[Bf-extensions-cvs] [15ead7c] master: move mesh_carver to addons release. re: T48561

meta-androcto noreply at git.blender.org
Sun Jul 31 10:58:12 CEST 2016

Commit: 15ead7c9a9c6b0657fa9ca7f997cd4aab3fe53e5
Author: meta-androcto
Date:   Sun Jul 31 18:57:51 2016 +1000
Branches: master

move mesh_carver to addons release. re: T48561


D	mesh_carver.py


diff --git a/mesh_carver.py b/mesh_carver.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ae6f3ec..0000000
--- a/mesh_carver.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3405 +0,0 @@
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-bl_info = {
-    "name": "Carver MT",
-    "category": "Object",
-    "author": "Pixivore, Cédric LEPILLER",
-    "version": (1, 1, 5),
-    "blender": (2, 77, 0),
-    "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/"
-                "Scripts/Modeling/Carver",
-    "tracker_url": "https://developer.blender.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/2/",
-    "description": "Multiple tools to carve or to create objects.",
-import bpy
-import bgl
-import blf
-import math
-import mathutils
-import sys
-import random
-import bmesh
-import bpy_extras
-from bpy_extras import view3d_utils
-from bpy_extras.view3d_utils import region_2d_to_vector_3d, region_2d_to_location_3d
-import numpy as np
-Profils = [
-    ("CTP_4882",
-     mathutils.Vector((2.61824, -5.56469, 0)),
-     [(-1.156501, 0.799282, 0.032334),
-      (-0.967583, 0.838861, 0.032334),
-      (-1.10386, 0.846403, 0.032334),
-      (-1.034712, 0.86089, 0.032334),
-      (-1.88472, -0.564419, 0.032334),
-      (-1.924299, -0.375502, 0.032334),
-      (-1.93184, -0.511778, 0.032334),
-      (-1.946327, -0.44263, 0.032334),
-      (-0.219065, -0.869195, 0.032334),
-      (-0.149916, -0.854708, 0.032334),
-      (-0.286193, -0.847167, 0.032334),
-      (-0.097275, -0.807588, 0.032334),
-      (0.692551, 0.434324, 0.032334),
-      (0.678064, 0.503472, 0.032334),
-      (0.670523, 0.367196, 0.032334),
-      (0.630943, 0.556113, 0.032334),
-      (-0.780424, -0.44263, 0.032334),
-      (-0.765937, -0.511778, 0.032334),
-      (-0.758396, -0.375502, 0.032334),
-      (-0.718817, -0.564419, 0.032334),
-      (-0.53496, 0.556113, 0.032334),
-      (-0.49538, 0.367196, 0.032334),
-      (-0.487839, 0.503472, 0.032334),
-      (-0.473352, 0.434324, 0.032334),
-      (-1.263178, -0.807588, 0.032334),
-      (-1.452096, -0.847167, 0.032334),
-      (-1.315819, -0.854708, 0.032334),
-      (-1.384968, -0.869195, 0.032334),
-      (0.131191, 0.86089, 0.032334),
-      (0.062043, 0.846403, 0.032334),
-      (0.19832, 0.838861, 0.032334),
-      (0.009402, 0.799282, 0.032334),
-      (0.946838, -0.869195, 0.032334),
-      (1.015987, -0.854708, 0.032334),
-      (0.87971, -0.847167, 0.032334),
-      (1.068628, -0.807588, 0.032334),
-      (1.858454, 0.434324, 0.032334),
-      (1.843967, 0.503472, 0.032334),
-      (1.836426, 0.367196, 0.032334),
-      (1.796846, 0.556113, 0.032334),
-      (0.385479, -0.44263, 0.032334),
-      (0.399966, -0.511778, 0.032334),
-      (0.407507, -0.375502, 0.032334),
-      (0.447086, -0.564419, 0.032334),
-      (1.297095, 0.86089, 0.032334),
-      (1.227946, 0.846403, 0.032334),
-      (1.364223, 0.838861, 0.032334),
-      (1.175305, 0.799282, 0.032334),
-      ],
-     [[16, 17, 19], [5, 4, 24], [14, 12, 15], [14, 15, 31], [10, 8, 11], [15, 30, 31], [19, 10, 11],
-      [11, 14, 31], [31, 18, 11], [8, 9, 11], [18, 16, 19], [12, 13, 15], [18, 19, 11], [28, 29, 31],
-      [30, 28, 31], [24, 21, 0], [23, 22, 20], [20, 1, 0], [3, 2, 0], [0, 5, 24], [7, 6, 4], [4, 25, 24],
