[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [3181] contrib/py/scripts/addons/ space_view3d_paint_bprojection.py: BProjection: A lot of code clean up and more use of python abilities

geo kgeo kgeogeo at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 27 01:35:31 CEST 2012

Revision: 3181
Author:   kgeogeo
Date:     2012-03-26 23:35:22 +0000 (Mon, 26 Mar 2012)
Log Message:
BProjection: A lot of code clean up and more use of python abilities

Modified Paths:

Modified: contrib/py/scripts/addons/space_view3d_paint_bprojection.py
--- contrib/py/scripts/addons/space_view3d_paint_bprojection.py	2012-03-26 22:20:23 UTC (rev 3180)
+++ contrib/py/scripts/addons/space_view3d_paint_bprojection.py	2012-03-26 23:35:22 UTC (rev 3181)
@@ -60,34 +60,30 @@
 def update_UVScale(self, context):
     v = Vector((context.object.custom_offsetuv[0]/10 + 0.5, context.object.custom_offsetuv[1]/10 + 0.5))
     l = Vector((0.0,0.0))
-    scale = context.object.custom_scaleuv - context.object.custom_old_scaleuv
-    s = context.object.custom_scaleuv
-    o = context.object.custom_old_scaleuv 
-    uvdata = context.object.data.uv_loop_layers.active.data
+    ob = context.object
+    s = ob.custom_scaleuv
+    os = ob.custom_old_scaleuv 
+    scale = s - os
+    uvdata = ob.data.uv_loop_layers.active.data
     for i in range(484):
-        vres =  v - uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv 
-        l.x = vres.x
-        l.y = vres.y   
-        if context.object.custom_linkscaleuv:
-            uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv = [v.x - l.x/o[0]*s[0], v.y - l.y/o[0]*s[0]]
+        vres =  v - uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv  
+        if ob.custom_linkscaleuv:
+            uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv = [v.x - vres.x/os[0]*s[0], v.y - vres.y/os[0]*s[0]]
-            uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv = [v.x - l.x/o[0]*s[0], v.y - l.y/o[1]*s[1]]    
-    context.object.custom_old_scaleuv = context.object.custom_scaleuv
+            uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv = [v.x - vres.x/os[0]*s[0], v.y - vres.y/os[1]*s[1]]    
+    ob.custom_old_scaleuv = s
 # Function to update the offsetUV
 def update_UVOffset(self, context):
-    o = context.object.custom_offsetuv
-    oo = context.object.custom_old_offsetuv 
-    uvdata = context.object.data.uv_loop_layers.active.data
+    ob = context.object
+    o = ob.custom_offsetuv
+    oo = ob.custom_old_offsetuv 
+    uvdata = ob.data.uv_loop_layers.active.data
     for i in range(484):
         uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv = [uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv[0] - oo[0]/10 + o[0]/10, uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv[1] - oo[1]/10 + o[1]/10]   
-    print(oo,o)
-    context.object.custom_old_offsetuv = context.object.custom_offsetuv
+    ob.custom_old_offsetuv = o
@@ -96,8 +92,7 @@
     uvdata = context.object.data.uv_loop_layers.active.data
     for i in range(484):
         x = uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv[0]
-        l = 0.5 - x
-        uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv[0] = 0.5 + l
+        uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv[0] = 1 - x
@@ -105,9 +100,8 @@
 def update_FlipUVY(self, context):          
     uvdata = context.object.data.uv_loop_layers.active.data
     for i in range(484):
-        x = uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv[1]
-        l = 0.5 - x
-        uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv[1] = 0.5 + l
+        y = uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv[1]
+        uvdata[len(uvdata)-1-i].uv[1] = 1 - y
@@ -115,26 +109,28 @@
 def update_Rotation(self, context):              
     if context.object.custom_rotc3d:
         angle = context.object.custom_rotation - context.object.custom_old_rotation
-        c3d = context.space_data.cursor_location
+        sd = context.space_data
+        c3d = sd.cursor_location
         em = bpy.data.objects['Empty for BProjection'].location
         c = c3d
         e = em
         v1 = e-c
         vo = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
-        vo.rotate(context.space_data.region_3d.view_rotation)
+        vo.rotate(sd.region_3d.view_rotation)
         quat = mathutils.Quaternion(vo, math.radians(float(angle)))        
         quat = quat
         v2 = v1.copy()
         v = v1 - v2
         res = e - v
-        context.space_data.region_3d.update()
-        x = view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d(context.area.regions[4], context.space_data.region_3d, res)
+        sd.region_3d.update()
+        x = view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d(context.area.regions[4], sd.region_3d, res)
         y=[round(x[0]), round(x[1])]
         context.object.custom_location = y       
     context.object.custom_old_rotation = context.object.custom_rotation
 # Function to create custom properties
@@ -164,88 +160,30 @@
