[Bf-extensions-cvs] [48a69db5] master: Mesh Extra Tools: Update to version 0.33, various fixes

lijenstina noreply at git.blender.org
Sun May 21 07:28:06 CEST 2017

Commit: 48a69db5444591ba88ca9794dbdb2b8d3a2c9984
Author: lijenstina
Date:   Sun May 21 07:26:34 2017 +0200
Branches: master

Mesh Extra Tools: Update to version 0.33, various fixes

Bump version to 0.33
Some Pep8 clean up and general fixes
Some UI updates

Replace Mesh to wall with a similar results script
mesh_edges_floor_plan (for reasons see T51483)
It is not 1 to 1 replacement but should be more stable

If someone wants to continue development it's absolutely
possible to be re-included later on

Vertex Align: cleanup and refactor code
introduce a stored alignment setting, proper help operator call
move the property group to init, remove register call

Mesh Check: cleanup
Move the UI element draw code from init
to the Face/Info select, cleanup

Add a timer for redraw (not sure if it is the best solution)
Add settings remove refresh operator (as edit mode is available)

Mesh Edge Tools:
remove the Intersect_Line_Face operator, add general error handling
fix several crashes with non proper selections passed

Select tools - replace deprecated imp call


M	mesh_extra_tools/__init__.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/face_inset_fillet.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/icons/icons.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_check.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_cut_faces.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_edge_roundifier.py
A	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_edges_floor_plan.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_edges_length.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_edgetools.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_extrude_and_reshape.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_fastloop.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_filletplus.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_help.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_mextrude_plus.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_offset_edges.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_pen_tool.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_select_tools/__init__.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_select_tools/mesh_index_select.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_select_tools/mesh_info_select.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_select_tools/mesh_select_by_direction.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_select_tools/mesh_select_by_edge_length.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_select_tools/mesh_select_by_pi.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_select_tools/mesh_select_by_type.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_select_tools/mesh_select_connected_faces.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_select_tools/mesh_selection_topokit.py
D	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_to_wall.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_vertex_chamfer.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/pkhg_faces.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/random_vertices.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/split_solidify.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/vertex_align.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/vfe_specials.py