-      [27, 26, 24], [21, 23, 20], [1, 3, 0], [5, 7, 4], [25, 27, 24], [21, 20, 0], [40, 41, 43], [38, 36, 39],
-      [38, 39, 47], [34, 32, 35], [39, 46, 47], [43, 34, 35], [35, 38, 47], [47, 42, 35], [32, 33, 35],
-      [42, 40, 43], [36, 37, 39], [42, 43, 35], [44, 45, 47], [46, 44, 47]]),
-    ("CTP_8354",
-     mathutils.Vector((-0.06267, -2.43829, -0.0)),
-     [(-0.534254, -1.0, 0.032334),
-      (-1.0, -0.534254, 0.032334),
-      (-0.654798, -0.98413, 0.032334),
-      (-0.767127, -0.937602, 0.032334),
-      (-0.863586, -0.863586, 0.032334),
-      (-0.937602, -0.767127, 0.032334),
-      (-0.98413, -0.654798, 0.032334),
-      (1.0, -0.534254, 0.032334),
-      (0.534254, -1.0, 0.032334),
-      (0.98413, -0.654798, 0.032334),
-      (0.937602, -0.767127, 0.032334),
-      (0.863586, -0.863586, 0.032334),
-      (0.767127, -0.937602, 0.032334),
-      (0.654798, -0.98413, 0.032334),
-      (-1.0, 0.534254, 0.032334),
-      (-0.534254, 1.0, 0.032334),
-      (-0.98413, 0.654798, 0.032334),
-      (-0.937602, 0.767127, 0.032334),
-      (-0.863586, 0.863586, 0.032334),
-      (-0.767127, 0.937602, 0.032334),
-      (-0.654798, 0.98413, 0.032334),
-      (0.534254, 1.0, 0.032334),
-      (1.0, 0.534254, 0.032334),
-      (0.654798, 0.98413, 0.032334),
-      (0.767127, 0.937602, 0.032334),
-      (0.863586, 0.863586, 0.032334),
-      (0.937602, 0.767127, 0.032334),
-      (0.98413, 0.654798, 0.032334),
-      (-0.763998, 0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (-0.763998, -0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (-0.754202, -0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (-0.731454, -0.648108, 0.032334),
-      (-0.695267, -0.695267, 0.032334),
-      (-0.648108, -0.731454, 0.032334),
-      (-0.593189, -0.754202, 0.032334),
-      (-0.518786, -0.763998, 0.032334),
-      (0.518786, -0.763998, 0.032334),
-      (0.593189, -0.754202, 0.032334),
-      (0.648108, -0.731454, 0.032334),
-      (0.695267, -0.695267, 0.032334),
-      (0.731454, -0.648108, 0.032334),
-      (0.754202, -0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (0.763998, -0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (0.763998, 0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (0.754202, 0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (0.731454, 0.648108, 0.032334),
-      (0.695267, 0.695267, 0.032334),
-      (0.648108, 0.731454, 0.032334),
-      (0.593189, 0.754202, 0.032334),
-      (0.518786, 0.763998, 0.032334),
-      (-0.518786, 0.763998, 0.032334),
-      (-0.593189, 0.754202, 0.032334),
-      (-0.648108, 0.731454, 0.032334),
-      (-0.695267, 0.695267, 0.032334),
-      (-0.731454, 0.648108, 0.032334),
-      (-0.754202, 0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (0.518786, 0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (-0.518786, 0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (0.518786, -0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (-0.518786, -0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (-0.593189, 0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (-0.593189, -0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (0.518786, -0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (-0.518786, -0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (-0.593189, -0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (0.593189, 0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (0.593189, -0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (0.593189, -0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (-0.593189, 0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (-0.518786, 0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (0.518786, 