[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [3093] contrib/py/scripts/addons/btrace : Added new operator/tool: Mesh Follow.

Scott Wood scott at thewooddesign.com
Tue Mar 13 05:27:29 CET 2012

Revision: 3093
Author:   crazycourier
Date:     2012-03-13 04:27:15 +0000 (Tue, 13 Mar 2012)
Log Message:
Added new operator/tool: Mesh Follow.
On an animated mesh, this traces verts, edges or faces along the animation path with a curve.

Renamed bTrace to Btrace

Modified Paths:

Modified: contrib/py/scripts/addons/btrace/__init__.py
--- contrib/py/scripts/addons/btrace/__init__.py	2012-03-13 02:21:50 UTC (rev 3092)
+++ contrib/py/scripts/addons/btrace/__init__.py	2012-03-13 04:27:15 UTC (rev 3093)
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
-    OBJECT_OT_fcnoise]
+    OBJECT_OT_fcnoise,
+    OBJECT_OT_meshfollow]
 def register():
     for c in classes:

Modified: contrib/py/scripts/addons/btrace/bTrace.py
--- contrib/py/scripts/addons/btrace/bTrace.py	2012-03-13 02:21:50 UTC (rev 3092)
+++ contrib/py/scripts/addons/btrace/bTrace.py	2012-03-13 04:27:15 UTC (rev 3093)
@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@
 bl_info = {
-    'name': "bTrace",
+    'name': "Btrace",
     'author': "liero, crazycourier, Atom, Meta-Androcto, MacKracken",
     'version': (1, 1, ),
-    'blender': (2, 61, 1),
+    'blender': (2, 62),
     'location': "View3D > Tools",
     'description': "Tools for converting/animating objects/particles into curves",
     'warning': "Still under development, bug reports appreciated",
     'wiki_url': "",
     'tracker_url': "http://projects.blender.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=468&aid=29563&group_id=153",
-    'category': "Mesh"
+    'category': "Add Curve"
 #### TO DO LIST ####
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     curve_spline = EnumProperty(name="Spline", items=(("POLY", "Poly", "Use Poly spline type"),  ("NURBS", "Nurbs", "Use Nurbs spline type"), ("BEZIER", "Bezier", "Use Bezier spline type")), description="Choose which type of spline to use when curve is created", default="BEZIER")
     curve_handle = EnumProperty(name="Handle", items=(("ALIGNED", "Aligned", "Use Aligned Handle Type"), ("AUTOMATIC", "Automatic", "Use Auto Handle Type"), ("FREE_ALIGN", "Free Align", "Use Free Handle Type"), ("VECTOR", "Vector", "Use Vector Handle Type")), description="Choose which type of handle to use when curve is created",  default="VECTOR")
     curve_resolution = IntProperty(name="Bevel Resolution" , min=1, max=32, default=4, description="Adjust the Bevel resolution")
-    curve_depth = FloatProperty(name="Bevel Depth", min=0.0, max=100.0, default=0.125, description="Adjust the Bevel depth")
+    curve_depth = FloatProperty(name="Bevel Depth", min=0.0, max=100.0, default=0.02, description="Adjust the Bevel depth")
     curve_u = IntProperty(name="Resolution U", min=0, max=64, default=12, description="Adjust the Surface resolution")
     curve_join = BoolProperty(name="Join Curves", default=False, description="Join all the curves after they have been created")
     curve_smooth = BoolProperty(name="Smooth", default=True, description="Render curve smooth")
@@ -71,15 +71,18 @@
     connect_noise = BoolProperty(name="F-Curve Noise", default=False, description="Adds F-Curve Noise Modifier to selected objects")
     settings_objectTrace = BoolProperty(name="Object Trace Settings", default=False, description="Trace selected mesh object with a curve")
     settings_objectsConnect = BoolProperty(name="Objects Connect Settings", default=False, description="Connect objects with a curve controlled by hooks")
+    settings_objectTrace = BoolProperty(name="Object Trace Settings", default=False, description="Trace selected mesh object with a curve")
     respect_order = BoolProperty(name="Order", default=False, description="Remember order objects were selected")
     settings_particleTrace = BoolProperty(name="Particle Trace Settings", default=False, description="Trace particle path with a  curve")
     settings_particleConnect = BoolProperty(name="Particle Connect Settings", default=False, description="Connect particles with a curves and animated over particle lifetime")
     settings_growCurve = BoolProperty(name="Grow Curve Settings", default=False, description="Animate curve bevel over time by keyframing points radius")
     settings_fcurve = BoolProperty(name="F-Curve Settings", default=False, description="F-Curve Settings")
+    settings_meshfollow = BoolProperty(name="Mesh Follow Settings", default=False, description="Mesh Follow Settings")
     # Toolbar Tool show/hide booleans
     tool_objectTrace = BoolProperty(name="Object Trace", default=False, description="Trace selected mesh object with a curve")
     tool_objectsConnect = BoolProperty(name="Objects Connect", default=False, description="Connect objects with a curve controlled by hooks")
     tool_particleTrace = BoolProperty(name="Particle Trace", default=False, description="Trace particle path with a  curve")
+    tool_meshFollow = BoolProperty(name="Mesh Follow", default=False, description="Follow selection items on animated mesh object")
     tool_particleConnect = BoolProperty(name="Particle Connect", default=False, description="Connect particles with a curves and animated over particle lifetime")
