[Bf-extensions-cvs] [8d5a642] master: ANT Landscape: new methods & presets

meta-androcto noreply at git.blender.org
Sat May 13 10:57:40 CEST 2017

Commit: 8d5a642f0bd56124d567f56921eb9d4b39de0bfc
Author: meta-androcto
Date:   Sat May 13 18:57:10 2017 +1000
Branches: master

ANT Landscape: new methods & presets


M	add_mesh_ant_landscape.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/abstract.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/canion.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/cauliflower_hills.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/crystalline.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/default-larger.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/default.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/default_large.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/distortednoise.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/fbm2.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/flatstone.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/heteroterrain.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/land_and_water.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/lowpoly.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/marblebump.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/mountain.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/planet_noise.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/planetnoise-larger.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/planetnoise.py
M	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/plateau.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/ridgedmfractal.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/scatteredsrocks.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/smooth_terrain.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/stonepath.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/stratasphere.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/techno_grid.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/terrain_large.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/turbulence_2.py
A	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/voronoi_hills.py
D	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/voronoihills.py
M	presets/operator/mesh.landscape_add/vulcano.py


diff --git a/add_mesh_ant_landscape.py b/add_mesh_ant_landscape.py
index 2081b96..f6c287a 100644
--- a/add_mesh_ant_landscape.py
+++ b/add_mesh_ant_landscape.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 bl_info = {
     "name": "ANT Landscape",
     "author": "Jimmy Hazevoet",
-    "version": (0, 1, 5),
+    "version": (0, 1, 6),
     "blender": (2, 77, 0),
     "location": "View3D > Add > Mesh",
     "description": "Add a landscape primitive",
@@ -29,28 +29,48 @@ bl_info = {
     "category": "Add Mesh",
-Another Noise Tool: Landscape mesh generator
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+--- UPDATE:     - VERSION 0,1,6 (5/2017)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+                - NEW:
+                -
+                - Variable X and Y grid size and variable X and Y subdivisions
+                - Triangulate faces
+                - Slope map, z normal to vertex group weight,
+                    and optional select vertices on flat area's
+                - Place landscape at cursor position or at world center
+                - Noise variations (from old A.N.T. Blender-2.49 addon)
+                - Variable X and Y noise size (and X Y Offset since version 0.1.5)
+                - Plateau and Sealevel renamed to Maximum (plateau) and Minimum (now: seabed)
+                - Variable X and Y edge fallof with variable edge level (now: sealevel)
+                - Add water plane with variable height
+                - Use materials
+                - Some small changes and fixes
+                -
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# Another Noise Tool: Landscape mesh generator
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
-Mesh update:     Turn this on for interactive mesh update.
+Mesh update:     Turn this on for interactive mesh refresh.
