[Bf-extensions-cvs] [a14c6d6] master: Remove file which was committed by accident as a part of T37897

Sergey Sharybin noreply at git.blender.org
Tue Jan 20 21:44:13 CET 2015

Commit: a14c6d6be6b4541fd7c32a81b7af5ab88418d1fe
Author: Sergey Sharybin
Date:   Wed Jan 21 01:38:54 2015 +0500
Branches: master

Remove file which was committed by accident as a part of T37897


D	sequencer_extra_actions/operators_extra_actions.py


diff --git a/sequencer_extra_actions/operators_extra_actions.py b/sequencer_extra_actions/operators_extra_actions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 244cf8c..0000000
--- a/sequencer_extra_actions/operators_extra_actions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1948 +0,0 @@
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-align strip to the left (shift-s + -lenght)
-import bpy
-import random
-import math
-import os, sys
-from bpy.props import IntProperty
-from bpy.props import FloatProperty
-from bpy.props import EnumProperty
-from bpy.props import BoolProperty
-from bpy.props import StringProperty
-from . import functions
-from . import exiftool
-# Initialization
-def initSceneProperties(context, scn):
-    try:
-        if context.scene.scene_initialized == True:
-            return False
-    except AttributeError:
-        pass
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_slide_offset = IntProperty(
-        name='Offset',
-        description='Number of frames to slide',
-        min=-250, max=250,
-        default=0)
-    scn.default_slide_offset = 0
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_fade_duration = IntProperty(
-        name='Duration',
-        description='Number of frames to fade',
-        min=1, max=250,
-        default=scn.render.fps)
-    scn.default_fade_duration = scn.render.fps
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_fade_amount = FloatProperty(
-        name='Amount',
-        description='Maximum value of fade',
-        min=0.0,
-        max=100.0,
-        default=1.0)
-    scn.default_fade_amount = 1.0
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_distribute_offset = IntProperty(
-        name='Offset',
-        description='Number of frames between strip start frames',
-        min=1,
-        max=250,
-        default=2)
-    scn.default_distribute_offset = 2
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_distribute_reverse = BoolProperty(
-        name='Reverse Order',
-        description='Reverse the order of selected strips',
-        default=False)
-    scn.default_distribute_reverse = False
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_proxy_suffix = StringProperty(
-        name='default proxy suffix',
-        description='default proxy filename suffix',
-        default="-25")
-    scn.default_proxy_suffix = "-25"
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_proxy_extension = StringProperty(
-        name='default proxy extension',
-        description='default proxy file extension',
-        default=".mkv")
-    scn.default_proxy_extension = ".mkv"
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_proxy_path = StringProperty(
-        name='default proxy path',
-        description='default proxy file path (relative to original file)',
-        default="")
-    scn.default_proxy_path = ""
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_build_25 = BoolProperty(
-        name='default_build_25',
-        description='default build_25',
-        default=True)
-    scn.default_build_25 = True
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_build_50 = BoolProperty(
-        name='default_build_50',
-        description='default build_50',
-        default=False)
-    scn.default_build_50 = False
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_build_75 = BoolProperty(
-        name='default_build_75',
-        description='default build_75',
-        default=False)
-    scn.default_build_75 = False
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_build_100 = BoolProperty(
-        name='default_build_100',
-        description='default build_100',
-        default=False)
-    scn.default_build_100 = False
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_recursive = BoolProperty(
-        name='Recursive',
-        description='Load in recursive folders',
-        default=False)
-    scn.default_recursive = False
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_recursive_proxies = BoolProperty(
-        name='Recursive proxies',
-        description='Load in recursive folders + proxies',
-        default=False)
-    scn.default_recursive_proxies = False
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_recursive_select_by_extension = BoolProperty(
-        name='Recursive ext',
-        description='Load only clips with selected extension',
-        default=False)
-    scn.default_recursive_select_by_extension = False
-    bpy.types.Scene.default_ext = EnumProperty(
-        items=functions.movieextdict,
-        name="ext enum",
-        default="3")
-    scn.default_ext = "3"
-    bpy.types.Scene.scene_initialized = BoolProperty(
-        name='Init',
