[Bf-extensions-cvs] [5858c59] master: Curve Simplify: Cleanup, remove dead code

lijenstina noreply at git.blender.org
Sun Apr 2 22:29:40 CEST 2017

Commit: 5858c59db11fae85dc6ca622d8a202767f837a38
Author: lijenstina
Date:   Sun Apr 2 22:28:43 2017 +0200
Branches: master

Curve Simplify: Cleanup, remove dead code

Bumped version to 1.0.2
Pep8 cleanup
imports as tuples

Removed two empty Menu classes:
CurveMenu and GRAPH_OT_simplifyf
and unused UI code

Small UI and tooltip fixes
Consistent Props declarations

TO DO: see if the different Algo
UI options can be re-enabled


M	curve_simplify.py


diff --git a/curve_simplify.py b/curve_simplify.py
index 6309c78..d1e8e17 100644
--- a/curve_simplify.py
+++ b/curve_simplify.py
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
 bl_info = {
     "name": "Simplify Curves",
     "author": "testscreenings",
-    "version": (1, 0, 1),
+    "version": (1, 0, 2),
     "blender": (2, 75, 0),
     "location": "Search > Simplify Curves",
     "description": "Simplifies 3D Curve objects and animation F-Curves",
     "warning": "",
-    "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/"
+    "wiki_url": "https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/"
     "category": "Add Curve",
@@ -33,78 +33,84 @@ bl_info = {
 This script simplifies Curve objects and animation F-Curves.
 import bpy
-from bpy.props import *
-import mathutils
-import math
+from bpy.props import (
+        BoolProperty,
+        EnumProperty,
+        FloatProperty,
+        IntProperty,
+        )
+from mathutils import Vector
+from math import (
+        sin,
+        pow,
+        )
+from bpy.types import Operator
-from bpy.types import Menu
+# Check for curve
-    ## Check for curve
+# ### simplipoly algorithm ###
-#### simplipoly algorithm ####
 # get SplineVertIndices to keep
 def simplypoly(splineVerts, options):
     # main vars
-    newVerts = [] # list of vertindices to keep
-    points = splineVerts # list of 3dVectors
-    pointCurva = [] # table with curvatures
-    curvatures = [] # averaged curvatures per vert
+    newVerts = []           # list of vertindices to keep
+    points = splineVerts    # list of 3dVectors
+    pointCurva = []         # table with curvatures
+    curvatures = []         # averaged curvatures per vert
     for p in points:
-    order = options[3] # order of sliding beziercurves
-    k_thresh = options[2] # curvature threshold
-    dis_error = options[6] # additional distance error
+    order = options[3]      # order of sliding beziercurves
+    k_thresh = options[2]   # curvature threshold
+    dis_error = options[6]  # additional distance error
     # get curvatures per vert
-    for i, point in enumerate(points[:-(order-1)]):
-        BVerts = points[i:i+order]
-        for b, BVert in enumerate(BVerts[1:-1]):
-            deriv1 = getDerivative(BVerts, 1/(order-1), order-1)
-            deriv2 = getDerivative(BVerts, 1/(order-1), order-2)
+    for i, point in enumerate(points[: -(order - 1)]):
+        BVerts = points[i: i + order]
+        for b, BVert in enumerate(BVerts[1: -1]):
+            deriv1 = getDerivative(BVerts, 1 / (order - 1), order - 1)
+            deriv2 = getDerivative(BVerts, 1 / (order - 1), order - 2)
             curva = getCurvature(deriv1, deriv2)
-            pointCurva[i+b+1].append(curva)
+            pointCurva[i + b + 1].append(curva)
     # average the curvatures
     for i in range(len(points)):
-        avgCurva = sum(pointCurva[i]) / (order-1)
+        avgCurva = sum(pointCurva[i]) / (order - 1)
     # get distancevalues per vert - same as Ramer-Douglas-Peucker
     # but for every vert
-    distances = [0.0] #first vert is always kept
-    for i, point in enumerate(points[1:-1]):
-        dist = altitude(points[i], points[i+2], points[i+1])
+    distances = [0.0]  # first vert is always kept
+    for i, point in enumerate(points[1: -1]):
+        dist = altitude(points[i], points[i + 2], points[i + 1])
-    distances.append(0.0) # last vert is always kept
+    distances.append(0.0)  # last vert is always kept
-    # generate list of vertindices to keep
+    # generate list of vert indices to keep
     # tested against averaged curvatures and distances of neighbour verts
-    newVerts.append(0) # first vert is always kept
+    newVerts.append(0)  # first vert is always kept
     for i, curv in enumerate(curvatures):
-        if (curv >= k_thresh*0.01
-        or distances[i] >= dis_error*0.1):
+        if (curv >= k_thresh * 0.01 or distances[i] >= dis_error * 0.1):
-    newVerts.append(len(curvatures)-1) # last vert is always kept
+    newVerts.append(len(curvatures) - 1)  # last vert is always kept
     return newVerts
 # get binomial coefficient
 def binom(n, m):
-    b = [0] * (n+1)
+    b = [0] * (n + 1)
     b[0] = 1
-    for i in range(1, n+1):
+    for i in range(1, n + 1):
         b[i] = 1
-        j = i-1
+        j = i - 1
         while j > 0:
-            b[j] += b[j-1]
-            j-= 1
+            b[j] += b[j - 1]
+            j -= 1
     return b[m]
 # get nth derivative of order(len(verts)) bezier curve
 def getDerivative(verts, t, nth):