0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (0.593189, 0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (-0.648108, 0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (-0.648108, 0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (-0.648108, -0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (-0.648108, -0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (-0.695267, 0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (-0.695267, 0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (-0.695267, -0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (-0.695267, -0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (0.648108, 0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (0.648108, 0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (0.648108, -0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (0.648108, -0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (0.695267, 0.593189, 0.032334),
-      (0.695267, 0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (0.695267, -0.518786, 0.032334),
-      (0.695267, -0.593189, 0.032334),
-      ],
-     [[87, 39, 40, 41], [29, 28, 14, 1], [30, 29, 1, 6], [31, 30, 6, 5], [32, 31, 5, 4], [33, 32, 4, 3],
-      [34, 33, 3, 2], [35, 34, 2, 0], [36, 35, 0, 8], [37, 36, 8, 13], [38, 37, 13, 12], [39, 38, 12, 11],
-      [40, 39, 11, 10], [41, 40, 10, 9], [42, 41, 9, 7], [43, 42, 7, 22], [44, 43, 22, 27], [45, 44, 27, 26],
-      [46, 45, 26, 25], [47, 46, 25, 24], [48, 47, 24, 23], [49, 48, 23, 21], [50, 49, 21, 15], [51, 50, 15, 20],
-      [52, 51, 20, 19], [53, 52, 19, 18], [54, 53, 18, 17], [55, 54, 17, 16], [28, 55, 16, 14], [68, 69, 50, 51],
-      [63, 35, 36, 62], [69, 57, 56, 70], [84, 85, 43, 44], [64, 34, 35, 63], [57, 59, 58, 56], [85, 86, 42, 43],
-      [60, 61, 59, 57], [73, 74, 61, 60], [72, 68, 51, 52], [75, 33, 34, 64], [61, 64, 63, 59], [59, 63, 62, 58],
-      [86, 87, 41, 42], [74, 75, 64, 61], [58, 62, 67, 66], [56, 58, 66, 65], [70, 56, 65, 71], [62, 36, 37, 67],
-      [49, 70, 71, 48], [50, 69, 70, 49], [60, 57, 69, 68], [73, 60, 68, 72], [46, 84, 44, 45], [78, 79, 75, 74],
-      [77, 78, 74, 73], [77, 73, 72, 76], [76, 72, 52, 53], [79, 32, 33, 75], [29, 30, 79, 78], [28, 29, 78, 77],
-      [28, 77, 76, 55], [55, 76, 53, 54], [30, 31, 32, 79], [66, 67, 83, 82], [65, 66, 82, 81], [71, 65, 81, 80],
-      [48, 71, 80, 47], [67, 37, 38, 83], [82, 83, 87, 86], [81, 82, 86, 85], [80, 81, 85, 84], [47, 80, 84, 46],
-      [83, 38, 39, 87]]),
-    ("CTP_5585",
-     mathutils.Vector((5.0114, -2.4281, 0.0)),
-     [(-0.490711, -1.0, 0.032334),
-      (-1.0, -0.490711, 0.032334),
-      (1.0, -0.490711, 0.032334),
-      (0.490711, -1.0, 0.032334),
-      (-1.0, 0.490711, 0.032334),
-      (-0.490711, 1.0, 0.032334),
-      (0.490711, 1.0, 0.032334),
-      (1.0, 0.490711, 0.032334),
-      (-0.51852, 0.291276, 0.032334),
-      (-0.51852, -0.291276, 0.032334),
-      (-0.291276, -0.51852, 0.032334),
-      (0.291276, -0.51852, 0.032334),
-      (0.51852, -0.291276, 0.032334),
-      (0.51852, 0.291276, 0.032334),
-      (0.291276, 0.51852, 0.032334),
-      (-0.291276, 0.51852, 0.032334),
-      ],
-     [[11, 12, 13, 14], [9, 8, 4, 1], [10, 9, 1, 0], [11, 10, 0, 3], [12, 11, 3, 2], [13, 12, 2, 7],
-      [14, 13, 7, 6], [15, 14, 6, 5], [8, 15, 5, 4], [9, 10, 15, 8], [10, 11, 14, 15]]),
-    ("CTP_6960",
-     mathutils.Vector((-0.11417, 2.48371, -0.0)),
-     [(0.0, 1.0, 0.016827),
-      (-0.382683, 0.92388, 0.016827),
-      (-0.707107, 0.707107, 

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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