[Bf-extensions-cvs] [4077b279] master: Snap_Utilities_Line: Simplify the main function

Germano Cavalcante noreply at git.blender.org
Sat Apr 8 06:23:29 CEST 2017

Commit: 4077b279ac5df5075a4ee234bb65660f8d27d11f
Author: Germano Cavalcante
Date:   Sat Apr 8 01:23:07 2017 -0300
Branches: master

Snap_Utilities_Line: Simplify the main function

- adds class SnapCache instead of storing multiple values in the self structure;
- avoid Scene.raycast (use Object.raycast instead);
- ~bgl.glDepthRange(0,0)~ => bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST)


M	mesh_snap_utilities_line.py


diff --git a/mesh_snap_utilities_line.py b/mesh_snap_utilities_line.py
index 4ccc4fba..c1d86e8c 100644
--- a/mesh_snap_utilities_line.py
+++ b/mesh_snap_utilities_line.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 bl_info = {
     "name": "Snap_Utilities_Line",
     "author": "Germano Cavalcante",
-    "version": (5, 7),
+    "version": (5, 7, 1),
     "blender": (2, 75, 0),
     "location": "View3D > TOOLS > Snap Utilities > snap utilities",
     "description": "Extends Blender Snap controls",
@@ -85,8 +85,14 @@ def location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, coord):
     height_half = region.height / 2.0
     return Vector((width_half + width_half * (prj.x / prj.w),
                    height_half + height_half * (prj.y / prj.w),
+                   prj.z / prj.w
+def fac_nearest_to_segment_2d(co2v, v2d0, v2d1):
+    u = v2d1.xy - v2d0.xy
+    h = co2v.xy - v2d0.xy
+    return u.dot(h) / u.length_squared
 def region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector(region, rv3d, coord, clamp=None):
     viewinv = rv3d.view_matrix.inverted()
     persinv = rv3d.perspective_matrix.inverted()
@@ -139,165 +145,209 @@ def out_Location(rv3d, region, orig, vector):
         hit = Vector()
     return hit
-def snap_utilities(self,
-                context,
-                obj_matrix_world,
-                bm_geom,
-                bool_update,
-                mcursor,
-                outer_verts = False,
-                constrain = None,
-                previous_vert = None,
-                ignore_obj = None,
-                increment = 0.0):
+class SnapCache():
+        bvert = None
+        vco = None
+        bedge = None
+        v0 = None
+        v1 = None
+        vmid = None
+        vperp = None
+        v2d0 = None
+        v2d1 = None
+        v2dmid = None
+        v2dperp = None
+        bface = None
+        fmid = None
+        fnor = None
+        out_obj = None
+        out_obmat = None
+        out_obimat = None
+def snap_utilities(
+        cache, context, obj_matrix_world,
+        bm, mcursor,
+        outer_verts = False,
+        constrain = None,
+        previous_vert = None,
+        ignore_obj = None,
+        increment = 0.0):
     rv3d = context.region_data
     region = context.region
+    scene = context.scene
     is_increment = False
+    r_loc = None
+    r_type = None
+    r_len = 0.0
+    bm_geom = None
+    if bm.select_history:
+        bm.select_history[0].select = False
+        bm.select_history.clear()
-    if not hasattr(self, 'snap_cache'):
-        self.snap_cache = True
-        self.type = 'OUT'
-        self.bvert = None
-        self.bedge = None
-        self.bface = None
-        self.hit = False
-        self.out_obj = None
+    bpy.ops.view3d.select(location = (int(mcursor.x), int(mcursor.y)))
-    if bool_update:
-        #self.bvert = None
-        self.bedge = None
-        #self.bface = None
+    if bm.select_history:
+        bm_geom = bm.select_history[0]
     if isinstance(bm_geom, bmesh.types.BMVert):
-        self.type = 'VERT'
+        r_type = 'VERT'
-        if self.bvert != bm_geom:
-            self.bvert = bm_geom
-            self.vert = obj_matrix_world * self.bvert.co
-            #self.Pvert = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, self.vert)
+        if cache.bvert != bm_geom:
+            cache.bvert = bm_geom
+            cache.vco = obj_matrix_world * cache.bvert.co
+            #cache.v2d = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, cache.vco)
         if constrain:
-            #self.location = (self.vert-self.const).project(vector_constrain) + self.const
-            location = intersect_point_line(self.vert, constrain[0], constrain[1])
+            location = intersect_point_line(cache.vco, constrain[0], constrain[1])
             #factor = location[1]
-            self.location = location[0]
+            r_loc = location[0]
-            self.location = self.vert
+            r_loc = cache.vco
     elif isinstance(bm_geom, bmesh.types.BMEdge):
-        if self.bedge != bm_geom:
-            self.bedge = bm_geom
-            self.vert0 = obj_matrix_world*self.bedge.verts[0].co
-            self.vert1 = obj_matrix_world*self.bedge.verts[1].co
-            self.po_cent = (self.vert0+self.vert1)/2
-            self.Pcent = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, self.po_cent)
-            self.Pvert0 = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, self.vert0)
-            self.Pvert1 = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, self.vert1)
+        if cache.bedge != bm_geom:
+            cache.bedge = bm_geom
+            cache.v0 = obj_matrix_world * bm_geom.verts[0].co
+            cache.v1 = obj_matrix_world * bm_geom.verts[1].co
+            cache.vmid = 0.5 * (cache.v0 + cache.v1)
+            cache.v2d0 = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, cache.v0)
