[Bf-extensions-cvs] [d8402cf4] master: io_import_lipSync_Importer: adress the Prop error on reload

lijenstina noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Jun 16 17:07:13 CEST 2017

Commit: d8402cf4812635b92f55160e03b39a202f14ddbc
Author: lijenstina
Date:   Fri Jun 16 17:06:24 2017 +0200
Branches: master

io_import_lipSync_Importer: adress the Prop error on reload

Bumped version to 0.5.2
Part of the T51547:
Move the registration of scene properties outside the Panel
as storing them there would make all sorts of nice things
after a reload
UI properties are moved to an already existing regMenuTypes

Pep8 cleanup
Replace bpy.props star import with a tuple one
The refactor is only related to address the register/reload
as the logic of the import is left untouched
Should be no functional changes on the user's side
nor other bugs / issues are fixed


M	io_import_lipSync_Importer.py


diff --git a/io_import_lipSync_Importer.py b/io_import_lipSync_Importer.py
index fe610c9c..89d70a96 100644
--- a/io_import_lipSync_Importer.py
+++ b/io_import_lipSync_Importer.py
@@ -18,96 +18,105 @@
 bl_info = {
     "name": "LipSync Importer & Blinker",
-    "author": "Yousef Harfoush - bat3a ;)",
-    "version": (0, 5, 1),
+    "author": "Yousef Harfoush - bat3a)",
+    "version": (0, 5, 2),
     "blender": (2, 70, 0),
     "location": "3D window > Tool Shelf",
     "description": "Plots Moho (Papagayo, Jlipsync, Yolo) file "
-        "to frames and adds automatic blinking",
+                   "to frames and adds automatic blinking",
     "warning": "",
-    "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php?title=Extensions:2.6/Py/"
-        "Scripts/Import-Export/Lipsync Importer",
+    "wiki_url": "https://wiki.blender.org/index.php?title=Extensions:2.6/Py/"
+                "Scripts/Import-Export/Lipsync Importer",
     "tracker_url": "https://developer.blender.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/2/",
     "category": "Import-Export"}
-import bpy, re
+import bpy
+import re
 from random import random
-from bpy.props import *
-from bpy.props import IntProperty, FloatProperty, StringProperty
+from bpy.props import (
+        EnumProperty,
+        IntProperty,
+        FloatProperty,
+        StringProperty,
+        PointerProperty,
+        )
 global lastPhoneme
+lastPhoneme = "nothing"
 # add blinking
 def blinker():
     scn = bpy.context.scene
-    obj = bpy.context.object
     if scn.regMenuTypes.enumBlinkTypes == '0':
         modifier = 0
     elif scn.regMenuTypes.enumBlinkTypes == '1':
-        modifier = scn.blinkMod
+        modifier = scn.regMenuTypes.blinkMod
-    #creating keys with blinkNm count
-    for y in range(scn.blinkNm):
-        frame = y * scn.blinkSp + int(random()*modifier)
+    # creating keys with blinkNm count
+    for y in range(scn.regMenuTypes.blinkNm):
+        frame = y * scn.regMenuTypes.blinkSp + int(random() * modifier)
         createShapekey('blink', frame)
-# -----------code contributed by dalai felinto adds armature support modified by me-------------------
+# -- code contributed by dalai felinto adds armature support modified by me --
 bone_keys = {
-"AI":   ('location', 0),
-"E":    ('location', 1),
-"FV":   ('location', 2),
-"L":    ('rotation_euler', 0),
-"MBP":  ('rotation_euler', 1),
-"O":    ('rotation_euler', 2),
-"U":    ('scale', 0),
-"WQ":   ('scale', 1),
-"etc":  ('scale', 2),
-"rest": ('ik_stretch', -1)
+    "AI": ('location', 0),
+    "E": ('location', 1),
+    "FV": ('location', 2),
+    "L": ('rotation_euler', 0),
+    "MBP": ('rotation_euler', 1),
+    "O": ('rotation_euler', 2),
+    "U": ('scale', 0),
+    "WQ": ('scale', 1),
+    "etc": ('scale', 2),
+    "rest": ('ik_stretch', -1)
 def lipsyncerBone():
     # reading imported file & creating keys
