[Bf-extensions-cvs] [9a3a63d] master: Remove plugin for now-dysfunctional Renderfarm.fi. R.I.P.

Nathan Letwory noreply at git.blender.org
Mon Aug 10 10:38:08 CEST 2015

Commit: 9a3a63d01d0f563f6d2fcda55df6494e48f231fd
Author: Nathan Letwory
Date:   Mon Aug 10 11:32:57 2015 +0300
Branches: master

Remove plugin for now-dysfunctional Renderfarm.fi. R.I.P.


D	render_renderfarmfi/__init__.py
D	render_renderfarmfi/exceptions.py
D	render_renderfarmfi/operators.py
D	render_renderfarmfi/ore_session.py
D	render_renderfarmfi/panels.py
D	render_renderfarmfi/prepare.py
D	render_renderfarmfi/rpc.py
D	render_renderfarmfi/upload.py
D	render_renderfarmfi/utils.py


diff --git a/render_renderfarmfi/__init__.py b/render_renderfarmfi/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 40c601b..0000000
--- a/render_renderfarmfi/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-bl_info = {
-    "name": "Renderfarm.fi",
-    "author": "Nathan Letwory <nathan at letworyinteractive.com>, "
-        "Jesse Kaukonen <jesse.kaukonen at gmail.com>",
-    "version": (23,),
-    "blender": (2, 63, 0),
-    "location": "Render > Engine > Renderfarm.fi",
-    "description": "Send .blend as session to http://www.renderfarm.fi to render",
-    "warning": "",
-    "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/"
-                "Scripts/Render/Renderfarm.fi",
-    "category": "Render",
-Copyright 2009-2013 Laurea University of Applied Sciences
-Authors: Nathan Letwory, Jesse Kaukonen
-import bpy
-import hashlib
-import http.client
-import math
-from os.path import isabs, isfile, join, exists
-import os
-import time
-from bpy.props import PointerProperty, StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty, IntProperty, CollectionProperty
-from .panels import *
-from .operators import *
-from .rpc import RffiRpc
-bpy.CURRENT_VERSION = bl_info["version"][0]
-bpy.found_newer_version = False
-bpy.up_to_date = False
-bpy.download_location = 'http://www.renderfarm.fi/blender'
-bpy.rffi_creds_found = False
-bpy.rffi_user = ''
-bpy.rffi_hash = ''
-bpy.passwordCorrect = False
-bpy.loginInserted = False
-bpy.rffi_accepting = False
-bpy.rffi_motd = ''
-bpy.errorMessages = {
-    'missing_desc': 'You need to enter a title, short and long description',
-    'missing_creds': 'You haven\'t entered your credentials yet'
-bpy.statusMessage = {
-    'title': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
-    'shortdesc': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
-    'tags': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
-    'longdesc': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
-    'username': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
-    'password': 'TRIA_RIGHT'
-bpy.errors = []
-bpy.ore_sessions = []
-bpy.ore_completed_sessions = []
-bpy.ore_active_sessions = []
-bpy.ore_rejected_sessions = []
-bpy.ore_pending_sessions = []
-bpy.ore_active_session_queue = []
-bpy.ore_complete_session_queue = []
-bpy.queue_selected = -1
-bpy.errorStartTime = -1.0
-bpy.infoError = False
-bpy.cancelError = False
-bpy.texturePackError = False
-bpy.linkedFileError = False
-bpy.uploadInProgress = False
-    bpy.originalFileName = bpy.data.filepath
-    bpy.originalFileName = 'untitled.blend'
-bpy.particleBakeWarning = False
-bpy.childParticleWarning = False
-bpy.simulationWarning = False
-bpy.file_format_warning = False
-bpy.ready = False
-def renderEngine(render_engine):
-    bpy.utils.register_class(render_engine)
-    return render_engine
-licenses =  (
-        ('1', 'CC by-nc-nd', 'Creative Commons: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives'),
-        ('2', 'CC by-nc-sa', 'Creative Commons: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike'),
-        ('3', 'CC by-nd', 'Creative Commons: Attribution No Derivatives'),
-        ('4', 'CC by-nc', 'Creative Commons: Attribution Non-Commercial'),
-        ('5', 'CC by-sa', 'Creative Commons: Attribution Share Alike'),
-        ('6', 'CC by', 'Creative Commons: Attribution'),
-        ('7', 'Copyright', 'Copyright, no license specified'),
-        )
-class ORESession(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-    name = StringProperty(name='Name', description='Name of the session', maxlen=128, default='[session]')
-class ORESettings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
-    username = StringProperty(name='E-mail', description='E-mail for Renderfarm.fi', maxlen=256, default='')
-    password = StringProperty(name='Password', description='Renderfarm.fi password', maxlen=256, default='')
-    shortdesc = StringProperty(name='Short description', description='A short description of the scene (100 characters)', maxlen=101, default='-')
-    tags = StringProperty(name='Tags', description='A list of tags that best suit the animation', maxlen=102, default='')
-    longdesc = StringProperty(name='Description', description='Description of the scene (2k)', maxlen=2048, default='')
-    title = StringProperty(name='Title', description='Title for this session (128 characters)', maxlen=128, default='')
-    url = StringProperty(name='Project URL', description='Project URL. Leave empty if not applicable', maxlen=256, default='')
