[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [2586] branches/geodesic_domes/gui_pkhg .py: error messages for not implemented case by ApplySform

Peter K.H. Gragert pkhgragert at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 10:25:31 CET 2011

Revision: 2586
Author:   pkhg
Date:     2011-11-05 09:25:30 +0000 (Sat, 05 Nov 2011)
Log Message:
error messages for not implemented case by ApplySform

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/geodesic_domes/gui_pkhg.py
--- branches/geodesic_domes/gui_pkhg.py	2011-11-04 10:34:18 UTC (rev 2585)
+++ branches/geodesic_domes/gui_pkhg.py	2011-11-05 09:25:30 UTC (rev 2586)
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
 created_vefm_mesh_values = None
+last_generated_object = None
 ##for Hub
-bpy.types.Scene.make_a_hub = BoolProperty(name = "Make a hub?", description = "make a strut out of an selected mesh", default = False)
+bpy.types.Scene.make_a_hub = BoolProperty(name = "HUB?", description = "make a HUB out of an selected mesh", default = False)
 bpy.types.Scene.hub_width = FloatProperty(name = "width", min = 0.001,max = 2, description="TODO", default = 1)
 bpy.types.Scene.hub_height = FloatProperty(name = "height", min = 0.001,max = 2, description="TODO", default = 1)
 bpy.types.Scene.hub_length = FloatProperty(name = "length", min = 0.001,max = 2, description="TODO", default = 1)
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
 ## for Strut
-bpy.types.Scene.make_a_strut = BoolProperty(name = "Make a strut?", description = "make a strut out of an selected mesh", default = False)
+bpy.types.Scene.make_a_strut = BoolProperty(name = "STUT?", description = "make a STRUT out of an selected mesh", default = False)
 bpy.types.Scene.max_number_parts = IntProperty(name = "Max nr parts",min=0,max = 1000, description = "Maximum number of v,e,f", default = 100)
 bpy.types.Scene.struttype = BoolProperty(name="Type", description =  "False: nothing done", default = True)
 bpy.types.Scene.width = FloatProperty(name = "width", min = 0.001,max = 2, description="TODO", default = 0.5)
@@ -264,7 +265,7 @@
                 row = layout.row()
                 row.operator(ApplySform.bl_idname,"Apply superform")
             elif tmp == 'Your mesh':
-                col.label("\n**INFO*** YOUR MESH not yet implemented")
+                col.label("***INFO*** YOUR MESH not yet implemented")
                 col.label(text="Select one")
                 col.label(text="object to generate")
@@ -751,8 +752,8 @@
     bl_label = "superf (u en v type) parameters"
     bl_options = {'REGISTER','UNDO'}
     uact = BoolProperty(name = 'sup u-active',default = True)
-    um = FloatProperty(name = 'u m', min = 0, soft_min = 1, soft_max=5,max = 10, default =  3, description="frequency cos(m*...)")
-    un1 = FloatProperty(name = 'u n1', min = 0, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=5,max = 20, default =  1, description = "u active" )
+    um = FloatProperty(name = 'u m', min = 0, soft_min = 1, soft_max=5,max = 10, default =  1, description="frequency cos(m*...)")
+    un1 = FloatProperty(name = 'u n1', min = 0, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=5,max = 20, default =  0.5, description = "u active" )
     un2 = FloatProperty(name = 'u n2', min = 0, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=5,max = 10, default =  1, description = "if u active")
     un3 = FloatProperty(name = 'u n3', min = 0,   soft_min=0.1, soft_max=5,max = 10, default =  1, description = "if u active")
     ua = FloatProperty(name = 'u a', min = 0, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=5,max = 10, default =  1, description = "if u active")
@@ -805,12 +806,17 @@
         col = layout.column()
+    #ApplySform    
     def execute(self,context):
         global last_generated_object, last_sform_parameters, created_vefm_mesh_values
         superformparam = [self.um,self.un1,self.un2,self.un3,self.ua,self.ub,self.vm,self.vn1,self.vn2,self.vn3,self.va,self.vb,self.uact,self.vact,self.uturn*pi,self.vturn*(pi),self.utwist,self.vtwist]
         object = None
-        what_is_it = str(type(last_generated_object)).split('.')[-1].split("'")[0]
-        print("\n>>>>>>>>>>>>> dbg what_is_it =",what_is_it,"\n","created_vefm_mesh_values=", created_vefm_mesh_values)
+        if last_generated_object:
+            what_is_it = str(type(last_generated_object)).split('.')[-1].split("'")[0]
+        else:
+            what_is_it = "no geodesic object generate"
+#PKHG_DBG        print("\n>>>>>>>>>>>>> dbg what_is_it =",what_is_it,"\n","created_vefm_mesh_values=", created_vefm_mesh_values)
         if created_vefm_mesh_values:
             tmp = created_vefm_mesh_values
             if tmp[0] == 'Torus':
@@ -823,44 +829,14 @@
                 object = forms_259.parabola(tmp[1],tmp[2],tmp[3],tmp[4],tmp[5],tmp[6],tmp[7],tmp[8],tmp[9],tmp[10],tmp[11],tmp[12],superformparam)
             elif tmp[0] == "Grid":
                 object = forms_259.grid(tmp[1],tmp[2],tmp[3],tmp[4],1.0,1.0,0,0,0,0,1.0,1.0,superformparam)
-            elif type(tmp[0]) == type([]):
-                #object = None
-                #print("\n***INFO*** Geodesics not yet")
-                #'''
-                what_type = tmp[0][1]
-                print("\n make this",what_type)
-                parameters = [el for el in tmp[1][0:-1]]
-                print("\ndbg parameters =", parameters)
-                parameters.append(superformparam)
-                print("\ndbg parameters =", parameters)
-                if what_type == 'tetrahedron':
-                    object = geodesic_classes_259.tetrahedron(parameters)
-                    object.config()
-                    object.connectivity()
-                    print("theindices")
-                    tmp = [el.index for el in object.verts]
-                    print("\n***DBG*** vextex indices  faces",tmp)
-                    f =  [[v.index for v in  face.vertices] for face in object.faces]
-                    for li in f : print(li)
-                    vefm_259.vefm_add_object(object)
-                    #check_contains(object,"tetr config ahedron",True)
-                    created_object = bpy.context.active_object
-                    created_object.location = (0,0,0)
-                    bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='GEOMETRY_ORIGIN', center='MEDIAN')
-                else:
-                    object = None
-                #object.config()
-                #object.connectivity()
-#                check_contains(object,"tetrahedron",True)
-            #    vefm_259.vefm_add_object(object)
-                #last_generated_object = object
-                #'''
+#            elif type(tmp[0]) == type([]):
+            elif tmp[0] == 'Geodesic':
+                self.report(set(['ERROR']), "not yet implemented")
-                print("\n***TODO*** rest of objects")
+                print("\n***TODO*** rest of objects????")
+                self.report(set(['ERROR']), "not implemented")
                 object = None
-            if object and not(type(tmp[0]) == type([])) :
+            if object: # and not(type(tmp[0]) == type([])) :
                 last_generated_object = object
                 created_object = bpy.context.active_object
@@ -868,7 +844,9 @@
                 bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='GEOMETRY_ORIGIN', center='MEDIAN')
-            print("\n***ERROR*** first create an torus, sphere, cylinder, parabola, or grid")
+            print("\n***ERROR*** first create an Torus, Sphere, Cylinder, Parabola, or Grid")
+            self.report(set(['ERROR']), "first create an Torus, Sphere, Cylinder, Parabola, or Grid")
         return {'FINISHED'}
 ###PKHG help for debugging
@@ -966,8 +944,6 @@
             res = False
         return res
     def execute(self,context):
         objlist = [obj.name for obj in bpy.data.objects]
@@ -991,3 +967,22 @@
             message = "make a mesh with name: hub_to_use"
         return {'FINISHED'}
+class AddYourMesh(bpy.types.Operator):
+    bl_idname = "mesh.make_your_mesh"
+    bl_label = "Your mesh"
+    bl_options = {'REGISTER','UNDO'}
+    @classmethod
+    def poll(cls,context):
+        res = context.active_object and context.active_object.type == 'MESH'
+        return res
+    def execute(self,context):
+        global last_generated_object
+        name = context.active_object.name
+        your_obj = vefm_259.importmesh(name,True)
+        vefm_259.vefm_add_object(your_obj)
+        last_generated_object = bpy.context.active_object
+        bpy.context.active_object.location = (0,0,0)
+        return {'FINISHED'}

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