[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [1648] contrib/py/scripts/addons/ space_view3d_screencast_keys.py: Moving from upload to contrib.

Bart Crouch bartius.crouch at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 11:57:26 CET 2011

Revision: 1648
Author:   crouch
Date:     2011-02-23 10:57:26 +0000 (Wed, 23 Feb 2011)
Log Message:
Moving from upload to contrib.
Paulo Gomes (tuga3d) seems to be missing, but I'll take care of the script in the meantime.

Added Paths:

Added: contrib/py/scripts/addons/space_view3d_screencast_keys.py
--- contrib/py/scripts/addons/space_view3d_screencast_keys.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ contrib/py/scripts/addons/space_view3d_screencast_keys.py	2011-02-23 10:57:26 UTC (rev 1648)
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+# <pep8 compliant>
+bl_info = {
+    'name': 'Display Keys Status for Screencasting',
+    'author': 'Paulo Gomes, Bartius Crouch',
+    'version': (0, 7),
+    'blender': (2, 5, 6),
+    'api': 35012,
+    'location': 'View3D > Properties panel > Display tab',
+    'warning': '',
+    'description': 'Display keys pressed in the 3d-view, '\
+        'useful for screencasts.',
+    'wiki_url': 'http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/'\
+        'Py/Scripts/3D_interaction/Screencast_Key_Status_Tool',
+    'tracker_url': 'http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?'\
+        'func=detail&aid=21612',
+    'category': '3D View'}
+import bpy
+import blf
+import time
+def draw_callback_px(self, context):
+    wm = context.window_manager
+    if wm.display_keys:
+        # draw text in the 3d-view
+        blf.size(0, wm.display_font_size, 72)
+        final = 0
+        # only display key-presses of last 2 seconds
+        for i in range(len(self.key)):
+            if time.time()-self.time[i] < 2:
+                blf.position(0, wm.display_pos_x,
+                    wm.display_pos_y + wm.display_font_size*i, 0)
+                blf.draw(0, self.key[i])
+                final = i
+            else:
+                break
+        # get rid of statuses that aren't displayed anymore
+        self.key = self.key[:final+1]
+        self.time = self.time[:final+1]
+    else:
+        return
+class ScreencastKeysStatus(bpy.types.Operator):
+    bl_idname = "view3d.screencast_keys"
+    bl_label = "Screencast Key Status Tool"
+    bl_description = "Display keys pressed in the 3D-view"
+    def modal(self, context, event):
+        context.area.tag_redraw()
+        # keys that shouldn't show up in the 3d-view
+        mouse_keys = ['MOUSEMOVE','MIDDLEMOUSE','LEFTMOUSE',
+        ignore_keys = ['LEFT_SHIFT', 'RIGHT_SHIFT', 'LEFT_ALT',
+        if not context.window_manager.display_mouse:
+            ignore_keys.extend(mouse_keys)
+        if event.value == 'PRESS':
+            # add key-press to display-list
+            sc_keys = []
+            if event.shift:
+                sc_keys.append("Shift ")
+            elif event.alt:
+                sc_keys.append("Alt ")
+            elif event.ctrl:
+                sc_keys.append("Ctrl ")
+            if event.type not in ignore_keys:
+                sc_keys.append(event.type)
+                self.key.insert(0, "+ ".join(map(str, sc_keys)))
+                self.time.insert(0, time.time())
+        if not context.window_manager.display_keys:
+            # stop script
+            context.region.callback_remove(self._handle)
+            return {'CANCELLED'}
+        return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
+    def invoke(self, context, event):
+        if context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
+            if context.window_manager.display_keys == False:
+                # operator is called for the first time, start everything
+                context.window_manager.display_keys = True
+                context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(self)
+                self._handle = context.region.callback_add(draw_callback_px,
+                    (self, context), 'POST_PIXEL')
+                self.key = []
+                self.time = []
+                return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
+            else:
+                # operator is called again, stop displaying
+                context.window_manager.display_keys = False
+                self.key = []
+                self.time = []
+                return {'CANCELLED'}
+        else:
+            self.report({'WARNING'}, "View3D not found, can't run operator")
+            return {'CANCELLED'}
+# properties used by the script
+def init_properties():
+    bpy.types.WindowManager.display_keys = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
+        default=False)
+    bpy.types.WindowManager.display_mouse = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
+        name="Mouse",
+        description="Display mouse events",
+        default=False)
+    bpy.types.WindowManager.display_font_size = bpy.props.IntProperty(
+        name="Size",
+        description="Fontsize",
+        default=20)
+    bpy.types.WindowManager.display_pos_x = bpy.props.IntProperty(
+        name="Pos X",
+        description="Position of the font in x axis",
+        default=15)
+    bpy.types.WindowManager.display_pos_y = bpy.props.IntProperty(
+        name="Pos Y",
+        description="Position of the font in y axis",
+        default=60)
+# removal of properties when script is disabled
+def clear_properties():
+    props = ["display_keys", "display_mouse", "display_font_size",
+     "display_pos_x", "display_pos_y"]
+    for p in props:
+        if bpy.context.window_manager.get(p) != None:
+            del bpy.context.window_manager[p]
+        try:
+            x = getattr(bpy.types.WindowManager, p)
+            del x
+        except:
+            pass
+# defining the panel
+class OBJECT_PT_keys_status(bpy.types.Panel):
+    bl_label = "Display Keys Status"
+    bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
+    bl_region_type = "UI"
+    def draw(self, context):
+        col = self.layout.column(align=False)
+        if not context.window_manager.display_keys:
+            col.operator("view3d.screencast_keys", text="Start display",
+                icon='PLAY')
+        else:
+            col.operator("view3d.screencast_keys", text="Stop display",
+                icon='PAUSE')
+        col = self.layout.column(align=True)
+        row = col.row(align=True)
+        row.prop(context.window_manager, "display_pos_x")
+        row.prop(context.window_manager, "display_pos_y")
+        row = col.row(align=True)
+        row.prop(context.window_manager, "display_font_size")
+        row.prop(context.window_manager, "display_mouse")
+classes = [ScreencastKeysStatus,
+    OBJECT_PT_keys_status]
+def register():
+    init_properties()
+    for c in classes:
+        bpy.utils.register_class(c)
+def unregister():
+    for c in classes:
+        bpy.utils.unregister_class(c)
+    clear_properties()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    register()
\ No newline at end of file

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