[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [1692] trunk/py/scripts/addons/rigify: Rigify:

Nathan Vegdahl cessen at cessen.com
Thu Mar 10 01:53:25 CET 2011

Revision: 1692
Author:   cessen
Date:     2011-03-10 00:53:24 +0000 (Thu, 10 Mar 2011)
Log Message:
- Added IK/FK snapping (both directions) for legs.
- Cleaned up another operator so that it works with undo.
- PEP8 cleanups. 

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/py/scripts/addons/rigify/__init__.py
--- trunk/py/scripts/addons/rigify/__init__.py	2011-03-09 22:13:51 UTC (rev 1691)
+++ trunk/py/scripts/addons/rigify/__init__.py	2011-03-10 00:53:24 UTC (rev 1692)
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@
     name = bpy.props.StringProperty()
 ##### REGISTER #####
 def register():
@@ -142,6 +141,7 @@
         except AttributeError:
 def unregister():
     del bpy.types.PoseBone.rigify_type
     del bpy.types.PoseBone.rigify_parameters

Modified: trunk/py/scripts/addons/rigify/rig_ui_template.py
--- trunk/py/scripts/addons/rigify/rig_ui_template.py	2011-03-09 22:13:51 UTC (rev 1691)
+++ trunk/py/scripts/addons/rigify/rig_ui_template.py	2011-03-10 00:53:24 UTC (rev 1692)
@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@
         This is with constraints applied.
     rest_inv = pbs.bone.matrix_local.inverted()
     if pbs.parent:
         par_inv = pbs.parent.matrix.inverted()
         par_rest = pbs.parent.bone.matrix_local.copy()
         smat = rest_inv * (par_rest * (par_inv * mat))
         smat = rest_inv * mat
     return smat
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
         Matrix should be given in local space.
     q = mat.to_quaternion()
     if pb.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION':
         pb.rotation_quaternion = q
     elif pb.rotation_mode == 'AXIS_ANGLE':
@@ -82,63 +82,63 @@
         pb.location = mat.to_translation()
         loc = mat.to_translation()
         rest = pb.bone.matrix_local.copy()
         if pb.bone.parent:
             par_rest = pb.bone.parent.matrix_local.copy()
             par_rest = Matrix()
         q = (par_rest.inverted() * rest).to_quaternion()
         pb.location = loc * q
-def fk2ik(obj, fk, ik):
+def fk2ik_arm(obj, fk, ik):
     """ Matches the fk bones in an arm rig to the ik bones.
     pb = obj.pose.bones
     uarm = pb[fk[0]]
     farm = pb[fk[1]]
     hand = pb[fk[2]]
     uarmi = pb[ik[0]]
     farmi = pb[ik[1]]
     handi = pb[ik[2]]
     uarmmat = get_pose_matrix_in_other_space(uarmi.matrix, uarm)
     set_pose_rotation(uarm, uarmmat)
     set_pose_scale(uarm, uarmmat)
     farmmat = get_pose_matrix_in_other_space(farmi.matrix, farm)
     set_pose_rotation(farm, farmmat)
     set_pose_scale(farm, farmmat)
     handmat = get_pose_matrix_in_other_space(handi.matrix, hand)
     set_pose_rotation(hand, handmat)
     set_pose_scale(hand, handmat)
-def ik2fk(obj, fk, ik):
+def ik2fk_arm(obj, fk, ik):
     """ Matches the ik bones in an arm rig to the fk bones.
     pb = obj.pose.bones
     uarm = pb[fk[0]]
     farm = pb[fk[1]]
     hand = pb[fk[2]]
     uarmi = pb[ik[0]]
     farmi = pb[ik[1]]
     handi = pb[ik[2]]
     pole = pb[ik[3]]
     # Hand position
     handmat = get_pose_matrix_in_other_space(hand.matrix, handi)
     set_pose_translation(handi, handmat)
@@ -146,15 +146,15 @@
     set_pose_scale(handi, handmat)
     # Pole target position
     a = uarm.matrix.to_translation()
     b = farm.matrix.to_translation() + farm.vector
     # Vector from the head of the upper arm to the
     # tip of the forearm
     armv = b - a
     # Create a vector that is not aligned with armv.
     # It doesn't matter what vector.  Just any vector
     # that's guaranteed to not be pointing in the same
@@ -165,33 +165,33 @@
         v = Vector((0,1,0))
         v = Vector((0,0,1))
     # cross v with armv to get a vector perpendicular to armv
     pv = v.cross(armv).normalized() * (uarm.length + farm.length)
     def set_pole(pvi):
         # Translate pvi into armature space
         ploc = a + (armv/2) + pvi
         # Set pole target to location
         mat = get_pose_matrix_in_other_space(Matrix().Translation(ploc), pole)
         set_pose_translation(pole, mat)
     # Get the rotation difference between the ik and fk upper arms
     q1 = uarm.matrix.to_quaternion()
     q2 = uarmi.matrix.to_quaternion()
     angle = acos(min(1,max(-1,q1.dot(q2)))) * 2
     # Compensate for the rotation difference
     if angle > 0.00001:
         pv *= Matrix.Rotation(angle, 4, armv).to_quaternion()
         q1 = uarm.matrix.to_quaternion()
         q2 = uarmi.matrix.to_quaternion()
         angle2 = acos(min(1,max(-1,q1.dot(q2)))) * 2
@@ -200,17 +200,132 @@
+def fk2ik_leg(obj, fk, ik):
+    """ Matches the fk bones in a leg rig to the ik bones.
+    """
+    pb = obj.pose.bones
+    thigh = pb[fk[0]]
+    shin  = pb[fk[1]]
+    foot  = pb[fk[2]]
+    mfoot = pb[fk[3]]
+    thighi = pb[ik[0]]
+    shini  = pb[ik[1]]
+    mfooti = pb[ik[2]]
+    thighmat = get_pose_matrix_in_other_space(thighi.matrix, thigh)
+    set_pose_rotation(thigh, thighmat)
+    set_pose_scale(thigh, thighmat)
