[Bf-docboard] Sculptmode, Multires and Retopo doc

Jean Montambeault iaminnocent at videotron.ca
Thu Mar 1 15:48:27 CET 2007

I'd like to include a copy of the documentation Nicholas gave for his 
new tools into the user's manual, within the Modeling chapter > Meshes 
The content of 
would become a Multires sub-section there;
would come after and 
http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User:Nicholasbishop/Using_Retopo would 
These pages are already very well made. Their tutorials are the weak 
point and should not appear in the manual anyway so I'd remove them and 
send them to the tutorial section of the Wiki.
Then would come completion (like for the 'View' option) and 
clarification of a few points.
I'd like for it to be done by next Monday.

Any comments?


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