     order = len(verts) - 1 - nth
@@ -115,34 +121,35 @@ def getDerivative(verts, t, nth):
             if QVerts:
                 verts = QVerts
             derivVerts = []
-            for i in range(len(verts)-1):
-                derivVerts.append(verts[i+1] - verts[i])
+            for i in range(len(verts) - 1):
+                derivVerts.append(verts[i + 1] - verts[i])
             QVerts = derivVerts
         QVerts = verts
     if len(verts[0]) == 3:
-        point = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0))
+        point = Vector((0, 0, 0))
     if len(verts[0]) == 2:
-        point = mathutils.Vector((0, 0))
+        point = Vector((0, 0))
     for i, vert in enumerate(QVerts):
-        point += binom(order, i) * math.pow(t, i) * math.pow(1-t, order-i) * vert
+        point += binom(order, i) * pow(t, i) * pow(1 - t, order - i) * vert
     deriv = point
     return deriv
 # get curvature from first, second derivative
 def getCurvature(deriv1, deriv2):
-    if deriv1.length == 0: # in case of points in straight line
+    if deriv1.length == 0:  # in case of points in straight line
         curvature = 0
         return curvature
-    curvature = (deriv1.cross(deriv2)).length / math.pow(deriv1.length, 3)
+    curvature = (deriv1.cross(deriv2)).length / pow(deriv1.length, 3)
     return curvature
-#### Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm ####
+# ### Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm ###
 # get altitude of vert
 def altitude(point1, point2, pointn):
     edge1 = point2 - point1
@@ -154,61 +161,58 @@ def altitude(point1, point2, pointn):
         altitude = edge2.length
         return altitude
     alpha = edge1.angle(edge2)
-    altitude = math.sin(alpha) * edge2.length
+    altitude = sin(alpha) * edge2.length
     return altitude
 # iterate through verts
 def iterate(points, newVerts, error):
     new = []
-    for newIndex in range(len(newVerts)-1):
+    for newIndex in range(len(newVerts) - 1):
         bigVert = 0
         alti_store = 0
-        for i, point in enumerate(points[newVerts[newIndex]+1:newVerts[newIndex+1]]):
-            alti = altitude(points[newVerts[newIndex]], points[newVerts[newIndex+1]], point)
+        for i, point in enumerate(points[newVerts[newIndex] + 1: newVerts[newIndex + 1]]):
+            alti = altitude(points[newVerts[newIndex]], points[newVerts[newIndex + 1]], point)
             if alti > alti_store:
                 alti_store = alti
                 if alti_store >= error:
-                    bigVert = i+1+newVerts[newIndex]
+                    bigVert = i + 1 + newVerts[newIndex]
         if bigVert:
     if new == []:
         return False
     return new
-#### get SplineVertIndices to keep
+# get SplineVertIndices to keep
 def simplify_RDP(splineVerts, options):
-    #main vars
+    # main vars
     error = options[4]
     # set first and last vert
-    newVerts = [0, len(splineVerts)-1]
+    newVerts = [0, len(splineVerts) - 1]
     # iterate through the points
     new = 1
-    while new != False:
+    while new is not False:
         new = iterate(splineVerts, newVerts, error)
         if new:
             newVerts += new
     return newVerts
-# set bezierhandles to auto
-def setBezierHandles(newCurve):
-    #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=True)
-    #bpy.ops.curve.select_all(action='SELECT')
-    #bpy.ops.curve.handle_type_set(type='AUTOMATIC')
-    #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=True)
+# set bezierhandles to auto
+def setBezierHandles(newCurve):
     # Faster:
     for spline in newCurve.data.splines:
         for p in spline.bezier_points:
             p.handle_left_type = 'AUTO'
             p.handle_right_type = 'AUTO'
 # get array of new coords for new spline from vertindices
 def vertsToPoints(newVerts, splineVerts, splineType):
     # main vars
@@ -224,18 +228,15 @@ def vertsToPoints(newVerts, splineVerts, splineType):
         for v in newVerts:
             newPoints += (splineVerts[v].to_tuple())
             if splineType == 'NURBS':
-                newPoints.append(1) #for nurbs w=1
-            else: #for poly w=0
+                newPoints.append(1)  # for nurbs w = 1
+            else:                    # for poly w = 0
     return newPoints
 def main(context, obj, options):
-    #print("\n_______START_______")
-    # main vars
     mode = options[0]
     output = options[1]
     degreeOut = options[5]
@@ -245,24 +246,24 @@ def main(context, obj, options):
     splines = obj.data.splines.values()
     # create curvedatablock
-    curve = bpy.data.curves.new("Simple_"+obj.name, type = 'CURVE')
+    curve = bpy.data.curves.new("Simple_" + obj.name, type='CURVE')
     # go through splines
     for spline_i, spline in enumerate(splines):
         # test if spline is a long enough
         if len(spline.points) >= 7 or keepShort:
-            #check what type of spline to create
+            # check what type of spline to create
             if outp

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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