    Blender_export = ""
 +    if(platform == 'win32'):
 +        exchange = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + 'Documents' + os.sep + '3D-CoatV4' + os.sep +'Exchange'
 +        if not(os.path.isdir(exchange)):
 +            exchange = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + 'Documents' + os.sep + '3D-CoatV3' + os.sep +'Exchange'
 +    else:
 +        exchange = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + '3D-CoatV4' + os.sep + 'Exchange'
 +        if not(os.path.isdir(exchange)):
 +            exchange = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + '3D-CoatV3' + os.sep + 'Exchange'
 +    if(not(os.path.isdir(exchange))):
 +        exchange = coat3D.exchangedir
 +    if(os.path.isdir(exchange)):
 +        bpy.coat3D['status'] = 1
 +        if(platform == 'win32'):
 +            exchange_path = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + 'Documents' + os.sep + '3DC2Blender' + os.sep + 'Exchange_folder.txt'
 +            applink_folder = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + 'Documents' + os.sep + '3DC2Blender'
 +            if(not(os.path.isdir(applink_folder))):
 +                os.makedirs(applink_folder)
 +        else:
 +            exchange_path = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + 'Documents' + os.sep + '3DC2Blender' + os.sep + 'Exchange_folder.txt'
 +            applink_folder = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + 'Documents' + os.sep + '3DC2Blender'
 +            if(not(os.path.isdir(applink_folder))):
 +                os.makedirs(applink_folder)
 +        file = open(exchange_path, "w")
 +        file.write("%s"%(coat3D.exchangedir))
 +        file.close()
 +    else:
 +        if(platform == 'win32'):
 +            exchange_path = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + 'Documents' + os.sep + '3DC2Blender' + os.sep + 'Exchange_folder.txt'
 +        else:
 +            exchange_path = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + '3DC2Blender' + os.sep + 'Exchange_folder.txt'
 +        if(os.path.isfile(exchange_path)):
 +            ex_path =''
 +            ex_pathh = open(exchange_path)
 +            for line in ex_pathh:
 +                ex_path = line
 +                break
 +            ex_pathh.close()
 +            if(os.path.isdir(ex_path) and ex_path.rfind('Exchange') >= 0):
 +                exchange = ex_path
 +                bpy.coat3D['status'] = 1
 +            else:
 +                bpy.coat3D['status'] = 0
 +        else:
 +            bpy.coat3D['status'] = 0
 +    if(bpy.coat3D['status'] == 1):
 +        Blender_folder = ("%s%sBlender"%(exchange,os.sep))
 +        Blender_export = Blender_folder
 +        path3b_now = exchange
 +        path3b_now += ('last_saved_3b_file.txt')
 +        Blender_export += ('%sexport.txt'%(os.sep))
 +        if(not(os.path.isdir(Blender_folder))):
 +            os.makedirs(Blender_folder)
 +            Blender_folder = os.path.join(Blender_folder,"run.txt")
 +            file = open(Blender_folder, "w")
 +            file.close()
 +    return exchange
 +def set_working_folders():
 +    platform = os.sys.platform
 +    coat3D = bpy.context.scene.coat3D
 +    if(platform == 'win32'):
 +        folder_objects = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + 'Documents' + os.sep + '3DC2Blender' + os.sep + 'ApplinkObjects'
 +        if(not(os.path.isdir(folder_objects))):
 +            os.makedirs(folder_objects)
 +    else:
 +        folder_objects = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + '3DC2Blender' + os.sep + 'ApplinkObjects'
 +        if(not(os.path.isdir(folder_objects))):
 +            os.makedirs(folder_objects)
 +    return folder_objects
 +def make_texture_list(texturefolder):
 +    texturefolder += ('%stextures.txt'%(os.sep))
 +    texturelist = []
 +    if (os.path.isfile(texturefolder)):
 +        texturefile = open(texturefolder)
 +        index = 0
 +        for line in texturefile:
 +            if line != '' and index == 0:
 +                objekti = line
 +                index += 1
 +            elif index == 1:
 +                material = line
 +                index += 1
 +            elif index == 2:
 +                type = line
 +                index += 1
 +            elif index == 3:
 +                address = line
 +                texturelist.append([objekti,material,type,address])
 +                index = 0
 +        texturefile.close()
 +    return texturelist
- #Updating objects MESH part ( Mesh, Vertex Groups, Vertex Colors ) 
++#Updating objects MESH part ( Mesh, Vertex Groups, Vertex Colors )
 +def updatemesh(objekti, proxy):
 +    #TO DO VERTEX GROUPS, gives an error with this code.
