[Bf-extensions-cvs] [291afdd] master: Moved calculation of barycentric face weights from the "patch" stage to the "blob" stage.

Lukas Tönne noreply at git.blender.org
Sat Dec 13 13:54:19 CET 2014

Commit: 291afdd5f09a4b5d49cd17f2e3810b0dce59c88c
Author: Lukas Tönne
Date:   Sat Dec 13 13:49:51 2014 +0100
Branches: master

Moved calculation of barycentric face weights from the "patch" stage to
the "blob" stage.

Face interpolation itself does not depend on vertex groups. It makes
sense to have this in the slower sampling stage ("blobs") instead, so
the second copying/dupli stage ("patches") stays as fast as possible.

The workflow rationale is that users can create a ground surface
sampling once (which can take a few minutes on large scales), and then
continue tweaking the dupli objects and vertex groups of the ground,
which is quite fast (< 1 second typically).


M	object_physics_meadow/blob.py
M	object_physics_meadow/meadow.py


diff --git a/object_physics_meadow/blob.py b/object_physics_meadow/blob.py
index 0234e3d..689dc01 100644
--- a/object_physics_meadow/blob.py
+++ b/object_physics_meadow/blob.py
@@ -163,16 +163,19 @@ class Blob():
         self.face_index = face_index
         self.samples = []
+    def add_sample(self, loc, nor, face, verts, weights):
+        self.samples.append((loc, nor, face, verts, weights))
     # note: Vector instances cannot be pickled directly,
     # therefore define own pickle methods here
     def __getstate__(self):
-        return self.loc[:], self.nor[:], self.face_index, [(sloc[:], snor[:], sidx) for sloc, snor, sidx in self.samples]
+        return self.loc[:], self.nor[:], self.face_index, [(sloc[:], snor[:], sface, sverts, sweights) for sloc, snor, sface, sverts, sweights in self.samples]
     def __setstate__(self, state):
         self.loc = Vector(state[0])
         self.nor = Vector(state[1])
         self.face_index = state[2]
-        self.samples = [(Vector(sloc), Vector(snor), sidx) for sloc, snor, sidx in state[3]]
+        self.samples = [(Vector(sloc), Vector(snor), sface, sverts, sweights) for sloc, snor, sface, sverts, sweights in state[3]]
 # store blobs list in ID datablock as customdata
 def blobs_to_customprops(data, blobs):
@@ -189,7 +192,8 @@ def blobs_from_customprops(data):
     blobs = pickle.loads(A.tobytes())
     return blobs
-def make_blobs(context, gridob, groundob, samples, display_radius):
+def make_blobs(context, gridob, groundob, samples2D, display_radius):
     blobs = []
@@ -205,13 +209,32 @@ def make_blobs(context, gridob, groundob, samples, display_radius):
         ok, loc, nor, face_index = project_on_ground(groundob, co)
         blobs.append(Blob(loc, nor, face_index) if ok else None)
-    for loc, nor, face_index in samples:
+    groundob.data.calc_tessface()
+    mfaces = groundob.data.tessfaces
+    mverts = groundob.data.vertices
+    for xy in samples2D:
         # note: use only 2D coordinates for weighting, z component should be 0
-        index = assign_blob(blobtree, (loc[0], loc[1], 0.0), nor)
-        if index >= 0:
-            blob = blobs[index]
-            if blob:
-                blob.samples.append((loc, nor, face_index))
+        index = assign_blob(blobtree, (xy[0], xy[1], 0.0), nor)
+        if index < 0:
+            continue
+        blob = blobs[index]
+        if blob is None:
+            continue
+        # project samples onto the ground object
+        ok, sloc, snor, sface = project_on_ground(groundob, xy[0:2]+(0,))
+        if not ok:
+            continue
+        # calculate barycentric vertex weights on the face
+        face = mfaces[sface]
+        verts = [mverts[i] for i in face.vertices]
+        assert(len(verts) in {3, 4})
+        sweights, sverts = interp_weights_face(tuple(v.co for v in verts[0:4]), sloc)
