[Bf-extensions-cvs] [1a46e7a] master: Drawing freestyle-marked edges in the net + three minor bugfixes

Adam Dominec noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Mar 18 16:55:47 CET 2015

Commit: 1a46e7a20f408aad934b3a5a033d0b6559668d26
Author: Adam Dominec
Date:   Wed Mar 18 16:53:51 2015 +0100
Branches: master

Drawing freestyle-marked edges in the net + three minor bugfixes


M	io_export_paper_model.py


diff --git a/io_export_paper_model.py b/io_export_paper_model.py
index 4ed6cbd..2917470 100644
--- a/io_export_paper_model.py
+++ b/io_export_paper_model.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ bl_info = {
     "blender": (2, 70, 0),
     "location": "File > Export > Paper Model",
     "warning": "",
-    "description": "Export printable net of the active mesh (as an SVG file)",
+    "description": "Export printable net of the active mesh",
     "category": "Import-Export",
     "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/"
@@ -84,6 +84,14 @@ def first_letters(text):
 first_letters.pattern = re_compile("(?<!\w)[\w]")
+def is_upsidedown_wrong(name):
+    """Tell if the string would get a different meaning if written upside down"""
+    chars = set(name)
+    mistakable = set("69NZMWpbqd")
+    rotatable = set("80oOxXIl").union(mistakable)
+    return chars.issubset(rotatable) and not chars.isdisjoint(mistakable)
 def pairs(sequence):
     """Generate consecutive pairs throughout the given sequence; at last, it gives elements last, first."""
     i = iter(sequence)
@@ -199,7 +207,8 @@ class Unfolder:
         text_height = properties.sticker_width if (properties.do_create_numbers and len(self.mesh.islands) > 1) else 0
         aspect_ratio = printable_size.x / printable_size.y
         # finalizing islands will scale everything so that the page height is 1
-        self.mesh.finalize_islands(title_height=text_height)
+        # title height must be somewhat larger that text size, glyphs go below the baseline
+        self.mesh.finalize_islands(title_height=text_height * 1.2)
         if properties.output_type != 'NONE':
@@ -368,7 +377,7 @@ class Mesh:
         for edge in self.edges.values():
-            if edge.is_main_cut and len(edge.uvedges) >= 2:
+            if edge.is_main_cut and len(edge.uvedges) >= 2 and edge.vect.length_squared > 0:
                 uvedge_a, uvedge_b = edge.uvedges[:2]
                 if uvedge_priority(uvedge_a) < uvedge_priority(uvedge_b):
                     uvedge_a, uvedge_b = uvedge_b, uvedge_a
@@ -382,8 +391,7 @@ class Mesh:
                             # So, create an arrow and put the index on all stickers
                             target_island.sticker_numbering += 1
                             index = str(target_island.sticker_numbering)
-                            # if the index would have a different meaning upside down, append a dot
-                            if {'6', '9'} < set(index) < {'6', '8', '9', '0'}:
+                            if is_upsidedown_wrong(index):
                                 index += "."
                             target_island.add_marker(Arrow(uvedge_a, default_width, index))
@@ -406,8 +414,7 @@ class Mesh:
             if edge.is_main_cut and len(edge.uvedges) >= 2:
                 global_numbering += 1
                 index = str(global_numbering)
-                if ('6' in index or '9' in index) and set(index) <= {'6', '8', '9', '0'}:
-                    # if index consists of the digits 6, 8, 9, 0 only and contains 6 or 9, make it distinguishable
+                if is_upsidedown_wrong(index):
                     index += "."
                 for uvedge in edge.uvedges:
                     uvedge.island.add_marker(NumberAlone(uvedge, index, size))
@@ -623,7 +630,7 @@ class Edge:
     """Wrapper for BPy Edge"""
     __slots__ = ('va', 'vb', 'faces', 'main_faces', 'uvedges',
         'vect', 'length', 'angle',
-        'is_main_cut', 'force_cut', 'priority')
+        'is_main_cut', 'force_cut', 'priority', 'freestyle')
     def __init__(self, edge, mesh, matrix=1):
         self.va = mesh.verts[edge.vertices[0]]
@@ -635,13 +642,14 @@ class Edge:
         # this constraint is assured at the time of finishing mesh.generate_cuts
         self.uvedges = list()
-        self.force_cut = bool(edge.use_seam)  # such edges will always be cut
+        self.force_cut = edge.use_seam  # such edges will always be cut
         self.main_faces = None  # two faces that may be connected in the island
         # is_main_cut defines whether the two main faces are connected
         # all the others will be assumed to be cut
         self.is_main_cut = True
         self.priority = None
         self.angle = None
+        self.freestyle = edge.use_freestyle_mark # freestyle edges will be highlighted
         self.va.edges.append(self)  #FIXME: editing foreign attribute
         self.vb.edges.append(self)  #FIXME: editing foreign attribute
@@ -993,6 +1001,8 @@ class Island:
         incidence = {vertex.tup for vertex in phantoms.values()}.intersection(vertex.tup for vertex in self.verts)