     tool_growCurve = BoolProperty(name="Grow Curve", default=False, description="Animate curve bevel over time by keyframing points radius")
     tool_handwrite = BoolProperty(name="Handwriting", default=False, description="Create and Animate curve using the grease pencil")
@@ -100,9 +103,23 @@
         items=(("CONTI", "Continuous", "Create a continuous curve using verts from mesh"),  ("EDGEALL", "All Edges", "Create a curve from every edge in a mesh")), 
         description="Choose which type of spline to use when curve is created", default="CONTI")
     convert_joinbefore = BoolProperty(name="Join objects before convert", default=False, description='Join all selected mesh to one object before converting to mesh')
+    # Mesh Follow Options
+    fol_mesh_select = EnumProperty(name="Mesh type to spawn curves", 
+    items=(("VERTS", "Vertices", "Create the curve using verts from mesh"),  ("FACES", "Faces", "Create the curve using faces from mesh")), 
+    description="Choose which type of spline to use when curve is created", default="VERTS")
+    fol_edge_select = BoolProperty(name='Edge', default=False, description='Grow from edges')
+    fol_vert_select = BoolProperty(name='Vertex', default=False, description='Grow from verts')
+    fol_face_select = BoolProperty(name='Face', default=True, description='Grow from faces')
+    fol_mesh_type = EnumProperty(name='Mesh type', default='VERTS', description='Mesh feature to draw cruves from', items=(
+        ("VERTS", "Verts", ""), ("EDGES", "Edges", ""), ("FACES", "Faces", "")
+        ))
+    fol_start_frame = IntProperty(name="Start Frame", min=1, max=2500, default=1, description="Start frame for range to trace")
+    fol_end_frame = IntProperty(name="End Frame", min=1, max=2500, default=250, description="End frame for range to trace")
+    fol_perc_verts = FloatProperty(name="Reduce selection by", min=0.001, max=1.000, default=0.5, description="percentage of total verts to trace")
+    fol_sel_option = EnumProperty(name="Selection type", items=(("RANDOM", "Random", "Follow Random items"),  ("CUSTOM", "Custom", "Follow selected items"), ("ALL", "All", "Follow all items")), 
+    description="Choose which objects to follow", default="RANDOM")
 ## Draw Brush panel in Toolbar
 class addTracerObjectPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
@@ -113,9 +130,9 @@
     def draw(self, context):
         layout = self.layout
-        bTrace=bpy.context.window_manager.curve_tracer
+        bTrace = bpy.context.window_manager.curve_tracer
         obj = bpy.context.object
         ## Curve options
@@ -272,6 +289,68 @@
                     row = box.row()
+        ############################
+        ### Mesh Follow
+        ############################
+        tool_meshFollow, settings_meshfollow, fol_edge_select, fol_vert_select, fol_face_select, fol_sel_option, fol_perc_verts = bTrace.tool_meshFollow, bTrace.settings_meshfollow, bTrace.fol_edge_select, bTrace.fol_vert_select, bTrace.fol_face_select, bTrace.fol_sel_option, bTrace.fol_perc_verts
+        box = self.layout.box()
+        row  = box.row ()
+        ObjectConnText = "Show: Mesh Follow"
+        if tool_meshFollow:
+            ObjectConnText="Hide: Mesh Follow"
+        else:
+            ObjectConnText="Show: Mesh Follow"
+        row.prop(bTrace, "tool_meshFollow", text=ObjectConnText, icon="DRIVER")
+        if tool_meshFollow:
+            row  = box.row ()
+            row.label(text="Mesh Follow", icon="DRIVER")
+            row.operator("object.btmeshfollow", text="Run!", icon="PLAY")
+            row = box.row()
+            row.prop(bTrace, "settings_meshfollow", icon='MODIFIER', text='Settings')
+            row.label(text="")
+            if settings_meshfollow:
+                row = box.row(align=True)
+                row.label(text="Mesh Type/Select Options", icon="VERTEXSEL")
+                col = box.column(align=True)
+                row = col.row(align=True)
+                row.prop(bTrace, "fol_mesh_type", expand=True)
+                row = col.row(align=True)
+                row.prop(bTrace, "fol_sel_option", expand=True)
+                row = box.row()
+                if fol_sel_option == 'RANDOM':
+                    row.label("Random Selection")
+                    row.prop(bTrace, "fol_perc_verts", text="")
+                if fol_sel_option == 'CUSTOM':
+                    row.label("Custom Selection: Choose in Edit Mode")
+                if fol_sel_option == 'ALL':
+                    row.label("Select All")
+                row = box.row()
+                row.label("Time Options", icon="TIME")
+                col = box.column(align=True)
+                col.prop(bTrace, "particle_step")
+                row = col.row(align=True)
+                row.prop(bTrace, "fol_start_frame")
+                row.prop(bTrace, "fol_end_frame")
+                # Grow settings here
+                row = box.row()
+                row.prop(bTrace, "animate", text="Add Grow Curve Animation")
+                if animate:
+                    box.label(text='Frame Animation Settings:')

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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