[Bf-extensions-cvs] [857df14] master: mesh edit tools: multi extrude, add probability, thanks @JimmyHaze

meta-androcto noreply at git.blender.org
Thu Mar 23 07:07:19 CET 2017

Commit: 857df14fe48528a4362bc5ab7f836695bf32a368
Author: meta-androcto
Date:   Thu Mar 23 17:06:55 2017 +1100
Branches: master

mesh edit tools: multi extrude, add probability, thanks @JimmyHaze


M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_mextrude_plus.py


diff --git a/mesh_extra_tools/mesh_mextrude_plus.py b/mesh_extra_tools/mesh_mextrude_plus.py
index 1cfd171..786db0f 100644
--- a/mesh_extra_tools/mesh_mextrude_plus.py
+++ b/mesh_extra_tools/mesh_mextrude_plus.py
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import bpy
 import bmesh
 import random
 from bpy.types import Operator
-from random import gauss
+from random import gauss, choice
 from math import radians
 from mathutils import Euler
 from bpy.props import (
@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ from bpy.props import (
+# added normal rot
+def nrot(self,n):
+    return Euler((radians(self.nrotx) * n[0], \
+                    radians(self.nroty) * n[1], \
+                    radians(self.nrotz) * n[2]), 'XYZ')
 def vloc(self, r):
     random.seed(self.ran + r)
     return self.off * (1 + gauss(0, self.var1 / 3))
@@ -98,6 +104,28 @@ class MExtrude(Operator):
                 description="Z Rotation"
+    nrotx = FloatProperty(
+                name="N Rot X",
+                min=-85, max=85,
+                soft_min=-30, soft_max=30,
+                default=0,
+                description="X Rotation"
+                )
+    nroty = FloatProperty(
+                name="N Rot Y",
+                min=-85, max=85,
+                soft_min=-30,
+                soft_max=30,
+                default=0,
+                description="Y Rotation"
+                )
+    nrotz = FloatProperty(
+                name="N Rot Z",
+                min=-85, max=85,
+                soft_min=-30, soft_max=30,
+                default=-0,
+                description="Z Rotation"
+                )
     sca = FloatProperty(
                 min=0.1, max=2,
@@ -125,6 +153,12 @@ class MExtrude(Operator):
                 description="Scaling noise"
+    var4 = IntProperty(
+                name="Probability",
+                min=0, max=100,
+                default=100,
+                description="Probability, chance of extruding a face"
+                )
     num = IntProperty(
                 min=1, max=50,
@@ -151,6 +185,9 @@ class MExtrude(Operator):
         col.prop(self, "rotx", slider=True)
         col.prop(self, "roty", slider=True)
         col.prop(self, "rotz", slider=True)
+        col.prop(self, 'nrotx', slider=True)
+        col.prop(self, 'nroty', slider=True)
+        col.prop(self, 'nrotz', slider=True)
         col.prop(self, "sca", slider=True)
         col = layout.column(align=True)
@@ -158,11 +195,14 @@ class MExtrude(Operator):
         col.prop(self, "var1", slider=True)
         col.prop(self, "var2", slider=True)
         col.prop(self, "var3", slider=True)
+        col.prop(self, "var4", slider=True)
         col.prop(self, "ran")
         col = layout.column(align=False)
         col.prop(self, 'num')
     def execute(self, context):
         obj = bpy.context.object
         om = obj.mode
@@ -180,30 +220,36 @@ class MExtrude(Operator):
         for i, of in enumerate(sel):
             rot = vrot(self, i)
             off = vloc(self, i)
+            nro = nrot(self, of.normal)
             # extrusion loop
-            for r in range(self.num):
-                nf = of.copy()
-                nf.normal_update()
-                no = nf.normal.copy()
-                ce = nf.calc_center_bounds()
-                s = vsca(self, i + r)
-                for v in nf.verts:
-                    v.co -= ce
-                    v.co.rotate(rot)
-                    v.co += ce + no * off
-                    v.co = v.co.lerp(ce, 1 - s)
-                # extrude code from TrumanBlending
-                for a, b in zip(of.loops, nf.loops):
-                    sf = bm.faces.new((a.vert, a.link_loop_next.vert,
-                                       b.link_loop_next.vert, b.vert))
-                    sf.normal_update()
-                bm.faces.remove(of)
-                of = nf
+            for r in range( self.num ):
+                ## random % skip some extrusions
+                if self.var4 >= int(random.random()*100):
+                    nf = of.copy()
+                    nf.normal_update()
+                    no = nf.normal.copy()
+                    ce = nf.calc_center_bounds()
+                    s = vsca(self, i + r)
+                    for v in nf.verts:
+                        v.co -= ce
+                        v.co.rotate(nro)
+                        v.co.rotate(rot)
+                        v.co += ce + no * off
+                        v.co = v.co.lerp(ce, 1 - s)
+                    # extrude code from TrumanBlending
+                    for a, b in zip(of.loops, nf.loops):
+                        sf = bm.faces.new((a.vert, a.link_loop_next.vert,
+                                           b.link_loop_next.vert, b.vert))
+                        sf.normal_update()
+                    bm.faces.remove(of)
+                    of = nf
         for v in bm.verts:

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