 +    if(objekti.vertex_groups.keys() != []):
 +        bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
 +        proxy.select_set('SELECT')
 +        objekti.select_set('SELECT')
 +        bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_copy_to_selected()
 +        bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
 +    # UV Set Copy
 +    proxy.select_set('SELECT')
 +    objekti.select_set('SELECT')
 +    if len(objekti.data.uv_layers) > 1:
 +        obj_uv_index =  objekti.data.uv_layers.active_index
 +        index = 0
 +        for uv_layer in objekti.data.uv_layers:
 +            if (uv_layer != objekti.data.uv_layers[0]):
 +                proxy.data.uv_layers.new(uv_layer.name)
 +                proxy.data.uv_layers.active_index = index
 +                objekti.data.uv_layers.active_index = index
 +                bpy.ops.object.join_uvs()
 +            index += 1
 +        proxy.data.uv_layers.active_index = obj_uv_index
 +    bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
 +    #Mesh Copy
 +    proxy.select_set('SELECT')
 +    obj_data = objekti.data.id_data
 +    objekti.data = proxy.data.id_data
 +    objekti.data.id_data.name = obj_data.name
 +    if (bpy.data.meshes[obj_data.name].users == 0):
 +        bpy.data.meshes.remove(obj_data)
 +class SCENE_PT_Main(bpy.types.Panel):
 +    bl_label = "3D-Coat Applink"
 +    bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
 +    bl_region_type = "TOOLS"
 +    bl_context = "objectmode"
 +    bl_category = '3D-Coat'
 +    bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
 +    def draw(self, context):
 +        layout = self.layout
 +        coat3D = bpy.context.scene.coat3D
 +        if(bpy.context.active_object):
 +            coa = bpy.context.active_object.coat3D
 +        if(coat3D.exchange_found == False):
 +            bpy.coat3D['active_coat'] = set_exchange_folder()
 +            row = layout.row()
 +            row.label(text="Applink didn't find your 3d-Coat/Excahnge folder.")
 +            row = layout.row()
 +            row.label("Please select it before using Applink.")
 +            row = layout.row()
 +            row.prop(coat3D,"exchangedir",text="")
 +            row = layout.row()
 +            row.operator("update_exchange_folder.pilgway_3d_coat", text="Apply folder")
 +        else:
 +            #Here you add your GUI
 +            row = layout.row()
 +            row.prop(coat3D,"type",text = "")
 +            row = layout.row()
 +            colL = row.column()
 +            colR = row.column()
 +            colR.operator("export_applink.pilgway_3d_coat", text="Transfer")
 +            colL.operator("import_applink.pilgway_3d_coat", text="Update")
 +def running():
 +    n=0# number of instances of the program running
 +    prog=[line.split() for line in subprocess.check_output("tasklist").splitlines()]
 +    [prog.pop(e) for e in [0,1,2]] #useless
 +    for task in prog:
 +        if str(task[0]) == "b'3D-CoatDX64C.exe'" or str(task[0]) == "b'3D-CoatGL64C.exe'":
 +            n+=1
 +            break
 +    if n>0:
 +        return True
 +    else:
 +        return False
 +class SCENE_OT_folder(bpy.types.Operator):
 +    bl_idname = "update_exchange_folder.pilgway_3d_coat"
 +    bl_label = "Export your custom property"
 +    bl_description = "Export your custom property"
 +    bl_options = {'UNDO'}
 +    def invoke(self, context, event):
 +        coat3D = bpy.context.scene.coat3D
 +        print(coat3D.exchangedir)
 +        print(os.path.isdir(coat3D.exchangedir))
 +        if(os.path.isdir(coat3D.exchangedir)):
 +            coat3D.exchange_found = True
 +        else:
 +            coat3D.exchange_found = False
 +        return {'FINISHED'}
 +class SCENE_OT_opencoat(bpy.types.Operator):
 +    bl_idname = "open_3dcoat.pilgway_3d_coat"
 +    bl_label = "Export your custom property"
 +    bl_description = "Export your custom property"
 +    bl_options = {'UNDO'}
 +    def invoke(self, context, event):
 +        coat3D = bpy.context.selected_objects[0].coat3D.applink_3b_path
 +        print('3b osoite on:',coat3D)
 +        platform = os.sys.platform
 +        prog_path = os.environ['PROGRAMFILES']
 +        if (platform == 'win32'):
 +            index = 0
 +            for file in os.listdir(prog_path):
 +                if index == 0:
 +                    if file.startswith('3D-Coat-V4'):
 +                        modi = os.path.getmtime(prog_path + os.sep + file)
 +                        active_3dcoat = prog_path + os.sep + file
 +                        index += 1
 +                else:
 +                    if file.startswith('3D-Coat-V4'):
 +                        if(os.path.getmtime(prog_path + os.sep + file) > modi):
 +                            modi = os.path.getmtime(prog_path + os.sep + file)
 +                            active_3dcoat = prog_path + os.sep + file
 +            print('haippaa',active_3dcoat)

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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