         incidence = {position: list() for position in incidence}  # from now on, 'incidence' is a dict
         for uvedge in chain(boundary_other, self.boundary):
+            if uvedge.va.co == uvedge.vb.co:
+                continue
             for vertex in (uvedge.va, uvedge.vb):
                 site = incidence.get(vertex.tup)
                 if site is not None:
@@ -1085,7 +1095,7 @@ class Island:
         """Assign a name to this island automatically"""
         abbr = abbreviation or self.abbreviation or str(self.number)
         # TODO: dots should be added in the last instant when outputting any text
-        if not set('69NZMWpbqd').isdisjoint(abbr) and set('6890oOxXNZMWIlpbqd').issuperset(abbr):
+        if is_upsidedown_wrong(abbr):
             abbr += "."
         self.label = label or self.label or "Island {}".format(self.number)
         self.abbreviation = abbr
@@ -1327,7 +1337,7 @@ class SVG:
             return "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(round(vec[0] * 255), round(vec[1] * 255), round(vec[2] * 255))
         def format_matrix(matrix):
-            return " ".join(str(cell) for column in matrix for cell in column)
+            return " ".join("{:.6f}".format(cell) for column in matrix for cell in column)
         def path_convert(string, relto=os_path.dirname(filename)):
             assert(os_path)  # check the module was imported
@@ -1337,17 +1347,18 @@ class SVG:
             return string
         styleargs = {name: format_color(getattr(self.style, name)) for name in
-            ("outer_color", "outbg_color", "convex_color", "concave_color",
+            ("outer_color", "outbg_color", "convex_color", "concave_color", "freestyle_color",
             "inbg_color", "sticker_fill", "text_color")}
         styleargs.update({name: format_style[getattr(self.style, name)] for name in
-            ("outer_style", "convex_style", "concave_style")})
+            ("outer_style", "convex_style", "concave_style", "freestyle_style")})
         styleargs.update({name: getattr(self.style, attr)[3] for name, attr in
             (("outer_alpha", "outer_color"), ("outbg_alpha", "outbg_color"),
             ("convex_alpha", "convex_color"), ("concave_alpha", "concave_color"),
+            ("freestyle_alpha", "freestyle_color"),
             ("inbg_alpha", "inbg_color"), ("sticker_alpha", "sticker_fill"),
             ("text_alpha", "text_color"))})
         styleargs.update({name: getattr(self.style, name) for name in
-            ("outer_width", "convex_width", "concave_width")})
+            ("outer_width", "convex_width", "concave_width", "freestyle_width")})
         styleargs.update({"outbg_width": self.style.outer_width * self.style.outbg_width,
             "convexbg_width": self.style.convex_width * self.style.inbg_width,
             "concavebg_width": self.style.concave_width * self.style.inbg_width})
@@ -1388,10 +1399,10 @@ class SVG:
                             size=self.ppm * self.text_size,
                             x=self.ppm * (island.bounding_box.x*0.5 + island.pos.x + self.margin),
-                            y=self.ppm * (self.page_size.y - island.pos.y - self.margin),
+                            y=self.ppm * (self.page_size.y - island.pos.y - self.margin - 0.2 * self.text_size),
                             label=island.title), file=f)
-                    data_markers, data_stickerfill, data_outer, data_convex, data_concave = (list() for i in range(5))
+                    data_markers, data_stickerfill, data_outer, data_convex, data_concave, data_freestyle = (list() for i in range(6))
                     for marker in island.markers:
                         if isinstance(marker, Sticker):
                             data_stickerfill.append("M {} Z".format(
@@ -1400,7 +1411,8 @@ class SVG:
                                     pos=self.format_vertex(marker.center, island.pos),
-                                    mat=format_matrix(marker.width * self.ppm * marker.rot)))
+                                    mat=format_matrix(marker.rot),
+                                    size=marker.width * self.ppm))
                         elif isinstance(marker, Arrow):
                             size = marker.size * self.ppm
                             position = marker.center + marker.rot*marker.size*M.Vector((0, -0.9))
@@ -1411,11 +1423,11 @@ class SVG:
                                 pos=self.format_vertex(position, island.pos - marker.size*M.Vector((0, 0.4))),
                                 mat=format_matrix(size * marker.rot)))
                         elif isinstance(marker, NumberAlone):
-                            size = marker.size * self.ppm
                                 pos=self.format_vertex(marker.center, island.pos),
-                                mat=format_matrix(size * marker.rot)))
+                                mat=format_matrix(marker.rot)),
+                                size=marker.size * self.ppm)
                     if data_stickerfill and self.style.sticker_fill[3] > 0:

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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