[Bf-extensions-cvs] [045bb43] master: Initial Commit - Add-on: Extrude and Reshape

Germano Cavalcante noreply at git.blender.org
Tue Jan 12 17:03:36 CET 2016

Commit: 045bb43c15fadb7b649119cf18842ca9a2b67c80
Author: Germano Cavalcante
Date:   Tue Jan 12 12:59:25 2016 -0300
Branches: master

Initial Commit - Add-on: Extrude and Reshape

Extrude face and merge edge intersections between the mesh and the new edges


A	mesh_extrude_and_reshape.py


diff --git a/mesh_extrude_and_reshape.py b/mesh_extrude_and_reshape.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aa9ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mesh_extrude_and_reshape.py
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+# Contact for more information about the Addon:
+# Email:    germano.costa at ig.com.br
+# Twitter:  wii_mano @mano_wii
+bl_info = {
+    "name": "Extrude and Reshape",
+    "author": "Germano Cavalcante",
+    "version": (0, 8, 1),
+    "blender": (2, 76, 5),
+    "location": "View3D > TOOLS > Tools > Mesh Tools > Add: > Extrude Menu (Alt + E)",
+    "description": "Extrude face and merge edge intersections between the mesh and the new edges",
+    "wiki_url" : "http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?376618-Addon-Push-Pull-Face",
+    "category": "Mesh"}
+import bpy, bmesh
+from mathutils.geometry import intersect_line_line
+from bpy.props import FloatProperty
+class BVHco():
+    i = 0
+    c1x = 0.0
+    c1y = 0.0
+    c1z = 0.0
+    c2x = 0.0
+    c2y = 0.0
+    c2z = 0.0
+def edges_BVH_overlap(bm, edges, epsilon = 0.0001):
+    bco = set()
+    for e in edges:
+        bvh = BVHco()
+        bvh.i = e.index
+        b1 = e.verts[0]
+        b2 = e.verts[1]
+        co1 = b1.co.x
+        co2 = b2.co.x
+        if co1 <= co2:
+            bvh.c1x = co1 - epsilon
+            bvh.c2x = co2 + epsilon
+        else:
+            bvh.c1x = co2 - epsilon
+            bvh.c2x = co1 + epsilon
+        co1 = b1.co.y
+        co2 = b2.co.y
+        if co1 <= co2:
+            bvh.c1y = co1 - epsilon
+            bvh.c2y = co2 + epsilon
+        else:
+            bvh.c1y = co2 - epsilon
+            bvh.c2y = co1 + epsilon
+        co1 = b1.co.z
+        co2 = b2.co.z
+        if co1 <= co2:
+            bvh.c1z = co1 - epsilon
+            bvh.c2z = co2 + epsilon
+        else:
+            bvh.c1z = co2 - epsilon
+            bvh.c2z = co1 + epsilon
+        bco.add(bvh)
+    del edges
+    overlap = {}
+    oget = overlap.get
+    for e1 in bm.edges:
+        by = bz = True
+        a1 = e1.verts[0]
+        a2 = e1.verts[1]
+        c1x = a1.co.x
+        c2x = a2.co.x
+        if c1x > c2x:
+            tm = c1x
+            c1x = c2x
+            c2x = tm
+        for bvh in bco:
+            if c1x <= bvh.c2x and c2x >= bvh.c1x:
+                if by:
+                    by = False
+                    c1y = a1.co.y
+                    c2y = a2.co.y
+                    if c1y > c2y:
+                        tm = c1y
+                        c1y = c2y
+                        c2y = tm
+                if c1y <= bvh.c2y and c2y >= bvh.c1y:
+                    if bz:
+                        bz = False
+                        c1z = a1.co.z
+                        c2z = a2.co.z
+                        if c1z > c2z:
+                            tm = c1z
+                            c1z = c2z
+                            c2z = tm
+                    if c1z <= bvh.c2z and c2z >= bvh.c1z:
+                        e2 = bm.edges[bvh.i]
+                        if e1 != e2:
+                            overlap[e1] = oget(e1, set()).union({e2})
+    return overlap
+def intersect_edges_edges(overlap, precision = 4):
+    epsilon = .1**precision
+    fpre_min = -epsilon
+    fpre_max = 1+epsilon
+    splits = {}
+    sp_get = splits.get
+    new_edges1 = set()
+    new_edges2 = set()
+    targetmap = {}
+    for edg1 in overlap:
+        #print("***", ed1.index, "***")
+        for edg2 in overlap[edg1]:
+            #print('loop', ed2.index)
+            a1 = edg1.verts[0]
+            a2 = edg1.verts[1]
+            b1 = edg2.verts[0]
+            b2 = edg2.verts[1]
+            # test if are linked
+            if a1 in {b1, b2} or a2 in {b1, b2}:
+                #print('linked')
+                continue
+            aco1, aco2 = a1.co, a2.co
+            bco1, bco2 = b1.co, b2.co
+            tp = intersect_line_line(aco1, aco2, bco1, bco2)
+            if tp:
+                p1, p2 = tp
+                if (p1 - p2).to_tuple(precision) == (0,0,0):
+                    v = aco2-aco1
+                    f = p1 - aco1
+                    x,y,z = abs(v.x), abs(v.y), abs(v.z)
+                    max1 = 0 if x >= y and x >= z else\
+                           1 if y >= x and y >= z else 2
+                    fac1 = f[max1]/v[max1]
+                    v = bco2-bco1
+                    f = p2 - bco1
+                    x,y,z = abs(v.x), abs(v.y), abs(v.z)
+                    max2 = 0 if x >= y and x >= z else\
