[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [3129] contrib/py/scripts/addons/ text_intellisense.py: SVN maintenance.

gsr b3d gsr.b3d at infernal-iceberg.com
Mon Mar 19 03:25:18 CET 2012

Revision: 3129
Author:   gsrb3d
Date:     2012-03-19 02:25:17 +0000 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012)
Log Message:
SVN maintenance.

Modified Paths:

Property Changed:

Modified: contrib/py/scripts/addons/text_intellisense.py
--- contrib/py/scripts/addons/text_intellisense.py	2012-03-18 05:55:47 UTC (rev 3128)
+++ contrib/py/scripts/addons/text_intellisense.py	2012-03-19 02:25:17 UTC (rev 3129)
@@ -1,436 +1,436 @@
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
-bl_info = {
-	"name": "Intellisense for Text Editor",
-	"author": "Mackraken",
-	"version": (0, 2),
-	"blender": (2, 6, 0),
-	"api": 41851,
-	"location": "Ctrl + Space at Text Editor",
-	"description": "Adds intellense to the Text Editor",
-	"warning": "Only works with 2.57 intellisense",
-	"wiki_url": "",
-	"tracker_url": "",
-	"category": "Development"}
-import bpy
-def complete(context):
-	from console import intellisense
-	from console_python import get_console
-	sc = context.space_data
-	text = sc.text
-	region = context.region
-	for area in context.screen.areas:
-		if area.type=="CONSOLE":
-			region = area.regions[1]
-			break
-	console = get_console(hash(region))[0]
-	line = text.current_line.body
-	cursor = text.current_character
-	result  = intellisense.expand(line, cursor, console.locals, bpy.app.debug)
-	return result
-class Intellimenu(bpy.types.Menu):
-	bl_label = ""
-	bl_idname = "IntelliMenu"
-	text = ""
-	def draw(self, context):
-		layout = self.layout
-		#Very ugly see how can i fix this
-		options = complete(context)
-		options = options[2].split("  ")
-		for op in options:
-			layout.operator("text.intellioptions", text=op).text=op
-#This operator executes when hits Ctrl+Space at the text editor
-class Intellisense(bpy.types.Operator):
-	#'''Tooltip'''
-	bl_idname = "text.intellisense"
-	bl_label = "Text Editor Intellisense"
-	text = ""
-#	@classmethod
-#	def poll(cls, context):
-#		return context.active_object is not None
-	def execute(self, context):
-		sc = context.space_data
-		text = sc.text
-		if text.current_character>0:
-			result = complete(context)
-			#print(result)
-			if result[2]=="":
-				text.current_line.body = result[0]
-				bpy.ops.text.move(type='LINE_END')
-			else:
-				bpy.ops.wm.call_menu(name=Intellimenu.bl_idname)
-		return {'FINISHED'}
-#this operator completes the line with the options you choose from the menu
-class Intellioptions(bpy.types.Operator):
-	#'''Tooltip'''
-	bl_idname = "text.intellioptions"
-	bl_label = "Intellisense options"
-	text = bpy.props.StringProperty()
-	@classmethod
-	def poll(cls, context):
-		return context.active_object is not None
-	def execute(self, context):
-		sc = context.space_data
-		text = sc.text
-		comp = self.text
-		line = text.current_line.body
-		lline = len(line)
-		lcomp = len(comp)
-		#intersect text 
-		intersect = [-1,-1]
-		for i in range(lcomp):
-			val1 = comp[0:i+1]
-			for j in range(lline):
-				val2 = line[lline-j-1::]
-				#print("	",j, val2)
-				if val1==val2:
-					intersect = [i, j]
-					break
-		if intersect[0]>-1:
-			newline = line[0:lline-intersect[1]-1]+comp
-		else:
-			newline = line + comp
-		#print(newline)		
-		text.current_line.body = newline
-		bpy.ops.text.move(type='LINE_END')
-		return {'FINISHED'}
-def send_console(context, all=0):
-	sc = context.space_data
-	text = sc.text
-	console = None
-	for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
-		if area.type=="CONSOLE":
-			from console_python import get_console
-			console = get_console(hash(area.regions[1]))[0]
-	if console==None:
-		return {'FINISHED'}
-	if all:
-		for l in text.lines:
-			console.push(l.body)
-	else:
-		#print(console.prompt)
-		console.push(text.current_line.body)
-class TestLine(bpy.types.Operator):
-	#'''Tooltip'''
-	bl_idname = "text.test_line"
-	bl_label = "Test line"
-	all = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=False)
-#   @classmethod
-#   def poll(cls, context):
-#	   return context.active_object is not None
-	def execute(self, context):
-		#print("test line")
-		#send_console(context, self.all)
-		sc = context.space_data
-		text = sc.text
-		line = text.current_line.body
-		console = None
-		for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
-			if area.type=="CONSOLE":
-				from console_python import get_console
-				console = get_console(hash(area.regions[1]))[0]
-		if console==None:
-			return {'FINISHED'}
-		command = ""
-		forindex = line.find("for ")
-		if forindex >-1:
-			var = line[forindex+4:-1]
-			var = var[0:var.find(" ")]
-			state = line[line.rindex(" ")+1:-1]
