[Bf-docboard] Image (screenshot) quality

Gaia Clary gaia.clary at machinimatrix.org
Mon Aug 15 12:52:52 CEST 2016


When i was working on my parts of the documentation (in old wiki times)
i used to provide png's But these images have all been replaced by jpg's
when the documentation migrated to git.

Some time later the documentation migrated to subversion. At that time
there was a discussion about the quality of images and reverting the jpg's
back to png's But i do not know what the final result of this discussion 

So, is it ok to convert those images back to png for nicer look? Here is an
example page where i want to get back the original images or at least
images with a quality that does not hurt the eyes so much :)


Are the original images still available? Could this image replacement be 


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