[Bf-extensions-cvs] [5108c882] master: remove uv_align_distribute.py: author prefers external development

meta-androcto noreply at git.blender.org
Tue May 16 12:16:17 CEST 2017

Commit: 5108c88216dfbf480f6c358272a5047a85df0577
Author: meta-androcto
Date:   Tue May 16 20:15:58 2017 +1000
Branches: master

remove uv_align_distribute.py: author prefers external development


D	uv_align_distribute.py


diff --git a/uv_align_distribute.py b/uv_align_distribute.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c0be13ed..00000000
--- a/uv_align_distribute.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1095 +0,0 @@
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
-#  of the License.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-bl_info = {
-    "name": "UV Align/Distribute",
-    "author": "Rebellion (Luca Carella)",
-    "version": (1, 3),
-    "blender": (2, 7, 3),
-    "location": "UV/Image editor > Tool Panel, UV/Image editor UVs > menu",
-    "description": "Set of tools to help UV alignment\distribution",
-    "warning": "",
-    "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/UV/UV_Align_Distribution",
-    "tracker_url": "https://developer.blender.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/2/",
-    "category": "UV"}
-import math
-from collections import defaultdict
-import bmesh
-import bpy
-import mathutils
-from bpy.props import EnumProperty, BoolProperty, FloatProperty
-# Globals:
-bpy.types.Scene.relativeItems = EnumProperty(
-    items=[
-        ('UV_SPACE', 'Uv Space', 'Align to UV space'),
-        ('ACTIVE', 'Active Face', 'Align to active face\island'),
-        ('CURSOR', 'Cursor', 'Align to cursor')],
-    name="Relative to")
-bpy.types.Scene.selectionAsGroup = BoolProperty(
-    name="Selection as group",
-    description="Treat selection as group",
-    default=False)
-bm = None
-uvlayer = None
-def InitBMesh():
-    global bm
-    global uvlayer
-    bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(bpy.context.edit_object.data)
-    bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
-    uvlayer = bm.loops.layers.uv.active
-def update():
-    bmesh.update_edit_mesh(bpy.context.edit_object.data, False, False)
-    # bm.to_mesh(bpy.context.object.data)
-    # bm.free()
-def GBBox(islands):
-    minX = minY = 1000
-    maxX = maxY = -1000
-    for island in islands:
-        for face_id in island:
-            face = bm.faces[face_id]
-            for loop in face.loops:
-                u, v = loop[uvlayer].uv
-                minX = min(u, minX)
-                minY = min(v, minY)
-                maxX = max(u, maxX)
-                maxY = max(v, maxY)
-    return mathutils.Vector((minX, minY)), mathutils.Vector((maxX, maxY))
-def GBBoxCenter(islands):
-    minX = minY = 1000
-    maxX = maxY = -1000
-    for island in islands:
-        for face_id in island:
-            face = bm.faces[face_id]
-            for loop in face.loops:
-                u, v = loop[uvlayer].uv
-                minX = min(u, minX)
-                minY = min(v, minY)
-                maxX = max(u, maxX)
-                maxY = max(v, maxY)
-    return (mathutils.Vector((minX, minY)) +
-            mathutils.Vector((maxX, maxY))) / 2
-def BBox(island):
-    minX = minY = 1000
-    maxX = maxY = -1000
-    # for island in islands:
-    # print(island)
-    for face_id in island:
-        face = bm.faces[face_id]
-        for loop in face.loops:
-            u, v = loop[uvlayer].uv
-            minX = min(u, minX)
-            minY = min(v, minY)
-            maxX = max(u, maxX)
-            maxY = max(v, maxY)
-    return mathutils.Vector((minX, minY)), mathutils.Vector((maxX, maxY))
-def BBoxCenter(island):
-    minX = minY = 1000
-    maxX = maxY = -1000
-    # for island in islands:
-    for face_id in island:
-        face = bm.faces[face_id]
-        for loop in face.loops:
-            u, v = loop[uvlayer].uv
-            minX = min(u, minX)
-            minY = min(v, minY)
-            maxX = max(u, maxX)
-            maxY = max(v, maxY)
-    return (mathutils.Vector((minX, minY)) +
-            mathutils.Vector((maxX, maxY))) / 2
-def islandAngle(island):
-    uvList = []
-    for face_id in island:
-        face = bm.faces[face_id]
-        for loop in face.loops:
-            uv = loop[bm.loops.layers.uv.active].uv
-            uvList.append(uv)
-    angle = math.degrees(mathutils.geometry.box_fit_2d(uvList))
-    return angle
-def moveIslands(vector, island):
-    for face_id in island:
-        face = bm.faces[face_id]
-        for loop in face.loops:
-            loop[bm.loops.layers.uv.active].uv += vector
-def rotateIsland(island, angle):
-    rad = math.radians(angle)
-    center = BBoxCenter(island)
-    for face_id in island:
-        face = bm.faces[face_id]
-        for loop in face.loops:
-            uv_act = bm.loops.layers.uv.active
-            x, y = loop[uv_act].uv
-            xt = x - center.x
-            yt = y - center.y
-            xr = (xt * math.cos(rad)) - (yt * math.sin(rad))
