[Bf-extensions-cvs] [8a3b944a] master: Mesh Cache Tools: Fix registration issues with duplicates

lijenstina noreply at git.blender.org
Sun Sep 3 15:02:11 CEST 2017

Commit: 8a3b944a30a0d181c8db8b830cb01ab81c1223ee
Author: lijenstina
Date:   Sun Sep 3 15:01:29 2017 +0200
Branches: master

Mesh Cache Tools: Fix registration issues with duplicates

Bumped version to 1.0.1
Pep8 Cleanup
Remove unused imports
Consistent prop definitions

Fix a few crashes related to the path chosen
handle errors more gracefully in that case
Fix crash with missing linked groups

Refactor the panel registration code

Part of the task T52564:
fix duplicate AddonPreferences names shared with
Oscurart tools add-on
Use register_class instead of import_module

Note: the naming scheme is not definitive this
just fixes the errors with master registration


M	oscurart_mesh_cache_tools.py


diff --git a/oscurart_mesh_cache_tools.py b/oscurart_mesh_cache_tools.py
index 4c71a76d..98c54683 100644
--- a/oscurart_mesh_cache_tools.py
+++ b/oscurart_mesh_cache_tools.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 bl_info = {
     "name": "Mesh Cache Tools",
     "author": "Oscurart",
-    "version": (1, 0),
+    "version": (1, 0, 1),
     "blender": (2, 70, 0),
     "location": "Tools > Mesh Cache Tools",
     "description": "Tools for Management Mesh Cache Process",
@@ -12,160 +12,172 @@ bl_info = {
 import bpy
-import sys
 import os
 import struct
-from bpy.types import Operator
 from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper
-from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty
+from bpy.types import (
+        Operator,
+        Panel,
+        PropertyGroup,
+        AddonPreferences,
+        )
+from bpy.props import (
+        BoolProperty,
+        IntProperty,
+        StringProperty,
+        PointerProperty,
+        CollectionProperty,
+        )
 from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
-class ModifiersSettings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-    array = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    bevel = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    boolean = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    build = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    decimate = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    edge_split = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    mask = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    mirror = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    multires = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    remesh = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    screw = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    skin = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    solidify = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    subsurf = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    triangulate = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    wireframe = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-    cloth = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True)
-bpy.utils.register_class(ModifiersSettings) #registro PropertyGroup
-bpy.types.Scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=ModifiersSettings)
+class OscurartMeshCacheModifiersSettings(PropertyGroup):
+    array = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    bevel = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    boolean = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    build = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    decimate = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    edge_split = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    mask = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    mirror = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    multires = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    remesh = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    screw = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    skin = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    solidify = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    subsurf = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    triangulate = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    wireframe = BoolProperty(default=True)
+    cloth = BoolProperty(default=True)
 # ----------------- AUTO LOAD PROXY
-class CreaPropiedades(bpy.types.Operator):
+# bpy.context.scene.pc_auto_load_proxy.remove(0)
+class CreaPropiedades(Operator):
     bl_idname = "scene.pc_auto_load_proxy_create"
     bl_label = "Create Auto Load PC Proxy List"
     def execute(self, context):
-        for gr in bpy.data.groups:  
-            if gr.library != None:  
-                i = bpy.context.scene.pc_auto_load_proxy.add()   
-                i.name = gr.name  
+        for gr in bpy.data.groups:
+            if gr.library is not None:
+                i = bpy.context.scene.pc_auto_load_proxy.add()
+                i.name = gr.name
                 i.use_auto_load = False
         return {'FINISHED'}
-class RemuevePropiedades(bpy.types.Operator):
+class RemuevePropiedades(Operator):
     bl_idname = "scene.pc_auto_load_proxy_remove"
     bl_label = "Remove Auto Load PC Proxy List"
     def execute(self, context):
-        for i in bpy.context.scene.pc_auto_load_proxy: 
+        for i in bpy.context.scene.pc_auto_load_proxy:
-        return {'FINISHED'}    
-class SceneAutoLoad(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-    name = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="GroupName", default="")
-    use_auto_load = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Bool", default=False)
-bpy.types.Scene.pc_auto_load_proxy = \
