[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [2553] contrib/py/scripts/addons/gyes: this is the version 1 for Gyes, meaning all features have been complete, any further commits will be either bug or features request.

james bond thekilon at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Nov 1 10:20:43 CET 2011

Revision: 2553
Author:   kilon
Date:     2011-11-01 09:20:43 +0000 (Tue, 01 Nov 2011)
Log Message:
 this is the version 1 for Gyes, meaning all features have been complete, any further commits will be either bug or features request. Edited bl_info, addon moved to materials and renamed mode menus to make them easier to understand. Also in this commit I added the ability to import all available material to a scene using or not using a filter text. Filter text import a material only if the name fits even partially the text. This feature is very useful for those that want to randomly assign material to loads of object but those materials are to many to be stored in history one by one. I would like to thank all the people who helped me develop this addon , including der-on , meta-androctos and of course ideasman_42. Withough their help this addon would never be where it is now. Thanks guys

Modified Paths:

Modified: contrib/py/scripts/addons/gyes/__init__.py
--- contrib/py/scripts/addons/gyes/__init__.py	2011-11-01 08:43:04 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ contrib/py/scripts/addons/gyes/__init__.py	2011-11-01 09:20:43 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -20,18 +20,18 @@
 """ Copyright  Kilon 2011 GPL licence applies"""
 bl_info = {
-    "name": "Gyes (A Blender MultiTool)",
-    "description": "Gyes is a collection of scripts, named <tools> that simplify , automate and extend blender",
+    "name": "Gyes (Random Materials and Textures Generator)",
+    "description": "GYES is an addon that can produce Random Materials and Textures . The randomization is controlled by the user and so the user can set what is randomized and how much .",
     "author": "Kilon",
-    "version": (0,0,7),
-    "blender": (2, 5, 9),
+    "version": (1, 0, 0),
+    "blender": (2, 6, 0),
     "api": 40500,
     "location": "View3D > Left panel ",
-    "warning": '', # used for warning icon and text in addons panel
+    "warning": '',  # used for warning icon and text in addons panel
     "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/Scripts/System/Gyes",
     "tracker_url": "https://github.com/kilon/Gyes",
-    "category": "System"}
+    "category": "Material"}
 if "bpy" in locals():
     import imp
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
     from gyes import random_material_generator
     from gyes import random_texture_generator
     #from gyes import random_landscape_generator
 import bpy
 from bpy.props import *
@@ -49,25 +48,18 @@
 # Choose the tool you want to use
 bpy.types.Scene.tool = EnumProperty(attr='tool', name='Tool', items=(
 ('RMG', 'RMG', 'Random Material Generator'),
-('RTG', 'RTG', 'Random Texture Generator'),
-('RLG', 'RLG' , 'Random Landscape Generator'),
-('TARTARA', 'TARTARA', 'An online Library for any kind of blender asset')),default='RMG')
+('RTG', 'RTG', 'Random Texture Generator')), default='RMG')
 rm = random_material_generator.rm
-rt = random_texture_generator.rt                 
+rt = random_texture_generator.rt
 # this the main panel
 class gyes_panel(bpy.types.Panel):
     bl_label = "Gyes"
     bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
     bl_region_type = "TOOLS"
-    """@classmethod    
-    def poll(self, context):
-        if context.object and context.object.type == 'MESH':                    
-            return len(context.object.data.materials)"""
     def draw(self, context):
         layout = self.layout
         row = layout.row()
@@ -75,20 +67,18 @@
         # check which tool the user has selected (RGM is the default one) and display the appropriate gui
-        if context.scene.tool == 'RMG' :
+        if context.scene.tool == 'RMG':
-        if context.scene.tool == 'RTG' :
+        if context.scene.tool == 'RTG':
         r = layout.row()
-        if context.scene.tool == 'RLG' :
+        if context.scene.tool == 'RLG':
             r.label(text="WIP not finished yet")
-        if context.scene.tool == 'TARTARA' :
+        if context.scene.tool == 'TARTARA':
             r.label(text="WIP not finished yet")
 def register():