-    object = bpy.context.object
     scene = bpy.context.scene
     bone = bpy.context.active_pose_bone
-    f=open(scene.fpath) # importing file
-    f.readline() # reading the 1st line that we don"t need
+    f = open(scene.regMenuTypes.fpath)  # importing file
+    f.readline()           # reading the 1st line that we don"t need
     for line in f:
         # removing new lines
         lsta = re.split("\n+", line)
         # building a list of frames & shapes indexes
-        lst = re.split(":? ", lsta[0])# making a list of a frame & number
+        lst = re.split(":? ", lsta[0])  # making a list of a frame & number
         frame = int(lst[0])
-        for key,attribute in bone_keys.items():
+        for key, attribute in bone_keys.items():
             if lst[1] == key:
                 createBoneKeys(key, bone, attribute, frame)
 def resetBoneScale(bone):
     # set the attributes used by papagayo to 0.0
-    for attribute,index in bone_keys.values():
+    for attribute, index in bone_keys.values():
         if index != -1:
-            #bone.location[0] = 0.0
+            # bone.location[0] = 0.0
             exec("bone.%s[%d] = %f" % (attribute, index, 0.0))
             exec("bone.%s = %f" % (attribute, 0.0))
 def addBoneKey(bone, data_path, index=-1, value=None, frame=0, group=""):
     # set a value and keyframe for the bone
     # it assumes the 'bone' variable was defined before
     # and it's the current selected bone
-    frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_current
-    if value != None:
+    frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
+    if value is not None:
         if index != -1:
             # bone.location[0] = 0.0
             exec("bone.%s[%d] = %f" % (data_path, index, value))
@@ -117,37 +126,38 @@ def addBoneKey(bone, data_path, index=-1, value=None, frame=0, group=""):
     # bone.keyframe_insert("location", 0, 10.0, "Lipsync")
     exec('bone.keyframe_insert("%s", %d, %f, "%s")' % (data_path, index, frame, group))
 # creating keys with offset and eases for a phonem @ the Skframe
 def createBoneKeys(phoneme, bone, attribute, frame):
     global lastPhoneme
     scene = bpy.context.scene
-    object = bpy.context.object
-    offst = scene.offset     # offset value
-    skVlu = scene.skscale    # shape key value
+    offst = scene.regMenuTypes.offset     # offset value
+    skVlu = scene.regMenuTypes.skscale    # shape key value
-    #in case of Papagayo format
-    if scene.regMenuTypes.enumFileTypes == '0' :
-        frmIn = scene.easeIn     # ease in value
-        frmOut = scene.easeOut   # ease out value
-        hldIn = scene.holdGap    # holding time value
+    # in case of Papagayo format
+    if scene.regMenuTypes.enumFileTypes == '0':
+        frmIn = scene.regMenuTypes.easeIn     # ease in value
+        frmOut = scene.regMenuTypes.easeOut   # ease out value
+        hldIn = scene.regMenuTypes.holdGap    # holding time value
-    #in case of Jlipsync format or Yolo
-    elif scene.regMenuTypes.enumFileTypes == '1' :
+    # in case of Jlipsync format or Yolo
+    elif scene.regMenuTypes.enumFileTypes == '1':
         frmIn = 1
         frmOut = 1
         hldIn = 0
     # inserting the In key only when phonem change or when blinking
-    if lastPhoneme!=phoneme or eval(scene.regMenuTypes.enumModeTypes) == 1:
-        addBoneKey(bone, attribute[0], attribute[1], 0.0, offst+frame-frmIn, "Lipsync")
+    if lastPhoneme != phoneme or eval(scene.regMenuTypes.enumModeTypes) == 1:
+        addBoneKey(bone, attribute[0], attribute[1], 0.0, offst + frame - frmIn, "Lipsync")
-    addBoneKey(bone, attribute[0], attribute[1], skVlu, offst+frame, "Lipsync")
-    addBoneKey(bone, attribute[0], attribute[1], skVlu, offst+frame+hldIn, "Lipsync")