+                           1 if y >= x and y >= z else 2
+                    fac2 = f[max2]/v[max2]
+                    if fpre_min <= fac1 <= fpre_max:
+                        #print(edg1.index, 'can intersect', edg2.index)
+                        ed1 = edg1
+                    elif edg1 in splits:
+                        for ed1 in splits[edg1]:
+                            a1 = ed1.verts[0]
+                            a2 = ed1.verts[1]
+                            vco1 = a1.co
+                            vco2 = a2.co
+                            v = vco2-vco1
+                            f = p1 - vco1
+                            fac1 = f[max1]/v[max1]
+                            if fpre_min <= fac1 <= fpre_max:
+                                #print(e.index, 'can intersect', edg2.index)
+                                break
+                        else:
+                            #print(edg1.index, 'really does not intersect', edg2.index)
+                            continue
+                    else:
+                        #print(edg1.index, 'not intersect', edg2.index)
+                        continue
+                    if fpre_min <= fac2 <= fpre_max:
+                        #print(ed1.index, 'actually intersect', edg2.index)
+                        ed2 = edg2
+                    elif edg2 in splits:
+                        for ed2 in splits[edg2]:
+                            b1 = ed2.verts[0]
+                            b2 = ed2.verts[1]
+                            vco1 = b1.co
+                            vco2 = b2.co
+                            v = vco2-vco1
+                            f = p2 - vco1
+                            fac2 = f[max2]/v[max2]
+                            if fpre_min <= fac2 <= fpre_max:
+                                #print(ed1.index, 'actually intersect', e.index)
+                                break
+                        else:
+                            #print(ed1.index, 'really does not intersect', ed2.index)
+                            continue
+                    else:
+                        #print(ed1.index, 'not intersect', edg2.index)
+                        continue
+                    new_edges1.add(ed1)
+                    new_edges2.add(ed2)
+                    if abs(fac1) <= epsilon:
+                        nv1 = a1
+                    elif fac1 + epsilon >= 1:
+                        nv1 = a2
+                    else:
+                        ne1, nv1 = bmesh.utils.edge_split(ed1, a1, fac1)
+                        new_edges1.add(ne1)
+                        splits[edg1] = sp_get(edg1, set()).union({ne1})
+                    if abs(fac2) <= epsilon:
+                        nv2 = b1
+                    elif fac2 + epsilon >= 1:
+                        nv2 = b2
+                    else:
+                        ne2, nv2 = bmesh.utils.edge_split(ed2, b1, fac2)
+                        new_edges2.add(ne2)
+                        splits[edg2] = sp_get(edg2, set()).union({ne2})
+                    if nv1 != nv2: #necessary?
+                        targetmap[nv1] = nv2
+                #else:
+                    #print('not coplanar')
+            #else:
+                #print("parallel or collinear")
+    return new_edges1, new_edges2, targetmap
+class Extrude_and_Reshape(bpy.types.Operator):
+    """Push and pull face entities to sculpt 3d models"""
+    bl_idname = "mesh.extrude_reshape"
+    bl_label = "Extrude and Reshape"
+    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'GRAB_CURSOR', 'BLOCKING'}
+    @classmethod
+    def poll(cls, context):
+        return  context.mode is not 'EDIT_MESH'
+    def modal(self, context, event):
+        if self.confirm:
+            sface = self.bm.faces.active
+            if not sface:
+                for face in self.bm.faces:
+                    if face.select == True:
+                        sface = face
+                        break
+                else:
+                    return {'FINISHED'}
+            # edges to intersect
+            edges = set()
+            [[edges.add(ed) for ed in v.link_edges] for v in sface.verts]
+            overlap = edges_BVH_overlap(self.bm, edges, epsilon = 0.0001)
+            overlap = {k: v for k,v in overlap.items() if k not in edges} # remove repetition
+            #print([e.index for e in edges])
+            #for a, b in overlap.items():
+                #print(a.index, [e.index for e in b])
+            new_edges1, new_edges2, targetmap = intersect_edges_edges(overlap)
+            pos_weld = set()
+            for e in new_edges1:
+                v1, v2 = e.verts
+                if v1 in targetmap and v2 in targetmap:
+                    pos_weld.add((targetmap[v1], targetmap[v2]))
+            if targetmap:
+                bmesh.ops.weld_verts(self.bm, targetmap=targetmap)
+            #print([e.is_valid for e in new_edges1])
+            #print([e.is_valid for e in new_edges2])

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