[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [1248] branches/ io_import_gimp_to_3d_layers.py: GIMPto3DLayers: WIP commit of .xjt support (GIMP compressed image)

Daniel Salazar zanqdo at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 20:20:12 CET 2010

Revision: 1248
Author:   zanqdo
Date:     2010-12-07 20:20:12 +0100 (Tue, 07 Dec 2010)

Log Message:
GIMPto3DLayers: WIP commit of .xjt support (GIMP compressed image)

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/io_import_gimp_to_3d_layers.py
--- branches/io_import_gimp_to_3d_layers.py	2010-12-07 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1247)
+++ branches/io_import_gimp_to_3d_layers.py	2010-12-07 19:20:12 UTC (rev 1248)
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
 # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
 bl_addon_info = {
-	"name": "Import GIMP Files as 3D Layers (.xcf)",
+	"name": "Import GIMP Files as 3D Layers (.xcf, .xjt)",
 	"author": "Daniel Salazar (ZanQdo)",
-	"version": (1,0,2),
+	"version": (1,1,0),
 	"blender": (2, 5, 5),
 	"api": 33419,
-	"location": "File > Import > GIMP Images as 3D Layers(XCF)",
+	"location": "File > Import > GIMP Images as 3D Layers(.xcf, .xjt)",
 	"description": "Imports GIMP multilayer image files into 3D Layers",
-	"warning": "Requires xcftools installed",
+	"warning": "XCF import requires xcftools installed",
 	"wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/"\
 	"tracker_url": ""\
@@ -32,21 +32,17 @@
 	"category": "Import/Export"}
-This script imports GIMP layered image files into 3D Layers.
+This script imports GIMP layered image files into 3D Layers (.xcf, .xjt)
 def main(File, Path, LayerViewers, MixerViewers, LayerOffset,\
 	LayerScale, OpacityMode, PremulAlpha, ShadelessMats,\
-	SetCamera, SetupCompo, GroupUntagged):
+	SetCamera, SetupCompo, GroupUntagged, Ext):
-	XCFInfo = 'xcfinfo'
-	XCF2PNG = 'xcf2png'
-	#-------------------------------------------------
-	#Folder = '['+File.rstrip('.xcf')+']'+'_images/'
-	Folder = 'images_'+'['+File.rstrip('.xcf')+']/'
+	#Folder = '['+File.rstrip(Ext)+']'+'_images/'
+	Folder = 'images_'+'['+File.rstrip(Ext)+']/'
 	if bpy.data.is_dirty:
 		PathSaveRaw = Path+Folder
@@ -61,71 +57,151 @@
 		try: os.mkdir(PathSaveRaw)
 		except: pass
 		PathSaveRaw = bpy.path.relpath(PathSaveRaw)+'/'
+	PathRaw = Path
+	Path = Path.replace(' ', '\ ')
+	if Ext == '.xjt':
+		ExtSave = '.jpg'
+		#-------------------------------------------------
+		import tarfile
-	Path = Path.replace(' ', '\ ')
-	#-------------------------------------------------
-	# INFO
+		IMG = tarfile.open ('%s%s' % (PathRaw, File))
+		PRP = IMG.extractfile('PRP')
+		Members = IMG.getmembers()
+		for Member in Members:
+			Name = Member.name
+			if Name.startswith('l') and Name.endswith('.jpg') and not Name.startswith('la'): #only color JPGs for now!
+				IMG.extract(Name, path=PathSaveRaw)
+		#-------------------------------------------------
+		IMGs = []
+		for Line in PRP.readlines():
+			Line = str(Line)
+			if Line.startswith("b'GIMP_XJ_IMAGE"):
+				for Segment in Line.split():
+					if Segment.startswith('w/h:'):
+						ResX, ResY = map (int, Segment[4:].split(','))
+						print (ResX, ResY)
+			if Line.startswith("b'L") or Line.startswith("b'l"):
+				md = None
+				op = 1
+				for Segment in Line.split():
+					if Segment.startswith("b'"):
+						imageFile = 'l' + Segment[3:] + '.jpg'
+						# Get Widht and Height from images
+						data = open(PathSaveRaw+imageFile, "rb").read()