-    addBoneKey(bone, attribute[0], attribute[1], 0.0, offst+frame+hldIn+frmOut, "Lipsync")
+    addBoneKey(bone, attribute[0], attribute[1], skVlu, offst + frame, "Lipsync")
+    addBoneKey(bone, attribute[0], attribute[1], skVlu, offst + frame + hldIn, "Lipsync")
+    addBoneKey(bone, attribute[0], attribute[1], 0.0, offst + frame + hldIn + frmOut, "Lipsync")
+    lastPhoneme = phoneme
-    lastPhoneme=phoneme
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -157,8 +167,8 @@ def lipsyncer():
     obj = bpy.context.object
     scn = bpy.context.scene
-    f=open(scn.fpath) # importing file
-    f.readline() # reading the 1st line that we don"t need
+    f = open(scn.regMenuTypes.fpath)  # importing file
+    f.readline()         # reading the 1st line that we don"t need
     for line in f:
@@ -166,13 +176,14 @@ def lipsyncer():
         lsta = re.split("\n+", line)
         # building a list of frames & shapes indexes
-        lst = re.split(":? ", lsta[0])# making a list of a frame & number
+        lst = re.split(":? ", lsta[0])  # making a list of a frame & number
         frame = int(lst[0])
         for key in obj.data.shape_keys.key_blocks:
             if lst[1] == key.name:
                 createShapekey(key.name, frame)
 # creating keys with offset and eases for a phonem @ the frame
 def createShapekey(phoneme, frame):
@@ -182,41 +193,43 @@ def createShapekey(phoneme, frame):
     obj = bpy.context.object
     objSK = obj.data.shape_keys
-    offst = scn.offset     # offset value
-    skVlu = scn.skscale    # shape key value
+    offst = scn.regMenuTypes.offset     # offset value
+    skVlu = scn.regMenuTypes.skscale    # shape key value
-    #in case of Papagayo format
-    if scn.regMenuTypes.enumFileTypes == '0' :
-        frmIn = scn.easeIn     # ease in value
-        frmOut = scn.easeOut   # ease out value
-        hldIn = scn.holdGap    # holding time value
+    # in case of Papagayo format
+    if scn.regMenuTypes.enumFileTypes == '0':
+        frmIn = scn.regMenuTypes.easeIn     # ease in value
+        frmOut = scn.regMenuTypes.easeOut   # ease out value
+        hldIn = scn.regMenuTypes.holdGap    # holding time value
-    #in case of Jlipsync format or Yolo
-    elif scn.regMenuTypes.enumFileTypes == '1' :
+    # in case of Jlipsync format or Yolo
+    elif scn.regMenuTypes.enumFileTypes == '1':
         frmIn = 1
         frmOut = 1
         hldIn = 0
     # inserting the In key only when phonem change or when blinking
-    if lastPhoneme!=phoneme or eval(scn.regMenuTypes.enumModeTypes) == 1:
-        objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].value=0.0
-        objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value",
-            -1, offst+frame-frmIn, "Lipsync")
-    objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].value=skVlu
-    objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value",
-        -1, offst+frame, "Lipsync")
-    objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].value=skVlu
-    objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value",
-        -1, offst+frame+hldIn, "Lipsync")
-    objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].value=0.0
-    objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value",
-    -1, offst+frame+hldIn+frmOut, "Lipsync")
+    if lastPhoneme != phoneme or eval(scn.regMenuTypes.enumModeTypes) == 1:
+        objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].value = 0.0
+        objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert(
+            "value", -1, offst + frame - frmIn, "Lipsync"
+            )
+    objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].value = skVlu
+    objSK.key_block

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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