[Bf-extensions-cvs] [623a552f] master: np station: updating to 2017_05_12_golden_overlap

NBurn noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Jun 7 05:49:51 CEST 2017

Commit: 623a552f16cb00fe021a7e0b61c2fbb3d5bfb8aa
Author: NBurn
Date:   Tue Jun 6 23:47:33 2017 -0400
Branches: master

np station: updating to 2017_05_12_golden_overlap


M	np_station/__init__.py
M	np_station/np_point_distance.py
M	np_station/utils_graphics.py


diff --git a/np_station/__init__.py b/np_station/__init__.py
index 1db8a481..d181c399 100644
--- a/np_station/__init__.py
+++ b/np_station/__init__.py
@@ -379,6 +379,11 @@ class NP020Preferences(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
             description = 'Include an extra step to display the last measured distance in the viewport',
             default = False)
+    nppd_gold = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
+            name = 'Golden ratio',
+            description = 'Display a marker showing the position of the golden division point (1.61803 : 1)',
+            default = False)
     nppd_info = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
             name = 'Value to header info',
             description = 'Display last measured distance on the header',
@@ -799,6 +804,7 @@ class NP020Preferences(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
             col = split.column()
             col.prop(self, "nppd_hold")
             col = split.column()
+            col.prop(self, "nppd_gold")
             col = split.column()
             col.prop(self, "nppd_info")
             col = split.column()
diff --git a/np_station/np_point_distance.py b/np_station/np_point_distance.py
index a5df50b5..eeae8cf9 100644
--- a/np_station/np_point_distance.py
+++ b/np_station/np_point_distance.py
@@ -267,6 +267,7 @@ def draw_callback_px_TRANS(self, context):
     xyz_distances = addon_prefs.nppd_xyz_distances
     xyz_backdrop = addon_prefs.nppd_xyz_backdrop
     stereo_cage = addon_prefs.nppd_stereo_cage
+    gold = addon_prefs.nppd_gold
     if addon_prefs.nppd_col_line_main_DEF == False:
         col_line_main = addon_prefs.nppd_col_line_main
@@ -341,8 +342,13 @@ def draw_callback_px_TRANS(self, context):
     np_print(startloc2d, endloc2d)
     # np_print('1')
     dist = (mathutils.Vector(endloc3d) - mathutils.Vector(startloc3d))
+    distgold = dist / 1.6180339887
+    goldloc3d = mathutils.Vector(startloc3d) + distgold
+    goldloc2d = view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d(
+        region, rv3d, goldloc3d)
     distn = dist.length * scale
     distn = str(abs(round(distn, 2)))
     dist = dist.length * scale
     if suffix is not None:
@@ -625,6 +631,70 @@ def draw_callback_px_TRANS(self, context):
                 bgl.glVertex2f(x, y)
+    if gold and phase != 0:
+        '''
+        goldtriangle = [[0, 0], [-1, 1], [1, 1]]
+        for co in goldtriangle:
+            co[0] = round((co[0] * 10), 0) + goldloc2d[0]
+            co[1] = round((co[1] * 10), 0) + goldloc2d[1]
+        bgl.glColor4f(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)
+        bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN)
+        for x, y in goldtriangle:
+            bgl.glVertex2f(x, y)
+        bgl.glEnd()
+        '''
+        goldvec1 = mathutils.Vector((1.0 , 0.0))
+        goldvec2 = endloc2d - startloc2d
+        if goldvec1.length != 0.0 and goldvec2.length != 0.0:
+            ang = goldvec1.angle_signed(goldvec2)
+            coy = round(cos(ang), 8)
+            cox = round(sin(ang), 8)
+            goldtick = [[-cox, -coy], [0, 0], [cox, coy]]
+            for co in goldtick:
+                co[0] = round((co[0] * 10), 0) + goldloc2d[0]
+                co[1] = round((co[1] * 10), 0) + goldloc2d[1]
+            bgl.glColor4f(0.95, 0.55, 0.0, 1.0)
+            bgl.glLineWidth(2)
+            bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINE_STRIP) 
+            for x, y in goldtick:
+                bgl.glVertex2f(x, y)
+            bgl.glEnd()
+            bgl.glLineWidth(1)
+            if xyz_distances:
+                distgold_first = (goldloc3d - startloc3d).length * scale
+                distgold_first = str(abs(round(distgold_first, 2)))
+                distgold_sec = (endloc3d - goldloc3d).length * scale
+                distgold_sec = str(abs(round(distgold_sec, 2)))
+                goldloc_first = [((startloc2d[0] + goldloc2d[0]) / 2), ((startloc2d[1] + goldloc2d[1]) / 2)]
+                goldloc_sec = [((goldloc2d[0] + endloc2d[0]) / 2), ((goldloc2d[1] + endloc2d[1]) / 2)]
+                if xyz_backdrop:
+                    bgl.glColor4f(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)
+                    bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN)
+                    bgl.glVertex2f(goldloc_first[0]-2, goldloc_first[1]-2)
+                    bgl.glVertex2f(goldloc_first[0]-2, goldloc_first[1]+10)
+                    bgl.glVertex2f(goldloc_first[0]+50, goldloc_first[1]+10)
+                    bgl.glVertex2f(goldloc_first[0]+50, goldloc_first[1]-2)
+                    bgl.glEnd()
+                bgl.glColor4f(0.95, 0.55, 0.0, 1.0)
+                if xyz_backdrop:
+                    bgl.glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+                blf.position(font_id, goldloc_first[0], goldloc_first[1], 0)
+                blf.draw(font_id, distgold_first)
+                if xyz_backdrop:
+                    bgl.glColor4f(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)
+                    bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN)
+                    bgl.glVertex2f(goldloc_sec[0]-2, goldloc_sec[1]-2)
+                    bgl.glVertex2f(goldloc_sec[0]-2, goldloc_sec[1]+10)
+                    bgl.glVertex2f(goldloc_sec[0]+50, goldloc_sec[1]+10)
+                    bgl.glVertex2f(goldloc_sec[0]+50, goldloc_sec[1]-2)
+                    bgl.glEnd()
+                bgl.glColor4f(0.95, 0.55, 0.0, 1.0)
+                if xyz_backdrop:
+                    bgl.glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+                blf.position(font_id, goldloc_sec[0], goldloc_sec[1], 0)
+                blf.draw(font_id, distgold_sec)
     square = [[17, 30], [17, 40], [27, 40], [27, 30]]
diff --git a/np_station/utils_graphics.py b/np_station/utils_graphics.py
index 1abd1900..111a60ec 100644
--- a/np_station/utils_graphics.py
+++ b/np_station/utils_graphics.py
@@ -130,6 +130,29 @@ def addon_settings_graph():
 def display_instructions(region, rv3d, instruct, keys_aff, keys_nav, keys_neg):
+    userpref = bpy.context.user_preferences
+    system = userpref.system
+    rwtools = 0
+    rwui = 0
+    np_print(system.window_draw_method, system.use_region_overlap)
+    if system.use_region_overlap:
+        if system.window_draw_method in ('TRIPLE_BUFFER', 'AUTOMATIC') :
+            area = bpy.context.area
+            np_print('GO', area.regions)
+            for r in area.regions:
+                if r.type == 'TOOLS':
+                    rwtools = r.width
+                elif r.type == 'UI':
+                    rwui = r.width
+    np_print('rwtools', rwtools, 'rwui', rwui)
+    field_keys_y = 46
+    field_keys_x = 80
     rw = region.width
     rh = region.height
     np_print('rw, rh', rw, rh)