diff --git a/mesh_extra_tools/__init__.py b/mesh_extra_tools/__init__.py
index 72b866b4..eeeb7594 100644
--- a/mesh_extra_tools/__init__.py
+++ b/mesh_extra_tools/__init__.py
@@ -17,20 +17,21 @@
 # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
 # Contributed to by:
-# meta-androcto,  Hidesato Ikeya, zmj100, luxuy_BlenderCN, TrumanBlending, PKHG, #
+# meta-androcto,  Hidesato Ikeya, zmj100, Gert De Roost, TrumanBlending, PKHG, #
 # Oscurart, Greg, Stanislav Blinov, komi3D, BlenderLab, Paul Marshall (brikbot), #
 # metalliandy, macouno, CoDEmanX, dustractor, Liero, lijenstina, Germano Cavalcante #
+# Pistiwique, Jimmy Hazevoet #
 bl_info = {
     "name": "Edit Tools 2",
     "author": "meta-androcto",
-    "version": (0, 3, 2),
+    "version": (0, 3, 3),
     "blender": (2, 78, 0),
     "location": "View3D > Toolshelf > Tools and Specials (W-key)",
     "description": "Extra mesh edit tools - modifying meshes and selection",
     "warning": "",
-    "wiki_url": "https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Modeling/Extra_Tools",
-    "tracker_url": "https://developer.blender.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/2/",
+    "wiki_url": "https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/"
+                "Py/Scripts/Modeling/Extra_Tools",
     "category": "Mesh"}
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ if "bpy" in locals():
-    importlib.reload(mesh_to_wall)
+    importlib.reload(mesh_edges_floor_plan)
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ else:
     from . import mesh_edge_roundifier
     from . import mesh_cut_faces
     from . import split_solidify
-    from . import mesh_to_wall
+    from . import mesh_edges_floor_plan
     from . import mesh_edges_length
     from . import random_vertices
     from . import mesh_fastloop
@@ -101,8 +102,6 @@ else:
 import bpy
 import bpy_extras.keyconfig_utils
-import bmesh
-from bpy.props import EnumProperty
 from bpy.types import (
@@ -112,6 +111,9 @@ from bpy.types import (
 from bpy.props import (
+        EnumProperty,
+        FloatProperty,
+        FloatVectorProperty,
@@ -159,7 +161,7 @@ class VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_extras(Menu):
             col.operator("mesh.offset_edges", text="Offset Edges")
             col.operator("mesh.edge_roundifier", text="Edge Roundify")
             col.operator("object.mesh_edge_length_set", text="Set Edge Length")
-            col.operator("bpt.mesh_to_wall", text="Edge(s) to Wall")
+            col.operator("mesh.edges_floor_plan")
             col = split.column()
             col.label(text="Utilities", icon="SCRIPTWIN")
@@ -241,21 +243,35 @@ class EditToolsPanel(Panel):
             row.operator("mesh.random_vertices", text="Random Vertices")
                         icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "random_vertices"
-        # Vertex Align Properties And Menu
-            cen0 = context.scene.va_custom_props.en0 # get the properties list
-            layout = self.layout
-            layout.label(text="Vertex Align:", icon="VERTEXSEL")
-            layout.prop(context.scene.va_custom_props, 'en0', expand = False) # Draw the menu with 2 options 
-            if cen0 == 'vertex': 
-                row = layout.split(0.60)
-                row.label('Store data:')
-                row.operator('va.op0_store_id', text = 'Vertex')
-                row1 = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
-                row1.operator('va.op2_align_id', text = 'Align to Axis')
-                row1.operator('va.op7_help_id', text = '', icon = "LAYER_USED")
-            elif cen0 == 'coordinates':
-                layout.operator('va.op3_coord_list_id', text = 'Align Coordinates')
+            # Vertex Align Properties And Menu
+            cen0 = scene.mesh_extra_tools.vert_align_to
+            layout = self.layout
+            layout.label(text="Vertex Align:", icon="UV_VERTEXSEL")
+            # Draw the menu with 2 options
+            layout.prop(scene.mesh_extra_tools, "vert_align_to", expand=False)
+            if cen0 == 'vertex':
+                row = layout.row(align=True)
+                row.operator("vertex_align.store_id", text="Store Selected Vertex")
+                row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
+                row.operator("vertex_align.align_original", text="Align to Axis")
+                props = row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help", icon="LAYER_USED")
+                props.help_ids = "vertex_align"
+                props.popup_size = 400
+            elif cen0 == "coordinates":
+                layout.prop(scene.mesh_extra_tools, "vert_align_use_stored", toggle=True)
+                if scene.mesh_extra_tools.vert_align_use_stored:
+                    col = layout.column(align=True)
+                    col.prop(scene.mesh_extra_tools, "vert_align_store_axis", expand=True)
+                row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
+                row.operator("vertex_align.coord_list_id", text="Align Coordinates")
+                row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
+                            icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "vertex_align"
         # Edge options
         box1 = self.layout.box()
@@ -276,9 +292,9 @@ class EditToolsPanel(Panel):
             row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
             row.operator("mesh.fillet_plus", text="Fillet plus")
-            prop = row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help", icon="LAYER_USED")
-            prop.help_ids = "mesh_filletplus"
-            prop.popup_size = 400
+            props = row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help", icon="LAYER_USED")
+            props.help_ids = "mesh_filletplus"
+            props.popup_size = 400
             row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
             row.operator("mesh.offset_edges", text="Offset Edges")
@@ -296,9 +312,11 @@ class EditToolsPanel(Panel):
                         icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "mesh_edges_length"
             row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
-            row.operator("bpt.mesh_to_wall", text="Edge(s) to Wall")
-            row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
-                        icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "mesh_to_wall"
+            row.operator("mesh.edges_floor_plan")
+            props = row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help", icon="LAYER_USED")
+            props.help_ids = "mesh_edges_floor_plan"
+            props.popup_size = 400
         # Face options
         box1 = self.layout.box()
@@ -364,82 +382,73 @@ class EditToolsPanel(Panel):
             row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
             row.operator("object_ot.fastloop", text="Fast Loop")
-            prop = row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help", icon="LAYER_USED")
-            prop.help_ids = "mesh_fastloop"
-            prop.popup_size = 400
-            row = layout.row()
-            row.operator("mesh.flip_normals", text="Normals Flip")
-            row = layout.row()
-            row.operator("mesh.remove_doubles", text="Remove Doubles")
-            row = layout.row()
-            row.operator("mesh.subdivide", text="Subdivide")
+            props = row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help", icon="LAYER_USED")
+            props.help_ids = "mesh_fastloop"
+            props.popup_size = 400
-            row = layout.row()
-            row.operator("mesh.dissolve_limited", text="Dissolve Limited")
+            col = layout.column(align=True)
+            col.operator("mesh.flip_normals", text="Normals Flip")
+            col.operator("mesh.remove_doubles", text="Remove Doubles")
+            col.operator("mesh.subdivide", text="Subdivide")
+            col.operator("mesh.dissolve_limited", text="Dissolve Limited")
             row = layout.row(align=True)
                           icon="VERTEXSEL", text="Select By Index").select_type = 'VERT'
+            # Mesh Check
             layout = self.layout
             icons = load_icons()
             tris = icons.get("triangles")
             ngons = icons.get("ngons")
             mesh_check = context.window_manager.mesh_check
-            layout.prop(mesh_check, "mesh_check_use")
+            icon_active_4 = "TRIA_RIGHT" if not mesh_check.mesh_check_use else "TRIA_DOWN"
+            row = layout.row()
+            row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
+            row.prop(mesh_check, "mesh_check_use", toggle=True, icon=icon_active_4)
+            row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help", icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "mesh_check"
             if mesh_check.mesh_check_use:
                 layout = self.layout
-                row = layout.row()
-                row.operator("object.face_type_select", text="Tris", icon_value=tris.icon_id).face_type = 'tris'
-                row.operator("object.face_type_select", text="Ngons",icon_value=ngons.icon_id).face_type = 'ngons'
+                row = layout.row(align=True)
+                row.operator("object.face_type_select", text="Tris",
+                             icon_value=tris.icon_id).face_type = 'tris'
+                row.operator("object.face_type_select", text="Ngons",
+                             icon_value=ngons.icon_id).face_type = 'ngons'
                 row = layout.row()
                 row.prop(mesh_check, "display_faces", text="Display Faces")
                 if mesh_check.display_faces:
-                    row = layout.row()
-                    row.prop(mesh_check, "edge_width")
-                    row = layout.row()
-                    row.prop(mesh_check, "custom_tri_color",text="Tris color" ) 
-                    row = layout.row()
-                    row.prop(mesh_check, "custom_ngons_color")
-                    row = layout.row()
-                    row.prop(mesh_check, "face_opacity")
-                    if bpy.context.object.mode == 'EDIT':
-                        obj = bpy.context.object

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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