[Bf-docboard] Page Update

JC cohen7 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 2 18:39:02 CEST 2014


The problem was that the Blender 2.4 Manual's main contents page wasn't
showing ANY links at all, which made it essentially useless as a contents
page. Likewise, the left-hand navigation pane didn't contain any links
either, just plain text. You can see a screenshot of the old page in the bug
report I submitted (https://developer.blender.org/T40748). Since the reply
to that bug report seemed to indicate that this would be a low-priority
task, I decided to take a crack at fixing it myself.

The problem was that the page was using the old wiki syntax
("{{chapter|...", "{{section|...", etc) rather than the new one
("{{Template:MainTOC|..." instead of chapters, and definition-lists instead
of sections). I didn't want to mess around with the page content itself; my
intention was just to get it working in the first place, by converting it to
the new syntax. And I succeeded -- but in doing so, I also introduced a
different issue with the navigation pane, which now contained a copy of the
accordion sections rather than a tree widget. To address THAT problem, I
added a separate "include-only" section containing a static, nested list of
links. As I said, it's not ideal, since it lacks the tree widget's
capabilities; but at least there's something useful there now, where there
wasn't before.

Also, I understand that the wiki will be moving to a new system soon, which
means that my work may be overwritten, and that's fine. But in the interim,
at least my changes will make the page useable until a better version is
implemented. :-)

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