+						hexList = []
+						for ch in data:
+							byt = "%02X" % ch
+							hexList.append(byt)
+						for k in range(len(hexList)-1):
+							if hexList[k] == 'FF' and (hexList[k+1] == 'C0' or hexList[k+1] == 'C2'):
+								ow = int(hexList[k+7],16)*256 + int(hexList[k+8],16)
+								oh = int(hexList[k+5],16)*256 + int(hexList[k+6],16)
+					if Segment.startswith('md:'): # mode
+						md = Segment[3:]
+					elif Segment.startswith('op:'): # opacity
+						op = float(Segment[3:])*.01
+					elif Segment.startswith('o:'): # origin
+						o = Segment[2:].split(',')
+						ox, oy = int(o[0]), int(o[1])
+					elif Segment.startswith('n:'): # name
+						n = Segment[3:-4]
+						OpenBracket = n.find ('[')
+						CloseBracket = n.find (']')
+						if OpenBracket != -1 and CloseBracket != -1:
+							RenderLayer = n[OpenBracket+1:CloseBracket]
+							NameShort = n[:OpenBracket]
+						else:
+							RenderLayer = n
+							NameShort = n
+				IMGs.append({'LayerMode':md, 'LayerOpacity':op,\
+							'LayerName':n, 'LayerNameShort':NameShort,\
+							'RenderLayer':RenderLayer, 'LayerCoords':[ow, oh, ox, oy]})
+		print (IMGs)
-	CMD = '%s %s%s' % (XCFInfo, Path, File)
-	Info = os.popen(CMD)
-	PNGs = []
-	for Line in Info.readlines():
-		if Line.startswith ('+'):
-			Line = Line.split(' ', 4)
-			RenderLayer = Line[4]
-			OpenBracket = RenderLayer.find ('[')
-			CloseBracket = RenderLayer.find (']')
-			if OpenBracket != -1 and CloseBracket != -1:
-				RenderLayer = RenderLayer[OpenBracket+1:CloseBracket]
-				NameShort = Line[4][:OpenBracket]
-			else:
-				NameShort = Line[4].rstrip()
-				if GroupUntagged:
-					RenderLayer = '__Undefined__'
+	else: # Ext == '.xcf':
+		ExtSave = '.png'
+		#-------------------------------------------------
+		XCFInfo = 'xcfinfo'
+		XCF2PNG = 'xcf2png'
+		#-------------------------------------------------
+		CMD = '%s %s%s' % (XCFInfo, Path, File)
+		Info = os.popen(CMD)
+		IMGs = []
+		for Line in Info.readlines():
+			if Line.startswith ('+'):
+				Line = Line.split(' ', 4)
+				RenderLayer = Line[4]
+				OpenBracket = RenderLayer.find ('[')
+				CloseBracket = RenderLayer.find (']')
+				if OpenBracket != -1 and CloseBracket != -1:
+					RenderLayer = RenderLayer[OpenBracket+1:CloseBracket]
+					NameShort = Line[4][:OpenBracket]
-					RenderLayer = NameShort
-			LineThree = Line[3]
-			Slash = LineThree.find('/')
-			if Slash == -1:
-				Mode = LineThree
-				Opacity = 1
-			else:
-				Mode = LineThree[:Slash]
-				Opacity = float(LineThree[Slash+1:LineThree.find('%')])*.01
-			PNGs.append ({\
-				'ColorMode':Line[2],\
-				'LayerMode':Mode,\
-				'LayerOpacity':Opacity,\
-				'LayerName':Line[4].rstrip(),\
-				'LayerNameShort':NameShort,\
-				'LayerCoords':Line[1].replace('x', ' ').replace('+', ' +').replace('-', ' -').split(),\
-				'RenderLayer':RenderLayer,\
-				})
-		elif Line.startswith('Version'):
-			ResX, ResY = map (int, Line.split()[2].split('x'))
+					NameShort = Line[4].rstrip()
+					if GroupUntagged:
+						RenderLayer = '__Undefined__'
+					else:
+						RenderLayer = NameShort
+				LineThree = Line[3]
+				Slash = LineThree.find('/')
+				if Slash == -1:
+					Mode = LineThree
+					Opacity = 1
+				else:
+					Mode = LineThree[:Slash]
+					Opacity = float(LineThree[Slash+1:LineThree.find('%')])*.01
+				IMGs.append ({\
+					'LayerMode':Mode,\
+					'LayerOpacity':Opacity,\
+					'LayerName':Line[4].rstrip(),\
+					'LayerNameShort':NameShort,\
+					'LayerCoords':list(map(int, Line[1].replace('x', ' ').replace('+', ' +').replace('-', ' -').split())),\
