[Bf-extensions-cvs] [b3125c1] master: Update: new tool import export vertex colors

Eugenio Pignataro noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Feb 5 15:19:21 CET 2014

Commit: b3125c17f9a61d22cedce9fda6d162f9ac8241b6
Author: Eugenio Pignataro
Date:   Wed Feb 5 11:18:57 2014 -0300

Update: new tool import export vertex colors


M	oscurart_tools/__init__.py
M	oscurart_tools/oscurart_meshes.py


diff --git a/oscurart_tools/__init__.py b/oscurart_tools/__init__.py
index abd1223..1eb11e6 100644
--- a/oscurart_tools/__init__.py
+++ b/oscurart_tools/__init__.py
@@ -184,6 +184,9 @@ class OscPanelMesh(OscPollMesh, bpy.types.Panel):
         colrow.operator("file.export_groups_osc", icon='GROUP_VCOL')
         colrow.operator("file.import_groups_osc", icon='GROUP_VCOL')
+        colrow=col.row(align=1)
+        colrow.operator("mesh.export_vertex_colors", icon='COLOR')
+        colrow.operator("mesh.import_vertex_colors", icon='COLOR')        
 class OscPanelShapes(OscPollShapes, bpy.types.Panel):
     bl_idname = "Oscurart Shapes Tools"
diff --git a/oscurart_tools/oscurart_meshes.py b/oscurart_tools/oscurart_meshes.py
index c52bc1f..2cd87cc 100644
--- a/oscurart_tools/oscurart_meshes.py
+++ b/oscurart_tools/oscurart_meshes.py
@@ -331,3 +331,35 @@ class OscOverlapUv(bpy.types.Operator):
     def execute(self, context):
         return {'FINISHED'}
+## ------------------------------- IO VERTEX COLORS --------------------
+def DefOscExportVC():
+    with open("%s/%s.vc" % (os.path.dirname(bpy.data.filepath),bpy.context.object.name), mode="w") as file:
+        ob = bpy.context.object
+        di = { loopind : ob.data.vertex_colors.active.data[loopind].color[:] for face in ob.data.polygons for loopind in face.loop_indices[:] }
+        file.write(str(di))
+def DefOscImportVC():
+    with open("%s/%s.vc" % (os.path.dirname(bpy.data.filepath),bpy.context.object.name), mode="r") as file:
+        di = eval(file.read())
+        for loopind in di:
+            bpy.context.object.data.vertex_colors.active.data[loopind].color = di[loopind]        
+class OscExportVC (bpy.types.Operator):
+    bl_idname = "mesh.export_vertex_colors"
+    bl_label = "Export Vertex Colors"
+    bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
+    def execute(self, context):
+        DefOscExportVC()
+        return {'FINISHED'}    
+class OscImportVC (bpy.types.Operator):
+    bl_idname = "mesh.import_vertex_colors"
+    bl_label = "Import Vertex Colors"
+    bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
+    def execute(self, context):
+        DefOscImportVC()
+        return {'FINISHED'}              
\ No newline at end of file

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