Modified: contrib/py/scripts/addons/gyes/random_material_generator.py
--- contrib/py/scripts/addons/gyes/random_material_generator.py	2011-11-01 08:43:04 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ contrib/py/scripts/addons/gyes/random_material_generator.py	2011-11-01 09:20:43 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
     for x in h_list:
     return names 
 class random_material_class:
     """ this class contains all fuctions and variables concerning generation of random material """
@@ -20,10 +21,9 @@
         # various gui modes (simple, template etc)
         bpy.types.Scene.gui_mode = EnumProperty(attr='mode', name='Mode', items=(
-('simple', 'Simple', 'The first item'),
-('simple_percentage', 'Simple percentage' , 'here you define individual percentage'),
-('templates', 'Templates', 'The second item'),
-('help', 'Help', 'The third item')), default='simple')
+('enable', 'Enable', 'Enable Disable material parameters for randomisation'),
+('percentage', 'Percentage' , 'here you define the percentage randomisation for each parameter'),
+('help', 'Help', 'Help documentation')), default='enable')
         # Here I define the selective areas that the user can enable or disable for randomisation in simple mode               
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
         # check which Gui mode the user has selected (Simple is the default one and display the appropriate gui
-        if context.scene.gui_mode == 'simple' :
+        if context.scene.gui_mode == 'enable' :
             box = layout.box()
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
             box.prop(context.scene,"general_percentage", slider = True)           
-        if context.scene.gui_mode == 'simple_percentage' :
+        if context.scene.gui_mode == 'percentage' :
             box = layout.box()
             if context.scene.rdiffuse_shader :
@@ -354,10 +354,7 @@
             box.prop(context.scene,"general_percentage", slider = True)
-        if context.scene.gui_mode== 'templates' : 
-            box = layout.box()
-            box.operator("gyes.open_librarian")
         if context.scene.gui_mode== 'help' :
             box = layout.box()
             help_text=["","Copyright 2011 Kilon  ",
@@ -696,161 +693,10 @@
-This script resects the camera position into virtual 3d space.
-Dealga McArdle (c) 2011
-The program may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
-Public License. The full terms of GNU GPL2 can be found at: 
-Be sure that you understand the GLP2 terms prior to using this script.
-Nothing between these tripple quote marks should be construed as
-having deminished the full extent of the GPL2 license.
-import bpy
-import bgl
-import blf
-from mathutils.geometry import intersect_line_line
-from mathutils import Vector
-- TODO: complete vanishing point and horizon drawing
-- TODO: correctly deal with impossible guides orientations
-- TODO: implement rudimentary double buffer for 3d openGL drawing
-''' defining globals '''
-# colours/transparency of viewport text
-dimension_colour = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
-explanation_colour = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7)
-''' G L  D R A W I N G '''
-def draw_librarian():
-    '''accepts 2 coordinates and a colour then draws
-    the line and the handle'''
-    #set colour to use
-    bgl.glColor4f(0.5,0.0,0.5,0.7)
-    #draw main line and handles
-    #bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINES)
-    bgl.glRecti(5,5,bpy.context.area.regions[4].width-5, bpy.context.area.regions[4].height-5)
-    #bgl.glEnd()
-    x1 = 50
-    y1 = 50
-    x2 = bpy.context.area.regions[4].width-50
-    y2 = bpy.context.area.regions[4].height-50
-    color=[0.5,0.5,0.5,1]
-    if len(bpy.data.images)>0:
-        img = bpy.data.images[0]
-        img.gl_load(bgl.GL_NEAREST, bgl.GL_NEAREST)
-        bgl.glBindTexture(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, img.bindcode)
-        bgl.glTexParameteri(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, bgl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, bgl.GL_NEAREST)
-        bgl.glTexParameteri(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, bgl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, bgl.GL_NEAREST)
-        bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D)
-        bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND)
-        #bgl.glBlendFunc(bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
-        bgl.glColor4f(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3])
-        bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_QUADS)
-        bgl.glTexCoord2f(0,0)
-        bgl.glVertex2f(x1,y1)
-        bgl.glTexCoord2f(0,1)
-        bgl.glVertex2f(x1,y2)
-        bgl.glTexCoord2f(1,1)
-        bgl.glVertex2f(x2,y2)
-        bgl.glTexCoord2f(1,0)
-        bgl.glVertex2f(x2,y1)
-        bgl.glEnd()
-        bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_BLEND)
-        bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D)
-def DrawStringToViewport(text, x, y, size, color):
-    ''' my_string : the text we want to print
-        pos_x, pos_y : coordinates in integer values
-        size : font height.
-        colour_type : used for definining the colour'''
-    my_dpi, font_id = 72, 0 # dirty fast assignment
-    bgl.glColor4f(*color)
-    blf.position(font_id, x, y, 0)
-    blf.size(font_id, size, my_dpi)
-    blf.draw(font_id, text)
-def InitViewportText(self, context):
-    '''used to deligate opengl text printing to the viewport'''
-    this_h = context.region.height
-    this_w = context.region.width
-    dimension_string = "Gyes - RMG (Random Material Generator)"
-    explanation_string = "Press ESC to exit"
-    DrawStringToViewport(dimension_string, 100, bpy.context.area.height-50, 20, dimension_colour)
-    DrawStringToViewport("Material Templates Librarian version 0.01", 100, bpy.context.area.height-70, 20, dimension_colour)
-    DrawStringToViewport(explanation_string, 10, 7, 40, explanation_colour)
-    DrawStringToViewport("Region : "+ bpy.context.area.regions[4].type, 10, 100, 20, explanation_colour)
-def InitGLOverlay(self, context):
-    # 50% alpha, 2 pixel width line
-    bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND)
-    bgl.glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
-    bgl.glLineWidth(1.5)
-    # start visible drawing
-    draw_librarian()
-    InitViewportText(self, context)
-    # restore opengl defaults
-    bgl.glLineWidth(1)
-    bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_BLEND)
-    bgl.glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
-class open_templates_librarian(bpy.types.Operator):
-    bl_idname = "gyes.open_librarian"
-    bl_label = "Templates Librarian"
-    def modal(self, context, event):
-        context.area.tag_redraw()
-        if event.type in ('ESC'):
-            context.region.callback_remove(self._handle)
-            return {'CANCELLED'}
-        return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
-    def invoke(self, context, event):
-        if context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
-            self.cursor_on_handle = 'None'
-            context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(self)

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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