+					'RenderLayer':RenderLayer,\
+					})
+			elif Line.startswith('Version'):
+				ResX, ResY = map (int, Line.split()[2].split('x'))
+		#-------------------------------------------------
+		if OpacityMode == 'BAKE':
+			Opacity = ''
+		else:
+			Opacity = ' --percent 100'
+		for Layer in IMGs:
+			CMD = '%s -C %s%s -o %s%s.png "%s"%s' %\
+			(XCF2PNG, Path, File, PathSave, Layer['LayerName'].replace(' ', '_'), Layer['LayerName'], Opacity)
+			os.system(CMD)
-	if OpacityMode == 'BAKE':
-		Opacity = ''
-	else:
-		Opacity = ' --percent 100'
-	for Layer in PNGs:
-		CMD = '%s -C %s%s -o %s%s.png "%s"%s' %\
-		(XCF2PNG, Path, File, PathSave, Layer['LayerName'].replace(' ', '_'), Layer['LayerName'], Opacity)
-		os.system(CMD)
-	#-------------------------------------------------
 	Scene = bpy.context.scene
@@ -254,7 +330,7 @@
 		Img = bpy.data.images.new(NameShort)
 		Img.source = 'FILE'
 		if PremulAlpha: Img.use_premultiply = True
-		Img.filepath = '%s%s.png' % (PathSaveRaw, Name)
+		Img.filepath = '%s%s%s' % (PathSaveRaw, Name, ExtSave)
 		Tex.image = Img
@@ -278,7 +354,7 @@
 	LayerFlags = {}
 	LayerList = []
-	for Layer in PNGs:
+	for Layer in IMGs:
 		Layer['LayerName'].replace(' ', '_'),\
 		Layer['LayerNameShort'].replace(' ', '_'),\
@@ -332,35 +408,34 @@
 				Mode = LayerList[Offset][1] # has to go one step further
 				LayerOpacity = LayerList[Offset][2]
-				if Mode != 'Normal':
+				if not Mode in ('Normal', '-1'):
 					Node = Tree.nodes.new('MIX_RGB')
 					if OpacityMode == 'COMPO': Node.inputs['Fac'].default_value[0] = LayerOpacity
 					else: Node.inputs['Fac'].default_value[0] = 1
 					Node.use_alpha = True
-					if Mode == 'Addition': Node.blend_type = 'ADD'
-					elif Mode == 'Subtract': Node.blend_type = 'SUBTRACT'
-					elif Mode == 'Multiply': Node.blend_type = 'MULTIPLY'
-					elif Mode == 'DarkenOnly': Node.blend_type = 'DARKEN'
-					elif Mode == 'Dodge': Node.blend_type = 'DODGE'
-					elif Mode == 'LightenOnly': Node.blend_type = 'LIGHTEN'
-					elif Mode == 'Difference': Node.blend_type = 'DIFFERENCE'
-					elif Mode == 'Divide': Node.blend_type = 'DIVIDE'
-					elif Mode == 'Overlay': Node.blend_type = 'OVERLAY'
-					elif Mode == 'Screen': Node.blend_type = 'SCREEN'
-					elif Mode == 'Burn': Node.blend_type = 'BURN'
-					elif Mode == 'Color': Node.blend_type = 'COLOR'
-					elif Mode == 'Value': Node.blend_type = 'VALUE'
-					elif Mode == 'Saturation': Node.blend_type = 'SATURATION'
-					elif Mode == 'Hue': Node.blend_type = 'HUE'
-					elif Mode == 'Softlight': Node.blend_type = 'SOFT_LIGHT'
+					if Mode in ('Addition', '7'): Node.blend_type = 'ADD'
+					elif Mode in ('Subtract', '8'): Node.blend_type = 'SUBTRACT'
+					elif Mode in ('Multiply', '3'): Node.blend_type = 'MULTIPLY'
+					elif Mode in ('DarkenOnly', '9'): Node.blend_type = 'DARKEN'
+					elif Mode in ('Dodge', '16'): Node.blend_type = 'DODGE'
+					elif Mode in ('LightenOnly', '10'): Node.blend_type = 'LIGHTEN'
+					elif Mode in ('Difference', '6'): Node.blend_type = 'DIFFERENCE'
+					elif Mode in ('Divide', '15'): Node.blend_type = 'DIVIDE'
+					elif Mode in ('Overlay', '5'): Node.blend_type = 'OVERLAY'
+					elif Mode in ('Screen', '4'): Node.blend_type = 'SCREEN'
+					elif Mode in ('Burn', '17'): Node.blend_type = 'BURN'
+					elif Mode in ('Color', '13'): Node.blend_type = 'COLOR'

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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