@@ -137,7 +160,7 @@ def display_instructions(region, rv3d, instruct, keys_aff, keys_nav, keys_neg):
     expand = False
     crop = False
-    len_aff_max = rw - 140
+    len_aff_max = rw - 140 - rwtools - rwui
     len_aff = len(keys_aff) * 5
     len_neg = len(keys_neg) * 5
     len_ins = len(instruct) * 18
@@ -145,7 +168,7 @@ def display_instructions(region, rv3d, instruct, keys_aff, keys_nav, keys_neg):
     rw_min = 480
     rh_min = 280
-    if rw < rw_min or rh < rh_min: crop = True
+    if rw - rwtools - rwui < rw_min or rh < rh_min: crop = True
     version = '020'
@@ -170,42 +193,41 @@ def display_instructions(region, rv3d, instruct, keys_aff, keys_nav, keys_neg):
-    field_keys_y = 46
-    field_keys_x = 80
-    field_keys_aff_1 = [[field_keys_x, field_keys_y + 21], [field_keys_x, field_keys_y + 39], [rw - int(field_keys_x / 2), field_keys_y + 39], [rw - int(field_keys_x / 2), field_keys_y + 21]]
+    field_keys_aff_1 = [[field_keys_x + rwtools, field_keys_y + 21], [field_keys_x + rwtools, field_keys_y + 39], [rw - int(field_keys_x / 2) - rwui, field_keys_y + 39], [rw - int(field_keys_x / 2) - rwui, field_keys_y + 21]]
     field_keys_aff_2 = copy.deepcopy(field_keys_aff_1)
-    field_keys_neg = [[field_keys_x, field_keys_y], [field_keys_x, field_keys_y + 18], [rw - field_keys_x / 2, field_keys_y + 18], [rw - field_keys_x / 2, field_keys_y]]
+    field_keys_neg = [[field_keys_x + rwtools, field_keys_y], [field_keys_x + rwtools, field_keys_y + 18], [rw - int(field_keys_x / 2) - rwui, field_keys_y + 18], [rw - int(field_keys_x / 2) - rwui, field_keys_y]]
     if expand:
         field_keys_aff_2 = copy.deepcopy(field_keys_neg)
-        field_keys_neg = [[field_keys_x, field_keys_y - 21], [field_keys_x, field_keys_y - 3], [rw - field_keys_x / 2, field_keys_y - 3], [rw - field_keys_x / 2, field_keys_y - 21]]
+        field_keys_neg = [[field_keys_x + rwtools, field_keys_y - 21], [field_keys_x + rwtools, field_keys_y - 3], [rw - int(field_keys_x / 2) - rwui, field_keys_y - 3], [rw - int(field_keys_x / 2) - rwui, field_keys_y - 21]]
     size_font_np = 25
     size_font_instruct = 21
     size_font_keys = 11
     len_np_ins = len_ins + int(size_font_np * 2.1)
-    pos_font_np_x = (rw - (len_np_ins / 2)) / 2
+    pos_font_np_x = (rw - len_np_ins / 2) / 2 + rwtools / 2 - rwui / 2
     pos_font_np_y = 150
     if crop: pos_font_np_y = 75
     pos_font_instruct_x = pos_font_np_x + int(size_font_np * 2.1)
     pos_font_instruct_y = pos_font_np_y + 4
-    pos_font_keys_aff_1_x = field_keys_x + 8
+    pos_font_keys_aff_1_x = field_keys_x + 8 + rwtools
     pos_font_keys_aff_1_y = field_keys_y + 26
     pos_font_keys_aff_2_x = copy.deepcopy(pos_font_keys_aff_1_x)
     pos_font_keys_aff_2_y = copy.deepcopy(pos_font_keys_aff_1_y)
-    pos_font_keys_nav_x = field_keys_x + 8
+    pos_font_keys_nav_x = field_keys_x + 8 + rwtools
     pos_font_keys_nav_y = field_keys_y + 5
-    pos_font_keys_neg_x = rw - 52 - len_neg
+    pos_font_keys_neg_x = rw - 52 - len_neg - rwui
     np_print('len_neg', len_neg)
     np_print('pos_font_keys_neg_x', pos_font_keys_neg_x)
     pos_font_keys_neg_y = field_keys_y + 5
     if expand:
-        pos_font_keys_aff_2_x = field_keys_x + 8
+        pos_font_keys_aff_2_x = field_keys_x + 8 + rwtools
         pos_font_keys_aff_2_y = field_keys_y + 5
-        pos_font_keys_nav_x = field_keys_x + 8
+        pos_font_keys_nav_x = field_keys_x + 8 + rwtools
         pos_font_keys_nav_y = field_keys_y - 16
-        pos_font_keys_neg_x = rw - 52 - len_neg
-        pos_font_keys_neg_y = field_keys_y 

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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