+        # interpolation indices are for the face, make them into mesh indices
+        sverts = tuple(face.vertices[i] for i in sverts)
+        blob.add_sample(sloc, snor, sface, sverts, sweights)
     # common parent empty for blobs
     blob_parent = get_blob_parent(context, groundob.matrix_world)
@@ -221,7 +244,7 @@ def make_blobs(context, gridob, groundob, samples, display_radius):
     # before creating the actual duplicator blob meshes
     for index, blob in enumerate(blobs):
         if blob:
-            samples = [(loc, nor) for loc, nor, _ in blob.samples]
+            samples = [(loc, nor) for loc, nor, _, _, _ in blob.samples]
             ob = make_blob_object(context, index, blob.loc, samples, display_radius)
             # put it in the blob group
             blob_group_assign(context, ob)
@@ -237,23 +260,17 @@ from object_physics_meadow.patch import patch_objects, patch_group_assign
 # select one patch object for each sample based on vertex groups
 def assign_sample_patches(groundob, blob, patches):
     vgroups = groundob.vertex_groups
-    faces = groundob.data.tessfaces
-    vertices = groundob.data.vertices
+    mverts = groundob.data.vertices
     used_vgroup_names = set(ob.meadow.density_vgroup_name for ob in patches)
     vgroup_samples = { vg.name : [] for vg in vgroups }
     vgroup_samples[""] = [] # samples for unassigned patches
-    for loc, nor, face_index in blob.samples:
-        face = faces[face_index]
-        verts = [vertices[i] for i in face.vertices]
-        assert(len(verts) in {3, 4})
-        # accumulate weights for each vertex group,
-        # by interpolating the face and 
-        fweight, findex = interp_weights_face(tuple(v.co for v in verts[0:4]), loc)
+    for sloc, snor, sface, sverts, sweights in blob.samples:
+        verts = [mverts[i] for i in sverts]
+        # accumulate weights for each vertex group by interpolating the face
         weights = [ 0.0 for vg in vgroups ]
-        for v, fac in zip(verts, fweight):
+        for v, fac in zip(verts, sweights):
             for vg in v.groups:
                 weights[vg.group] += vg.weight * fac
@@ -275,9 +292,9 @@ def assign_sample_patches(groundob, blob, patches):
         vg = select_vgroup()
         if vg:
-            vgroup_samples[vg.name].append((loc, nor))
+            vgroup_samples[vg.name].append((sloc, snor))
-            vgroup_samples[""].append((loc, nor))
+            vgroup_samples[""].append((sloc, snor))
     return vgroup_samples
diff --git a/object_physics_meadow/meadow.py b/object_physics_meadow/meadow.py
index f7b4c47..35a5684 100644
--- a/object_physics_meadow/meadow.py
+++ b/object_physics_meadow/meadow.py
@@ -60,22 +60,15 @@ def make_samples(context, gridob, groundob):
         loc2D = [(mat * Vector(p[0:3] + (1.0,)))[0:2] for p in gen(groundob.meadow.seed, groundob.meadow.max_patches)]
-    # project samples onto the ground object
-    samples = []
-    for loc in loc2D:
-        ok, loc, nor, face_index = project_on_ground(groundob, loc)
-        if ok:
-            samples.append((loc, nor, face_index))
-    return samples
+    return loc2D
 ### Duplicators for later instancing ###
 def make_blobs(context, gridob, groundob):
     # patches are linked to current blobs, clear to avoid confusing reset
-    samples = make_samples(context, gridob, groundob)
-    blob.make_blobs(context, gridob, groundob, samples, groundob.meadow.patch_radius)
+    samples2D = make_samples(context, gridob, groundob)
+    blob.make_blobs(context, gridob, groundob, samples2D, groundob.meadow.patch_radius)
 ### Patch copies for simulation ###
 def make_patches(context, gridob, groundob):

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