[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [1055] repair_holding: versioning repair holding folder

Brendon Murphy meta.androcto1 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 18 03:42:55 CEST 2010

Revision: 1055
Author:   meta-androcto
Date:     2010-09-18 03:42:54 +0200 (Sat, 18 Sep 2010)

Log Message:
versioning repair holding folder

Added Paths:

Added: repair_holding/about_repair_holding.txt
--- repair_holding/about_repair_holding.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ repair_holding/about_repair_holding.txt	2010-09-18 01:42:54 UTC (rev 1055)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+this section is for scripts that are in our svn, either cob=ntrib or trunk/release.
+if they don't work, they go here, if no-one fixes them, they are put back to upload in blender projects.
\ No newline at end of file

Added: repair_holding/object_name_edit.py
--- repair_holding/object_name_edit.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ repair_holding/object_name_edit.py	2010-09-18 01:42:54 UTC (rev 1055)
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+# <pep8-80 compliant>
+bl_addon_info = {
+    'name': 'Batch Name Edit',
+    'author': 'Richard Olsson',
+    'version': (0,1),
+    'blender': (2, 5, 3),
+    'api': 31667,
+    'location': 'ToolShelf Search',
+    'warning': 'not compatible with last api, can crash blender',
+    'description': 'Edit selected objects names (search: rename)',
+    'wiki_url': 'http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/' \
+        'Scripts/Object/Batch_Name_Edit',
+    'tracker_url': 'https://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?'\
+        'func=detail&aid=21681&group_id=153&atid=468',
+    'category': 'Object'}
+import re
+import fnmatch
+import bpy
+from bpy.props import *
+# Base class used for all batch name edit operators,
+# since they share the same conditions for enabling
+# and invoke mechanism (open property popup)
+class BatchNameEdit:
+    dialog_width = 250
+    @classmethod
+    def poll(cls, context):
+        return context.active_object is not None
+    def invoke(self, context, event):
+        wm = context.window_manager
+        wm.invoke_props_dialog(self, self.dialog_width)
+        return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
+    def _plural(n, singular, plural=None):
+        if n==1:
+            return singular
+        else:
+            if plural is None:
+                plural = '%ss' % singular
+            return plural
+class BatchNameEditNewName(bpy.types.Operator, BatchNameEdit):
+    '''Give all selected objects a common name'''
+    bl_idname = "object.batch_name_edit_newname"
+    bl_label = "Rename selected"
+    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+    new_name = StringProperty(name="New name", 
+        description="Selected object(s) will be given this name, " +
+            "with a sequential numeric suffix when necessary")
+    def execute(self, context):
+        if self.properties.new_name:
+            for o in context.selected_objects:
+                o.name = self.properties.new_name
+            count = len(context.selected_objects)
+            self.report({'OPERATOR'}, 'Renamed %d selected %s' %
+                (count, self._plural(count, 'object')))
+            return {'FINISHED'}
+        else:
+            return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
+    def draw(self, context):
+        layout = self.layout
+        props = self.properties
+        layout.prop(props, "new_name")
+class BatchNameEditReplace(bpy.types.Operator, BatchNameEdit):
+    '''Replaces occurrences of a given string in object names'''
+    bl_idname = "object.batch_name_edit_replace"
+    bl_label = "Replace pattern"
+    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+    pattern = StringProperty(name="Match pattern", 
+        description="Search for this pattern in object names. " +
+            "Supports Regular Expressions or UNIX shell wildcards.")
+    replacement = StringProperty(name="Replace with", 
+        description="Replace occurrances of pattern with this string")
+    use_regex = BoolProperty(name="Use Regular Expressions", 
+        description="Should Regular Expressions be used for pattern matching?")
+    def execute(self, context):
+        props = self.properties
+        if props.pattern and props.replacement:
+            # Retrieve pattern, and translate to regex unless
+            # it's already a regex (according to user)
+            if props.use_regex:
+                p = props.pattern
+            else:
+                # Get rid of trailing $
+                p = fnmatch.translate(props.pattern)[0:-1]
+            num_renamed = 0
+            reobj = re.compile(p)
+            for o in context.selected_objects:
+                old_name = o.name
+                o.name = re.sub(reobj, props.replacement, old_name)
+                if o.name != old_name:
+                    num_renamed += 1
+            num_sel = len(context.selected_objects)
+            self.report({'OPERATOR'}, 'Renamed %d of %d selected %s.' % 