-            yr = (xt * math.sin(rad)) + (yt * math.cos(rad))
-            # loop[bm.loops.layers.uv.active].uv = trans
-            loop[bm.loops.layers.uv.active].uv.x = xr + center.x
-            loop[bm.loops.layers.uv.active].uv.y = yr + center.y
-            # print('fired')
-def scaleIsland(island, scaleX, scaleY):
-    scale = mathutils.Vector((scaleX, scaleY))
-    center = BBoxCenter(island)
-    for face_id in island:
-        face = bm.faces[face_id]
-        for loop in face.loops:
-            x = loop[bm.loops.layers.uv.active].uv.x
-            y = loop[bm.loops.layers.uv.active].uv.y
-            xt = x - center.x
-            yt = y - center.y
-            xs = xt * scaleX
-            ys = yt * scaleY
-            loop[bm.loops.layers.uv.active].uv.x = xs + center.x
-            loop[bm.loops.layers.uv.active].uv.y = ys + center.y
-def vectorDistance(vector1, vector2):
-    return math.sqrt(
-        math.pow((vector2.x - vector1.x), 2) +
-        math.pow((vector2.y - vector1.y), 2))
-def matchIsland(active, thresold, island):
-    for active_face_id in active:
-        active_face = bm.faces[active_face_id]
-        for active_loop in active_face.loops:
-            activeUVvert = active_loop[bm.loops.layers.uv.active].uv
-            for face_id in island:
-                face = bm.faces[face_id]
-                for loop in face.loops:
-                    selectedUVvert = loop[bm.loops.layers.uv.active].uv
-                    dist = vectorDistance(selectedUVvert, activeUVvert)
-                    if dist <= thresold:
-                        loop[bm.loops.layers.uv.active].uv = activeUVvert
-def getTargetPoint(context, islands):
-    if context.scene.relativeItems == 'UV_SPACE':
-        return mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0)), mathutils.Vector((1.0, 1.0))
-    elif context.scene.relativeItems == 'ACTIVE':
-        activeIsland = islands.activeIsland()
-        if not activeIsland:
-            return None
-        else:
-            return BBox(activeIsland)
-    elif context.scene.relativeItems == 'CURSOR':
-        return context.space_data.cursor_location,\
-            context.space_data.cursor_location
-def IslandSpatialSortX(islands):
-    spatialSort = []
-    for island in islands:
-        spatialSort.append((BBoxCenter(island).x, island))
-    spatialSort.sort()
-    return spatialSort
-def IslandSpatialSortY(islands):
-    spatialSort = []
-    for island in islands:
-        spatialSort.append((BBoxCenter(island).y, island))
-    spatialSort.sort()
-    return spatialSort
-def averageIslandDist(islands):
-    distX = 0
-    distY = 0
-    counter = 0
-    for i in range(len(islands)):
-        elem1 = BBox(islands[i][1])[1]
-        try:
-            elem2 = BBox(islands[i + 1][1])[0]
-            counter += 1
-        except:
-            break
-        distX += elem2.x - elem1.x
-        distY += elem2.y - elem1.y
-    avgDistX = distX / counter
-    avgDistY = distY / counter
-    return mathutils.Vector((avgDistX, avgDistY))
-def islandSize(island):
-    bbox = BBox(island)
-    sizeX = bbox[1].x - bbox[0].x
-    sizeY = bbox[1].y - bbox[0].y
-    return sizeX, sizeY
-class MakeIslands():
-    def __init__(self):
-        InitBMesh()
-        global bm
-        global uvlayer
-        self.face_to_verts = defaultdict(set)
-        self.vert_to_faces = defaultdict(set)
-        self.selectedIsland = set()
-        for face in bm.faces:
-            for loop in face.loops:
-                id = loop[uvlayer].uv.to_tuple(5), loop.vert.index
-                self.face_to_verts[face.index].add(id)
-                self.vert_to_faces[id].add(face.index)
-                if face.select:
-                    if loop[uvlayer].select:
-                        self.selectedIsland.add(face.index)
-    def addToIsland(self, face_id):
-        if face_id in self.faces_left:
-            # add the face itself
-            self.current_island.append(face_id)
-            self.faces_left.remove(face_id)
-            # and add all faces that share uvs with this face
-            verts = self.face_to_verts[face_id]
-            for vert in verts:
-                # print('looking at vert {}'.format(vert))
-                connected_faces = self.vert_to_faces[vert]
-                if connected_faces:
-                    for face in connected_faces:
-                        self.addToIsland(face)
-    def getIslands(self):
-        self.islands = []
-        self.faces_left = set(self.face_to_verts.keys())
-        while len(self.faces_left) > 0:
-            face_id = list(self.faces_left)[0]
-            self.current_island = []
-            self.addToIsland(face_id)
-            self.islands.append(self.current_island)
-        return self.islands
-    def activeIsland(self):
-        for island in self.islands:
-            try:
-                if bm.faces.active.index in island:
-                    return island

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