                                             default=(1.0,1.0),min = 0.01, subtype = 'XYZ', size=2,update = update_UVScale)    
     Ob.custom_old_scaleuv = FloatVectorProperty(name="old_ScaleUV", description="Scale the texture's UV",
                                                 default=(1.0,1.0),min = 0.01, subtype = 'XYZ', size=2)
+    Ob.custom_offsetuv = FloatVectorProperty(name="OffsetUV", description="Decal the texture's UV",
+                                            default=(0.0,0.0), subtype = 'XYZ', size=2,update = update_UVOffset)    
+    Ob.custom_old_offsetuv = FloatVectorProperty(name="old_OffsetUV", description="Decal the texture's UV",
+                                                 default=(0.0,0.0), subtype = 'XYZ', size=2)    
     Ob.custom_linkscaleuv = BoolProperty(name="linkscaleUV", default=True, update = update_UVScale)
     Ob.custom_flipuvx = BoolProperty(name="flipuvx", default=False, update = update_FlipUVX)
     Ob.custom_flipuvy = BoolProperty(name="flipuvy", default=False, update = update_FlipUVY)
-    Ob.custom_offsetuv = FloatVectorProperty(name="OffsetUV", description="Decal the texture's UV",
-                                            default=(0.0,0.0), subtype = 'XYZ', size=2,update = update_UVOffset)    
-    Ob.custom_old_offsetuv = FloatVectorProperty(name="old_OffsetUV", description="Decal the texture's UV",
-                                                 default=(0.0,0.0), subtype = 'XYZ', size=2)
     # other properties    
     Ob.custom_c3d = BoolProperty(name="c3d", default=True)
     Ob.custom_rot = BoolProperty(name="rot", default=True)
     Ob.custom_rotc3d = BoolProperty(name="rotc3d", default=False)    
+# Function to remove custom properties
 def removecustomprops():    
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_location')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_rotation')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_old_rotation')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_scale')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_z')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_c3d')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_rot')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_rotc3d')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_scaleuv')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_flipuvx')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_flipuvy')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_linkscale')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_linkscaleuv')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0 
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_old_scaleuv')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0        
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_offsetuv')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0 
-    try:
-        bpy.ops.wm.properties_remove(data_path='object',property='custom_old_offsetuv')
-    except:
-        nothing = 0         
+    list_prop = ['custom_location', 'custom_rotation', 'custom_old_rotation', 'custom_scale', 'custom_z', 'custom_c3d',
+                 'custom_rot', 'custom_rotc3d', 'custom_scaleuv', 'custom_flipuvx', 'custom_flipuvy', 'custom_linkscale',
+                 'custom_linkscaleuv', 'custom_old_scaleuv', 'custom_offsetuv', 'custom_old_offsetuv']
+    for prop in list_prop:
+        try:
+            del bpy.context.object[prop]
+        except:
+            do = 'nothing'
 # Draw Class to show the panel
 class BProjection(Panel):
     bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
@@ -314,15 +252,16 @@
     def execute(self, context):        
         img = bpy.data.textures['Texture for BProjection'].image
         em = bpy.data.objects['Empty for BProjection']
+        ob = context.object
-        f = context.object.data.polygons
-        nbface = len(context.object.data.polygons)
-        uvdata = context.object.data.uv_textures.active.data 
+        f = ob.data.polygons
+        nbface = len(ob.data.polygons)
+        uvdata = ob.data.uv_textures.active.data 
         wasnul = False
         if len(uvdata) == 0:
-            uvdata = context.object.data.uv_textures.active.data
+            uvdata = ob.data.uv_textures.active.data
             wasnul = True                        
         nbcut = 10
@@ -336,8 +275,9 @@
-        context.object.custom_scale = [1,1]                       
-        context.object.data.update()
+        ob.custom_scale = [1,1]                       
+        ob.data.update()
         return {'FINISHED'}
@@ -348,39 +288,39 @@
     bl_label = "Draw lines"
     def invoke(self, context, event):
+        ob = context.object 
         x = event.mouse_region_x
         y = event.mouse_region_y                
-        if len(context.object.grease_pencil.layers.active.frames) == 0: 
+        if len(ob.grease_pencil.layers.active.frames) == 0: 

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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