-        default=False)
-    scn.scene_initialized = True
-    return True
-class Sequencer_Extra_TrimTimeline(bpy.types.Operator):
-    bl_label = 'Trim to Timeline Content'
-    bl_idname = 'timeextra.trimtimeline'
-    bl_description = 'Automatically set start and end frames'
-    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
-    @classmethod
-    def poll(self, context):
-        scn = context.scene
-        if scn and scn.sequence_editor:
-            return scn.sequence_editor.sequences
-        else:
-            return False
-    def execute(self, context):
-        scn = context.scene
-        seq = scn.sequence_editor
-        meta_level = len(seq.meta_stack)
-        if meta_level > 0:
-            seq = seq.meta_stack[meta_level - 1]
-        frame_start = 300000
-        frame_end = -300000
-        for i in seq.sequences:
-            try:
-                if i.frame_final_start < frame_start:
-                    frame_start = i.frame_final_start
-                if i.frame_final_end > frame_end:
-                    frame_end = i.frame_final_end - 1
-            except AttributeError:
-                    pass
-        if frame_start != 300000:
-            scn.frame_start = frame_start
-        if frame_end != -300000:
-            scn.frame_end = frame_end
-        return {'FINISHED'}
-class Sequencer_Extra_TrimTimelineToSelection(bpy.types.Operator):
-    bl_label = 'Trim to Selection'
-    bl_idname = 'timeextra.trimtimelinetoselection'
-    bl_description = 'Set start and end frames to selection'
-    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
-    @classmethod
-    def poll(self, context):
-        scn = context.scene
-        if scn and scn.sequence_editor:
-            return scn.sequence_editor.sequences
-        else:
-            return False
-    def execute(self, context):
-        scn = context.scene
-        seq = scn.sequence_editor
-        meta_level = len(seq.meta_stack)
-        if meta_level > 0:
-            seq = seq.meta_stack[meta_level - 1]
-        frame_start = 300000
-        frame_end = -300000
-        for i in seq.sequences:
-            try:
-                if i.frame_final_start < frame_start and i.select == True:
-                    frame_start = i.frame_final_start
-                if i.frame_final_end > frame_end and i.select == True:
-                    frame_end = i.frame_final_end - 1
-            except AttributeError:
-                    pass
-        if frame_start != 300000:
-            scn.frame_start = frame_start
-        if frame_end != -300000:
-            scn.frame_end = frame_end
-        return {'FINISHED'}
-class Sequencer_Extra_SlideStrip(bpy.types.Operator):
-    bl_label = 'Slide'
-    bl_idname = 'sequencerextra.slide'
-    bl_description = 'Alter in and out points but not duration of a strip'
-    mode = EnumProperty(
-        name='Mode',
-        items=(
-        ('TOSTART', 'Current Frame to Strip Start', ''),
-        ('TOEND', 'Current Frame to Strip End', ''),
-        ('INPUT', 'Input...', '')),
-        default='INPUT',
-        options={'HIDDEN'})
-    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
-    slide_offset = IntProperty(
-        name='Offset',
-        description='Number of frames to slide',
-        min=-250, max=250,
-        default=0)
-    @classmethod
-    def poll(self, context):
-        strip = functions.act_strip(context)
-        scn = context.scene
-        if scn and scn.sequence_editor and scn.sequence_editor.active_strip:
-            return strip.type in ('MOVIE', 'IMAGE', 'META', 'SCENE')
-        else:
-            return False
-    def execute(self, context):
-        strip = functions.act_strip(context)
-        scn = context.scene
-        cf = scn.frame_current
-        if self.mode == 'TOSTART':
-            sx = strip.frame_final_start - cf
-        elif self.mode == 'TOEND':
-            sx = strip.frame_final_end - cf
-        else:
-            sx = self.slide_offset
-        frame_end = strip.frame_start + strip.frame_duration
-        pad_left = strip.frame_final_start - strip.frame_start
-        pad_right = (frame_end - strip.frame_final_end) * -1
-        if sx > pad_left:
-            sx = pad_left
-        elif sx < pad_right:
-            sx = pad_right
-        strip.frame_start += sx
-        strip.frame_final_start -= sx
-        strip.frame_final_end -= sx
-        self.report({'INFO'}, 'Strip slid %d frame(s)' % (sx))
-        scn.default_slide_offset = sx
-        bpy.ops.sequencer.reload()
-        return {'FINISHED'}
-    def invoke(self, context, event):
-        scn = context.scene
-        initSceneProperties(context,scn)
-        self.slide_offset = scn.default_slide_offset
-        if self.mode == 'INPUT':
-            return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
-        else:
-            return self.execute(context)
-class Sequencer_Extra_SlideGrab(bpy.types.Operator):
-    bl_label = 'Slide Grab'
-    bl_idname = 'sequencerextra.slidegrab'
-    b

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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