+                (num_renamed, num_sel, self._plural(num_sel, 'object')))
+            return {'FINISHED'}
+        else:
+            return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
+    def draw(self, context):
+        layout = self.layout
+        props = self.properties
+        layout.prop(props, "pattern")
+        layout.prop(props, "use_regex")
+        layout.prop(props, "replacement")
+class BatchNameEditAdd(bpy.types.Operator, BatchNameEdit):
+    '''Appends and/or prepends text to object names'''
+    bl_idname = "object.batch_name_edit_add"
+    bl_label = "Append or prepend string"
+    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+    dialog_width = 150
+    prefix = StringProperty(name="Prefix", 
+        description="String of text to add to beginning of object name")
+    suffix = StringProperty(name="Suffix", 
+        description="String of text to add to end of object name")
+    def execute(self, context):
+        props = self.properties
+        if props.prefix or props.suffix:
+            for o in context.selected_objects:
+                o.name = ''.join([props.prefix, o.name, props.suffix])
+            num_selected = len(context.selected_objects)
+            self.report({'OPERATOR'}, 'Renamed %d selected %s' %
+                (num_selected, self._plural(num_selected, 'object')))
+            return {'FINISHED'}
+        else:
+            return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
+    def draw(self, context):
+        layout = self.layout
+        props = self.properties
+        layout.prop(props, "prefix")
+        layout.prop(props, "suffix")
+class BatchNameEditTruncate(bpy.types.Operator, BatchNameEdit):
+    '''Removes a number of characters from start and/or end of object names'''
+    bl_idname = "object.batch_name_edit_truncate"
+    bl_label = "Truncate"
+    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+    dialog_width = 120
+    trunc_start = IntProperty(name="Truncate start", min=0, 
+        description="Number of characters to remove from start of object name")
+    trunc_end = IntProperty(name="Truncate end", min=0, 
+        description="Number of characters to remove from end of object name")
+    def execute(self, context):
+        props = self.properties
+        print("executing trunc")
+        if props.trunc_start or props.trunc_end:
+            num_renamed = 0
+            num_skipped = 0
+            for o in context.selected_objects:
+                s_idx = props.trunc_start
+                e_idx = len(o.name)-props.trunc_end
+                if s_idx < e_idx:
+                    o.name = o.name[s_idx : e_idx]
+                    num_renamed += 1
+                else:
+                    num_skipped += 1
+            report = 'Renamed %d selected %s' % (num_renamed, 
+                self._plural(num_renamed, 'object'))
+            if num_skipped > 0:
+                report = ' '.join([report, 'and skipped %d (name too short)' %
+                    num_skipped])
+            self.report({'OPERATOR'}, report)
+            return {'FINISHED'}
+        else:
+            return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
+    def draw(self, context):
+        layout = self.layout
+        props = self.properties
+        layout.prop(props, "trunc_start")
+        layout.prop(props, "trunc_end")
+class BatchNameEditTransfer(bpy.types.Operator, BatchNameEdit):
+    '''Give all selected objects a common name'''
+    bl_idname = "object.batch_name_edit_transfer"
+    bl_label = "Copy to/from data block"
+    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+    dirs = [("DIR_O2D", "Rename data as object", ""),
+        ("DIR_D2O", "Rename object as data", ""),
+        ("DIR_O2G", "Rename DupGroup as object", ""),
+        ("DIR_G2O", "Rename object as DupGroup", "")]
+    direction = EnumProperty(items=dirs, name="Direction", 
+        description="The direction in which names should be transferred")
+    def execute(self, context):
+        props = self.properties
+        def trans_o2d(obj):
+            obj.data.name = obj.name
+        def trans_d2o(obj):
+            obj.name = obj.data.name
+        def trans_o2g(obj):
+            obj.dupli_group.name = obj.name
+        def trans_g2o(obj):
+            obj.name = obj.dupli_group.name
+        func = {
+            'DIR_O2D': trans_o2d,
+            'DIR_D2O': trans_d2o,
+            'DIR_O2G': trans_o2g,
+            'DIR_G2O': trans_g2o
+        }[props.direction]
+        num_renamed = 0
+        for o in context.selected_objects:
+            try:
+                func(o)
+                num_renamed += 1
+            except Exception:
+                pass  # No renaming occurred
+        self.report({'OPERATOR'}, 'Transferred names for %d selected %s.' % 
+            (num_renamed, self._plural(num_renamed, 'object')))
+        return {'FINISHED'}
+    def draw(self, context):
+        layout = self.layout
+        props = self.properties
+        layout.prop(props, "direction")

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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