 Sphere:          Generate sphere or a grid mesh.
 Smooth:          Generate smooth shaded mesh.
-Subdivision:     Number of mesh subdivisions, higher numbers gives more detail but also slows down the script.
-Mesh size:       X,Y size of the grid mesh in blender units.
+Triangulate:     Triangulate faces
+Subdivision X Y: Number of mesh X Y subdivisions, higher numbers gives more detail but slows down the script.
+Mesh size X Y:   X,Y size of the grid mesh in blender units.
 X_Offset:        Noise x offset in blender units (make tiled terrain)
 Y_Offset:        Noise y offset in blender units
+Cursor:          Place at cursor location
+Vertex Group:    Slope map, z normal value to vertex group weight,
+                    and select vertices on flat area's
-NOISE OPTIONS: ( Most of these options are the same as in blender textures. )
+NOISE OPTIONS: ( Many of these options are the same as in blender textures. )
 Random seed:     Use this to randomise the origin of the noise function.
 Noise size:      Size of the noise.
 Noise type:      Available noise types: multiFractal, ridgedMFractal, fBm, hybridMFractal, heteroTerrain,
                  Turbulence, Distorted Noise, Marble, Shattered_hTerrain, Strata_hTerrain, Planet_noise
 Noise basis:     Blender, Perlin, NewPerlin, Voronoi_F1, Voronoi_F2, Voronoi_F3, Voronoi_F4, Voronoi_F2-F1,
                  Voronoi Crackle, Cellnoise
-VLNoise basis:   Blender, Perlin, NewPerlin, Voronoi_F1, Voronoi_F2, Voronoi_F3, Voronoi_F4, Voronoi_F2-F1,
-                 Voronoi Crackle, Cellnoise
 Distortion:      Distortion amount.
 Hard:            Hard/Soft turbulence noise.
 Depth:           Noise depth, number of frequencies in the fBm.
@@ -60,27 +80,40 @@ Offset:          Musgrave: Raises the terrain from sea level.
 Gain:            Musgrave: Scale factor.
 Marble Bias:     Sin, Tri, Saw
 Marble Sharpnes: Soft, Sharp, Sharper
-Marble Shape:    Shape of the marble function: Default, Ring, Swirl, X, Y
+Marble Shape:    Shape of the marble function: Default, Ring, Swirl, Bumps, Wave, X, Y
-Invert:          Invert terrain height.
 Height:          Scale terrain height.
+Invert:          Invert terrain height.
 Offset:          Terrain height offset.
-Falloff:         Terrain height falloff: Type 1, Type 2, X, Y
-Sealevel:        Flattens terrain below sealevel.
-Platlevel:       Flattens terrain above plateau level.
-Strata:          Strata amount, number of strata/terrace layers.
-Strata type:     Strata types, Smooth, Sharp-sub, Sharp-add
+Seabed:          Flattens terrain at seabed level.
+Plateau:         Flattens terrain at plateau level.
+Falloff:         Terrain height falloff: X falloff, Y falloff, XY falloff
+Edge Level:      Falloff edge level, sealevel
+FalloffSizeX:    Scale falloff x
+FalloffSizeY:    Scale falloff y
+Strata:          Strata amount, number of strata / terrace layers.
+Strata type:     Strata types, Smooth, Sharp-sub, Sharp-add, Quantize
+WATER:          Add water plane
+Level:          Adjust plane level
+MATERIAL:       Use materials
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
 # import modules
 import bpy
+import os
 from bpy.props import (
+        StringProperty,
+        FloatVectorProperty,
+from mathutils import Vector
 from mathutils.noise import (
@@ -94,35 +127,20 @@ from mathutils.noise import (
 from math import (
-        floor, hypot,
+        floor, sqrt,
         sin, cos, pi,
-# Create a new mesh (object) from verts/edges/faces.
-# verts/edges/faces ... List of vertices/edges/faces for the
-#                    new mesh (as used in from_pydata).
-# name ... Name of the new mesh (& object).
-def create_mesh_object(context, verts, edges, faces, name):
-    # Create new mesh
-    mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name)
-    # Make a mesh from a list of verts/edges/faces.
-    mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces)
-    # Update mesh geometry after adding stuff.
-    mesh.update()
-    from bpy_extras import object_utils
-    return object_utils.object_data_add(context, mesh, operator=None)