+            cache.v2d1 = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, cache.v1)
+            cache.v2dmid = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, cache.vmid)
-            if previous_vert and previous_vert not in self.bedge.verts:
-                    pvert_co = obj_matrix_world*previous_vert.co
-                    point_perpendicular = intersect_point_line(pvert_co, self.vert0, self.vert1)
-                    self.po_perp = point_perpendicular[0]
+            if previous_vert and previous_vert not in bm_geom.verts:
+                    pvert_co = obj_matrix_world * previous_vert.co
+                    perp_point = intersect_point_line(pvert_co, cache.v0, cache.v1)
+                    cache.vperp = perp_point[0]
                     #factor = point_perpendicular[1] 
-                    self.Pperp = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, self.po_perp)
+                    cache.v2dperp = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, perp_point[0])
+            #else: cache.v2dperp = None
         if constrain:
-            location = intersect_line_line(constrain[0], constrain[1], self.vert0, self.vert1)
+            location = intersect_line_line(constrain[0], constrain[1], cache.v0, cache.v1)
             if location == None:
                 is_increment = True
                 orig, view_vector = region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector(region, rv3d, mcursor)
                 end = orig + view_vector
                 location = intersect_line_line(constrain[0], constrain[1], orig, end)
-            if location:
-                self.location = location[0]
-            else:
-                self.location = constrain[0]
+            r_loc = location[0]
-        elif hasattr(self, 'Pperp') and abs(self.Pperp[0]-mcursor[0]) < 10 and abs(self.Pperp[1]-mcursor[1]) < 10:
-            self.type = 'PERPENDICULAR'
-            self.location = self.po_perp
+        elif cache.v2dperp and\
+            abs(cache.v2dperp[0] - mcursor[0]) < 10 and abs(cache.v2dperp[1] - mcursor[1]) < 10:
+                r_type = 'PERPENDICULAR'
+                r_loc = cache.vperp
-        elif abs(self.Pcent[0]-mcursor[0]) < 10 and abs(self.Pcent[1]-mcursor[1]) < 10:
-            self.type = 'CENTER'
-            self.location = self.po_cent
+        elif abs(cache.v2dmid[0] - mcursor[0]) < 10 and abs(cache.v2dmid[1] - mcursor[1]) < 10:
+            r_type = 'CENTER'
+            r_loc = cache.vmid
-            if increment and previous_vert in self.bedge.verts:
+            if increment and previous_vert in cache.bedge.verts:
                 is_increment = True
-            self.type = 'EDGE'
-            orig, view_vector = region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector(region, rv3d, mcursor)
-            end = orig + view_vector
-            self.location = intersect_line_line(self.vert0, self.vert1, orig, end)[0]
+            r_type = 'EDGE'
+            fac = fac_nearest_to_segment_2d(mcursor, cache.v2d0, cache.v2d1)
+            fac *= cache.v2d0.z / cache.v2d1.z #convert to fac3d
+            r_loc = cache.v0 + fac * (cache.v1 - cache.v0)
     elif isinstance(bm_geom, bmesh.types.BMFace):
         is_increment = True
-        self.type = 'FACE'
+        r_type = 'FACE'
-        if self.bface != bm_geom:
-            self.bface = bm_geom
-            self.face_center = obj_matrix_world*bm_geom.calc_center_median()
-            self.face_normal = bm_geom.normal*obj_matrix_world.inverted()
+        if cache.bface != bm_geom:
+            cache.bface = bm_geom
+            cache.fmid = obj_matrix_world*bm_geom.calc_center_median()
+            cache.fnor = bm_geom.normal*obj_matrix_world.inverted()
         orig, view_vector = region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector(region, rv3d, mcursor)
         end = orig + view_vector
-        location = intersect_line_plane(orig, end, self.face_center, self.face_normal, False)
+        r_loc = intersect_line_plane(orig, end, cache.fmid, cache.fnor, False)
         if constrain:
             is_increment = False
-            location = intersect_point_line(location, constrain[0], constrain[1])[0]
+            r_loc = intersect_point_line(r_loc, constrain[0], constrain[1])[0]
-        self.location = location
-    else:
+    else: #OUT
         is_increment = True
-        self.type = 'OUT'
+        r_type = 'OUT'
         orig, view_vector = region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector(region, rv3d, mcursor)
-        result, self.location, normal, face_index, self.out_obj, self.out_mat = context.scene.ray_cast(orig, view_vector, 3.3e+38)
-        if result and self.out_obj != ignore_obj:
-            self.type = 'FACE'
-            if outer_verts:
-                if face_index != -1:
+        face_index = -1
+        if cache.out_obj == None:
+            result, r_loc, normal, face_index, cache.out_obj, cache.out_obmat = scene.ray_cast(orig, view_vector)
+            if result:
+                r_type = 'FACE'
+                cache.out_obimat = cache.out_obmat.inverted()
+            else:
+                face_index = -1
+                r_loc = None
+        if cache.out_obj and cache.out_obj != ignore_obj:
+            if not r_loc or outer_verts:
+                location = None
+                if face_index == -1:
+                    # get the ray relative to the cache.out_obj
+                    ray_origin_obj = cache.out_obimat * orig

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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