+    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='POSE')
+    shinmat = get_pose_matrix_in_other_space(shini.matrix, shin)
+    set_pose_rotation(shin, shinmat)
+    set_pose_scale(shin, shinmat)
+    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='POSE')
+    mat = mfoot.bone.matrix_local.inverted() * foot.bone.matrix_local
+    footmat = get_pose_matrix_in_other_space(mfooti.matrix, foot) * mat
+    set_pose_rotation(foot, footmat)
+    set_pose_scale(foot, footmat)
+    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='POSE')
+def ik2fk_leg(obj, fk, ik):
+    """ Matches the ik bones in a leg rig to the fk bones.
+    """
+    pb = obj.pose.bones
+    thigh = pb[fk[0]]
+    shin  = pb[fk[1]]
+    mfoot = pb[fk[2]]
+    thighi   = pb[ik[0]]
+    shini    = pb[ik[1]]
+    footi    = pb[ik[2]]
+    footroll = pb[ik[3]]
+    pole     = pb[ik[4]]
+    mfooti   = pb[ik[5]]
+    # Clear footroll
+    set_pose_rotation(footroll, Matrix())
+    # Foot position
+    mat = mfooti.bone.matrix_local.inverted() * footi.bone.matrix_local
+    footmat = get_pose_matrix_in_other_space(mfoot.matrix, footi) * mat
+    set_pose_translation(footi, footmat)
+    set_pose_rotation(footi, footmat)
+    set_pose_scale(footi, footmat)
+    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='POSE')
+    # Pole target position
+    a = thigh.matrix.to_translation()
+    b = shin.matrix.to_translation() + shin.vector
+    # Vector from the head of the thigh to the
+    # tip of the shin
+    legv = b - a
+    # Create a vector that is not aligned with legv.
+    # It doesn't matter what vector.  Just any vector
+    # that's guaranteed to not be pointing in the same
+    # direction.
+    if abs(legv[0]) < abs(legv[1]) and abs(legv[0]) < abs(legv[2]):
+        v = Vector((1,0,0))
+    elif abs(legv[1]) < abs(legv[2]):
+        v = Vector((0,1,0))
+    else:
+        v = Vector((0,0,1))
+    # Get a vector perpendicular to legv
+    pv = v.cross(legv).normalized() * (thigh.length + shin.length)
+    def set_pole(pvi):
+        # Translate pvi into armature space
+        ploc = a + (legv/2) + pvi
+        # Set pole target to location
+        mat = get_pose_matrix_in_other_space(Matrix().Translation(ploc), pole)
+        set_pose_translation(pole, mat)
+        bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+        bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='POSE')
+    set_pole(pv)
+    # Get the rotation difference between the ik and fk thighs
+    q1 = thigh.matrix.to_quaternion()
+    q2 = thighi.matrix.to_quaternion()
+    angle = acos(min(1,max(-1,q1.dot(q2)))) * 2
+    # Compensate for the rotation difference
+    if angle > 0.00001:
+        pv *= Matrix.Rotation(angle, 4, legv).to_quaternion()
+        set_pole(pv)
+        q1 = thigh.matrix.to_quaternion()
+        q2 = thighi.matrix.to_quaternion()
+        angle2 = acos(min(1,max(-1,q1.dot(q2)))) * 2
+        if angle2 > 0.00001:
+            pv *= Matrix.Rotation((angle*(-2)), 4, legv).to_quaternion()
+            set_pole(pv)
 class Rigify_Arm_FK2IK(bpy.types.Operator):
     """ Snaps an FK arm to an IK arm.
     bl_idname = "pose.rigify_arm_fk2ik_" + rig_id
     bl_label = "Rigify Snap FK arm to IK"
     bl_options = {'UNDO'}
     uarm_fk = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Upper Arm FK Name")
     farm_fk = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Forerm FK Name")
     hand_fk = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Hand FK Name")
     uarm_ik = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Upper Arm IK Name")
     farm_ik = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Forearm IK Name")
     hand_ik = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Hand IK Name")
@@ -223,7 +338,7 @@
         use_global_undo = context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo
         context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = False
-            fk2ik(context.active_object, fk=[self.uarm_fk, self.farm_fk, self.hand_fk], ik=[self.uarm_ik, self.farm_ik, self.hand_ik])
+            fk2ik_arm(context.active_object, fk=[self.uarm_fk, self.farm_fk, self.hand_fk], ik=[self.uarm_ik, self.farm_ik, self.hand_ik])
             context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = use_global_undo
         return {'FINISHED'}
@@ -233,13 +348,13 @@
     """ Snaps an IK arm to an FK arm.
     bl_idname = "pose.rigify_arm_ik2fk_" + rig_id
-    bl_label = "Snap IK arm to FK"
+    bl_label = "Rigify Snap IK arm to FK"
     bl_options = {'UNDO'}
     uarm_fk = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Upper Arm FK Name")
     farm_fk = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Forerm FK Name")
     hand_fk = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Hand FK Name")
     uarm_ik = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Upper Arm IK Name")
     farm_ik = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Forearm IK Name")
     hand_ik = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Hand IK Name")
@@ -253,14 +368,79 @@

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