[Bf-extensions-cvs] [7ef069a] master: C3D: import markers as armature's bones

Daniel Monteiro Basso noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Feb 3 23:33:01 CET 2017

Commit: 7ef069a9dff394f0d1ae48950d9a9f08379f6bf8
Author: Daniel Monteiro Basso
Date:   Fri Feb 3 22:32:51 2017 +0000
Branches: master

C3D: import markers as armature's bones


M	io_anim_c3d/__init__.py


diff --git a/io_anim_c3d/__init__.py b/io_anim_c3d/__init__.py
index 66d1419..2c9cd0d 100644
--- a/io_anim_c3d/__init__.py
+++ b/io_anim_c3d/__init__.py
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 bl_info = {
     "name": "C3D Graphics Lab Motion Capture file (.c3d)",
     "author": "Daniel Monteiro Basso <daniel at basso.inf.br>",
-    "version": (2013, 12, 10, 1),
-    "blender": (2, 69, 5),
+    "version": (2015, 5, 5, 1),
+    "blender": (2, 74, 1),
     "location": "File > Import",
     "description": "Imports C3D Graphics Lab Motion Capture files",
     "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/"
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ bl_info = {
 import bpy
 from bpy.props import (
-        StringProperty,
-        BoolProperty,
-        FloatProperty,
-        IntProperty,
-        )
+    StringProperty,
+    BoolProperty,
+    FloatProperty,
+    IntProperty,
+import os
 import math
-import time
 from mathutils import Vector
 from . import import_c3d
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class C3DAnimateCloud(bpy.types.Operator):
     bl_idname = "import_anim.c3danim"
     bl_label = "Animate C3D"
+    is_armature = False
     markerset = None
     uname = None
     curframe = 0
@@ -64,25 +65,46 @@ class C3DAnimateCloud(bpy.types.Operator):
     timer = None
     Y_up = False
+    def update_empty(self, fno, ml, m):
+        name = self.unames[self.prefix + ml]
+        o = bpy.context.scene.objects[name]
+        p = Vector(m.position) * self.scale
+        o.location = Vector((p[0], -p[2], p[1])) if self.Y_up else p
+        o.keyframe_insert('location', frame=fno)
+    def update_bone(self, fno, ml, m, bones):
+        name = self.prefix + ml
+        if name not in bones:
+            return
+        b = bones[name]
+        p = Vector(m.position) * self.scale
+        b.matrix.translation = Vector((p[0], -p[2], p[1])) if self.Y_up else p
+        b.keyframe_insert('location', -1, fno, name)
+    def update_frame(self):
+        fno = self.curframe
+        if not self.use_frame_no:
+            fno = (self.curframe - self.markerset.startFrame) / self.fskip
+        for i in range(self.fskip):
+            self.markerset.readNextFrameData()
+        if self.is_armature:
+            bones = bpy.context.active_object.pose.bones
+        for ml in self.markerset.markerLabels:
+            m = self.markerset.getMarker(ml, self.curframe)
+            if m.confidence < self.confidence:
+                continue
+            if self.is_armature:
+                self.update_bone(fno, ml, m, bones)
+            else:
+                self.update_empty(fno, ml, m)
     def modal(self, context, event):
         if event.type == 'ESC':
             return self.cancel(context)
         if event.type == 'TIMER':
             if self.curframe > self.markerset.endFrame:
                 return self.cancel(context)
-            fno = self.curframe
-            if not self.use_frame_no:
-                fno = (self.curframe - self.markerset.startFrame) / self.fskip
-            for i in range(self.fskip):
-                self.markerset.readNextFrameData()
-            for ml in self.markerset.markerLabels:
-                name = self.unames[self.prefix + ml]
-                o = bpy.context.scene.objects[name]
-                m = self.markerset.getMarker(ml, self.curframe)
-                p = Vector(m.position) * self.scale
-                o.location = Vector((p[0], -p[2], p[1])) if self.Y_up else p
-                if m.confidence >= self.confidence:
-                    o.keyframe_insert('location', frame=fno)
+            self.update_frame()
             self.curframe += self.fskip
         return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
@@ -106,91 +128,98 @@ class C3DImporter(bpy.types.Operator):
     bl_label = "Import C3D"
     filepath = StringProperty(
-            subtype='FILE_PATH',
-            )
+        subtype='FILE_PATH',
+    )
     Y_up = BoolProperty(
-            name="Up vector is Y axis",
-            default=False,
-            description="Check when the data uses Y-up, uncheck when it uses Z-up",
-            )
+        name="Up vector is Y axis",
+        default=False,
+        description="Check when the data uses Y-up, uncheck when it uses Z-up",
+    )
     from_inches = BoolProperty(
-            name="Convert from inches to meters",
-            default=False,
-            description="Scale by 2.54/100",
-            )
+        name="Convert from inches to meters",
+        default=False,
+        description="Scale by 2.54/100",
+    )
     scale = FloatProperty(
-            name="Scale",
-            default=1.0,
-            description="Scale the positions by this value",
-            min=0.0000001, max=1000000.0,
-            soft_min=0.001, soft_max=100.0,
-            )
+        name="Scale",
+        default=1.0,
+        description="Scale the positions by this value",
+        min=0.0000001, max=1000000.0,