-			command = var + " = " +state+"[0]"
-		else:
-			command = line
-		#print(command)
-		try:
-			console.push(command)
-		except:
-			pass
-		bpy.ops.text.line_break()
-		return {'FINISHED'}
-class SetBreakPoint(bpy.types.Operator):
-	bl_idname = "text.set_breakpoint"
-	bl_label = "Set Breakpoint"
-	def execute(self, context):
-		sc = bpy.context.space_data
-		text = sc.text
-		line = text.current_line
-		br = " #breakpoint"
-		#print(line.body.find(br))
-		if line.body.find(br)>-1:
-			line.body = line.body.replace(br, "")
-		else:
-			line.body += br
-		return {'FINISHED'}
-class Debug(bpy.types.Operator):
-	bl_idname = "text.debug"
-	bl_label = "Debug"
-	def execute(self, context):
-		binpath = bpy.app.binary_path
-		addonspath = binpath[0:binpath.rindex("\\")+1]+str(bpy.app.version[0])+"."+str(bpy.app.version[1])+"\\scripts\\addons\\"
-		print(addonspath)
-		sc = context.space_data
-		text = sc.text
-		br = " #breakpoint"
-		filepath = addonspath+"debug.py"
-		file = open(filepath, "w")
-		file.write("import pdb\n")
-		for line in text.lines:
-			l = line.body
-			if line.body.find(br)>-1:
-				indent = ""
-				for letter in line.body:
-					if not letter.isalpha():
-						indent+=letter
-					else:
-						break
-				file.write(l[0:-len(br)]+"\n")
-				file.write(indent+"pdb.set_trace()\n")
-			else:
-				file.write(line.body+"\n")
-		file.close()
-		import pdb
-		import debug
-		pdb.runcall("debug")	
-		return {'FINISHED'}
-class DebugPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
-	bl_label = "Debug"
-	bl_idname = "text.test_line"
-	bl_space_type = "TEXT_EDITOR"
-	bl_region_type = "UI"
-	#bl_context = "object"
-	text = bpy.props.StringProperty()
-	def draw(self, context):
-		layout = self.layout
-		row = layout.row()
-		text = self.text
-		row = layout.row()
-		row.operator("text.debug", text ="Debug")
-		row = layout.row()
-		row.operator("text.set_breakpoint")
-		row = layout.row()
-		row.operator("text.test_line").all=False
-		row = layout.row()
-		row.operator("text.test_line", text ="Test All").all=True
-		row = layout.row()
-		row.label(text="Coming Soon ...")
-#section = Input section. "Window, Text, ..."
-#name = operator name or wm.call_menu 
-#type = key 
-#event = keyboard event (Press, release, ...)
-#mods = array containing key modifiers (["ctrl", "alt", "shift"]
-#propvalue = menu name, if name is set to "wm.call_menu"
-#overwrite doesnt work at the moment
-def assignKey(section, name, type, event, mods=[],propvalue = "",  overwrite=0):
-	kconf = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs.active
-	#check section
-	validsections = [item.name for item in kconf.keymaps]
-	if not section in validsections:
-		print(section  + " is not a valid section.")
-		#print(validsections)	
-		return False
-	#check type
-	type = type.upper()
-	validkeys = [item.identifier for item in bpy.types.KeyMapItem.bl_rna.properties['type'].enum_items]
-	if not type in validkeys:
-		print(type + " is not a valid key.")
-		#print(validkeys)
-		return False
-	#check event
-	event = event.upper()   
-	validevents = [item.identifier for item in bpy.types.KeyMapItem.bl_rna.properties['value'].enum_items]
-	if not event in validevents:
-		print(event + " is not a valid event.")
-		#print(validevents)
-	kmap = kconf.keymaps[section] 
-#   get mods
-	for i, mod in enumerate(mods):
-		mods[i]= mod.lower()
-	#any, shift, ctrl, alt, oskey
-	kmod = [False, False, False, False, False]
-	if "any" in mods: kmod[0] = True
-	if "shift" in mods: kmod[1] = True
-	if "ctrl" in mods: kmod[2] = True
-	if "alt" in mods: kmod[3] = True
-	if "oskey" in mods: kmod[4] = True
-#   #check if key exist
-	kexists = False
-	for key in kmap.keymap_items:
-		keymods = [key.any, key.shift, key.ctrl, key.alt, key.oskey]
-		if key.type == type and keymods == kmod:
-			kexists = True
-			print(key,"key exists")
-			break
-	if kexists:
-		#overwrite?
-		if overwrite:
-			key.idname=name
-			#key.type = type
-	else:
-		#create key
-		key = kmap.keymap_items.new(name, type, event, False)
-		key.any = kmod[0]
-		key.shift = kmod[1]
-		key.ctrl = kmod[2]
-		key.alt = kmod[3]
-		key.oskey = kmod[4]
-		if propvalue!="": key.properties.name = propvalue
-classes = [Intellisense, Intellioptions, Intellimenu, DebugPanel, TestLine, SetBreakPoint, Debug]
-def register():
-	for c in classes:
-		bpy.utils.register_class(c)
-	assignKey("Text", "text.intellisense", "SPACE", "Press",  ["ctrl"])
-	assignKey("Text", "text.test_line", "RET", "Press", [],"",1)
-def unregister():
-	for c in classes:
-		bpy.utils.unregister_class(c)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-	register()
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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