[Bf-extensions-cvs] [e8ea3174] master: remove 1d scripts: T48619 agreed better dev externally

meta-androcto noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Mar 1 08:26:13 CET 2017

Commit: e8ea31744b4f31798f2684d4bb160f9f6e60c76c
Author: meta-androcto
Date:   Wed Mar 1 18:25:47 2017 +1100
Branches: master

remove 1d scripts: T48619 agreed better dev externally


D	mesh_1d_scripts.py


diff --git a/mesh_1d_scripts.py b/mesh_1d_scripts.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac2e772..00000000
--- a/mesh_1d_scripts.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6391 +0,0 @@
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-# <pep8 compliant>
-bl_info = {
-    "name": "1D_Scripts",
-    "author": "Alexander Nedovizin, Paul Kotelevets aka 1D_Inc (concept design), Nikitron",
-    "version": (0, 8, 8),
-    "blender": (2, 7, 5),
-    "location": "View3D > Toolbar",
-    "tracker_url": "https://developer.blender.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/2/",
-    "category": "Mesh"
-import bpy
-import bmesh
-import mathutils
-import math
-from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
-from mathutils.geometry import (
-        intersect_line_plane,
-        intersect_point_line,
-        intersect_line_line,
-        )
-from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt, degrees, tan, radians
-from bpy.props import (
-        BoolProperty,
-        FloatProperty,
-        StringProperty,
-        EnumProperty,
-        IntProperty,
-        CollectionProperty
-        )
-from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper, ImportHelper
-from bpy.types import Operator
-import time
-list_z = []
-mats_idx = []
-list_f = []
-maloe = 1e-5
-steps_smoose = 0
-def check_lukap(bm):
-    bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
-    bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
-    bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
-#----- Module: edge fillet-------
-# author this module: Zmj100
-# version 0.3.0
-# ref:
-def a_rot(ang, rp, axis, q):
-    mtrx = Matrix.Rotation(ang, 3, axis)
-    tmp = q - rp
-    tmp1 = mtrx * tmp
-    tmp2 = tmp1 + rp
-    return tmp2
-# ------ ------
-class f_buf():
-    an = 0
-# ------ ------
-def f_edgefillet(bme, list_0, adj, n, radius, out, flip):
-    check_lukap(bme)
-    dict_0 = get_adj_v_(list_0)
-    list_1 = [[dict_0[i][0], i, dict_0[i][1]] for i in dict_0 if (len(dict_0[i]) == 2)][0]
-    list_del = [bme.verts[list_1[1]]]
-    list_2 = []
-    p = (bme.verts[list_1[1]].co).copy()
-    p1 = (bme.verts[list_1[0]].co).copy()
-    p2 = (bme.verts[list_1[2]].co).copy()
-    vec1 = p - p1
-    vec2 = p - p2
-    ang = vec1.angle(vec2, any)
-    f_buf.an = round(degrees(ang))
-    if f_buf.an == 180 or f_buf.an == 0.0:
-        pass
-    else:
-        opp = adj
-        if radius == False:
-            h = adj * (1 / cos(ang * 0.5))
-            d = adj
-        elif radius == True:
-            h = opp / sin(ang * 0.5)
-            d = opp / tan(ang * 0.5)
-        p3 = p - (vec1.normalized() * d)
-        p4 = p - (vec2.normalized() * d)
-        no = (vec1.cross(vec2)).normalized()
-        rp = a_rot(radians(90), p, (p3 - p4), (p - (no * h)))
-        vec3 = rp - p3
-        vec4 = rp - p4
-        axis = vec1.cross(vec2)
-        if out == False:
-            if flip == False:
-                rot_ang = vec3.angle(vec4)
-            elif flip == True:
-                rot_ang = vec1.angle(vec2)
-        elif out == True:
-            rot_ang = (2 * pi) - vec1.angle(vec2)
-        for j in range(n + 1):
-            if out == False:
-                if flip == False:
-                    tmp2 = a_rot(rot_ang * j / n, rp, axis, p4)
-                elif flip == True:
-                    tmp2 = a_rot(rot_ang * j / n, p, axis, p - (vec1.normalized() * opp))
-            elif out == True:
-                tmp2 = a_rot(rot_ang * j / n, p, axis, p - (vec2.normalized() * opp))
-            bme.verts.new(tmp2)
-            bme.verts.index_update()
-            check_lukap(bme)
-            list_2.append(bme.verts[-1].index)
-        check_lukap(bme)
-        if flip == True:
-            list_1[1:2] = list_2
-        else:
-            list_2.reverse()
-            list_1[1:2] = list_2
-        list_2[:] = []
-        n1 = len(list_1)
-        for t in range(n1 - 1):
-            bme.edges.new([bme.verts[list_1[t]], bme.verts[list_1[(t + 1) % n1]]])
-            bme.edges.index_update()
-        check_lukap(bme)
-    bme.verts.remove(list_del[0])
-    bme.verts.index_update()
-    check_lukap(bme)
-class f_op0(bpy.types.Operator):
-    bl_idname = 'f.op0_id'
-    bl_label = 'Edge Fillet'
-    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
-    adj = FloatProperty(name='', default=0.1, min=0.00001, max=100.0, step=1, precision=3)
-    n = IntProperty(name='', default=3, min=1, max=100, step=1)
-    out = BoolProperty(name='Outside', default=False)
-    flip = BoolProperty(name='Flip', default=False)
