[Bf-extensions-cvs] [6ee58734] blender2.8: Removing experimental Object Collections addon

Dalai Felinto noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Dec 14 23:51:29 CET 2018

Commit: 6ee58734a6e32ed267fadf5714d3e344e1bd4897
Author: Dalai Felinto
Date:   Fri Dec 14 20:50:36 2018 -0200
Branches: blender2.8

Removing experimental Object Collections addon

This is now part of the core functionality of Blender, since groups and collections got merged.
This also fixes T59029.


D	object_collections.py


diff --git a/object_collections.py b/object_collections.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d38d7ff..00000000
--- a/object_collections.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-import bpy
-from bpy.types import (
-        Operator,
-        Panel,
-        Menu,
-        )
-from bpy.props import (
-        EnumProperty,
-        IntProperty,
-        )
-bl_info = {
-    "name": "Collections",
-    "author": "Dalai Felinto",
-    "version": (1, 0),
-    "blender": (2, 80, 0),
-    "description": "Panel to set/unset object collections",
-    "warning": "",
-    "wiki_url": "",
-    "tracker_url": "",
-    "category": "Object"}
-# #####################################################################################
-# Operators
-# #####################################################################################
-class OBJECT_OT_collection_add(Operator):
-    """Add an object to a new collection"""
-    bl_idname = "object.collection_add"
-    bl_label = "Add to New Collection"
-    def execute(self, context):
-        scene = context.scene
-        collection = scene.master_collection.collections.new()
-        collection.objects.link(context.object)
-        return {'FINISHED'}
-class OBJECT_OT_collection_remove(Operator):
-    """Remove the active object from this collection"""
-    bl_idname = "object.collection_remove"
-    bl_label = "Remove from Collection"
-    def execute(self, context):
-        collection = context.scene_collection
-        collection.objects.unlink(context.object)
-        return {'FINISHED'}
-def get_collection_from_id_recursive(collection, collection_id, current_id):
-    """Return len of collection and the collection if it was a match"""
-    if collection_id == current_id:
-        return collection, 0
-    current_id += 1
-    for collection_nested in collection.collections:
-        matched_collection, current_id = get_collection_from_id_recursive(
-                                                 collection_nested,
-                                                 collection_id,
-                                                 current_id)
-        if matched_collection is not None:
-            return matched_collection, 0
-    return None, current_id
-def get_collection_from_id(scene, collection_id):
-    master_collection = scene.master_collection
-    return get_collection_from_id_recursive(master_collection, collection_id, 0)[0]
-def collection_items_recursive(path, collection, items, current_id, object_name):
-    name = collection.name
-    current_id += 1
-    if object_name not in collection.objects:
-        items.append((str(current_id), path + name, ""))
-        path += name + " / "
-    for collection_nested in collection.collections:
-        current_id = collection_items_recursive(path, collection_nested, items, current_id, object_name)
-    return current_id
-def collection_items(self, context):
-    items = []
-    master_collection = context.scene.master_collection
-    object_name = context.object.name
-    if object_name not in master_collection.objects:
-        items.append(('0', "Master Collection", "", 'COLLAPSEMENU', 0))
-    current_id = 0
-    for collection in master_collection.collections:
-        current_id = collection_items_recursive("", collection, items, current_id, object_name)
-    return items
-class OBJECT_OT_collection_link(Operator):
-    """Add an object to an existing collection"""
-    bl_idname = "object.collection_link"
-    bl_label = "Link to Collection"
-    collection_index: IntProperty(
-            name="Collection Index",
-            default=-1,
-            options={'SKIP_SAVE'},
-            )
-    type: EnumProperty(
-            name="",
-            description="Dynamic enum for collections",
-            items=collection_items,
-            )
-    def execute(self, context):
-        if self.collection_index == -1:
-            self.collection_index = int(self.type)
-        collection = get_collection_from_id(context.scene, self.collection_index)
-        if collection is None:
-            # It should never ever happen!
-            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Unexpected error: collection {0} is invalid".format(
-                    self.collection_index))
-            return {'CANCELLED'}
-        collection.objects.link(context.object)
-        return {'FINISHED'}
-    def invoke(self, context, events):
-        if self.collection_index != -1:
-            return self.execute(context)
-        wm = context.window_manager
-        wm.invoke_search_popup(self)
-        return {'FINISHED'}
-def find_collection_parent(collection, collection_parent):
-    for collection_nested in collection_parent.collections:
-        if collection_nested == collection:
-            return collection_parent
-        found_collection = find_collection_parent(collection, collection_nested)
-        if found_collection:
-            return found_collection
-    return None
-class OBJECT_OT_collection_unlink(Operator):
-    """Unlink the collection from all objects"""
-    bl_idname = "object.collection_unlink"
-    bl_label = "Unlink Collection"
-    def execute(self, context):
-        collection = context.scene_collection
-        master_collection = context.scene.master_collection
-        collection_parent = find_collection_parent(collection, master_collection)
-        if collection_parent is None:
-            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Cannot find {0}'s parent".format(collection.name))
-            return {'CANCELLED'}
-        collection_parent.collections.remove(collection)
-        return {'CANCELLED'}
-def select_collection_objects(collection):
-    for ob in collection.objects:
-        ob.select_set(True)
-    for collection_nested in collection.collections:
-        select_collection_objects(collection_nested)
-class OBJECT_OT_collection_select(Operator):
-    """Select all objects in collection"""
-    bl_idname = "object.collection_select"
-    bl_label = "Select Collection"
-    def execute(self, context):
-        collection = context.scene_collection
-        select_collection_objects(collection)
-        return {'FINISHED'}
-# #####################################################################################
-# Interface
-# #####################################################################################
-class COLLECTION_MT_specials(Menu):
-    bl_label = "Collection Specials"
-    def draw(self, context):
-        layout = self.layout
-        col = layout.column()
-        col.active = context.scene_collection != context.scene.master_collection
-        col.operator("object.collection_unlink", icon='X', text="Unlink Collection")
-        layout.operator("object.collection_select", text="Select Collection")
-def all_collections_get(context):
-    """Iterator over all scene collections
-    """
-    def all_collections_recursive_get(collection_parent, collections):
-        collections.append(collection_parent)
-        for collection_nested in collection_parent.collections:
-            all_collections_recursive_get(collection_nested, collections)
-    scene = context.scene
-    master_collection = scene.master_collection
-    collections = []
-    all_collections_recursive_get(master_collection, collections)
-    return collections
-class OBJECT_PT_collections(Panel):
-    bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
-    bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
-    bl_context = "object"
-    bl_label = "Collections"
-    def draw(self, context):
-        layout = self.layout
-        row = layout.row(align=True)
-        obj = context.object
-        master_collection = bpy.context.scene.master_collection
-        if master_collection.collections:
-            row.operator("object.collection_link", text="Add to Collection")
-        else:
-            row.operator("object.collection_link", text="Add to Collection").collection_index = 0
-        row.operator("object.collection_add", text="", icon='ADD')
-        obj_name = obj.name
-        for collection in all_collections_get(context):
-            collection_objects = collection.objects
-            if obj_name in collection.objects:
-                col = layout.column(align=True)
-                col.context_pointer_set("scene_collection", collection)
-                row = col.box().row()
-                if collection == master_collection:
-                    row.label(text=collection.name)
-                else:
-                    row.prop(collection, "name", text="")
-                row.operator("object.collection_remove", text="", icon='X', emboss=False)
-                row.menu("COLLECTION_MT_specials", icon='DOWNARROW_HLT', text="")
-# #####################################################################################
-# Register/Unregister
-# #####################################################################################
-classes = (
-    COLLECTION_MT_specials,
-    OBJECT_PT_collections,
-    OBJECT_OT_collection_add,
-    OBJECT_OT_collection_remove,
-    OBJECT_OT_collection_link,
-    OBJECT_OT_collection_unlink,
-    OBJECT_OT_collection_select,
-def register():
-    for cls in classes:
-        bpy.utils.register_class(cls)
-def unregister():
-    for cls in classes:
-        bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    reg

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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