+        soft_min=0.001, soft_max=100.0,
+    )
     auto_scale = BoolProperty(
-            name="Adjust scale automatically",
-            default=False,
-            description="Guess correct scale factor",
-            )
+        name="Adjust scale automatically",
+        default=False,
+        description="Guess correct scale factor",
+    )
     auto_magnitude = BoolProperty(
-            name="Adjust scale magnitude",
-            default=True,
-            description="Automatically adjust scale magnitude",
-            )
+        name="Adjust scale magnitude",
+        default=True,
+        description="Automatically adjust scale magnitude",
+    )
+    create_armature = BoolProperty(
+        name="Create an armature",
+        default=True,
+        description="Import the markers as bones instead of empties",
+    )
     size = FloatProperty(
-            name="Empty Size",
-            default=.03,
-            description="The size of each empty",
-            min=0.0001, max=1000000.0,
-            soft_min=0.001, soft_max=100.0,
-            )
+        name="Empty or bone size",
+        default=.03,
+        description="The size of each empty or bone",
+        min=0.0001, max=1000000.0,
+        soft_min=0.001, soft_max=100.0,
+    )
     x_ray = BoolProperty(
-            name="Use X-Ray",
-            default=True,
-            description="Show the empties over other objects",
-            )
+        name="Use X-Ray",
+        default=True,
+        description="Show the empties or armature over other objects",
+    )
     frame_skip = IntProperty(
-            name="Fps divisor",
-            default=4,
-            # usually the sample rate is 120, so the default 4 gives you 30fps
-            description="Frame supersampling factor",
-            min=1,
-            )
+        name="Fps divisor",
+        default=1,
+        description="Frame supersampling factor",
+        min=1,
+    )
     use_frame_no = BoolProperty(
-            name="Use frame numbers",
-            default=False,
-            description="Offset start of animation according to the source",
-            )
+        name="Use frame numbers",
+        default=False,
+        description="Offset start of animation according to the source",
+    )
     show_names = BoolProperty(
-            name="Show Names", default=False,
-            description="Show the markers' name",
-            )
+        name="Show Names", default=False,
+        description="Show the markers' name",
+    )
     prefix = StringProperty(
-            name="Name Prefix", maxlen=32,
-            description="Prefix object names with this",
-            )
+        name="Name Prefix", maxlen=32,
+        description="Prefix object names with this",
+    )
     use_existing = BoolProperty(
-            name="Use existing empties",
-            default=False,
-            description="Use previously created homonymous empties",
-            )
+        name="Use existing empties or armature",
+        default=False,
+        description="Use previously created homonymous empties or bones",
+    )
     confidence = FloatProperty(
-            name="Minimum Confidence Level", default=0,
-            description="Only consider markers with at least "
-                        "this confidence level",
-            min=-1., max=1000000.0,
-            soft_min=-1., soft_max=100.0,
-            )
+        name="Minimum Confidence Level", default=0,
+        description="Only consider markers with at least "
+                    "this confidence level",
+        min=-1., max=1000000.0,
+        soft_min=-1., soft_max=100.0,
+    )
     filter_glob = StringProperty(default="*.c3d;*.csv", options={'HIDDEN'})
     def find_height(self, ms):
             Heuristic to find the height of the subject in the markerset
-            (only works for standing poses)
+            (only works for standing poses and you must have correct data
+            on the first frame)
-        zmin = None
+        zmin, zmax = None, None
         hidx = 1 if self.properties.Y_up else 2
         for ml in ms.markerLabels:
+            # check if LTOE is a substring of this marker label
             if 'LTOE' in ml:
+                # substitute the substring to get the head marker
                 hd = ml.replace('LTOE', 'LFHD')
                 if hd not in ms.markerLabels:
@@ -198,6 +227,7 @@ class C3DImporter(bpy.types.Operator):
                 pmax_idx = ms.markerLabels.index(hd)
                 zmin = ms.frames[0][pmin_idx].position[hidx]
                 zmax = ms.frames[0][pmax_idx].position[hidx]
+                break
         if zmin is None:  # could not find named markers, get extremes
             allz = [m.position[hidx] for m in ms.frames[0]]
             zmin, zmax = min(allz), max(allz)
@@ -205,43 +235,32 @@ class C3DImporter(bpy.types.Operator):
     def adjust_scale_magnitude(self, height, scale):
         mag = math.log10(height * scale)
-        #print('mag',mag, 'scale',scale)
         return scale * math.pow(10, -int(mag))
     def adjust_scale(self, height, scale):
+        """
+            Try to find the correct scale for some common configurations
+            found in CMU's c3d files.
+        """
         factor = he

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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