-    engine = StringProperty(name='Engine', description='The rendering engine that is used for rendering', maxlen=64, default='blender')
-    samples = IntProperty(name='Samples', description='Number of samples that is used (Cycles only)', min=1, max=1000000, soft_min=1, soft_max=100000, default=100)
-    subsamples = IntProperty(name='Subsample Frames', description='Number of subsample frames that is used (Cycles only)', min=1, max=1000000, soft_min=1, soft_max=1000, default=10)
-    file_format = StringProperty(name='File format', description='File format used for the rendering', maxlen=30, default='PNG_FORMAT')
-    parts = IntProperty(name='Parts/Frame', description='', min=1, max=1000, soft_min=1, soft_max=64, default=1)
-    resox = IntProperty(name='Resolution X', description='X of render', min=1, max=10000, soft_min=1, soft_max=10000, default=1920)
-    resoy = IntProperty(name='Resolution Y', description='Y of render', min=1, max=10000, soft_min=1, soft_max=10000, default=1080)
-    memusage = IntProperty(name='Memory Usage', description='Estimated maximum memory usage during rendering in MB', min=1, max=6*1024, soft_min=1, soft_max=3*1024, default=256)
-    start = IntProperty(name='Start Frame', description='Start Frame', default=1)
-    end = IntProperty(name='End Frame', description='End Frame', default=250)
-    fps = IntProperty(name='FPS', description='FPS', min=1, max=120, default=25)
-    prepared = BoolProperty(name='Prepared', description='Set to True if preparation has been run', default=False)
-    debug = BoolProperty(name='Debug', description='Verbose output in console', default=False)
-    selected_session = IntProperty(name='Selected Session', description='The selected session', default=0)
-    hasUnsupportedSimulation = BoolProperty(name='HasSimulation', description='Set to True if therea re unsupported simulations', default=False)
-    inlicense = EnumProperty(items=licenses, name='Scene license', description='License speficied for the source files', default='1')
-    outlicense = EnumProperty(items=licenses, name='Product license', description='License speficied for the output files', default='1')
-    sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='Sessions', description='Sessions on Renderfarm.fi')
-    completed_sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='Completed sessions', description='Sessions that have been already rendered')
-    rejected_sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='Rejected sessions', description='Sessions that have been rejected')
-    pending_sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='Pending sessions', description='Sessions that are waiting for approval')
-    active_sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='Active sessions', description='Sessions that are currently rendering')
-    all_sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='All sessions', description='List of all of the users sessions')
-# session struct
-class RENDERFARM_MT_Session(bpy.types.Menu):
-    bl_label = "Show Session"
-    def draw(self, context):
-        layout = self.layout
-        ore = context.scene.ore_render
-        if (bpy.loginInserted == True):
-            layout.operator('ore.completed_sessions')
-            layout.operator('ore.accept_sessions')
-            layout.operator('ore.active_sessions')
-            layout.separator()
-            layout.operator('ore.cancelled_sessions')
-        else:
-            row = layout.row()
-            row.label(text="You must login first")
-class RenderfarmFi(bpy.types.RenderEngine):
-    bl_idname = 'RENDERFARMFI_RENDER'
-    bl_label = "Renderfarm.fi"
-    def render(self, scene):
-        print('Do test renders with Blender Render')
-def register():
-    bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
-    bpy.types.Scene.ore_render = PointerProperty(type=ORESettings, name='ORE Render', description='ORE Render Settings')
-def unregister():
-    bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    register()
-# all panels, except render panel
-# Example of wrapping every class 'as is'
-from bl_ui import properties_scene
-for member in dir(properties_scene):
-    subclass = getattr(properties_scene, member)
-    try:        subclass.COMPAT_ENGINES.add('RENDERFARMFI_RENDER')
-    except:    pass
-del properties_scene
-from bl_ui import properties_world
-for member in dir(properties_world):
-    subclass = getattr(properties_world, member)
-    try:        subclass.COMPAT_ENGINES.add('RENDERFARMFI_RENDER')
-    except:    pass
-del properties_world
-from bl_ui import properties_material
-for member in dir(properties_material):
-    subclass = getattr(properties_material, member)
-    try:        subclass.COMPAT_ENGINES.add('RENDERFARMFI_RENDER')
-    except:    pass
-del properties_material
-from bl_ui import properties_object
-for member in dir(properties_object):
-    subclass = getattr(properties_object, member)
-    try:        subclass.COMPAT_ENGINES.add('RENDERFARMFI_RENDER')
-    except:    pass
-del properties_object
diff --git a/render_renderfarmfi/exce

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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