 # ------------------------------------------------------------
 # some functions for marble_noise
 def sin_bias(a):
     return 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(a)
+def cos_bias(a):
+    return 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(a)
 def tri_bias(a):
     b = 2 * pi
     a = 1 - 2 * abs(floor((a * (1 / b)) + 0.5) - (a * (1 / b)))
@@ -151,76 +169,150 @@ def sharper(a):
 def shapes(x, y, shape=0):
-    if shape == 1:
+    p = pi
+    if shape is 1:
         # ring
-        x = x * 2
-        y = y * 2
-        s = (-cos(x**2 + y**2) / (x**2 + y**2 + 0.5))
-    elif shape == 2:
+        x = x * p
+        y = y * p
+        s = cos(x**2 + y**2) / (x**2 + y**2 + 0.5)
+    elif shape is 2:
         # swirl
-        x = x * 2
-        y = y * 2
+        x = x * p
+        y = y * p
         s = ((x * sin(x * x + y * y) + y * cos(x * x + y * y)) / (x**2 + y**2 + 0.5))
-    elif shape == 3:
+    elif shape is 3:
         # bumps
-        x = x * 2
-        y = y * 2
-        s = ((cos(x * pi) + cos(y * pi)) - 0.5)
-    elif shape == 4:
+        x = x * p
+        y = y * p
+        s = ((cos(x * p) + cos(y * p)) - 0.5)
+    elif shape is 4:
+        # wave
+        x = x * p * 2
+        y = y * p * 2
+        s = sin(x + sin(y))
+    elif shape is 5:
         # y grad.
-        s = (y * pi)
-    elif shape == 5:
+        s = (y * p)
+    elif shape is 6:
         # x grad.
-        s = (x * pi)
+        s = (x * p)
         # marble default
         s = ((x + y) * 5)
     return s
 # marble_noise
-def marble_noise(x, y, z, origin, size, shape, bias, sharpnes, turb, depth, hard, basis):
-    x = x / size
-    y = y / size
-    z = z / size
-    s = shapes(x, y, shape)
+def marble_noise(x, y, z, origin, size, shape, bias, sharpnes, turb, depth, hard, basis, amp, freq):
+    s = shapes(x, y, shape)
     x += origin[0]
     y += origin[1]
     z += origin[2]
     value = s + turb * turbulence_vector((x, y, z), depth, hard, basis)[0]
-    if bias == 1:
+    if bias is 1:
+        value = cos_bias(value)
+    if bias is 2:
         value = tri_bias(value)
-    elif bias == 2:
+    elif bias is 3:
         value = saw_bias(value)
         value = sin_bias(value)
-    if sharpnes == 1:
+    if sharpnes is 1:
+        value = 1.0 - sharp(value)
+    elif sharpnes is 2:
+        value = 1.0 - sharper(value)
+    elif sharpnes is 3:
+        value = soft(value)
+    elif sharpnes is 4:
         value = sharp(value)
-    elif sharpnes == 2:
+    elif sharpnes is 5:
         value = sharper(value)
-        value = soft(value)
+        value = 1.0 - soft(value)
     return value
 # ------------------------------------------------------------
 # custom noise types
+# vl_noise_turbulence: 
+def vlnTurbMode(coords, distort, basis, vlbasis, hardnoise):
+    # hard noise
+    if hardnoise:
+        return (abs(-variable_lacunarity(coords, distort, basis, vlbasis)))
+    # soft noise
+    else:
+        return variable_lacunarity(coords, distort, basis, vlbasis)
+def vl_noise_turbulence(coords, distort, depth, basis, vlbasis, hardnoise, amp, freq):
+    x, y, z = coords
+    value = vlnTurbMode(coords, distort, basis, vlbasis, hardnoise)
+    i=0
+    for i in range(depth):
+        i+=1
+        value += vlnTurbMode((x * (freq * i), y * (freq * i), z), distort, basis, vlbasis, hardnoise) * (amp * 0.5 / i)
+    return value
+## duo_multiFractal:
+def double_multiFractal(coords, H, lacunarity, octaves, offset, gain, basis, vlbasis):
+    x, y, z = coords
+    n1 = multi_fractal((x * 1.5 + 1, y * 1.5 + 1, z), 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, basis) * (offset * 0.5)
+    n2 = multi_fractal((x - 1, y - 1, z), H, lacunarity, octaves, vlbasis) * (gain * 0.5)
+    return (n1 * n1 + n2 * n2) * 0.5
+## distorted_heteroTerrain:
+def distorted_heteroTerrain(coords, H, lacunarity, octaves, offset, distort, basis, vlbasis):
+    x, y, z = coords
+    h1 = (hetero_terrain((x, y, z), 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, basis) * 0.5)
+    h2 = (hetero_terrain((x, y, h1 * distort * 2), H, lacuna

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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