-    bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=SceneAutoLoad)   
- at persistent    
+        return {'FINISHED'}
+class OscurartMeshCacheSceneAutoLoad(PropertyGroup):
+    name = StringProperty(
+            name="GroupName",
+            default=""
+            )
+    use_auto_load = BoolProperty(
+            name="Bool",
+            default=False
+            )
+ at persistent
 def CargaAutoLoadPC(dummy):
     for gr in bpy.context.scene.pc_auto_load_proxy:
         if gr.use_auto_load:
             for ob in bpy.data.groups[gr.name].objects:
                 for MOD in ob.modifiers:
-                    if MOD.type == "MESH_CACHE":                                       
+                    if MOD.type == "MESH_CACHE":
                         MOD.cache_format = "PC2"
                         MOD.forward_axis = "POS_Y"
                         MOD.up_axis = "POS_Z"
                         MOD.flip_axis = set(())
-                        MOD.frame_start = bpy.context.scene.pc_pc2_start  
-                        abspath = os.path.abspath(bpy.path.abspath("//"+bpy.context.scene.pc_pc2_folder))
-                        MOD.filepath = "%s/%s.pc2" % (abspath,ob.name)
+                        MOD.frame_start = bpy.context.scene.pc_pc2_start
+                        abspath = os.path.abspath(bpy.path.abspath("//" + bpy.context.scene.pc_pc2_folder))
+                        MOD.filepath = "%s/%s.pc2" % (abspath, ob.name)
-# ----------------- PANELES 
-class View3DMCPanel():
-    bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
-    bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'      
+# - PANELS -
-class OscEPc2ExporterPanel(View3DMCPanel, bpy.types.Panel):    
-    """
-    bl_label = "Mesh Cache Tools"
-    bl_idname = "Mesh Cache Tools"
+class View3DMCPanel():
     bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
     bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'
-   """
+class OscEPc2ExporterPanel(View3DMCPanel, Panel):
     bl_category = "Tools"
     bl_label = "Mesh Cache Tools"
     bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
     def draw(self, context):
         layout = self.layout
+        scene = context.scene
-        obj = context.object
         row = layout.column(align=1)
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene, "pc_pc2_folder", text="Folder")
+        row.prop(scene, "pc_pc2_folder", text="Folder")
         row.operator("buttons.set_meshcache_folder", icon='FILESEL', text="Select Folder Path")
         row = layout.box().column(align=1)
         row.operator("group.linked_group_to_local", text="Linked To Local", icon="LINKED")
         row.operator("object.remove_subsurf_modifier", text="Remove Gen Modifiers", icon="MOD_SUBSURF")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "array", text="Array")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "bevel", text="Bevel")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "boolean", text="Boolean")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "build", text="Build")     
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "decimate", text="Decimate")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "edge_split", text="Edge Split") 
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "mask", text="Mask")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "mirror", text="Mirror")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "multires", text="Multires")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "remesh", text="Remesh")     
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "screw", text="Screw")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "skin", text="Skin")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "solidify", text="Solidify")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "subsurf", text="Subsurf")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "triangulate", text="Triangulate")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "wireframe", text="Wireframe")           
-        #row = layout.column(align=1)
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene, "pc_pc2_start", text="Frame Start")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene, "pc_pc2_end", text="Frame End")
-        row.prop(bpy.context.scene, "pc_pc2_exclude", text="Exclude Token:")           
-        row.prop_search(bpy.context.scene, "pc_pc2_group", bpy.data, "groups", text="")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "array", text="Array")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "bevel", text="Bevel")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "boolean", text="Boolean")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "build", text="Build")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "decimate", text="Decimate")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "edge_split", text="Edge Split")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "mask", text="Mask")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "mirror", text="Mirror")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "multires", text="Multires")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "remesh", text="Remesh")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "screw", text="Screw")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "skin", text="Skin")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "solidify", text="Solidify")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "subsurf", text="Subsurf")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "triangulate", text="Triangulate")
+        row.prop(scene.mesh_cache_tools_settings, "wireframe", text="Wireframe")

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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