-    radius = BoolProperty(name='Radius', default=False)
-    def draw(self, context):
-        layout = self.layout
-        if f_buf.an == 180 or f_buf.an == 0.0:
-            box = layout.box()
-            box.label('Info:')
-            box.label('Angle equal to 0 or 180,')
-            box.label('unable to fillet.')
-        else:
-            box = layout.box()
-            box.prop(self, 'radius')
-            row = box.split(0.35, align=True)
-            if self.radius == True:
-                row.label('Radius:')
-            elif self.radius == False:
-                row.label('Distance:')
-            row.prop(self, 'adj')
-            row1 = box.split(0.55, align=True)
-            row1.label('Number of sides:')
-            row1.prop(self, 'n', slider=True)
-            if self.n > 1:
-                row2 = box.split(0.50, align=True)
-                row2.prop(self, 'out')
-                if self.out == False:
-                    row2.prop(self, 'flip')
-    def execute(self, context):
-        adj = self.adj
-        n = self.n
-        out = self.out
-        flip = self.flip
-        radius = self.radius
-        edit_mode_out()
-        ob_act = context.active_object
-        bme = bmesh.new()
-        bme.from_mesh(ob_act.data)
-        check_lukap(bme)
-        list_0 = [[v.index for v in e.verts] for e in bme.edges if e.select and e.is_valid]
-        if not list_0:
-            list_v = [v.index for v in bme.verts if v.select and v.is_valid]
-        if not list_0 and len(list_v) == 1:
-            connected_edges = bme.verts[list_v[0]].link_edges
-            list_1 = [[v.index for v in e.verts] for e in connected_edges if e.is_valid]
-            if len(list_1) != 2:
-                self.report({'INFO'}, 'Two adjacent edges or single vert must be selected.')
-                edit_mode_in()
-                return {'CANCELLED'}
-            if out == True:
-                flip = False
-            f_edgefillet(bme, list_1, adj, n, radius, out, flip)
-        elif len(list_0) != 2:
-            self.report({'INFO'}, 'Two adjacent edges or single vert must be selected.')
-            edit_mode_in()
-            return {'CANCELLED'}
-        else:
-            if out == True:
-                flip = False
-            f_edgefillet(bme, list_0, adj, n, radius, out, flip)
-        bme.to_mesh(ob_act.data)
-        edit_mode_in()
-        bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
-        return {'FINISHED'}
-#----- Module: extrude along path -------
-# author this module: Zmj100
-# version
-# ref: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?179375-Addon-Edge-fillet-and-other-bmesh-tools-Update-Jan-11
-def edit_mode_out():
-    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
-def edit_mode_in():
-    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
-def get_adj_v_(list_):
-    tmp = {}
-    for i in list_:
-        try:
-            tmp[i[0]].append(i[1])
-        except KeyError:
-            tmp[i[0]] = [i[1]]
-        try:
-            tmp[i[1]].append(i[0])
-        except KeyError:
-            tmp[i[1]] = [i[0]]
-    return tmp
-def f_1(frst, list_, last):      # edge chain
-    fi = frst
-    tmp = [frst]
-    while list_ != []:
-        for i in list_:
-            if i[0] == fi:
-                tmp.append(i[1])
-                fi = i[1]
-                list_.remove(i)
-            elif i[1] == fi:
-                tmp.append(i[0])
-                fi = i[0]
-                list_.remove(i)
-        if tmp[-1] == last:
-            break
-    return tmp
-def f_2(frst, list_):      # edge loop
-    fi = frst
-    tmp = [frst]
-    while list_ != []:
-        for i in list_:
-            if i[0] == fi:
-                tmp.append(i[1])
-                fi = i[1]
-                list_.remove(i)
-            elif i[1] == fi:
-                tmp.append(i[0])
-                fi = i[0]
-                list_.remove(i)
-        if tmp[-1] == frst:
-            break
-    return tmp
-def is_loop_(list_fl):
-    return True if len(list_fl) == 0 else False
-def e_no_(bme, indx, p, p1):
-    bme.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
-    tmp1 = (bme.verts[indx].co).copy()
-    tmp1[0] += 0.1
-    tmp1[1] += 0.1
-    tmp1[2] += 0.1
-    ip1 = intersect_point_line(tmp1, p, p1)[0]
-    return tmp1 - ip1
-# ------ ------
-def f_(bme, dict_0, list_fl, loop):
-    check_lukap(bme)
-    if loop:
-        list_1 = f_2(eap_buf.list_sp[0], eap_buf.list_ek)
-        del list_1[-1]
-    else:
-        list_1 = f_1(eap_buf.list_sp[0], eap_buf.list_ek, list_fl[1]
-                     if eap_buf.list_sp[0] == list_fl[0] else list_fl[0])
-    list_2 = [v.index for v in bme.verts if v.select and v.is_valid]
-    n1 = len(list_2)
-    list_3 = list_2[:]
-    dict_1 = {}
-    for k in list_2:
-        dict_1[k] = [k]
-    n = len(list_1)
-    for i in range(n):
-        p = (bme.verts[list_1[i]].co).copy()
-        p1 = (bme.verts[list_1[(i - 1) % n]].co).co

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